- delete pCell;
- }
- }
- // Delete rows
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[row];
- if (pRow) delete pRow;
- }
- }
- // Change the number of rows.
- m_nRows = nRows;
- m_RowData.SetSize(m_nRows);
- m_arRowHeights.SetSize(nRows);
- // If we have just added rows, we need to construct new elements for each cell
- // and set the default row height
- if (addedRows > 0) {
- // initialize row heights and data
- int startRow = nRows - addedRows;
- for (int row = startRow; row < GetRowCount(); row++) {
- m_arRowHeights[row] = m_nDefCellHeight;
- m_RowData[row] = new GRID_ROW;
- m_RowData[row]->SetSize(m_nCols);
- for (int col = 0; col < m_nCols; col++)
- {
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[row];
- if (pRow) pRow->SetAt(col, CreateCell(row, col));
- }
- }
- }
- //else
- // ResetSelectedRange();
- if (GetSafeHwnd() && m_bAllowDraw)
- {
- ResetScrollBars();
- Invalidate();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetColumnCount(int nCols)
- {
- ASSERT(nCols >= 0);
- if (nCols == GetColumnCount()) return TRUE;
- if (nCols < m_nFixedCols)
- m_nFixedCols = nCols;
- if (m_idCurrentCell.col >= nCols)
- SetFocusCell(-1,-1);
- int addedCols = nCols - GetColumnCount();
- // If we are about to lose columns, then we need to delete the GridCell objects
- // within each column
- if (addedCols < 0) {
- for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
- for (int col = nCols; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(row, col);
- if (pCell) {
- EmptyCell(pCell, row, col);
- delete pCell;
- }
- }
- }
- // Change the number of columns.
- m_nCols = nCols;
- m_arColWidths.SetSize(nCols);
- // Change the number of columns in each row.
- for (int i = 0; i < m_nRows; i++)
- if (m_RowData[i]) m_RowData[i]->SetSize(nCols);
- // If we have just added columns, we need to construct new elements for each cell
- // and set the default column width
- if (addedCols > 0)
- {
- // initialized column widths
- int startCol = nCols - addedCols;
- for (int col = startCol; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- m_arColWidths[col] = m_nDefCellWidth;
- // initialise column data
- for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
- for (col = startCol; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[row];
- if (pRow) pRow->SetAt(col, CreateCell(row,col));
- }
- }
- //else // check for selected cell ranges
- // ResetSelectedRange();
- if (GetSafeHwnd() && m_bAllowDraw)
- {
- ResetScrollBars();
- Invalidate();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Insert a column at a given position, or add to end of columns (if nColumn = -1)
- int CGridCtrl::InsertColumn(LPCTSTR strHeading,
- int nColumn /* = -1 */)
- {
- // If the insertion is for a specific column, check it's within range.
- if (nColumn >= 0 && nColumn >= GetColumnCount())
- return -1;
- ResetSelectedRange();
- // Gotta be able to at least _see_ some of the column.
- if (m_nRows < 1)
- SetRowCount(1);
- if (nColumn < 0)
- {
- nColumn = m_nCols;
- m_arColWidths.Add(0);
- for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
- {
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[row];
- if (!pRow) return -1;
- pRow->Add(CreateCell(row, nColumn));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_arColWidths.InsertAt(nColumn, (int)0);
- for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
- {
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[row];
- if (!pRow) return -1;
- pRow->InsertAt(nColumn, CreateCell(row, nColumn));
- }
- }
- m_nCols++;
- // Initialise column data
- SetItemText(0, nColumn, strHeading);
- for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
- {
- SetItemFormat(row, nColumn, nFormat);
- }
- // initialized column width
- m_arColWidths[nColumn] = GetTextExtent(strHeading).cx;
- if (m_idCurrentCell.col != -1 && nColumn < m_idCurrentCell.col)
- m_idCurrentCell.col++;
- ResetScrollBars();
- return nColumn;
- }
- // Insert a row at a given position, or add to end of rows (if nRow = -1)
- int CGridCtrl::InsertRow(LPCTSTR strHeading, int nRow /* = -1 */)
- {
- // If the insertion is for a specific row, check it's within range.
- if (nRow >= 0 && nRow >= GetRowCount())
- return -1;
- ResetSelectedRange();
- // Gotta be able to at least _see_ some of the row.
- if (m_nCols < 1)
- SetColumnCount(1);
- // Adding a row to the bottom
- if (nRow < 0)
- {
- nRow = m_nRows;
- m_arRowHeights.Add(0);
- m_RowData.Add(new GRID_ROW);
- }
- else
- {
- m_arRowHeights.InsertAt(nRow, (int)0);
- m_RowData.InsertAt(nRow, new GRID_ROW);
- }
- m_nRows++;
- m_RowData[nRow]->SetSize(m_nCols);
- // Initialise cell data
- for (int col = 0; col < m_nCols; col++)
- {
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[nRow];
- if (!pRow) return -1;
- pRow->SetAt(col, CreateCell(nRow, col));
- }
- // Set row title
- SetItemText(nRow, 0, strHeading);
- // initialized row height
- m_arRowHeights[nRow] = GetTextExtent(strHeading).cy;
- if (m_idCurrentCell.row != -1 && nRow < m_idCurrentCell.row)
- m_idCurrentCell.row++;
- ResetScrollBars();
- return nRow;
- }
- // Creates a new grid cell and performs any necessary initialisation
- CGridCell* CGridCtrl::CreateCell(int nRow, int nCol)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = new CGridCell;
- if (!pCell)
- return NULL;
- // Make format same as cell above
- if (nRow > 0 && nCol > 0 && nCol < m_nCols)
- pCell->nFormat = GetItemFormat(nRow-1, nCol);
- // Make font default grid font
- memcpy(&(pCell->lfFont), &m_Logfont, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- return pCell;
- }
- // Performs any cell cleanup necessary to maintain grid integrity
- void CGridCtrl::EmptyCell(CGridCell* pCell, int nRow, int nCol)
- {
- // Set the cells state to 0. If the cell is selected, this
- // will remove the cell from the selected list.
- SetItemState(nRow, nCol, 0);
- // Empty strings
- pCell->szText.Empty();
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::DeleteColumn(int nColumn)
- {
- if (nColumn < 0 || nColumn >= GetColumnCount())
- return FALSE;
- ResetSelectedRange();
- for (int row = 0; row < GetRowCount(); row++)
- {
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[row];
- if (!pRow) return FALSE;
- CGridCell* pCell = pRow->GetAt(nColumn);
- if (pCell) {
- EmptyCell(pCell, row, nColumn);
- delete pCell;
- }
- pRow->RemoveAt(nColumn);
- }
- m_arColWidths.RemoveAt(nColumn);
- m_nCols--;
- if (nColumn < m_nFixedCols) m_nFixedCols--;
- if (nColumn == m_idCurrentCell.col)
- m_idCurrentCell.row = m_idCurrentCell.col = -1;
- else if (nColumn < m_idCurrentCell.col)
- m_idCurrentCell.col--;
- ResetScrollBars();
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::DeleteRow(int nRow)
- {
- if ( nRow < 0 || nRow >= GetRowCount())
- return FALSE;
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[nRow];
- if (!pRow) return FALSE;
- ResetSelectedRange();
- for (int col = 0; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = pRow->GetAt(col);
- if (pCell) {
- EmptyCell(pCell, nRow, col);
- delete pCell;
- }
- }
- delete pRow;
- m_RowData.RemoveAt(nRow);
- m_arRowHeights.RemoveAt(nRow);
- m_nRows--;
- if (nRow < m_nFixedRows) m_nFixedRows--;
- if (nRow == m_idCurrentCell.row)
- m_idCurrentCell.row = m_idCurrentCell.col = -1;
- else if (nRow < m_idCurrentCell.row)
- m_idCurrentCell.row--;
- ResetScrollBars();
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Handy function that removes all non-fixed rows
- BOOL CGridCtrl::DeleteNonFixedRows()
- {
- int nFixed = GetFixedRowCount();
- int nCount = GetRowCount();
- // Delete all data rows
- for (int nRow = nCount; nRow >= nFixed; nRow--)
- DeleteRow(nRow);
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Removes all rows, columns and data from the grid.
- BOOL CGridCtrl::DeleteAllItems()
- {
- ResetSelectedRange();
- m_arColWidths.RemoveAll();
- m_arRowHeights.RemoveAll();
- // Delete all cells in the grid
- for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
- {
- GRID_ROW* pRow = m_RowData[row];
- if (!pRow) continue;
- for (int col = 0; col < m_nCols; col++)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = pRow->GetAt(col);
- if (pCell) {
- EmptyCell(pCell, row, col); // TODO - this is a bit of a performance hit.
- delete pCell; // better to call m_SelectedCells.RemoveAll()
- } // instead. This is safer for changes though.
- }
- delete pRow;
- }
- // Remove all rows
- m_RowData.RemoveAll();
- m_idCurrentCell.row = m_idCurrentCell.col = -1;
- m_nRows = m_nFixedRows = m_nCols = m_nFixedCols = 0;
- ResetScrollBars();
- return TRUE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGridCtrl data functions
- // Set CListCtrl::GetNextItem for details
- CCellID CGridCtrl::GetNextItem(CCellID& cell, int nFlags) const
- {
- if ((nFlags & GVNI_BELOW) && (nFlags & GVNI_TORIGHT))
- {
- int row = cell.row;
- if (row <= 0) row = GetFixedRowCount();
- for (; row < GetRowCount(); row++)
- {
- int col = cell.col + 1;
- if (col <= 0) col = GetFixedColumnCount();
- for (; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- int nState = GetItemState(row, col);
- return CCellID(row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_FOCUSED && nState & GVIS_FOCUSED)
- return CCellID(row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_SELECTED && nState & GVIS_SELECTED)
- return CCellID(row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_READONLY && nState & GVIS_READONLY)
- return CCellID(row, col);
- }
- }
- }
- if (nFlags & GVNI_ABOVE)
- {
- for (int row = cell.row-1; row >= GetFixedRowCount(); row--)
- {
- int nState = GetItemState(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_DROPHILITED && nState & GVIS_DROPHILITED) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_FOCUSED && nState & GVIS_FOCUSED) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_SELECTED && nState & GVIS_SELECTED) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_READONLY && nState & GVIS_READONLY) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- }
- }
- else if (nFlags & GVNI_BELOW)
- {
- for (int row = cell.row+1; row < GetRowCount(); row++)
- {
- int nState = GetItemState(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_DROPHILITED && nState & GVIS_DROPHILITED) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_FOCUSED && nState & GVIS_FOCUSED) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_SELECTED && nState & GVIS_SELECTED) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_READONLY && nState & GVIS_READONLY) return CCellID(row, cell.col);
- }
- }
- else if (nFlags & GVNI_TOLEFT)
- {
- for (int col = cell.col-1; col >= GetFixedColumnCount(); col--)
- {
- int nState = GetItemState(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_DROPHILITED && nState & GVIS_DROPHILITED) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_FOCUSED && nState & GVIS_FOCUSED) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_SELECTED && nState & GVIS_SELECTED) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_READONLY && nState & GVIS_READONLY) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- }
- }
- else if (nFlags & GVNI_TORIGHT)
- {
- for (int col = cell.col+1; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- int nState = GetItemState(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_DROPHILITED && nState & GVIS_DROPHILITED) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_FOCUSED && nState & GVIS_FOCUSED) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_SELECTED && nState & GVIS_SELECTED) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- if (nFlags & GVNI_READONLY && nState & GVIS_READONLY) return CCellID(cell.row, col);
- }
- }
- return CCellID(-1, -1);
- }
- // Sorts on a given column using the cell text
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SortTextItems(int nCol, BOOL bAscending)
- {
- ResetSelectedRange();
- SetFocusCell(-1,-1);
- return SortTextItems(nCol, bAscending, GetFixedRowCount(),-1);
- }
- // recursive sort implementation
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SortTextItems(int nCol, BOOL bAscending, int low, int high)
- {
- if (nCol >= GetColumnCount()) return FALSE;
- if (high == -1) high = GetRowCount() - 1;
- int lo = low;
- int hi = high;
- if( hi <= lo ) return FALSE;
- CString midItem = GetItemText( (lo+hi)/2, nCol );
- // loop through the list until indices cross
- while( lo <= hi )
- {
- // Find the first element that is greater than or equal to the partition
- // element starting from the left Index.
- if( bAscending )
- while (lo < high && GetItemText(lo, nCol) < midItem)
- ++lo;
- else
- while (lo < high && GetItemText(lo, nCol) > midItem)
- ++lo;
- // Find an element that is smaller than or equal to the partition
- // element starting from the right Index.
- if( bAscending )
- while (hi > low && GetItemText(hi, nCol) > midItem)
- --hi;
- else
- while (hi > low && GetItemText(hi, nCol) < midItem)
- --hi;
- // If the indexes have not crossed, swap if the items are not equal
- if (lo <= hi)
- {
- // swap only if the items are not equal
- if (GetItemText(lo, nCol) != GetItemText(hi, nCol))
- {
- for (int col = 0; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- CGridCell *pCell = GetCell(lo, col);
- SetCell(lo, col, GetCell(hi, col));
- SetCell(hi, col, pCell);
- }
- UINT nRowHeight = m_arRowHeights[lo];
- m_arRowHeights[lo] = m_arRowHeights[hi];
- m_arRowHeights[hi] = nRowHeight;
- }
- ++lo;
- --hi;
- }
- }
- // If the right index has not reached the left side of array
- // must now sort the left partition.
- if( low < hi )
- SortTextItems(nCol, bAscending, low, hi);
- // If the left index has not reached the right side of array
- // must now sort the right partition.
- if( lo < high )
- SortTextItems(nCol, bAscending, lo, high);
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Sorts on a given column using the supplied compare function (see CListCtrl::SortItems)
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SortItems(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, int nCol, BOOL bAscending,
- LPARAM data /* = 0 */)
- {
- ResetSelectedRange();
- SetFocusCell(-1,-1);
- return SortItems(pfnCompare, nCol, bAscending, data, GetFixedRowCount(), -1);
- }
- // recursive sort implementation
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SortItems(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, int nCol, BOOL bAscending, LPARAM data,
- int low, int high)
- {
- if (nCol >= GetColumnCount()) return FALSE;
- if (high == -1) high = GetRowCount() - 1;
- int lo = low;
- int hi = high;
- if( hi <= lo ) return FALSE;
- LPARAM midItem = GetItemData( (lo+hi)/2, nCol );
- // loop through the list until indices cross
- while( lo <= hi )
- {
- // Find the first element that is greater than or equal to the partition
- // element starting from the left Index.
- if( bAscending )
- while (lo < high && pfnCompare(GetItemData(lo, nCol), midItem, data) < 0)
- ++lo;
- else
- while (lo < high && pfnCompare(GetItemData(lo, nCol), midItem, data) > 0)
- ++lo;
- // Find an element that is smaller than or equal to the partition
- // element starting from the right Index.
- if( bAscending )
- while (hi > low && pfnCompare(GetItemData(hi, nCol), midItem, data) > 0)
- --hi;
- else
- while (hi > low && pfnCompare(GetItemData(hi, nCol), midItem, data) < 0)
- --hi;
- // If the indexes have not crossed, swap if the items are not equal
- if (lo <= hi)
- {
- // swap only if the items are not equal
- if (pfnCompare(GetItemData(lo, nCol), GetItemData(hi, nCol), data) != 0)
- {
- for (int col = 0; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- CGridCell *pCell = GetCell(lo, col);
- SetCell(lo, col, GetCell(hi, col));
- SetCell(hi, col, pCell);
- }
- UINT nRowHeight = m_arRowHeights[lo];
- m_arRowHeights[lo] = m_arRowHeights[hi];
- m_arRowHeights[hi] = nRowHeight;
- }
- ++lo;
- --hi;
- }
- }
- // If the right index has not reached the left side of array
- // must now sort the left partition.
- if( low < hi )
- SortItems(pfnCompare, nCol, bAscending, data, low, hi);
- // If the left index has not reached the right side of array
- // must now sort the right partition.
- if( lo < high )
- SortItems(pfnCompare, nCol, bAscending, data, lo, high);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGridCtrl data functions
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItem(const GV_ITEM* pItem)
- {
- if (!pItem) return FALSE;
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(pItem->row, pItem->col);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_TEXT) pCell->szText = pItem->szText;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_PARAM) pCell->lParam = pItem->lParam;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_IMAGE) pCell->iImage = pItem->iImage;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_STATE) pCell->state = pItem->state;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_FORMAT) pCell->nFormat = pItem->nFormat;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_BKCLR) pCell->crBkClr = pItem->crBkClr;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_FGCLR) pCell->crFgClr = pItem->crFgClr;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_FONT) memcpy(&(pCell->lfFont), &(pItem->lfFont), sizeof(LOGFONT));
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::GetItem(GV_ITEM* pItem)
- {
- if (!pItem) return FALSE;
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(pItem->row, pItem->col);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_TEXT) pItem->szText = GetItemText(pItem->row, pItem->col);
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_PARAM) pItem->lParam = pCell->lParam;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_IMAGE) pItem->iImage = pCell->iImage;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_STATE) pItem->state = pCell->state;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_FORMAT) pItem->nFormat = pCell->nFormat;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_BKCLR) pItem->crBkClr = pCell->crBkClr;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_FGCLR) pItem->crFgClr = pCell->crFgClr;
- if (pItem->mask & GVIF_FONT) memcpy(&(pItem->lfFont), &(pCell->lfFont), sizeof(LOGFONT));
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemText(int nRow, int nCol, LPCTSTR str)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- pCell->szText = str;
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemData(int nRow, int nCol, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- pCell->lParam = lParam;
- return TRUE;
- }
- LPARAM CGridCtrl::GetItemData(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- if (!pCell) return (LPARAM) 0;
- return pCell->lParam;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemImage(int nRow, int nCol, int iImage)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- pCell->iImage = iImage;
- return TRUE;
- }
- int CGridCtrl::GetItemImage(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return -1;
- return pCell->iImage;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemState(int nRow, int nCol, UINT state)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- // If the cell is being unselected, remove it from the selected list
- if ((pCell->state & GVIS_SELECTED) && !(state & GVIS_SELECTED))
- {
- CCellID cell;
- DWORD key = MAKELONG(nRow, nCol);
- if (m_SelectedCellMap.Lookup(key, (CCellID&)cell))
- m_SelectedCellMap.RemoveKey(key);
- }
- // If cell is being selected, add it to the list of selected cells
- else if (!(pCell->state & GVIS_SELECTED) && (state & GVIS_SELECTED))
- {
- CCellID cell(nRow, nCol);
- m_SelectedCellMap.SetAt(MAKELONG(nRow, nCol), cell);
- }
- // Set the cell's state
- pCell->state = state;
- return TRUE;
- }
- UINT CGridCtrl::GetItemState(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return 0;
- return pCell->state;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemFormat(int nRow, int nCol, UINT nFormat)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- pCell->nFormat = nFormat;
- return TRUE;
- }
- UINT CGridCtrl::GetItemFormat(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return 0;
- return pCell->nFormat;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemBkColour(int nRow, int nCol, COLORREF cr /* = CLR_DEFAULT */)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- pCell->crBkClr = cr;
- return TRUE;
- }
- COLORREF CGridCtrl::GetItemBkColour(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return 0;
- return pCell->crBkClr;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemFgColour(int nRow, int nCol, COLORREF cr /* = CLR_DEFAULT */)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- pCell->crFgClr = cr;
- return TRUE;
- }
- COLORREF CGridCtrl::GetItemFgColour(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return 0;
- return pCell->crFgClr;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetItemFont(int nRow, int nCol, LOGFONT* lf)
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return FALSE;
- memcpy(&(pCell->lfFont), lf, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- return TRUE;
- }
- LOGFONT* CGridCtrl::GetItemFont(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return NULL;
- return &pCell->lfFont;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Row/Column size functions
- long CGridCtrl::GetVirtualWidth() const
- {
- long lVirtualWidth = 0;
- int iColCount = GetColumnCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++)
- lVirtualWidth += m_arColWidths[i];
- return lVirtualWidth;
- }
- long CGridCtrl::GetVirtualHeight() const
- {
- long lVirtualHeight = 0;
- int iRowCount = GetRowCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < iRowCount; i++)
- lVirtualHeight += m_arRowHeights[i];
- return lVirtualHeight;
- }
- int CGridCtrl::GetRowHeight(int nRow) const
- {
- ASSERT(nRow >= 0 && nRow < m_nRows);
- if (nRow < 0 || nRow >= m_nRows) return -1;
- return m_arRowHeights[nRow];
- }
- int CGridCtrl::GetColumnWidth(int nCol) const
- {
- ASSERT(nCol >= 0 && nCol < m_nCols);
- if (nCol < 0 || nCol >= m_nCols) return -1;
- return m_arColWidths[nCol];
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetRowHeight(int nRow, int height)
- {
- ASSERT(nRow >= 0 && nRow < m_nRows && height >= 0);
- if (nRow < 0 || nRow >= m_nRows || height < 0) return FALSE;
- m_arRowHeights[nRow] = height;
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::SetColumnWidth(int nCol, int width)
- {
- ASSERT(nCol >= 0 && nCol < m_nCols && width >= 0);
- if (nCol < 0 || nCol >= m_nCols || width < 0) return FALSE;
- m_arColWidths[nCol] = width;
- return TRUE;
- }
- int CGridCtrl::GetFixedRowHeight() const
- {
- int nHeight = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_nFixedRows; i++)
- nHeight += GetRowHeight(i);
- return nHeight;
- }
- int CGridCtrl::GetFixedColumnWidth() const
- {
- int nWidth = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_nFixedCols; i++)
- nWidth += GetColumnWidth(i);
- return nWidth;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::AutoSizeColumn(int nCol)
- {
- ASSERT(nCol >= 0 && nCol < m_nCols);
- if (nCol < 0 || nCol >= m_nCols) return FALSE;
- CSize size;
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (!pDC) return FALSE;
- int nWidth = 0;
- int nNumRows = GetRowCount();
- for (int nRow = 0; nRow < nNumRows; nRow++)
- {
- size = GetCellExtent(nRow, nCol, pDC);
- if ( > nWidth) nWidth =;
- }
- m_arColWidths[nCol] = nWidth;
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- ResetScrollBars();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::AutoSizeRow(int nRow)
- {
- ASSERT(nRow >= 0 && nRow < m_nRows);
- if (nRow < 0 || nRow >= m_nRows) return FALSE;
- CSize size;
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (!pDC) return FALSE;
- int nHeight = 0;
- int nNumColumns = GetColumnCount();
- for (int nCol = 0; nCol < nNumColumns; nCol++)
- {
- size = GetCellExtent(nRow, nCol, pDC);
- if ( > nHeight) nHeight =;
- }
- m_arRowHeights[nRow] = nHeight;
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- ResetScrollBars();
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CGridCtrl::AutoSizeColumns()
- {
- int nNumColumns = GetColumnCount();
- for (int nCol = 0; nCol < nNumColumns; nCol++)
- AutoSizeColumn(nCol);
- }
- void CGridCtrl::AutoSizeRows()
- {
- int nNumRows = GetRowCount();
- for (int nRow = 0; nRow < nNumRows; nRow++)
- AutoSizeRow(nRow);
- }
- // sizes all rows and columns
- // faster than calling both AutoSizeColumns() and AutoSizeRows()
- void CGridCtrl::AutoSize()
- {
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (!pDC) return;
- int nNumColumns = GetColumnCount();
- int nNumRows = GetRowCount();
- // initialize column widths to zero
- for (int nCol = 0; nCol < nNumColumns; nCol++)
- m_arColWidths[nCol] = 0;
- // initialize row heights to zero
- for (int nRow = 0; nRow < nNumRows; nRow++)
- m_arRowHeights[nRow] = 0;
- CSize size;
- for (nCol = 0; nCol < nNumColumns; nCol++)
- for (nRow = 0; nRow < nNumRows; nRow++)
- {
- size = GetCellExtent(nRow, nCol, pDC);
- if ( > (int) m_arColWidths[nCol]) m_arColWidths[nCol] =;
- if ( > (int) m_arRowHeights[nRow]) m_arRowHeights[nRow] =;
- }
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- if (m_bAllowDraw) {
- ResetScrollBars();
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- void CGridCtrl::ExpandColumnsToFit()
- {
- if (GetColumnCount() <= 0) return;
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- long virtualWidth = GetVirtualWidth();
- int nDifference = rect.Width() - (int) virtualWidth;
- int nColumnAdjustment = nDifference / GetColumnCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < GetColumnCount(); i++)
- m_arColWidths[i] += nColumnAdjustment;
- if (nDifference > 0)
- {
- int leftOver = nDifference % GetColumnCount();
- for (i = 0; i < leftOver; i++)
- m_arColWidths[i] += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- int leftOver = (-nDifference) % GetColumnCount();
- for (i = 0; i < leftOver; i++)
- m_arColWidths[i] -= 1;
- }
- if (m_bAllowDraw)
- Invalidate();
- }
- void CGridCtrl::ExpandRowsToFit()
- {
- if (GetRowCount() <= 0) return;
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- long virtualHeight = GetVirtualHeight();
- int nDifference = rect.Height() - (int) virtualHeight;
- int nRowAdjustment = nDifference / GetRowCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < GetRowCount(); i++)
- m_arRowHeights[i] += nRowAdjustment;
- if (nDifference > 0)
- {
- int leftOver = nDifference % GetRowCount();
- for (i = 0; i < leftOver; i++)
- m_arRowHeights[i] += 1;
- }
- else
- {
- int leftOver = (-nDifference) % GetRowCount();
- for (i = 0; i < leftOver; i++)
- m_arRowHeights[i] -= 1;
- }
- if (m_bAllowDraw)
- Invalidate();
- }
- void CGridCtrl::ExpandToFit()
- {
- ExpandColumnsToFit(); // This will remove any existing horz scrollbar
- ExpandRowsToFit(); // This will remove any existing vert scrollbar
- ExpandColumnsToFit(); // Just in case the first adjustment was with a vert
- // scrollbar in place
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // GridCtrl cell visibility tests and invalidation/redraw functions
- // EnsureVisible supplied by Roelf Werkman
- void CGridCtrl::EnsureVisible(int nRow, int nCol)
- {
- CCellRange VisibleCells = GetVisibleNonFixedCellRange();
- int right = nCol - VisibleCells.GetMaxCol();
- int left = VisibleCells.GetMinCol() - nCol;
- int down = nRow - VisibleCells.GetMaxRow();
- int up = VisibleCells.GetMinRow() - nRow;
- while (right > 0)
- {
- right--;
- }
- while (left > 0)
- {
- SendMessage(WM_HSCROLL, SB_LINELEFT, 0);
- left--;
- }
- while (down > 0)
- {
- SendMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
- down--;
- }
- while (up > 0)
- {
- SendMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);
- up--;
- }
- // Move one more if we only see a snall bit of the cell
- CRect rectCell, rectWindow;
- GetCellRect(nRow, nCol, rectCell);
- GetClientRect(rectWindow);
- if (rectCell.right > rectWindow.right)
- if (rectCell.bottom > rectWindow.bottom)
- SendMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::IsCellEditable(CCellID &cell) const
- {
- return IsCellEditable(cell.row, cell.col);
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::IsCellEditable(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- return IsEditable && ((GetItemState(nRow, nCol) & GVIS_READONLY) != GVIS_READONLY);
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::IsCellVisible(CCellID cell) const
- {
- return IsCellVisible(cell.row, cell.col);
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::IsCellVisible(int nRow, int nCol) const
- {
- if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd))
- return FALSE;
- int x,y;
- CCellID TopLeft;
- if (nCol >= GetFixedColumnCount() || nRow >= GetFixedRowCount())
- {
- TopLeft = GetTopleftNonFixedCell();
- if (nCol >= GetFixedColumnCount() && nCol < TopLeft.col) return FALSE;
- if (nRow >= GetFixedRowCount() && nRow < TopLeft.row) return FALSE;
- }
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- if (nCol < GetFixedColumnCount())
- {
- x = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i <= nCol; i++)
- {
- if (x >= rect.right) return FALSE;
- x += GetColumnWidth(i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x = GetFixedColumnWidth();
- for (int i = TopLeft.col; i <= nCol; i++)
- {
- if (x >= rect.right) return FALSE;
- x += GetColumnWidth(i);
- }
- }
- if (nRow < GetFixedRowCount())
- {
- y = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i <= nRow; i++)
- {
- if (y >= rect.bottom) return FALSE;
- y += GetRowHeight(i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (nRow < TopLeft.row) return FALSE;
- y = GetFixedRowHeight();
- for (int i = TopLeft.row; i <= nRow; i++)
- {
- if (y >= rect.bottom) return FALSE;
- y += GetRowHeight(i);
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::InvalidateCellRect(const CCellID& cell)
- {
- if (!::IsWindow(GetSafeHwnd()) || !m_bAllowDraw)
- return FALSE;
- ASSERT(IsValid(cell));
- if (!IsCellVisible(cell.row, cell.col)) return FALSE;
- CRect rect;
- if (!GetCellRect(cell, rect)) return FALSE;
- rect.right++; rect.bottom++;
- InvalidateRect(rect, TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::InvalidateCellRect(const CCellRange& cellRange)
- {
- ASSERT(IsValid(cellRange));
- if (!::IsWindow(GetSafeHwnd()) || !m_bAllowDraw) return FALSE;
- CCellRange visibleCellRange = GetVisibleNonFixedCellRange().Intersect(cellRange);
- CRect rect;
- if (!GetCellRangeRect(visibleCellRange, rect)) return FALSE;
- rect.right++; rect.bottom++;
- InvalidateRect(rect, TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGridCtrl Mouse stuff
- // Handles mouse wheel notifications
- // Note - if this doesn't work for win95 then use OnRegisteredMouseWheel instead
- #if _MFC_VER >= 0x0421
- BOOL CGridCtrl::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
- {
- // A m_nRowsPerWheelNotch value less than 0 indicates that the mouse
- // wheel scrolls whole pages, not just lines.
- if (m_nRowsPerWheelNotch == -1)
- {
- int nPagesScrolled = zDelta / 120;
- if (nPagesScrolled > 0)
- for (int i = 0; i < nPagesScrolled; i++)
- PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEUP, 0);
- else
- for (int i = 0; i > nPagesScrolled; i--)
- PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- int nRowsScrolled = m_nRowsPerWheelNotch * zDelta / 120;
- if (nRowsScrolled > 0)
- for (int i = 0; i < nRowsScrolled; i++)
- PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);
- else
- for (int i = 0; i > nRowsScrolled; i--)
- PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
- }
- return CWnd::OnMouseWheel(nFlags, zDelta, pt);
- }
- #endif
- void CGridCtrl::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- // If outside client area, return (unless we are drag n dropping)
- if (m_MouseMode != MOUSE_DRAGGING && !rect.PtInRect(point))
- return;
- // If the left mouse button is up, then test to see if row/column sizing is imminent
- if (!(nFlags & MK_LBUTTON))
- {
- if (point.y < GetFixedRowHeight() && m_bAllowColumnResize)
- {
- CCellID idCurrentCell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(idCurrentCell, &start)) return;
- int endx = start.x + GetColumnWidth(idCurrentCell.col);
- if ((point.x - start.x <= m_nResizeCaptureRange && idCurrentCell.col != 0) ||
- endx - point.x <= m_nResizeCaptureRange)
- {
- if (m_MouseMode != MOUSE_OVER_COL_DIVIDE)
- SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEWE));
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_MouseMode != MOUSE_NOTHING)
- SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_NOTHING;
- }
- }
- else if (point.x < GetFixedColumnWidth() && m_bAllowRowResize)
- {
- CCellID idCurrentCell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(idCurrentCell, &start)) return;
- int endy = start.y + GetRowHeight(idCurrentCell.row);
- if ((point.y - start.y <= m_nResizeCaptureRange && idCurrentCell.row != 0) ||
- endy - point.y <= m_nResizeCaptureRange)
- {
- if (m_MouseMode != MOUSE_OVER_ROW_DIVIDE)
- SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZENS));
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_MouseMode != MOUSE_NOTHING)
- SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_NOTHING;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_MouseMode != MOUSE_NOTHING)
- SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_NOTHING;
- }
- if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_NOTHING && m_bTitleTips)
- {
- CCellID idCurrentCell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- CRect rect;
- if (GetCellRect(idCurrentCell.row, idCurrentCell.col, rect))
- m_TitleTip.Show( rect, GetItemText(idCurrentCell.row, idCurrentCell.col), 0);
- }
- #endif
- m_LastMousePoint = point;
- return;
- }
- if (!IsValid(m_LeftClickDownCell))
- {
- m_LastMousePoint = point;
- return;
- }
- // If the left mouse button is down, the process appropriately
- if (nFlags & MK_LBUTTON)
- {
- switch(m_MouseMode)
- {
- case MOUSE_SELECT_ALL: break;
- CCellID idCurrentCell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- if (!IsValid(idCurrentCell)) return;
- OnSelecting(idCurrentCell);
- //SetFocusCell(max(idCurrentCell.row, m_nFixedRows),
- // max(idCurrentCell.col, m_nFixedCols));
- if (idCurrentCell.row >= m_nFixedRows &&
- idCurrentCell.col >= m_nFixedCols)
- SetFocusCell(idCurrentCell);
- break;
- }
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (!pDC) break;
- CRect oldInvertedRect(m_LastMousePoint.x,,
- m_LastMousePoint.x + 2, rect.bottom);
- pDC->InvertRect(&oldInvertedRect);
- CRect newInvertedRect(point.x,,
- point.x + 2, rect.bottom);
- pDC->InvertRect(&newInvertedRect);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- }
- break;
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (!pDC) break;
- CRect oldInvertedRect(rect.left, m_LastMousePoint.y,
- rect.right, m_LastMousePoint.y + 2);
- pDC->InvertRect(&oldInvertedRect);
- CRect newInvertedRect(rect.left, point.y,
- rect.right, point.y + 2);
- pDC->InvertRect(&newInvertedRect);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- }
- break;
- case MOUSE_PREPARE_DRAG: OnBeginDrag(); break;
- }
- }
- m_LastMousePoint = point;
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- ////////////////////
- //遥信仅需置分/合,特殊处理
- if (m_bIsYXGrid)
- {
- if (GetFocusCell().row>0)
- GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_GRIDDBLCLICK,GetFocusCell().row,GetFocusCell().col);
- CWnd::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point);
- return;
- }
- ////////////////////
- if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_OVER_COL_DIVIDE)
- {
- CCellID cell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- ASSERT(IsValid(cell));
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(0, cell.col, &start)) return;
- if (point.x - start.x <= m_nResizeCaptureRange) // Clicked right of border
- cell.col--;
- AutoSizeColumn(cell.col);
- Invalidate();
- }
- else if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_OVER_ROW_DIVIDE)
- {
- CCellID cell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- ASSERT(IsValid(cell));
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(0, cell.col, &start)) return;
- if (point.y - start.y <= m_nResizeCaptureRange) // Clicked below border
- cell.row--;
- AutoSizeRow(cell.row);
- Invalidate();
- }
- else if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_NOTHING)
- {
- if (m_LeftClickDownCell.row >= m_nFixedRows &&
- IsValid(m_LeftClickDownCell) &&
- m_LeftClickDownCell.col >= m_nFixedCols)
- {
- OnEditCell(m_idCurrentCell.row, m_idCurrentCell.col, VK_LBUTTON);
- }
- else if (m_bListMode)
- {
- CCellID cell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- if (!IsValid(cell)) return;
- if (cell.row >= m_nFixedRows && cell.col < GetFixedColumnCount())
- OnEditCell(cell.row, cell.col, VK_LBUTTON);
- }
- }
- CWnd::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point);
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- HWND hOldFocusWnd = ::GetFocus();
- m_LeftClickDownPoint = point;
- m_LeftClickDownCell = GetCellFromPt(point);
- if (!IsValid(m_LeftClickDownCell)) return;
- m_SelectionStartCell = (nFlags & MK_SHIFT)? m_idCurrentCell : m_LeftClickDownCell;
- SetFocus(); // Auto-destroy any InPlaceEdit's
- // If the user clicks on the current cell, then prepare to edit it.
- // (If the user moves the mouse, then dragging occurs)
- if (m_LeftClickDownCell == m_idCurrentCell)
- {
- return;
- } else {
- SetFocusCell(-1,-1);
- SetFocusCell(max(m_LeftClickDownCell.row, m_nFixedRows),
- max(m_LeftClickDownCell.col, m_nFixedCols));
- }
- // If the user clicks on a selected cell, then prepare to drag it.
- // (If the user moves the mouse, then dragging occurs)
- if (m_bAllowDragAndDrop && hOldFocusWnd == GetSafeHwnd() &&
- GetItemState(m_LeftClickDownCell.row, m_LeftClickDownCell.col) & GVNI_SELECTED)
- {
- return;
- }
- SetCapture();
- if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_OVER_COL_DIVIDE) // sizing column
- {
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_SIZING_COL;
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(0, m_LeftClickDownCell.col, &start)) return;
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- CRect invertedRect(point.x,, point.x + 2, rect.bottom);
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (pDC) {
- pDC->InvertRect(&invertedRect);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- }
- if (point.x - start.x <= m_nResizeCaptureRange) // clicked right of border
- if (!GetCellOrigin(0, --m_LeftClickDownCell.col, &start)) return;
- rect.left = start.x;
- ClientToScreen(rect);
- ClipCursor(rect);
- }
- else if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_OVER_ROW_DIVIDE) // sizing row
- {
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_SIZING_ROW;
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(m_LeftClickDownCell, &start)) return;
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- CRect invertedRect(rect.left, point.y, rect.right, point.y + 2);
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (pDC) {
- pDC->InvertRect(&invertedRect);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- }
- if (point.y - start.y <= m_nResizeCaptureRange) // clicked below border
- if (!GetCellOrigin(--m_LeftClickDownCell.row, 0, &start)) return;
- = start.y;
- ClientToScreen(rect);
- ClipCursor(rect);
- }
- else // not sizing or editing -- selecting
- {
- // If Ctrl pressed, save the current cell selection. This will get added
- // to the new cell selection at the end of the cell selection process
- m_PrevSelectedCellMap.RemoveAll();
- if (nFlags & MK_CONTROL) {
- for (POSITION pos = m_SelectedCellMap.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL; )
- {
- DWORD key;
- CCellID cell;
- m_SelectedCellMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, (CCellID&)cell);
- m_PrevSelectedCellMap.SetAt(key, cell);
- }
- }
- if (m_LeftClickDownCell.row < GetFixedRowCount())
- OnFixedRowClick(m_LeftClickDownCell);
- else if (m_LeftClickDownCell.col < GetFixedColumnCount())
- OnFixedColumnClick(m_LeftClickDownCell);
- else
- {
- OnSelecting(m_LeftClickDownCell);
- }
- m_nTimerID = SetTimer(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, m_nTimerInterval, 0);
- }
- m_LastMousePoint = point;
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- CWnd::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);
- ClipCursor(NULL);
- if (GetCapture()->GetSafeHwnd() == GetSafeHwnd())
- {
- ReleaseCapture();
- KillTimer(m_nTimerID);
- m_nTimerID = 0;
- }
- // m_MouseMode == MOUSE_PREPARE_EDIT only if user clicked down on current cell
- // and then didn't move mouse before clicking up (releasing button)
- if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_PREPARE_EDIT)
- {
- OnEditCell(m_idCurrentCell.row, m_idCurrentCell.col, VK_LBUTTON);
- }
- // m_MouseMode == MOUSE_PREPARE_DRAG only if user clicked down on a selected cell
- // and then didn't move mouse before clicking up (releasing button)
- else if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_PREPARE_DRAG)
- {
- ResetSelectedRange();
- }
- else if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_SIZING_COL)
- {
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- CRect invertedRect(m_LastMousePoint.x,, m_LastMousePoint.x + 2, rect.bottom);
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (pDC) {
- pDC->InvertRect(&invertedRect);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- }
- if (m_LeftClickDownPoint != point)
- {
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(m_LeftClickDownCell, &start)) return;
- SetColumnWidth(m_LeftClickDownCell.col, point.x - start.x);
- ResetScrollBars();
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- else if (m_MouseMode == MOUSE_SIZING_ROW)
- {
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(rect);
- CRect invertedRect(rect.left, m_LastMousePoint.y, rect.right, m_LastMousePoint.y + 2);
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (pDC) {
- pDC->InvertRect(&invertedRect);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- }
- if (m_LeftClickDownPoint != point)
- {
- CPoint start;
- if (!GetCellOrigin(m_LeftClickDownCell, &start)) return;
- SetRowHeight(m_LeftClickDownCell.row, point.y - start.y);
- ResetScrollBars();
- Invalidate();
- }
- }
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_NOTHING;
- SetCursor(::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
- if (!IsValid(m_LeftClickDownCell)) return;
- CWnd *pOwner = GetOwner();
- if (pOwner && IsWindow(pOwner->m_hWnd))
- pOwner->PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(GetDlgCtrlID(), BN_CLICKED),
- (LPARAM) GetSafeHwnd());
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGridCtrl printing
- void CGridCtrl::Print()
- {
- CDC dc;
- CPrintDialog printDlg(FALSE);
- if (printDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) // Get printer settings from user
- return;
- dc.Attach(printDlg.GetPrinterDC()); // attach a printer DC
- dc.m_bPrinting = TRUE;
- CString strTitle;
- strTitle.LoadString(AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE);
- DOCINFO di; // Initialise print doc details
- ::ZeroMemory (&di, sizeof (DOCINFO));
- di.cbSize = sizeof (DOCINFO);
- di.lpszDocName = strTitle;
- BOOL bPrintingOK = dc.StartDoc(&di); // Begin a new print job
- CPrintInfo Info;
- Info.m_rectDraw.SetRect(0,0, dc.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES), dc.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES));
- OnBeginPrinting(&dc, &Info); // Initialise printing
- for (UINT page = Info.GetMinPage(); page <= Info.GetMaxPage() && bPrintingOK; page++)
- {
- dc.StartPage(); // begin new page
- Info.m_nCurPage = page;
- OnPrint(&dc, &Info); // Print page
- bPrintingOK = (dc.EndPage() > 0); // end page
- }
- OnEndPrinting(&dc, &Info); // Clean up after printing
- if (bPrintingOK)
- dc.EndDoc(); // end a print job
- else
- dc.AbortDoc(); // abort job.
- dc.Detach(); // detach the printer DC
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGridCtrl printing overridables - for Doc/View print/print preview framework
- void CGridCtrl::OnBeginPrinting(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo)
- {
- // OnBeginPrinting() is called after the user has committed to
- // printing by OK'ing the Print dialog, and after the framework
- // has created a CDC object for the printer or the preview view.
- // This is the right opportunity to set up the page range.
- // Given the CDC object, we can determine how many rows will
- // fit on a page, so we can in turn determine how many printed
- // pages represent the entire document.
- ASSERT(pDC && pInfo);
- if (!pDC || !pInfo) return;
- int nMaxRowCount = GetRowCount() - GetFixedRowCount();
- if (!nMaxRowCount) return;
- // Get a DC for the current window (will be a screen DC for print previewing)
- CDC *pCurrentDC = GetDC(); // will have dimensions of the client area
- if (!pCurrentDC) return;
- CSize PaperPixelsPerInch(pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX), pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY));
- CSize ScreenPixelsPerInch(pCurrentDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX), pCurrentDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY));
- // Create the printer font
- int nFontSize = -9;
- CString strFontName = "Times New Roman";
- m_PrinterFont.CreateFont(nFontSize, 0,0,0, FW_NORMAL, 0,0,0, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
- CFont *pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_PrinterFont);
- // Get the average character width (in GridCtrl units) and hence the margins
- m_CharSize = pDC->GetTextExtent(_T("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSATUVWXYZ"),52);
- /= 52;
- int nMargins = (LEFT_MARGIN+RIGHT_MARGIN)*;
- // Get the page sizes (physical and logical)
- m_PaperSize = CSize(pDC->GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES), pDC->GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES));
- = GetVirtualWidth()+nMargins;
- = MulDiv(,,;
- m_nPageHeight = - GetFixedRowHeight()
- // Get the number of pages. Assumes no row is bigger than the page size.
- int nTotalRowHeight = 0;
- int nNumPages = 1;
- for (int row = GetFixedRowCount(); row < GetRowCount(); row++)
- {
- nTotalRowHeight += GetRowHeight(row);
- if (nTotalRowHeight > m_nPageHeight) {
- nNumPages++;
- nTotalRowHeight = GetRowHeight(row);
- }
- }
- // Set up the print info
- pInfo->SetMaxPage(nNumPages);
- pInfo->m_nCurPage = 1; // start printing at page# 1
- ReleaseDC(pCurrentDC);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnPrint(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo)
- {
- if (!pDC || !pInfo) return;
- //CRect rcPage(pInfo->m_rectDraw);
- CFont *pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_PrinterFont);
- // Set the page map mode to use GridCtrl units, and setup margin
- pDC->SetWindowExt(m_LogicalPageSize);
- pDC->SetViewportExt(m_PaperSize);
- pDC->SetWindowOrg(-LEFT_MARGIN*, 0);
- // Header
- pInfo-> = 0;
- pInfo->m_rectDraw.left = 0;
- pInfo->m_rectDraw.right = - (LEFT_MARGIN+RIGHT_MARGIN)*;
- pInfo->m_rectDraw.bottom = HEADER_HEIGHT*;
- PrintHeader(pDC, pInfo);
- pDC->OffsetWindowOrg(0, -HEADER_HEIGHT*;
- // Gap between header and column headings
- pDC->OffsetWindowOrg(0, -GAP*;
- // Print the column headings
- pInfo->m_rectDraw.bottom = GetFixedRowHeight();
- PrintColumnHeadings(pDC, pInfo);
- pDC->OffsetWindowOrg(0, -GetFixedRowHeight());
- // We need to find out which row to start printing for this page.
- int nTotalRowHeight = 0;
- UINT nNumPages = 1;
- int nCurrPrintRow = GetFixedRowCount();
- while (nCurrPrintRow < GetRowCount() && nNumPages < pInfo->m_nCurPage)
- {
- nTotalRowHeight += GetRowHeight(nCurrPrintRow);
- if (nTotalRowHeight > m_nPageHeight) {
- nNumPages++;
- if (nNumPages == pInfo->m_nCurPage) break;
- nTotalRowHeight = GetRowHeight(nCurrPrintRow);
- }
- nCurrPrintRow++;
- }
- if (nCurrPrintRow >= GetRowCount()) return;
- // Draw as many rows as will fit on the printed page.
- // Clip the printed page so that there is no partially shown
- // row at the bottom of the page (the same row which will be fully
- // shown at the top of the next page).
- BOOL bFirstPrintedRow = TRUE;
- CRect rect;
- rect.bottom = -1;
- while (nCurrPrintRow < GetRowCount())
- {
- = rect.bottom+1;
- rect.bottom = + GetRowHeight(nCurrPrintRow) - 1;
- if (rect.bottom > m_nPageHeight) break; // Gone past end of page
- rect.right = -1;
- for (int col = 0; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- rect.left = rect.right+1;
- rect.right = rect.left + GetColumnWidth(col) - 1;
- DrawCell(pDC, nCurrPrintRow, col, rect);
- if (m_nGridLines == GVL_BOTH || m_nGridLines == GVL_HORZ)
- {
- int Overlap = (col == 0)? 0:1;
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.left-Overlap, rect.bottom);
- pDC->LineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
- if (nCurrPrintRow == 0) {
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.left-Overlap,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.right,;
- }
- }
- if (m_nGridLines == GVL_BOTH || m_nGridLines == GVL_VERT)
- {
- int Overlap = (bFirstPrintedRow)? 0:1;
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.right,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
- if (col == 0) {
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.left,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
- }
- }
- }
- nCurrPrintRow++;
- bFirstPrintedRow = FALSE;
- }
- // Footer
- pInfo->m_rectDraw.bottom = FOOTER_HEIGHT*;
- PrintFooter(pDC, pInfo);
- // SetWindowOrg back for next page
- pDC->SetWindowOrg(0,0);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- void CGridCtrl::PrintColumnHeadings(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/)
- {
- CFont *pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_PrinterFont);
- CRect rect;
- rect.bottom = -1;
- for (int row = 0; row < GetFixedRowCount(); row++)
- {
- = rect.bottom+1;
- rect.bottom = + GetRowHeight(row) - 1;
- rect.right = -1;
- for (int col = 0; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
- {
- rect.left = rect.right+1;
- rect.right = rect.left + GetColumnWidth(col) - 1;
- DrawFixedCell(pDC, row, col, rect);
- if (m_nGridLines == GVL_BOTH || m_nGridLines == GVL_HORZ)
- {
- int Overlap = (col == 0)? 0:1;
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.left-Overlap, rect.bottom);
- pDC->LineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
- if (row == 0) {
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.left-Overlap,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.right,;
- }
- }
- if (m_nGridLines == GVL_BOTH || m_nGridLines == GVL_VERT)
- {
- int Overlap = (row == 0)? 0:1;
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.right,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
- if (col == 0) {
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.left,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- }
- void CGridCtrl::PrintHeader(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo)
- {
- CRect rc(pInfo->m_rectDraw);
- CString strHeaderString;
- CFont BoldFont;
- //create bold font for header and footer
- VERIFY(m_PrinterFont.GetLogFont(&lf));
- lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
- VERIFY(BoldFont.CreateFontIndirect(&lf));
- CFont *pNormalFont = pDC->SelectObject(&BoldFont);
- int nPrevBkMode = pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- // print App title on top right margin
- strHeaderString.LoadString(AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE);
- pDC->DrawText(strHeaderString, &rc, DT_RIGHT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER);
- // print parent window title in the centre (Gert Rijs)
- CWnd *pParentWnd = GetParent();
- while (pParentWnd)
- {
- pParentWnd->GetWindowText(strHeaderString);
- if (strHeaderString.GetLength()) // can happen if it is a CView, CChildFrm has the title
- break;
- pParentWnd = pParentWnd->GetParent();
- }
- pDC->DrawText(strHeaderString, &rc, DT_CENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER);
- pDC->SetBkMode(nPrevBkMode);
- pDC->SelectObject(pNormalFont);
- BoldFont.DeleteObject();
- pDC->SelectStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
- pDC->MoveTo(rc.left, rc.bottom);
- pDC->LineTo(rc.right, rc.bottom);
- }
- //print footer with a line and date, and page number
- void CGridCtrl::PrintFooter(CDC *pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo)
- {
- CRect rc(pInfo->m_rectDraw);
- CFont BoldFont;
- //draw line
- pDC->MoveTo(rc.left,;
- pDC->LineTo(rc.right,;
- //create bold font for header and footer
- m_PrinterFont.GetLogFont(&lf);
- lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
- BoldFont.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- CFont *pNormalFont = pDC->SelectObject(&BoldFont);
- int nPrevBkMode = pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);
- // draw page number
- CString sTemp ;
- rc.OffsetRect(0,;
- sTemp.Format(_T("Page %d of %d"), pInfo->m_nCurPage, pInfo->GetMaxPage());
- CTime t = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
- sTemp = t.Format(_T("%c"));
- pDC->SetBkMode(nPrevBkMode);
- pDC->SelectObject(pNormalFont);
- BoldFont.DeleteObject();
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnEndPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/)
- {
- m_PrinterFont.DeleteObject();
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGridCtrl persistance
- BOOL CGridCtrl::Save(LPCTSTR filename)
- {
- CStdioFile File;
- CFileException ex;
- if (!File.Open(filename, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate| CFile::typeText, &ex)) {
- ex.ReportError();
- return FALSE;
- }
- try {
- int nNumColumns = GetColumnCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < nNumColumns; i++) {
- File.WriteString(GetItemText(0,i));
- File.WriteString((i==(nNumColumns-1))? _T("n"):_T(","));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < GetRowCount(); i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < nNumColumns; j++) {
- File.WriteString(GetItemText(i,j));
- File.WriteString((j==(nNumColumns-1))? _T("n"):_T(","));
- }
- }
- File.Close();
- }
- catch (CFileException* e) {
- AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to save grid list"));
- e->Delete();
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::Load(LPCTSTR filename)
- {
- TCHAR *token, *end;
- TCHAR buffer[1024];
- CStdioFile File;
- CFileException ex;
- if (!File.Open(filename, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeText)) {
- ex.ReportError();
- return FALSE;
- }
- DeleteAllItems();
- try {
- // Read Header off file
- File.ReadString(buffer, 1024);
- // Get first token
- for (token=buffer, end=buffer;
- *end && (*end != _T(',')) && (*end != _T('n')); end++);
- if ((*end == _T(' ')) && (token == end)) token = NULL;
- *end = _T(' ');
- while (token)
- {
- InsertColumn(token);
- // Get next token
- for (token=++end; *end && (*end != _T(',')) && (*end != _T('n'));
- end++);
- if ((*end == _T(' ')) && (token == end)) token = NULL;
- *end = _T(' ');
- }
- // Read in rest of data
- int nItem = 0;
- while (File.ReadString(buffer, 1024)) {
- // Get first token
- for (token=buffer, end=buffer;
- *end && (*end != _T(',')) && (*end != _T('n')); end++);
- if ((*end == _T(' ')) && (token == end)) token = NULL;
- *end = _T(' ');
- int nSubItem = 0;
- while (token) {
- if (!nSubItem)
- InsertRow(token);
- else
- SetItemText(nItem, nSubItem, token);
- // Get next token
- for (token=++end; *end && (*end != _T(',')) && (*end != _T('n'));
- end++);
- if ((*end == _T(' ')) && (token == end)) token = NULL;
- *end = _T(' ');
- nSubItem++;
- }
- nItem++;
- }
- AutoSizeColumns();
- File.Close();
- }
- catch (CFileException* e) {
- AfxMessageBox(_T("Unable to load grid data"));
- e->Delete();
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CGridCtrl overrideables
- // This is no longer needed since I've changed to OLE drag and drop - but it's
- // still cool code. :)
- CImageList* CGridCtrl::CreateDragImage(CPoint *pHotSpot)
- {
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (!pDC) return NULL;
- CRect rect;
- CCellID cell = GetFocusCell();
- if (!GetCellRect(cell.row, cell.col, rect)) return NULL;
- // Translate coordinate system
- rect.BottomRight() = CPoint(rect.Width(), rect.Height());
- rect.TopLeft() = CPoint(0,0);
- *pHotSpot = rect.BottomRight();
- // Create a new imagelist (the caller of this function has responsibility
- // for deleting this list)
- CImageList* pList = new CImageList;
- if (!pList || !pList->Create(rect.Width(), rect.Height(), ILC_MASK, 1,1))
- {
- if (pList) delete pList;
- return NULL;
- }
- // Create mem DC and bitmap
- CDC MemDC;
- CBitmap bm;
- MemDC.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- bm.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, rect.Width(), rect.Height());
- CBitmap* pOldBitmap = MemDC.SelectObject(&bm);
- MemDC.SetWindowOrg(0,0);
- // Draw cell onto bitmap in memDC
- DrawCell(&MemDC, cell.row, cell.col, rect, TRUE);
- // Clean up
- MemDC.SelectObject(pOldBitmap);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- // Add the bitmap we just drew to the image list.
- pList->Add(&bm, GetTextBkColor());
- bm.DeleteObject();
- return pList;
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnFixedRowClick(CCellID& cell)
- {
- if (!IsValid(cell))
- return;
- if (m_bListMode)
- {
- if (!m_bSortOnClick)
- return;
- CWaitCursor waiter;
- if (cell.col == m_SortColumn)
- m_bAscending = !m_bAscending;
- else
- {
- m_bAscending = TRUE;
- m_SortColumn = cell.col;
- }
- SortTextItems(m_SortColumn, m_bAscending);
- Invalidate();
- }
- else if (cell.col < GetFixedColumnCount())
- {
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_SELECT_ALL;
- OnSelecting(cell);
- }
- else
- {
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_SELECT_COL;
- OnSelecting(cell);
- }
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnFixedColumnClick(CCellID& cell)
- {
- if (!IsValid(cell))
- return;
- // if (m_bListMode && (GetItemState(cell.row, m_nFixedCols) & GVNI_SELECTED))
- // {
- // OnEditCell(cell.row, cell.col, VK_LBUTTON);
- // return;
- // }
- if (cell.row < GetFixedRowCount())
- {
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_SELECT_ALL;
- OnSelecting(cell);
- }
- else
- {
- m_MouseMode = MOUSE_SELECT_ROW;
- OnSelecting(cell);
- }
- }
- // Gets the extent of the text pointed to by str (no CDC needed)
- // By default this uses the selected font (which is a bigger font)
- CSize CGridCtrl::GetTextExtent(LPCTSTR str, BOOL bUseSelectedFont /* = TRUE */)
- {
- CDC* pDC = GetDC();
- if (!pDC) return CSize(0,0);
- CFont *pOldFont, font;
- if (bUseSelectedFont)
- {
- memcpy(&lf, &m_Logfont, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&font);
- }
- else
- pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_Font);
- CSize size = pDC->GetTextExtent(str);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- ReleaseDC(pDC);
- return size + CSize(2*m_nMargin, 2*m_nMargin);
- }
- CSize CGridCtrl::GetCellExtent(int nRow, int nCol, CDC* pDC)
- {
- LOGFONT *pLF = GetItemFont(nRow, nCol);
- // use selected font since it's thicker
- memcpy(&lf, pLF, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- if (nRow < m_nFixedRows || nCol < m_nFixedCols)
- CFont font;
- font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- CFont* pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&font);
- CSize size = pDC->GetTextExtent(GetItemText(nRow, nCol));
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont);
- size += CSize(4*m_nMargin, 2*m_nMargin);
- CSize ImageSize(0,0);
- if (m_pImageList) {
- int nImage = GetItemImage(nRow, nCol);
- if (nImage >= 0) {
- if (m_pImageList->GetImageInfo(nImage, &Info))
- ImageSize = CSize(Info.rcImage.right-Info.rcImage.left+1,
- }
- }
- return CSize( +, max(,;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::DrawFixedCell(CDC* pDC, int nRow, int nCol, CRect rect, BOOL bEraseBk)
- {
- if (!m_bAllowDraw) return FALSE;
- GV_ITEM Item;
- Item.row = nRow;
- Item.col = nCol;
- if (!GetItem(&Item)) return FALSE;
- // Force redraw of background if custom colour
- if (Item.crBkClr != CLR_DEFAULT)
- bEraseBk = TRUE;
- if (!pDC->IsPrinting() && bEraseBk)
- {
- CBrush brush((Item.crBkClr == CLR_DEFAULT)? GetFixedBkColor() : Item.crBkClr);
- pDC->FillRect(rect, &brush);
- }
- pDC->SetTextColor((Item.crFgClr == CLR_DEFAULT)? GetFixedTextColor() : Item.crFgClr);
- int nSavedDC = pDC->SaveDC();
- // Create the appropriate font and select into DC
- LOGFONT lf, *pLF = GetItemFont(nRow, nCol);
- if (pLF)
- memcpy(&lf, pLF, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- else
- memcpy(&lf, &m_Logfont, sizeof(LOGFONT));
- CCellID FocusCell = GetFocusCell();
- if (FocusCell.row == nRow || FocusCell.col == nCol)
- CFont Font;
- Font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- pDC->SelectObject(&Font);
- if (IsValid(FocusCell) && (FocusCell.row == nRow || FocusCell.col == nCol))
- {
- rect.right++; rect.bottom++;
- pDC->DrawEdge(rect, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT);
- rect.DeflateRect(1,1);
- }
- else
- {
- CPen lightpen(PS_SOLID, 1, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT)),
- darkpen(PS_SOLID, 1, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW)),
- *pOldPen = pDC->GetCurrentPen();
- pDC->SelectObject(&lightpen);
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.right,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.left,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
- pDC->SelectObject(&darkpen);
- pDC->MoveTo(rect.right,;
- pDC->LineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
- pDC->LineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- rect.DeflateRect(1,1);
- }
- rect.DeflateRect(m_nMargin, 0);
- if (m_pImageList && Item.iImage >= 0) {
- if (m_pImageList->GetImageInfo(Item.iImage, &Info)) {
- int nImageWidth = Info.rcImage.right-Info.rcImage.left+1;
- m_pImageList->Draw(pDC, Item.iImage, rect.TopLeft(), ILD_NORMAL);
- rect.left += nImageWidth+m_nMargin;
- }
- }
- DrawText(pDC->m_hDC, Item.szText, -1, rect, Item.nFormat);
- pDC->RestoreDC(nSavedDC);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CGridCtrl::DrawCell(CDC* pDC, int nRow, int nCol, CRect rect, BOOL bEraseBk)
- {
- if (!m_bAllowDraw) return FALSE;
- GV_ITEM Item;
- Item.row = nRow;
- Item.col = nCol;
- if (!GetItem(&Item)) return FALSE;
- COLORREF TextBkClr = (Item.crBkClr == CLR_DEFAULT)? GetTextBkColor() : Item.crBkClr;
- COLORREF TextClr = (Item.crFgClr == CLR_DEFAULT)? GetTextColor() : Item.crFgClr;
- // Force redraw of background if custom colour
- if (TextBkClr != CLR_DEFAULT)
- bEraseBk = TRUE;
- int nSavedDC = pDC->SaveDC();
- if (Item.state & GVIS_FOCUSED && !pDC->IsPrinting())
- {
- rect.right++; rect.bottom++; // FillRect doesn't draw RHS or bottom
- if (bEraseBk)
- {
- CBrush brush(TextBkClr);
- pDC->FillRect(rect, &brush);
- }
- rect.right--; rect.bottom--;
- pDC->SelectStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
- pDC->SelectStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
- pDC->Rectangle(rect);
- pDC->SetTextColor(TextClr);
- rect.DeflateRect(1,1);
- }
- else if (Item.state & GVIS_SELECTED && !pDC->IsPrinting())
- {
- rect.right++; rect.bottom++; // FillRect doesn't draw RHS or bottom
- pDC->FillSolidRect(rect, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
- rect.right--; rect.bottom--;
- pDC->SetTextColor(::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
- } else {
- rect.right++; rect.bottom++; // FillRect doesn't draw RHS or bottom
- if (bEraseBk)
- {
- CBrush brush(TextBkClr);
- pDC->FillRect(rect, &brush);
- }
- rect.right--; rect.bottom--;
- pDC->SetTextColor(TextClr);
- }
- if (Item.state & GVIS_DROPHILITED && !pDC->IsPrinting()) {
- pDC->SelectStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
- pDC->SelectStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
- pDC->Rectangle(rect);
- }
- // Create the appropriate font and select into DC
- CFont Font;
- LOGFONT *pLF = GetItemFont(nRow, nCol);
- if (pLF)
- Font.CreateFontIndirect(pLF);
- else
- Font.CreateFontIndirect(&m_Logfont);
- CFont* pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&Font);
- pDC->SelectObject(&Font);
- rect.DeflateRect(m_nMargin, 0);
- if (m_pImageList && Item.iImage >= 0) {
- if (m_pImageList->GetImageInfo(Item.iImage, &Info)) {
- int nImageWidth = Info.rcImage.right-Info.rcImage.left+1;
- m_pImageList->Draw(pDC, Item.iImage, rect.TopLeft(), ILD_NORMAL);
- rect.left += nImageWidth+m_nMargin;
- }
- }
- DrawText(pDC->m_hDC, Item.szText, -1, rect, Item.nFormat);
- pDC->RestoreDC(nSavedDC);
- return TRUE;
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnEditCell(int nRow, int nCol, UINT nChar)
- {
- EnsureVisible(nRow, nCol);
- CCellID cell(nRow, nCol);
- if (!IsValid(cell) || !IsCellEditable(nRow, nCol) || !IsCellVisible(nRow, nCol))
- return;
- CRect rect;
- if (!GetCellRect(cell, rect)) return;
- SendMessageToParent(nRow, nCol, GVN_BEGINLABELEDIT);
- GV_ITEM Item;
- Item.mask = GVIF_TEXT | GVIF_FORMAT;
- Item.row = nRow;
- Item.col = nCol;
- if (!GetItem(&Item)) return;
- DWORD dwStyle = ES_LEFT;
- if (Item.nFormat & DT_RIGHT) dwStyle = ES_RIGHT;
- else if (Item.nFormat & DT_CENTER) dwStyle = ES_CENTER;
- CreateInPlaceEditControl(rect, dwStyle, IDC_INPLACE_EDIT,
- nRow, nCol, Item.szText, nChar);
- }
- void CGridCtrl::CreateInPlaceEditControl(CRect& rect, DWORD dwStyle, UINT nID,
- int nRow, int nCol,
- LPCTSTR szText, int nChar)
- {
- // InPlaceEdit auto-deletes itself
- new CInPlaceEdit(this, rect, dwStyle, nID, nRow, nCol, szText, nChar);
- }
- void CGridCtrl::OnEndEditCell(int nRow, int nCol, CString str)
- {
- SetItemText(nRow, nCol, str);
- if (nCol == 2)
- GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_GRIDEDITCELL,nRow,nCol);
- }
- CString CGridCtrl::GetItemText(int nRow, int nCol)
- {
- if (nRow < 0 || nRow >= m_nRows || nCol < 0 || nCol >= m_nCols) return "";
- CGridCell* pCell = GetCell(nRow, nCol);
- ASSERT(pCell);
- if (!pCell) return "";
- return pCell->szText;
- }