资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <%
- Server.ScriptTimeout=50000
- dim seoDir
- kczm="" '把该网址改成自己网站的
- seoDir="/"
- set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- root = Server.MapPath(seoDir)
- 'response.ContentType = "text/xml"
- 'response.write "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
- 'response.write "<urlset xmlns='';>"
- str = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gb2312'?>" & vbcrlf
- str = str & "<urlset xmlns=''>" & vbcrlf
- Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(root)
- 'response.write getfilelink(objFolder.Path,objFolder.dateLastModified)
- Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
- For Each objFile In colFiles
- str=str & getfilelink(objFile.Path,objfile.dateLastModified) & vbcrlf
- Next
- ShowSubFolders(objFolder)
- str = str & "</urlset>" & vbcrlf
- set fso = nothing
- Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
- With objStream
- .Open
- .Charset = "gb2312"
- .Position = objStream.Size
- .WriteText=str
- .SaveToFile server.mappath("/sitemap.xml"),2 '生成的XML文件名
- .Close
- End With
- Set objStream = Nothing
- If Not Err Then
- Response.Write("<script>alert('成功生成站点地图!');history.back();</script>")
- Response.End
- End If
- Sub ShowSubFolders(objFolder)
- Set colFolders = objFolder.SubFolders
- For Each objSubFolder In colFolders
- if folderpermission(objSubFolder.Path) then
- str = str & getfilelink(objSubFolder.Path,objSubFolder.dateLastModified) & vbcrlf
- Set colFiles = objSubFolder.Files
- For Each objFile In colFiles
- str = str & getfilelink(objFile.Path,objFile.dateLastModified) & vbcrlf
- Next
- ShowSubFolders(objSubFolder)
- end if
- Next
- End Sub
- Function getfilelink(file,datafile)
- file=replace(file,root,"")
- file=replace(file,"","/")
- If FileExtensionIsBad(file) then Exit Function
- if month(datafile)<10 then filedatem="0"
- if day(datafile)<10 then filedated="0"
- filedate=year(datafile)&"-"&filedatem&month(datafile)&"-"&filedated&day(datafile)
- getfilelink = "<url><loc>"&server.htmlencode(kczm&file)&"</loc><lastmod>"&filedate&"</lastmod><changefreq>daily</changefreq><priority>1.0</priority></url>"
- Response.Flush
- End Function
- Function Folderpermission(pathName)
- PathExclusion=Array("temp","admin") '需要过滤的文件夹
- Folderpermission =True
- for each PathExcluded in PathExclusion
- if instr(ucase(pathName),ucase(PathExcluded))>0 then
- Folderpermission = False
- exit for
- end if
- next
- End Function
- Function FileExtensionIsBad(sFileName)
- Dim sFileExtension, bFileExtensionIsValid, sFileExt
- Extensions = Array("html")
- if len(trim(sFileName)) = 0 then
- FileExtensionIsBad=true
- Exit Function
- end if
- sFileExtension = right(sFileName, len(sFileName) - instrrev(sFileName, "."))
- bFileExtensionIsValid=false
- for each sFileExt in extensions
- if ucase(sFileExt)=ucase(sFileExtension) then
- bFileExtensionIsValid=True
- exit for
- end if
- next
- FileExtensionIsBad = not bFileExtensionIsValid
- End Function
- %>