资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <% Option Explicit %>
- <%Session.CodePage=936%>
- <!--#include file="../../../FS_Inc/Const.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../../FS_Inc/Function.asp"-->
- <!--#include file="../../../FS_InterFace/MF_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../../FS_InterFace/NS_Function.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="News_Upfile.asp" -->
- <!--#include file="../../../FS_Inc/WaterPrint_Function.asp" -->
- <%
- Dim Conn
- Dim TypeSql,RsTypeObj,LableSql,RsLableObj
- Dim FilePath,MaxFileSize,AllowFileExtStr,AutoReName,RsConfigObj,IsAddWaterMark
- Dim FormName,Path,UpFileObj
- Dim ReturnValue,str_MF_UpFile_Type,str_MF_UpFile_File_Size
- MF_Default_Conn
- if not MF_Check_Pop_TF("MF025") then Err_Show
- '=========================
- '读参数
- NS_GetMT_SysParm
- '==========================
- if str_MF_UpFile_File_Size <>"" then:MaxFileSize = clng(str_MF_UpFile_File_Size):Else:MaxFileSize =1024:End if
- if str_MF_UpFile_Type <>"" then:AllowFileExtStr = str_MF_UpFile_Type:Else:AllowFileExtStr = "jpg,gif,jpeg,png,bmp,txt,doc":End if
- Set UpFileObj = New UpFileClass
- UpFileObj.GetData
- FilePath=Server.MapPath(UpFileObj.Form("Path")) & ""
- AutoReName = UpFileObj.Form("AutoRename")
- IsAddWaterMark = UpFileObj.Form("chkAddWaterMark")
- If IsAddWaterMark <> "1" Then '生成是否要添加水印标记
- IsAddWaterMark = "9"
- End if
- ReturnValue = CheckUpFile(FilePath,MaxFileSize,AllowFileExtStr,AutoReName,IsAddWaterMark)
- if instr(ReturnValue,"Error")>0 then
- %>
- <script language="JavaScript">
- alert('<% = "以下文件上传失败,错误信息:n" & ReturnValue %>');
- dialogArguments.location.reload();
- close();
- </script>
- <%
- else
- if not isNull(ReturnValue) and instr(ReturnValue,"*")>0 then
- Session("upfiles")=split(ReturnValue,"*")(1)
- End if
- %>
- <script language="JavaScript">
- dialogArguments.location.reload();
- close();
- </script>
- <%
- end if
- Set UpFileObj=Nothing
- Function CheckUpFile(Path,FileSize,AllowExtStr,AutoReName,IsAddWaterMark)
- Dim ErrStr,NoUpFileTF,FsoObj,FileName,FileExtName,FileContent,SameFileExistTF
- NoUpFileTF = True
- ErrStr = ""
- Set FsoObj = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_FSO)
- For Each FormName in UpFileObj.File
- SameFileExistTF = False
- FileName = UpFileObj.File(FormName).FileName
- If NoIllegalStr(FileName)=False Then
- ErrStr=ErrStr&"文件:上传被禁止!n"
- End If
- FileExtName = UpFileObj.File(FormName).FileExt
- FileContent = UpFileObj.File(FormName).FileData
- '是否存在重名文件
- if UpFileObj.File(FormName).FileSize > 1 then
- NoUpFileTF = False
- ErrStr = ""
- if UpFileObj.File(FormName).FileSize > CLng(FileSize)*1024 then
- ErrStr = ErrStr & FileName & "文件:超过了限制,最大只能上传" & FileSize & "K的文件n"
- end if
- if AutoRename = "0" then
- If FsoObj.FileExists(Path & FileName) = True then
- ErrStr = ErrStr & FileName & "文件:存在同名文件n"
- else
- SameFileExistTF = True
- end if
- else
- SameFileExistTF = True
- End If
- if CheckFileType(AllowExtStr,FileExtName) = False then
- ErrStr = ErrStr & FileName & "文件:不允许上传,上传文件类型有" + AllowExtStr + "n"
- end if
- if ErrStr = "" then
- if SameFileExistTF = True then
- CheckUpFile=CheckUpFile&"*"&SaveFile(Path,FormName,AutoReName,IsAddWaterMark)
- else
- CheckUpFile=CheckUpFile&"*"&SaveFile(Path,FormName,"",IsAddWaterMark)
- end if
- else
- CheckUpFile ="Error:"& CheckUpFile & ErrStr
- end if
- end if
- Next
- Set FsoObj = Nothing
- if NoUpFileTF = True then
- CheckUpFile = "没有上传文件"
- end if
- End Function
- Function CheckFileType(AllowExtStr,FileExtName)
- Dim i,AllowArray
- AllowArray = Split(AllowExtStr,",")
- FileExtName = LCase(FileExtName)
- CheckFileType = False
- For i = LBound(AllowArray) to UBound(AllowArray)
- if LCase(AllowArray(i)) = LCase(FileExtName) then
- CheckFileType = True
- end if
- Next
- if FileExtName="asp" or FileExtName="asa" or FileExtName="aspx" or FileExtName="php" or FileExtName="php3" or FileExtName="php4" or FileExtName="php5"then
- CheckFileType = False
- end if
- End Function
- Function DealExtName(Byval UpFileExt)
- If IsEmpty(UpFileExt) Then Exit Function
- DealExtName = Lcase(UpFileExt)
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,Chr(0),"")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,".","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"'","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"asp","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"asa","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"aspx","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"cer","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"cdx","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"htr","")
- DealExtName = Replace(DealExtName,"php","")
- End Function
- Function NoIllegalStr(Byval FileNameStr)
- Dim Str_Len,Str_Pos
- Str_Len=Len(FileNameStr)
- Str_Pos=InStr(FileNameStr,Chr(0))
- If Str_Pos=0 or Str_Pos=Str_Len then
- NoIllegalStr=True
- Else
- NoIllegalStr=False
- End If
- End function
- Function SaveFile(FilePath,FormNameItem,AutoNameType,IsAddWaterMark)
- Dim FileName,FileExtName,FileContent,FormName,RandomFigure
- Randomize
- RandomFigure = CStr(Int((99999 * Rnd) + 1))
- FileName = UpFileObj.File(FormNameItem).FileName
- FileExtName = UpFileObj.File(FormNameItem).FileExt
- FileExtName=DealExtName(FileExtName)
- FileContent = UpFileObj.File(FormNameItem).FileData
- If AutoNameType = "1" Then
- FileName = FilePath & "副件" & FileName
- elseif AutoNameType = "2" Then
- FileName = FilePath & "1" & FileName
- elseif AutoNameType = "3" Then
- FileName = FilePath & Year(Now())&Right("0"&Month(Now()),2)&Right("0"&Day(Now()),2)&Right("0"&Hour(Now()),2)&Right("0"&Minute(Now()),2)&Right("0"&Second(Now()),2)&RandomFigure&"."&FileExtName
- Else
- FileName = FilePath&FileName
- End If
- UpFileObj.File(FormNameItem).SaveToFile FileName
- If IsAddWaterMark = "1" Then '在保存好的图片上添加水印
- AddWaterMark FileName
- End if
- SaveFile=mid(FileName,instrrev(FileName,"")+1,len(FileName))
- End Function
- Set Conn = Nothing
- %>