资源名称:eat.rar [点击查看]
- <%
- Class cls_MF
- '定义参数
- Private m_Rs,m_FSO,m_Dict
- Private m_PathDir,m_Path_UserDir,m_Path_User,m_Path_adminDir,m_Path_UserPageDir,m_Path_Templet
- Private m_Err_Info,m_Err_NO
- Private Sub Class_initialize()
- Set m_Rs = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_RS)
- Set m_FSO = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_FSO)
- Set m_Dict = Server.CreateObject(G_FS_DICT)
- m_PathDir = replace("/"&G_VIRTUAL_ROOT_DIR&"/","//","/")
- m_Path_UserDir = replace("/"&G_VIRTUAL_ROOT_DIR&"/"&G_USER_DIR&"/","//","/")
- m_Path_UserPageDir = replace("/"&G_VIRTUAL_ROOT_DIR&"/"&G_USERFILES_DIR&"/","//","/")
- m_Path_Templet = replace("/"&G_VIRTUAL_ROOT_DIR&"/"&G_TEMPLETS_DIR&"/","//","/")
- End Sub
- Private Sub Class_Terminate()
- Set m_Rs = Nothing
- Set m_FSO = Nothing
- Set m_Dict = Nothing
- End Sub
- '获得参数
- Public Function get_LableChar(f_Lablechar,f_Id,f_position)
- Dim f_array
- f_array= split(f_Lablechar,"┆")
- if ubound(f_array)=0 and not isarray(f_array) then
- get_LableChar=""
- exit Function
- else
- select case LCase(f_array(0))
- Case "postionnavi"
- if ubound(f_array)<>4 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=PostionNavi(f_Lablechar,"postionnavi",f_id,f_position):end if
- Case "pagetitle"
- if ubound(f_array)<>3 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=PageTitle(f_Lablechar,"pagetitle",f_id,f_position):end if
- Case "sitemap"
- if ubound(f_array)<>3 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=SiteMap(f_Lablechar,"sitemap",f_id,f_position):end if
- Case "search"
- if ubound(f_array)<>2 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=Search(f_Lablechar,"search",f_id,f_position):end if
- Case "infostat"
- if ubound(f_array)<>1 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=InfoStat(f_Lablechar,"infostat",f_id,f_position):end if
- Case "userlogin"
- if ubound(f_array)<>1 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=UserLogin(f_Lablechar,"userlogin",f_id,f_position):end if
- Case "copyright"
- if ubound(f_array)<>1 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=CopyRight(f_Lablechar,"copyright",f_id,f_position):end if
- Case "sublist"
- if ubound(f_array)<>2 then:get_LableChar="标签错误,by":else:get_LableChar=SubList(f_Lablechar,"sublist",f_id,f_position):end if
- end select
- end if
- End Function
- '位置导航
- Public Function PostionNavi(f_Lablechar,f_type,f_id,f_position)
- if trim(f_position)="" then
- PostionNavi = ""
- else
- dim fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss,mf_domain,mf_sitename,mf_filename,ns_dir,ns_domain,ns_sitename,ns_path,mf_linkpath
- dim ms_domain,ms_dir,ms_path,ds_domain,ds_dir,ds_path
- fg_str = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(1),"$")(1)
- char_str = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(2),"$")(1)
- positCss = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(3),"$")(1)
- if positCss<>"" then:positCss = " class="""& positCss &"""":else:positCss = "":end if
- linkCss = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(4),"$")(1)
- if linkCss<>"" then:linkCss = " class="""& linkCss &"""":else:linkCss = "":end if
- if request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain") = "" or Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")=empty then
- MFConfig_Cookies:NSConfig_Cookies:DSConfig_Cookies
- end if
- mf_domain = request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- mf_sitename = request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFsiteName")
- mf_filename = request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFIndexFileName")
- ns_dir = request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSNewsDir")
- ns_domain = request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSDomain")
- ns_sitename = request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSSiteName")
- if trim(ns_domain)<>"" then
- ns_path = fg_str & ""
- else
- ns_path = fg_str & "<a href=""http://"&mf_domain&"/"&ns_dir&"/"&mf_filename&""""&linkCss&">"&ns_sitename&"</a>"
- end if
- mf_linkpath = "http://"& mf_domain &"/"& mf_filename
- If IsExist_SubSys("MS") Then
- if request.Cookies("FoosunMSCookies")("FoosunMSDomain")="" or Request.Cookies("FoosunMSCookies")=empty then
- MSConfig_Cookies
- end if
- ms_domain = request.Cookies("FoosunMSCookies")("FoosunMSDomain")
- ms_dir = request.Cookies("FoosunMSCookies")("FoosunMSDir")
- if trim(ms_domain)<>"" then
- ms_path = fg_str & "<a href=""http://" & ms_domain & """"&linkCss&">商城首页</a>"
- else
- ms_path = fg_str & "<a href=""http://" & mf_domain & "/" & ms_dir & """"&linkCss&">商城首页</a>"
- end If
- End If
- if IsExist_SubSys("DS") then
- if request.Cookies("FoosunDSCookies")("FoosunDSDomain")="" or Request.Cookies("FoosunDSCookies")=empty then
- DSConfig_Cookies
- end if
- ds_domain = request.Cookies("FoosunDSCookies")("FoosunDSDomain")
- ds_dir = request.Cookies("FoosunDSCookies")("FoosunDSDownDir")
- if trim(ds_domain)<>"" then
- ds_path = fg_str & "<a href=""http://"& ds_domain &""""&linkCss&">下载中心</a>"
- else
- ds_path = fg_str & "<a href=""http://"& mf_domain & "/" & ds_dir &""""&linkCss&">下载中心</a>"
- end If
- End If
- if IsExist_SubSys("SD") then
- dim sd_rs,sd_path
- set sd_rs =Conn.execute("select top 1 Domain,SavePath From FS_SD_Config")
- if sd_rs.eof then
- sd_path = "http://"& mf_domain & "/supply"
- sd_rs.close:set sd_rs = nothing
- else
- If sd_rs("Domain")<>"" then
- sd_path = "http://"& sd_rs("Domain")
- else
- sd_path = "http://"& mf_domain & "/"&sd_rs("SavePath")
- end if
- sd_rs.close:set sd_rs = nothing
- end if
- end If
- Select Case Lcase(f_position)
- Case "mf"
- PostionNavi = "<span"&positCss&">首页</span>"
- Case "ns"
- PostionNavi = "<a href=""http://"& mf_domain & """ class="""&positCss&""">首页</a>" & ns_path
- Case "ns_news"
- PostionNavi = GetNewsLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ns_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Case "ns_class"
- PostionNavi = GetClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ns_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)&fg_str&" <span"&positCss&">列表</span>"
- Case "ns_special"
- PostionNavi = GetSpecialLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ns_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)&fg_str&" <span"&positCss&">列表</span>"
- Case "ms"
- PostionNavi = "<a href=""http://"& mf_domain & """ class="""&positCss&""">首页</a>"& ms_path
- Case "ms_news"
- PostionNavi = GetmsNewsLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ms_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Case "ms_class"
- PostionNavi = GetmsClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ms_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)&fg_str&" <span"&positCss&">列表</span>"
- Case "ms_special"
- PostionNavi = GetmsSpecialLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ms_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)&fg_str&" <span"&positCss&">列表</span>"
- Case "ds"
- PostionNavi = "<a href=""http://"& mf_domain & """ class="""&positCss&""">首页</a>"& ds_path
- Case "ds_news"
- PostionNavi = GetdsNewsLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ds_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Case "ds_class"
- PostionNavi = GetdsClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ds_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)&fg_str&" <span"&positCss&">列表</span>"
- Case "me_photonews"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">相册</span>"&fg_str&"浏览"
- Case "me_photoclass"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">相册</span>"
- Case "me_news"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">日志/网摘</span>"
- Case "me_class"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">日志/网摘</span>"& fg_str &"<span"& positCss &">"&GetFriendNumber(f_id)&"的列表</span>"
- Case "ap_jobnews"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">人才中心</span>"& fg_str &"<span"& positCss &">个人求职浏览</span>"
- Case "ap_hrnews"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">人才中心</span>"& fg_str &"<span"& positCss &">招聘浏览</span>"
- Case "ap_jobclass"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">人才中心</span>"& fg_str &"<span"& positCss &">个人求职列表</span>"
- Case "ap_hrclass"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">人才中心</span>"& fg_str &"<span"& positCss &">招聘列表</span>"
- Case "me_"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">日志/网摘主页</span>"
- Case "hs_hrnews"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <span"& positCss &">房产</span>"
- Case "sd_news"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &" <a href="""& sd_path &""""&linkcss&">供求信息</a>"& fg_str &"<span"& positCss &">供求浏览</span>"
- Case "sd_class"
- PostionNavi = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& fg_str &"<a href="""& sd_path &""""&linkcss&">供求信息</a>"& fg_str &"<span"& positCss &">供求列表</span>"
- End Select
- end if
- End Function
- '标题位置
- Public Function PageTitle(f_Lablechar,f_type,f_id,f_position)
- '{FS:MF=PageTitle┆附属文字$风讯__Foosun.CN┆附属文字位置$1┆分割字符$__}
- '{FS:MF=PageTitle┆附属文字$风讯__Foosun.CN┆附属文字位置$0┆分割字符$__}
- dim char_conc,char_post,fg_char
- dim mf_sitename,ns_sitename,rs
- char_conc = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(1),"$")(1)
- char_post = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(2),"$")(1)
- if char_post = "1" then:char_post=1:else:char_post=0:end if
- fg_char = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(3),"$")(1)
- if request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain") = "" or Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")=empty then
- MFConfig_Cookies:NSConfig_Cookies:DSConfig_Cookies
- end if
- mf_sitename = request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFsiteName")
- ns_sitename = request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSSiteName")
- Select Case Lcase(f_position)
- Case "mf"
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename&fg_char&"首页"&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&mf_sitename&fg_char&"首页"
- end if
- Case "ns_news"
- dim ns_news
- set rs = Conn.execute("select NewsTitle From FS_NS_News where NewsId='"& f_id &"'")
- if rs.eof then
- ns_news = ns_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ns_news = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ns_news&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ns_news
- end if
- Case "ns_class"
- dim ns_class
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ClassName From FS_NS_NewsClass Where ClassId='"&f_id&"'")
- if rs.eof then
- ns_class = ns_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ns_class = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ns_class&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ns_class
- end if
- Case "ns_special"
- dim ns_special
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = ns_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select SpecialCName From FS_NS_Special Where SpecialID="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- ns_special = ns_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ns_special = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ns_special&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ns_special
- end if
- end if
- Case "ms_news"
- dim ms_news
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ProductTitle From FS_MS_Products Where ID="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- ms_news = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ms_news = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ms_news&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ms_news
- end if
- end if
- Case "ms_class"
- if IsExist_SubSys("MS") then
- dim ms_class
- if f_id = "" then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ClassCName From FS_MS_ProductsClass Where ClassID='"&f_id&"'")
- if rs.eof then
- ms_class = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ms_class = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ms_class&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ms_class
- end if
- end if
- end if
- Case "ms_special"
- if IsExist_SubSys("MS") then
- dim ms_special
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select SpecialCName From FS_MS_Special Where specialID="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- ms_special = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ms_special = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ms_special&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ms_special
- end if
- end if
- end if
- Case "ds_news"
- dim ds_news
- if f_id = "" then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select Name From FS_DS_List Where DownLoadID='"&f_id&"'")
- if rs.eof then
- ds_news = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ds_news = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ds_news&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ds_news
- end if
- end if
- Case "ds_class"
- dim ds_class
- if f_id = "" then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ClassName From FS_DS_Class Where ClassID='"&f_id&"'")
- if rs.eof then
- ds_class = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- ds_class = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = ds_class&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&ds_class
- end if
- end if
- Case "me_photonews"
- dim me_photonews
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = User_Conn.execute("select title From FS_ME_Photo Where id="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- me_photonews = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- me_photonews = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = me_photonews&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&me_photonews
- end if
- end if
- Case "me_photoclass"
- dim me_photoclass
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = User_Conn.execute("select title From FS_ME_PhotoClass Where id="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- me_photoclass = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- me_photoclass = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = me_photoclass&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&me_photoclass
- end if
- end if
- Case "me_news"
- dim me_news
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = User_Conn.execute("select Title From FS_ME_Infoilog Where iLogID="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- me_news = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- me_news = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = me_news&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&me_news
- end if
- end if
- Case "me_class"
- dim me_class
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ClassCName From FS_ME_InfoClass Where ClassID="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- me_class = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- me_class = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = me_class&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&me_class
- end if
- end if
- Case "ap_jobnews"
- if IsExist_SubSys("AP") then
- end if
- Case "ap_hrnews"
- if IsExist_SubSys("AP") then
- end if
- Case "ap_jobclass"
- if IsExist_SubSys("AP") then
- end if
- Case "ap_hrclass"
- if IsExist_SubSys("AP") then
- end if
- Case "me_"
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = "日志/网摘"&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&"日志/网摘"
- end if
- Case "hs_news"
- if IsExist_SubSys("HS") then
- end if
- Case "sd_news"
- if IsExist_SubSys("SD") then
- dim sd_news
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select PubTitle From FS_SD_News Where ID="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- sd_news = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- sd_news = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = sd_news&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&sd_news
- end if
- end if
- end if
- Case "sd_class"
- if IsExist_SubSys("SD") then
- dim sd_class
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- PageTitle = mf_sitename
- else
- set rs = Conn.execute("select GQ_ClassName From FS_SD_Class Where ID="&f_id&"")
- if rs.eof then
- sd_class = mf_sitename
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- else
- sd_class = rs(0)
- rs.close:set rs = nothing
- end if
- if char_post = 1 then
- PageTitle = sd_class&fg_char&char_conc
- else
- PageTitle = char_conc&fg_char&sd_class
- end if
- end if
- End if
- End Select
- End Function
- '搜索
- Public Function Search(f_Lablechar,f_type,f_id,f_position)
- 'Search┆日期搜索$0┆模糊搜索$0
- dim DateTF,SearchType,datestr,searchetypestr,Searchstr,MF_Domain,subsyslist,subsys
- DateTF = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(1),"$")(1)
- SearchType = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(2),"$")(1)
- MF_Domain = Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- if DateTF = "1" then
- datestr = "开始日期:<input name=""s_date"" type=""text"" value="""&date()-1&""" size=""10"" />结束日期:<input name=""e_date"" type=""text"" value="""&date()&""" size=""10"" />"
- else
- datestr = ""
- end if
- if SearchType = "1" then
- searchetypestr = " 模糊搜索:<input name=""SearchType"" type=""checkbox"" id=""SearchType"" value=""1"" />"
- else
- searchetypestr = ""
- end if
- subsyslist = "<select name=""Subsys"" id=""Subsys"">"
- set subsys=Conn.execute("select Sub_Sys_ID,Sub_Sys_Name From FS_MF_Sub_Sys where Sub_Sys_Installed=1 and Sub_Sys_ID<>'ME' and Sub_Sys_ID<>'CS' and Sub_Sys_ID<>'SS' and Sub_Sys_ID<>'VS' and Sub_Sys_ID<>'AS' and Sub_Sys_ID<>'FL' order by ID")
- if not subsys.eof then
- do while not subsys.eof
- if Request.Cookies("FoosunSUBCookie")("FoosunSUB"&subsys("Sub_Sys_ID")&"")="1" then
- subsyslist = subsyslist &"<option value="""& subsys("Sub_Sys_ID") &""">"& subsys("Sub_Sys_Name")&"</option>"
- end if
- subsys.movenext
- loop
- subsys.close:set subsys=nothing
- end if
- subsyslist = subsyslist &"</select>"
- Searchstr = Searchstr & "<table width=""100%""><form action=""http://"& MF_Domain & "/Search.html"" id=""SearchForm"" name=""SearchForm"" method=""get""><tr><td>关键字:<input name=""Keyword"" type=""text"" id=""Keyword"" size=""15"" /> "&datestr&subsyslist&searchetypestr&"<input name=""SearchSubmit_Foosun"" type=""submit"" id=""SearchSubmit"" value=""全站搜索"" /></td></tr></form></table>"
- Search = Searchstr
- End Function
- '统计信息
- Public Function InfoStat(f_Lablechar,f_type,f_id,f_position)
- End Function
- '用户登陆
- Public Function UserLogin(f_Lablechar,f_type,f_id,f_position)
- if instr(f_Lablechar,"ajax")>0 then
- UserLogin = "<span id=""User_Login_Foosun_Cn"">用户登录加载中...</span>"&VbCrLf
- UserLogin = UserLogin & "<script language=""JavaScript"" src=""http://"&request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")&"/FS_Inc/Get_Domain.asp""></script>"&chr(10)
- UserLogin = UserLogin & "<script language=""JavaScript"" src=""http://"&request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")&"/"& G_USER_DIR &"/m_UserLogin.asp?type=ajax&spanid=User_Login_Foosun_Cn""></script>"&chr(10)
- else
- UserLogin = "<iframe src=""http://"&request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")&"/"& G_USER_DIR &"/m_UserLogin.asp?type=i_rame&spanid=User_Login_Foosun_Cn"" frameborder=""0"" scrolling=""no"" width=""99%"" align=""middle"" height=""99%"" name=""User_Login_Frame"" />"
- end if
- UserLogin = UserLogin
- End Function
- '版权信息
- Public Function CopyRight(f_Lablechar,f_type,f_id,f_position)
- if request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFCopyright") = "" then
- CopyRight = "风讯__Foosun.CN提醒,你没设置版权信息.请在参数设置中设置。"
- else
- CopyRight = request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFCopyright")
- end if
- End Function
- Public Function SubList(f_Lablechar,f_type,f_id,f_position)
- 'SubList┆分割符-可以使用html语法$┆CSS$
- dim fg_char,linkcss,sublists,mf_domain,ns_dir,ns_domain
- fg_char = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(1),"$")(1)
- linkcss = split(split(f_Lablechar,"┆")(2),"$")(1)
- if request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain") = "" or Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")=empty then
- MFConfig_Cookies:NSConfig_Cookies:DSConfig_Cookies
- end if
- mf_domain = request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- ns_dir = request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSNewsDir")
- ns_domain = request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSDomain")
- SubList = "<a href=""http://"&mf_domain&""""&linkcss&">首页</a>"
- set sublists=Conn.execute("select Sub_Sys_ID,Sub_Sys_Name,Sub_Sys_Link From FS_MF_Sub_Sys where Sub_Sys_Installed=1 and Sub_Sys_ID<>'ME' and Sub_Sys_ID<>'CS' and Sub_Sys_ID<>'SS' order by ID")
- if sublists.eof then
- SubList = ""
- sublists.close:set sublists = nothing
- else
- do while not sublists.eof
- SubList = SubList & fg_char & "<a href=""http://"&sublists("Sub_Sys_Link")&""""&linkcss&">"&sublists("Sub_Sys_Name")&"</a>"
- sublists.movenext
- loop
- sublists.close:set sublists = nothing
- end if
- End Function
- '得到新闻当前路径
- Public Function GetNewsLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ns_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim RsNewsObj
- Set RsNewsObj = Conn.Execute("Select ClassID from FS_NS_News where NewsID='" & f_id & "'")
- if Not RsNewsObj.Eof then
- GetNewsLocationStr = GetClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ns_path,RsNewsObj("ClassID"),fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss) & fg_str & char_str
- else
- GetNewsLocationStr = ""
- end if
- Set RsNewsObj = Nothing
- End Function
- '栏目当前位置
- Public Function GetClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ns_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim SqlClass,RsClassObj
- if f_id = "" then Exit Function
- Set RsClassObj = Conn.Execute("Select ParentID,ClassID,ClassName from FS_NS_NewsClass where ClassID='" & f_id & "'")
- if Not RsClassObj.Eof then
- GetClassLocationStr = GetClassLocationStr & "<a href=""" & get_ClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID")) & """"&linkCss&">" & RsClassObj("ClassName") & "</a>"
- do while RsClassObj("ParentID") <> "0"
- Set RsClassObj = Conn.Execute("Select ParentID,ClassID,ClassName from FS_NS_NewsClass where ClassID='" & RsClassObj("ParentID") & "'")
- if RsClassObj.Eof then Exit do
- 'GetClassLocationStr = "<a href=""" & get_ClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID"))""""&linkCss&">" & RsClassObj("ClassCName") & "</a>"& fg_str &"<span"&positCss&">"& fg_str &"</span>"& GetClassLocationStr
- GetClassLocationStr = "<a href="""& get_ClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID")) &""""&linkCss&">"& RsClassObj("ClassName") &"</a>"& fg_str & GetClassLocationStr
- loop
- end if
- GetClassLocationStr = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">" &"首页</a>" & ns_path & fg_str & GetClassLocationStr
- RsClassObj.Close
- Set RsClassObj = Nothing
- End Function
- '专题当前位置
- Function GetSpecialLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ns_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim SpecialSql,RsSpecialObj
- if not isnumeric(f_id) then
- GetSpecialLocationStr = ""
- else
- SpecialSql = "Select SpecialID,SpecialCName from FS_NS_Special where SpecialID=" & f_id & ""
- Set RsSpecialObj = Conn.Execute(SpecialSql)
- if RsSpecialObj.Eof then
- GetSpecialLocationStr = ""
- else
- GetSpecialLocationStr = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath&""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& ns_path & fg_str &"<span"&positCss&">" & RsSpecialObj("SpecialCName") & "专题</span>"
- end if
- Set RsSpecialObj = Nothing
- end if
- End Function
- '得到商品当前路径
- 'Function GetNewsLocationStr(NewsID,NaviType,CompatStr,OpenTypeStr,CSSStyleStr)
- Public Function GetmsNewsLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ms_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim RsNewsObj
- Set RsNewsObj = Conn.Execute("Select ClassID from FS_MS_Products where ID=" & f_id & "")
- if Not RsNewsObj.Eof then
- GetmsNewsLocationStr = GetmsClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ms_path,RsNewsObj("ClassID"),fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss) & fg_str & char_str
- else
- GetmsNewsLocationStr = ""
- end if
- Set RsNewsObj = Nothing
- End Function
- '商品栏目当前位置
- Public Function GetmsClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ms_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim SqlClass,RsClassObj
- if f_id = "" then Exit Function
- Set RsClassObj = Conn.Execute("Select ParentID,ClassID,ClassCName from FS_MS_ProductsClass where ClassID='" & f_id & "'")
- if Not RsClassObj.Eof then
- GetmsClassLocationStr = GetmsClassLocationStr & "<a href=""" & get_msClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID")) & """"&linkCss&">" & RsClassObj("ClassCName") & "</a>"
- do while RsClassObj("ParentID") <> "0"
- Set RsClassObj = Conn.Execute("Select ParentID,ClassID,ClassCName from FS_MS_ProductsClass where ClassID='" & RsClassObj("ParentID") & "'")
- if RsClassObj.Eof then Exit do
- 'GetClassLocationStr = "<a href=""" & get_ClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID"))""""&linkCss&">" & RsClassObj("ClassCName") & "</a>"& fg_str &"<span"&positCss&">"& fg_str &"</span>"& GetClassLocationStr
- GetmsClassLocationStr = "<a href="""& get_msClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID")) &""""&linkCss&">"& RsClassObj("ClassCName") &"</a>"& fg_str & GetmsClassLocationStr
- loop
- end if
- GetmsClassLocationStr = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>" & ms_path & fg_str & GetmsClassLocationStr
- RsClassObj.Close
- Set RsClassObj = Nothing
- End Function
- '商品专题当前位置
- Function GetmsSpecialLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ms_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim SpecialSql,RsSpecialObj
- if f_id = "" then
- GetSpecialLocationStr = ""
- else
- SpecialSql = "Select SpecialID,SpecialCName from FS_MS_Special where specialID=" & f_id & ""
- Set RsSpecialObj = Conn.Execute(SpecialSql)
- if RsSpecialObj.Eof then
- GetmsSpecialLocationStr = ""
- else
- GetmsSpecialLocationStr = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath&""""&linkCss&">首页</a>"& ms_path & fg_str &"<span"&positCss&">" & RsSpecialObj("SpecialCName") & "专题</span>"
- end if
- Set RsSpecialObj = Nothing
- end if
- End Function
- '得到ds当前路径
- Public Function GetdsNewsLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ds_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim RsNewsObj
- Set RsNewsObj = Conn.Execute("Select ClassID from FS_DS_List where DownLoadID='" & f_id & "'")
- if Not RsNewsObj.Eof then
- GetdsNewsLocationStr = GetdsClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ds_path,RsNewsObj("ClassID"),fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss) & fg_str & char_str
- else
- GetdsNewsLocationStr = ""
- end If
- Set RsNewsObj = Nothing
- End Function
- 'ds栏目当前位置
- Public Function GetdsClassLocationStr(mf_sitename,mf_linkpath,ds_path,f_id,fg_str,char_str,positCss,linkCss)
- Dim SqlClass,RsClassObj
- if f_id = "" then Exit Function
- Set RsClassObj = Conn.Execute("Select ParentID,ClassID,ClassName from FS_DS_Class where ClassID='" & f_id & "'")
- if Not RsClassObj.Eof then
- GetdsClassLocationStr = GetdsClassLocationStr & "<a href=""" & get_dsClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID")) & """"&linkCss&">" & RsClassObj("ClassName") & "</a>"
- do while RsClassObj("ParentID") <> "0"
- Set RsClassObj = Conn.Execute("Select ParentID,ClassID,ClassName from FS_DS_Class where ClassID='" & RsClassObj("ParentID") & "'")
- if RsClassObj.Eof then Exit do
- GetdsClassLocationStr = "<a href="""& get_dsClassLink(RsClassObj("ClassID")) &""""&linkCss&">"& RsClassObj("ClassName") &"</a>"& fg_str & GetdsClassLocationStr
- loop
- end if
- GetdsClassLocationStr = "<a href="""& mf_linkpath &""""&linkCss&">首页</a>" & ds_path & fg_str & GetdsClassLocationStr
- RsClassObj.Close
- Set RsClassObj = Nothing
- End Function
- '得到新闻单个地址____________________________________________________________
- Public Function get_NewsLink(f_id)
- get_NewsLink = ""
- dim rs,config_rs,config_mf_rs,class_rs
- dim SaveNewsPath,FileName,FileExtName,ClassId,LinkType,MF_Domain,Url_Domain,ClassEName,c_Domain,c_SavePath,IsDomain
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ID,IsURL,URLAddress,ClassId,NewsId,SaveNewsPath,FileName,FileExtName From FS_NS_News where NewsId='"&f_id&"'")
- SaveNewsPath = rs("SaveNewsPath")
- FileName = rs("FileName")
- FileExtName = rs("FileExtName")
- ClassId = rs("ClassId")
- LinkType = Request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSLinkType")
- IsDomain = Request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSDomain")
- MF_Domain = Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- set class_rs = Conn.execute("select ClassEName,IsURL,URLAddress,[Domain],SavePath From FS_NS_NewsClass where ClassId='"&ClassId&"'")
- if not class_rs.eof then
- ClassEName = class_rs("ClassEName")
- c_Domain = class_rs("Domain")
- c_SavePath = class_rs("SavePath")
- class_rs.close:set class_rs=nothing
- else
- ClassEName = ""
- class_rs.close:set class_rs=nothing
- end if
- if not rs.eof then
- if rs("IsURL")=0 then
- if LinkType = 1 then
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = "http://"&MF_Domain
- end if
- end if
- else
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- end if
- end if
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- get_NewsLink = Url_Domain & SaveNewsPath &"/"&FileName&"."&FileExtName
- else
- get_NewsLink = Url_Domain & c_SavePath& "/" & ClassEName &SaveNewsPath &"/"&FileName&"."&FileExtName
- end if
- else
- get_NewsLink = rs("URLAddress")
- end if
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- else
- get_NewsLink = ""
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- end if
- get_NewsLink = get_NewsLink
- End Function
- '得到栏目地址________________________________________________________________
- Public function get_ClassLink(f_id)
- dim IsDomain,LinkType,MF_Domain,c_rs,ClassEName,c_Domain,Url_Domain,ClassSaveType,class_savepath,FileExtName,c_SavePath
- LinkType = Request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSLinkType")
- IsDomain = Request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSDomain")
- MF_Domain = Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- set c_rs=conn.execute("select id,IsURL,UrlAddress,ClassId,ClassEName,[Domain],FileSaveType,FileExtName,SavePath From FS_NS_NewsClass where ClassId='"&f_id&"'")
- if not c_rs.eof then
- if c_rs("IsURL")=0 then
- ClassEName = c_rs("ClassEName")
- c_Domain = c_rs("Domain")
- FileExtName = c_rs("FileExtName")
- ClassSaveType = c_rs("FileSaveType")
- c_SavePath= c_rs("SavePath")
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- if ClassSaveType=0 then
- class_savepath = "Index."&FileExtName
- elseif ClassSaveType=1 then
- class_savepath =ClassEName &"."&FileExtName
- else
- class_savepath = ClassEName &"."&FileExtName
- end if
- else
- if ClassSaveType=0 then
- class_savepath = ClassEName&"/Index."&FileExtName
- elseif ClassSaveType=1 then
- class_savepath = ClassEName&"/"& ClassEName &"."&FileExtName
- else
- class_savepath = ClassEName &"."&FileExtName
- end if
- end if
- if LinkType = 1 then
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = "http://"&MF_Domain
- end if
- end if
- else
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- end if
- end if
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- get_ClassLink = Url_Domain&"/"&class_savepath
- else
- get_ClassLink = Url_Domain&c_SavePath&"/"&class_savepath
- end if
- else
- get_ClassLink = c_rs("UrlAddress")
- end if
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- else
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- get_ClassLink = ""
- end if
- get_ClassLink = get_ClassLink
- End function
- '得到专题地址________________________________________________________________
- Public function get_specialLink(f_id)
- dim IsDomain,LinkType,MF_Domain,c_rs,SpecialEName,ExtName,c_SavePath,Url_Domain
- LinkType = Request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSLinkType")
- IsDomain = Request.Cookies("FoosunNSCookies")("FoosunNSDomain")
- MF_Domain = Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- set c_rs=conn.execute("select SpecialID,SpecialCName,SpecialEName,SavePath,ExtName,isLock From FS_NS_Special where SpecialEName='"&f_id&"'")
- if not c_rs.eof then
- SpecialEName = c_rs("SpecialEName")
- ExtName = c_rs("ExtName")
- c_SavePath= c_rs("SavePath")
- if LinkType = 1 then
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = "http://"&MF_Domain
- end if
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- end if
- get_specialLink = Url_Domain&c_SavePath&"/special_"&SpecialEName&"."&ExtName
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- else
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- get_specialLink = ""
- end if
- get_specialLink = get_specialLink
- End function
- '得到商品单个地址
- Public function get_productsLink(f_id)
- get_productsLink = ""
- dim rs,config_rs,config_mf_rs,class_rs
- dim SaveproductsPath,fileName,FileExtName,ClassId,IsDomain,LinkType,Mf_Domain,Url_Domain,ClassEName,c_Domain,c_SavePath
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ID,ClassId,SavePath,fileName,fileExtName from fS_MS_products where Id="&f_id)
- SaveproductsPath = rs("SavePath")
- fileName = rs("fileName")
- fileExtName = rs("fileExtName")
- ClassId = rs("ClassId")
- set config_rs = Conn.execute("select top 1 IsDomain from fS_MS_SysPara")
- IsDomain = config_rs("IsDomain")
- LinkType = "1"
- config_rs.close:set config_rs=nothing
- Mf_Domain = Request.Cookies("foosunMfCookies")("foosunMfDomain")
- set class_rs = Conn.execute("select ClassEName,IsURL,URLAddress,[Domain],SavePath from fS_MS_productsClass where ClassId='"&ClassId&"'")
- if not class_rs.eof then
- ClassEName = class_rs("ClassEName")
- c_Domain = class_rs("Domain")
- c_SavePath = class_rs("SavePath")
- class_rs.close:set class_rs=nothing
- else
- ClassEName = ""
- class_rs.close:set class_rs=nothing
- end if
- if not rs.eof then
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- get_productsLink = Url_Domain & c_SavePath& "/" & ClassEName &SaveproductsPath &"/"&fileName&"."&fileExtName
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- else
- get_productsLink = ""
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- end if
- get_productsLink = get_productsLink
- End function
- '得到商品栏目地址
- Public function get_msClassLink(f_id)
- dim config_rs,IsDomain,LinkType,Mf_Domain,c_rs,ClassEName,c_Domain,Url_Domain,ClassSaveType,class_savepath,fileExtName,c_SavePath
- set config_rs = Conn.execute("select top 1 IsDomain from fS_MS_SysPara")
- IsDomain = config_rs("IsDomain")
- LinkType ="1"
- config_rs.close:set config_rs=nothing
- Mf_Domain = Request.Cookies("foosunMfCookies")("foosunMfDomain")
- set c_rs=conn.execute("select id,IsURL,UrlAddress,ClassId,ClassEName,[Domain],fileSaveType,fileExtName,SavePath from fS_MS_productsClass where ClassId='"&f_id&"'")
- if not c_rs.eof then
- if c_rs("IsURL")=0 then
- ClassEName = c_rs("ClassEName")
- c_Domain = c_rs("Domain")
- fileExtName = c_rs("fileExtName")
- ClassSaveType = c_rs("fileSaveType")
- c_SavePath= c_rs("SavePath")
- if ClassSaveType=0 then
- class_savepath = ClassEName&"/Index."&fileExtName
- elseif ClassSaveType=1 then
- class_savepath = ClassEName&"/"& ClassEName &"."&fileExtName
- else
- class_savepath = ClassEName &"."&fileExtName
- end if
- if LinkType = 1 then
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = "http://"&Mf_Domain
- end if
- end if
- else
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- end if
- end if
- get_msClassLink = Url_Domain&c_SavePath&"/"&class_savepath
- else
- get_msClassLink = c_rs("UrlAddress")
- end if
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- else
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- get_msClassLink = ""
- end if
- get_msClassLink = get_msClassLink
- End function
- '得到商品专题地址
- Public function get_msspecialLink(f_id)
- dim config_rs,IsDomain,LinkType,Mf_Domain,c_rs,SpecialEName,ExtName,c_SavePath,Url_Domain
- set config_rs = Conn.execute("select top 1 IsDomain from fS_MS_SysPara")
- IsDomain = config_rs("IsDomain")
- config_rs.close:set config_rs=nothing
- Mf_Domain = Request.Cookies("foosunMfCookies")("foosunMfDomain")
- set c_rs=conn.execute("select SpecialID,SpecialCName,SpecialEName,SavePath,fileExtName,isLock from fS_MS_Special where SpecialEName='"&f_id&"'")
- if not c_rs.eof then
- SpecialEName = c_rs("SpecialEName")
- ExtName = c_rs("fileExtName")
- c_SavePath= c_rs("SavePath")
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- get_msspecialLink = Url_Domain&c_SavePath&"/special_"&SpecialEName&"."&ExtName
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- else
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- get_msspecialLink = ""
- end if
- get_msspecialLink = get_msspecialLink
- End function
- 'down开始
- Public Function get_dsLink(f_id)
- get_ProductsLink = ""
- dim rs,config_rs,config_mf_rs,class_rs
- dim SaveProductsPath,FileName,FileExtName,ClassId,IsDomain,LinkType,MF_Domain,Url_Domain,ClassEName,c_Domain,c_SavePath
- set rs = Conn.execute("select ID,ClassId,SavePath,FileName,FileExtName From FS_MS_Products where Id="&f_id)
- SaveProductsPath = rs("SavePath")
- FileName = rs("FileName")
- FileExtName = rs("FileExtName")
- ClassId = rs("ClassId")
- set config_rs = Conn.execute("select top 1 IsDomain From FS_MS_SysPara")
- IsDomain = config_rs("IsDomain")
- LinkType = "1"
- config_rs.close:set config_rs=nothing
- MF_Domain = Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- set class_rs = Conn.execute("select ClassEName,IsURL,URLAddress,[Domain],SavePath From FS_MS_ProductsClass where ClassId='"&ClassId&"'")
- if not class_rs.eof then
- ClassEName = class_rs("ClassEName")
- c_Domain = class_rs("Domain")
- c_SavePath = class_rs("SavePath")
- class_rs.close:set class_rs=nothing
- else
- ClassEName = ""
- class_rs.close:set class_rs=nothing
- end if
- if not rs.eof then
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- get_dsLink = Url_Domain & c_SavePath& "/" & ClassEName &SaveProductsPath &"/"&FileName&"."&FileExtName
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- else
- get_dsLink = ""
- rs.close:set rs=nothing
- end if
- get_dsLink = get_dsLink
- End Function
- '得到栏目地址________________________________________________________________
- Public function get_dsClassLink(f_id)
- dim IsDomain,LinkType,MF_Domain,c_rs,ClassEName,c_Domain,Url_Domain,ClassSaveType,class_savepath,FileExtName,c_SavePath
- LinkType = Request.Cookies("FoosunDSCookies")("FoosunDSLinkType")
- IsDomain = Request.Cookies("FoosunDSCookies")("FoosunDSDomain")
- MF_Domain = Request.Cookies("FoosunMFCookies")("FoosunMFDomain")
- set c_rs=conn.execute("select id,IsURL,UrlAddress,ClassId,ClassEName,[Domain],FileSaveType,FileExtName,SavePath From FS_DS_Class where ClassId='"&f_id&"'")
- if not c_rs.eof then
- if c_rs("IsURL")=0 then
- ClassEName = c_rs("ClassEName")
- c_Domain = c_rs("Domain")
- FileExtName = c_rs("FileExtName")
- ClassSaveType = c_rs("FileSaveType")
- c_SavePath= c_rs("SavePath")
- if ClassSaveType=0 then
- class_savepath = ClassEName&"/Index."&FileExtName
- elseif ClassSaveType=1 then
- class_savepath = ClassEName&"/"& ClassEName &"."&FileExtName
- else
- class_savepath = ClassEName &"."&FileExtName
- end if
- if LinkType = 1 then
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = "http://"&MF_Domain
- end if
- end if
- else
- if trim(c_Domain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&c_Domain
- else
- if trim(IsDomain)<>"" then
- Url_Domain = "http://"&IsDomain
- else
- Url_Domain = ""
- end if
- end if
- end if
- get_dsClassLink = Url_Domain&c_SavePath&"/"&class_savepath
- else
- get_dsClassLink = c_rs("UrlAddress")
- end if
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- else
- c_rs.close:set c_rs=nothing
- get_dsClassLink = ""
- end if
- get_dsClassLink = get_dsClassLink
- End function
- Public Function GetFriendNumber(f_strNumber)
- Dim RsGetFriendNumber
- Set RsGetFriendNumber = User_Conn.Execute("Select UserNumber From FS_ME_Users Where UserName = '"& f_strNumber &"'")
- If Not RsGetFriendNumber.eof Then
- GetFriendNumber = RsGetFriendNumber("UserNumber")
- Else
- GetFriendNumber = "用户已经被删除"
- End If
- set RsGetFriendNumber = nothing
- End Function
- End Class
- %>