



  1. <% Option Explicit %>
  2. <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
  3. <!--#include file="../../FS_Inc/Function.asp"-->
  4. <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
  5. <!--#include file="../../FS_InterFace/NS_Function.asp" -->
  6. <!--#include file="lib/cls_main.asp" -->
  7. <% 'Copyright (c) 2006 Foosun Inc. Code by awen
  8. Dim Conn,User_Conn
  9. MF_Default_Conn
  10. MF_User_Conn
  11. 'session判断
  12. MF_Session_TF
  13. '权限判断
  14. 'Call MF_Check_Pop_TF("NS_Special_000001")
  15. '得到会员组列表
  16. Dim Fs_news,SaveReturnvalue
  17. set Fs_news = new cls_news
  18. If Not Fs_news.IsSelfRefer Then response.write "非法提交数据":Response.end
  19. '获取参数
  20. Dim obj_Save_Rs,strShowErr 
  21. Dim lng_SpecialID,str_Templet ,str_SpecialCName,str_SpecialEName,str_SpecialSize,str_SpecialContent,naviPic,adminName
  22. Dim str_SavePath,str_ExtName,bit_isLock,dtm_Addtime,int_sPoint,lng_GroupID,Arr_Tmp
  23. lng_SpecialID = request.Form("SpecialID")
  24. str_SpecialCName = request.Form("SpecialCName")
  25. str_SpecialEName = request.Form("SpecialEName")
  26. str_SpecialSize = request.Form("SpecialSize")
  27. str_SpecialContent = request.Form("SpecialContent")
  28. str_SavePath = request.Form("SavePath")
  29. str_Templet = request.Form("Templet")
  30. str_ExtName = request.Form("ExtName")
  31. bit_isLock = request.Form("isLock")
  32. dtm_Addtime = request.Form("Addtime")
  33. naviPic = request.Form("naviPic")
  34. adminName=request.Form("adminName")
  35. '判断数据是否正确
  36. if trim(str_SpecialCName) = "" or trim(str_SpecialEName) = "" or trim(str_ExtName) = "" or trim(str_Templet) = ""  or trim(str_SpecialSize) = ""  or trim(str_SavePath) = ""  then
  37. strShowErr = "<li>带*的是必须填写的</li>"
  38. Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  39. Response.end
  40. End if
  41. if instr(str_SpecialSize,",")=0 then 
  42. strShowErr = "<li>格式错误,格式:高度,宽度(150,120)没有逗号。</li>"
  43. Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  44. Response.end
  45. else
  46. Arr_Tmp = split(str_SpecialSize,",")
  47. if ubound(Arr_Tmp)<>1 then 
  48. strShowErr = "<li>格式错误,格式:高度,宽度(150,120)多余的逗号。</li>"
  49. Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  50. Response.end
  51. else
  52. if (not (isnumeric(Arr_Tmp(0)) and Arr_Tmp(0)>=0 )) or (not (isnumeric(Arr_Tmp(1)) and Arr_Tmp(1)>=0) ) then 
  53. strShowErr = "<li>格式错误,格式:高度,宽度(150,120)必须为非负数字。</li>"
  54. Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  55. Response.end
  56. end if
  57. end if
  58. end if
  59. if isdate(dtm_Addtime) =false then
  60. strShowErr = "<li>请填写正确的日期格式</li>"
  61. Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  62. Response.end
  63. End if
  64. 'if not isnull(int_sPoint) then 
  65. 'if isnumeric(int_sPoint) =false then
  66. ' strShowErr = "<li>需要点数不是正确的数字</li>"
  67. ' Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  68. ' Response.end
  69. 'End if
  70. 'end if
  71. if fs_news.chkinputchar(str_SpecialEName) = false then
  72. strShowErr = "<li>英文名称只能为英文、数字及下划线</li>"
  73. Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  74. Response.end
  75. End if
  76. 'if not isnull(int_sPoint) then 
  77. ' if int_sPoint <= 0 then int_sPoint = null
  78. 'end if
  79. 'if int_sPoint="" then int_sPoint = null
  80. 'if not isnull(int_sPoint) or lng_GroupID<>"" then str_ExtName = "asp"
  81. Dim obj_SaveTF_Rs,obj_SaveENameTF_Rs
  82. Set obj_Save_Rs = server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
  83. If Request.Form("Action") = "add" then
  84. if not Get_SubPop_TF("","NS026","NS","specail") then Err_Show
  85. Set obj_SaveENameTF_Rs = server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
  86. obj_SaveENameTF_Rs.Open "Select SpecialEName from FS_NS_Special where SpecialEName='"& str_SpecialEName &"' order by SpecialID desc",Conn,1,1
  87. if Not obj_SaveENameTF_Rs.eof then
  88. strShowErr = "<li>英文名称重复,请重新输入</li>"
  89. Response.Redirect("lib/Error.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=")
  90. Response.end
  91. End if
  92. set obj_SaveENameTF_Rs = nothing
  93. obj_Save_Rs.Open "Select * from FS_NS_Special where 1=2",Conn,1,3
  94. obj_Save_Rs.AddNew
  95. ElseIf Request.Form("Action") = "edit" then
  96. obj_Save_Rs.Open "Select SpecialCName,SpecialEName,SpecialSize,SpecialContent,SavePath,Templet,ExtName,isLock,naviPic,adminName,Addtime,GroupID,sPoint From FS_NS_Special where SpecialID="& NoSqlHack(lng_SpecialID) ,Conn,1,3
  97. End if
  98. obj_Save_Rs("SpecialCName") = str_SpecialCName
  99. obj_Save_Rs("SpecialEName") = str_SpecialEName
  100. obj_Save_Rs("SpecialSize") = str_SpecialSize
  101. obj_Save_Rs("SpecialContent") = str_SpecialContent
  102. obj_Save_Rs("SavePath") = str_SavePath
  103. obj_Save_Rs("Templet") = str_Templet
  104. obj_Save_Rs("ExtName") = str_ExtName
  105. if bit_isLock<>"" then
  106. obj_Save_Rs("isLock") = 1
  107. else
  108. obj_Save_Rs("isLock") = 0
  109. end if
  110. obj_Save_Rs("Addtime") = dtm_Addtime
  111. obj_Save_Rs("naviPic") = naviPic
  112. obj_Save_Rs("adminName") = adminName
  113. 'obj_Save_Rs("GroupID") = lng_GroupID
  114. 'obj_Save_Rs("sPoint") = int_sPoint
  115. '如果是内部连接,就生成静态目录
  116. '生成静态目录
  117. '**************
  118. obj_Save_Rs.update
  119. obj_Save_Rs.close
  120. set obj_Save_Rs = nothing
  121. strShowErr = "<li>恭喜,栏目保存成功</li>"
  122. Response.Redirect("lib/Success.asp?ErrCodes="&Server.URLEncode(strShowErr)&"&ErrorUrl=../Special_Manage.asp")
  123. set Fs_news = nothing 
  124. Response.end
  125. %>
  126. <!-- Powered by: FoosunCMS4.0系列,Company:Foosun Inc. -->