资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Function.asp"-->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/NS_Function.asp" -->
- <%'Copyright (c) 2006 Foosun Inc. Code by 邓西
- Dim AdID,strShowErr,AdName
- AdID=Request.QueryString("ID")
- AdName=Request.QueryString("AdName")
- If AdID="" or IsNull(AdID) Then
- strShowErr = "<li>参数错误!</li>"
- Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- Else
- If Isnumeric(AdID)=False Then
- strShowErr = "<li>参数错误!</li>"
- Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
- Response.end
- End If
- AdID=Clng(AdID)
- End If
- response.buffer=true
- Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
- Dim Conn,User_Conn
- MF_Default_Conn
- MF_Session_TF
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("AS_site") then Err_Show
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("AS002") then Err_Show
- %>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>24小时信息统计</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
- </head>
- <link href="../images/skin/Css_<%=Session("Admin_Style_Num")%>/<%=Session("Admin_Style_Num")%>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin="2" leftmargin="2">
- <table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" class="table">
- <tr class="hback">
- <td>以下是[<font color="red"><%=AdName%></font>]的 24小时统计 | <a href="javascript:history.back();">返回上一级</a></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <%
- Dim RsHourObj,Sql
- Set RsHourObj = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- Dim MaxVisitCount,VisitTime,VisitHour,CurrentHour
- CurrentHour=hour(now())
- If G_IS_SQL_DB=0 then
- Sql="Select VisitTime From FS_AD_Source where DATEDIFF('h',VisitTime,Now()) < 24 And DATEDIFF('h',VisitTime,Now()) >=0 and AdID="&AdID&""
- Else
- Sql="Select VisitTime From FS_AD_Source where DATEDIFF(hour,VisitTime,GetDate()) < 24 And DATEDIFF(hour,VisitTime,GetDate()) >=0 and AdID="&AdID&""
- End If
- RsHourObj.Open Sql,Conn,3,3
- MaxVisitCount=0
- Dim VisitCount(23),I
- for I=0 To 23
- VisitCount(I)=0
- next
- Do While not RsHourObj.Eof
- VisitTime = RsHourObj("VisitTime")
- VisitHour = Hour(VisitTime)
- for I=0 To 23
- if I=VisitHour then
- VisitCount(I)=VisitCount(I)+1
- end if
- next
- RsHourObj.MoveNext
- Loop
- for I=0 To 23
- if VisitCount(I)>=MaxVisitCount then
- MaxVisitCount=VisitCount(I)
- end if
- next
- %>
- <%
- Dim VisitSize(23)
- For I=0 To 23
- if MaxVisitCount<>0 then
- VisitSize(I)=100*VisitCount(I)/MaxVisitCount
- else
- VisitSize(I)=0
- end if
- Next
- %>
- <table border=0 align="center" cellpadding=2>
- <tr>
- <td align=center>最近24小时统计图表</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align=center><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td><table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap> <% Response.Write(MaxVisitCount&"次")%>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap>
- <% if MaxVisitCount>3 then
- Response.Write(Round(MaxVisitCount*0.75)&"次")
- elseif MaxVisitCount>1 then
- Response.Write((MaxVisitCount-1)&"次")
- else Response.Write(" ")
- end if
- %>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap>
- <% if MaxVisitCount>3 then
- Response.Write(Round(MaxVisitCount*0.5)&"次")
- elseif MaxVisitCount>2 then
- Response.Write((MaxVisitCount-2)&"次")
- else Response.Write(" ")
- end if
- %>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap>
- <% if MaxVisitCount>3 then
- Response.Write(Round(MaxVisitCount*0.25)&"次")
- else Response.Write(" ")
- end if
- %>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="31" valign=top align="right" nowrap>0次</td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- <td valign="bottom">
- <table align=center>
- <tr valign=bottom >
- <% For I=CurrentHour+1 To 23 %>
- <td width="15" align=center nowrap background=../../Images/Visit/tu_back.gif><img src=/admin/Images/bar.gif width="15" height="<% =VisitSize(I) %>" id=htav><br>
- <% = I%>
- </td>
- <% Next %>
- <% For I=0 To CurrentHour %>
- <td width="15" align=center nowrap background=../../Images/Visit/tu_back.gif><img src=/admin/Images/bar.gif width="15" height="<% =VisitSize(I) %>" id=htav><br>
- <% = I%>
- </td>
- <% Next %>
- <td>单位(点)</td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- </table> </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <p> </p>
- <%
- Dim RsHoursObj
- Set RsHoursObj = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- Sql="Select VisitTime From FS_AD_Source where AdID="&AdID&""
- RsHoursObj.Open Sql,Conn,3,3
- MaxVisitCount=0
- for I=0 To 23
- VisitCount(I)=0
- next
- Do While not RsHoursObj.Eof
- VisitTime = RsHoursObj("VisitTime")
- VisitHour = Hour(VisitTime)
- for I=0 To 23
- if I=VisitHour then
- VisitCount(I)=VisitCount(I)+1
- end if
- next
- RsHoursObj.MoveNext
- Loop
- for I=0 To 23
- if VisitCount(I)>=MaxVisitCount then
- MaxVisitCount=VisitCount(I)
- end if
- next
- %>
- <%
- Dim VisitsSize(23),AllCount
- AllCount=0
- For I=0 To 23
- Allcount=AllCount+VisitCount(I)
- Next
- For I=0 To 23
- if VisitCount(I)<>0 then
- VisitsSize(I)=100*VisitCount(I)/AllCount
- else
- VisitsSize(I)=0
- end if
- Next
- %>
- <table border=0 align="center" cellpadding=2>
- <tr>
- <td align=center>访问量24小时分配图表</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align=center><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td><table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap>100%</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap>75%</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap>50%</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="25" valign=top align="right" nowrap>25%</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td height="31" valign=top align="right" nowrap>0</td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- <td valign="bottom">
- <table align=center>
- <tr valign=bottom >
- <td width="15" align=center nowrap background=../../Images/Visit/tu_back.gif><img src=/admin/Images/bar.gif width="15" height="100" id=htav><br>
- 总</td>
- <% For I=0 To 23 %>
- <td width="15" align=center nowrap background=../../Images/Visit/tu_back.gif><img src=/admin/Images/bar.gif width="15" height="<% =VisitsSize(I) %>" id=htav><br>
- <% = I%>
- </td>
- <% Next %>
- <td>单位(点)</td>
- </tr>
- </table></td>
- </tr>
- </table> </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </body>
- </html>
- <%
- Conn.Close
- Set Conn=Nothing
- %><!-- Powered by: FoosunCMS4.0系列,Company:Foosun Inc. -->