- // ScaleSpace.cpp: implementation of the CScaleSpace class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "TestSIFT.h"
- #include "ScaleSpace.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Construction/Destruction
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Variable s is from explanation in Lowe paper
- CScaleSpace::CScaleSpace(int s,double basePixScale)
- {
- m_scaleLevel = s;
- m_dogCount = m_scaleLevel+2;
- m_gaussCount = m_scaleLevel+3;
- m_gaussImgs = NULL;
- m_dogImgs = NULL;
- m_magnitudes = NULL;
- m_directions = NULL;
- m_basePixScale = basePixScale;
- }
- CScaleSpace::~CScaleSpace()
- {
- if (m_dogImgs != NULL)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_dogCount; i++)
- cvReleaseImage (&m_dogImgs[i]);
- delete m_dogImgs;
- }
- if (m_gaussImgs != NULL)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_gaussCount; i++)
- cvReleaseImage (&m_gaussImgs[i]);
- delete m_gaussImgs;
- }
- }
- void CScaleSpace::buildDoG(IplImage *img,double startsigma,double firstScale)
- {
- m_gaussImgs = new IplImage*[m_gaussCount];
- for (int i = 0; i < m_gaussCount; i++)
- m_gaussImgs[i] = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize(img),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
- if (img->depth == IPL_DEPTH_32F)
- cvCopy(img,m_gaussImgs[0]);
- else
- {
- for (int y = 0; y < cvGetSize(img).height; y++)
- for (int x = 0; x < cvGetSize(img).width; x++)
- cvSet2D (m_gaussImgs[0],y,x,cvGet2D(img,y,x));
- }
- m_dogImgs = new IplImage*[m_dogCount];
- for (i = 0; i < m_dogCount; i++)
- m_dogImgs[i] = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize(img),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
- /* This explaination is from Sebastian Nowozin's C# code
- *
- * Gaussian G(sigma), with relation
- * G(sigma_1) * G(sigma_2) = G(sqrt(sigma_1^2 + * sigma_2^2))
- *
- * Then, we have:
- *
- * G(k^{p+1}) = G(k^p) * G(sigma),
- * and our goal is to compute every iterations sigma value so this
- * equation iteratively produces the next level. Hence:
- *
- * sigma = sqrt{left(k^{p+1}right)^2 - left(k^pright)^2}
- * = sqrt{k^{2p+2} - k^{2p}}
- * = sqrt{k^2p (k^2 - 1)}
- * = k^p sqrt{k^2 - 1}
- *
- * In the code below, 'w' is the running k^p, where p increases by one
- * each iteration. kTerm is the constant sqrt{k^2 - 1} term.
- */
- // SToK (scales) = 2^(1/scales) == k
- double k = exp (1.0/m_scaleLevel*log(2));
- double kTerm = sqrt (k*k - 1.0);
- double w = startsigma;
- for (i = 1 ; i < m_gaussCount ; i++) {
- cvSmooth( m_gaussImgs[i-1], m_gaussImgs[i],CV_GAUSSIAN,0,0,w);
- cvAbsDiff (m_gaussImgs[i-1],m_gaussImgs[i],m_dogImgs[i-1]);
- w *= k;
- }
- }
- IplImage* CScaleSpace::getDoG(int i)
- {
- return m_dogImgs[i];
- }
- int CScaleSpace::getDoGCount()
- {
- return m_dogCount;
- }
- void CScaleSpace::findPeak(double r,double dogThresh,std::vector<CScalePoint>* vec)
- {
- // dogThresh is in range [0,1]
- dogThresh *= 255;
- // {x,y,scale offset}
- int dir[27][3] =
- {{-1,-1,0},{0,-1,0},{1,-1,0},{-1,0,0},{1,0,0},{-1,1,0},{0,1,0},{1,1,0},
- {-1,-1,-1},{0,-1,-1},{1,-1,-1},{-1,0,-1},{0,0,-1},{1,0,-1},{-1,1,-1},{0,1,-1},{1,1,-1},
- {-1,-1,1},{0,-1,1},{1,-1,1},{-1,0,1},{0,0,1},{1,0,1},{-1,1,1},{0,1,1},{1,1,1}};
- for (int i = 1; i < m_dogCount-1; i++)
- {
- for (int y = 1; y < cvGetSize (m_dogImgs[i]).height-1; y++)
- for (int x = 1; x < cvGetSize (m_dogImgs[i]).width-1; x++)
- {
- double val = cvGet2D (m_dogImgs[i],y,x).val[0];
- bool maxima = true;
- for (int k = 0; k < 27; k++)
- {
- if (val < dogThresh || val < cvGet2D (m_dogImgs[i+dir[k][2]],y+dir[k][1],x+dir[k][0]).val[0])
- {
- maxima = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (maxima)
- {
- // Eliminate edge response
- double dxx = cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y,x+1).val[0] +
- cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y,x-1).val[0] -
- 2 * cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y,x).val[0];
- double dyy = cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y+1,x).val[0] +
- cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y-1,x).val[0] -
- 2 * cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y,x).val[0];
- double dxy = 0.25 * (cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y+1,x+1).val[0] -
- cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y-1,x+1).val[0] -
- cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y+1,x-1).val[0] +
- cvGet2D(m_dogImgs[i],y-1,x-1).val[0]);
- double tr = dxx+dyy; // trace
- double det = dxx*dyy - dxy*dxy; //det
- double rsq = r+1;
- rsq *= rsq;
- if (tr*tr/(det+1e-20) > (rsq)/r)
- maxima = false;
- }
- if (maxima)
- {
- CScalePoint p (x,y,i);
- vec->push_back(p);
- }
- //else
- // cvSet2D (dogImg[i],y,x,cvScalar(0));
- }
- }
- }
- void CScaleSpace::filterAndLocalizePeaks(std::vector<CScalePoint>& peaks,std::vector<CScalePoint>* filtered,
- double dValueLoThresh, double scaleAdjustThresh, int relocationMaximum)
- {
- dValueLoThresh *= 255;
- CvMat *processedMap = cvCreateMat (cvGetSize(m_dogImgs[0]).height,cvGetSize(m_dogImgs[0]).width,CV_8UC1);
- cvSetZero (processedMap);
- for (int i = 0; i < peaks.size(); i++)
- {
- // Kuas : already reject edge like in findPeak
- //if (IsTooEdgelike (spaces[peak.Level], peak.X, peak.Y, edgeRatio))
- // continue;
- // When the localization hits some problem, i.e. while moving the
- // point a border is reached, then skip this point.
- if (LocalizeIsWeak (peaks[i], relocationMaximum, processedMap))
- continue;
- if (abs (peaks[i].m_fineS) > scaleAdjustThresh)
- continue;
- // Additional local pixel information is now available, threshhold
- // the D(^x)
- // Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1} {2} # == DVALUE", peak.Y, peak.X, peak.Local.DValue);
- if (abs (peaks[i].m_DValue) <= dValueLoThresh)
- continue;
- // its edgy enough, add it
- filtered->push_back (peaks[i]);
- }
- cvReleaseMat (&processedMap);
- //return (filtered);
- }
- bool CScaleSpace::LocalizeIsWeak(CScalePoint& peak, int steps, CvMat* processed)
- {
- bool needToAdjust = true;
- int adjusted = steps;
- while (needToAdjust)
- {
- int x = peak.m_x;
- int y = peak.m_y;
- // Points we cannot say anything about, as they lie on the border
- // of the scale space
- // Kuas : seem to be not happen because in FindPeaks not get these peaks
- //if (point.Level <= 0 || point.Level >= (spaces.Length - 1))
- // return (true);
- IplImage* dog = m_dogImgs[peak.m_level];
- if (x <= 0 || x >= (cvGetSize(dog).width-1))
- return (true);
- if (y <= 0 || y >= (cvGetSize(dog).height-1))
- return (true);
- double dp;
- CvMat *adj = cvCreateMat (3,1,CV_32F);
- GetAdjustment (peak, peak.m_level, x, y, &dp, adj);
- // Get adjustments and check if we require further adjustments due
- // to pixel level moves. If so, turn the adjustments into real
- // changes and continue the loop. Do not adjust the plane, as we
- // are usually quite low on planes in thie space and could not do
- // further adjustments from the top/bottom planes.
- double adjS = cvGet2D (adj,0,0).val[0];//adj[0, 0];
- double adjY = cvGet2D (adj,1,0).val[0];//adj[1, 0];
- double adjX = cvGet2D (adj,2,0).val[0];//adj[2, 0];
- cvReleaseMat (&adj);
- if (abs (adjX) > 0.5 || abs (adjY) > 0.5)
- {
- // Already adjusted the last time, give up
- if (adjusted == 0) {
- //Console.WriteLine ("too many adjustments, returning");
- return (true);
- }
- adjusted -= 1;
- // Check that just one pixel step is needed, otherwise discard
- // the point
- double distSq = adjX * adjX + adjY * adjY;
- if (distSq > 2.0)
- return (true);
- peak.m_x = (int) (peak.m_x + adjX + 0.5);
- peak.m_y = (int) (peak.m_y + adjY + 0.5);
- //point.Level = (int) (point.Level + adjS + 0.5);
- //TRACE ("moved point by (%f,%f: %f) to (%d,%d: %d)",
- // adjX, adjY, adjS, peak.m_x, peak.m_y, peak.m_level);
- continue;
- }
- // Check if we already have a keypoint within this octave for this
- // pixel position in order to avoid dupes. (Maybe we can move this
- // check earlier after any adjustment, so we catch dupes earlier).
- // If its not in there, mark it for later searches.
- //
- // FIXME: check why there does not seem to be a dupe at all
- if (cvGet2D (processed,peak.m_y,peak.m_x).val[0] != 0)
- return (true);
- cvSet2D (processed,peak.m_y,peak.m_x,cvScalar(1));
- // Save final sub-pixel adjustments.
- peak.m_fineS = adjS;
- peak.m_fineX = adjX;
- peak.m_fineY = adjY;
- peak.m_DValue = cvGet2D (dog,peak.m_y,peak.m_x).val[0] + 0.5 * dp;
- needToAdjust = false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void CScaleSpace::GetAdjustment(CScalePoint& point, int level, int x, int y, double* dp,CvMat* adj)
- {
- *dp = 0.0;
- //if (point.Level <= 0 || point.Level >= (spaces.Length - 1))
- // throw (new ArgumentException ("point.Level is not within [bottom-1;top-1] range"));
- IplImage* below = m_dogImgs[level - 1];
- IplImage* current = m_dogImgs[level];
- IplImage* above = m_dogImgs[level + 1];
- CvMat* H = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32F);
- //H[0, 0] = below[x, y] - 2 * current[x, y] + above[x, y];
- cvSet2D (H,0,0,cvScalar (cvGet2D (below,y,x).val[0] - 2 * cvGet2D(current,y,x).val[0] + cvGet2D(above,y,x).val[0]) );
- cvSet2D (H,0,1,cvScalar(0.25 * (cvGet2D(above,y+1,x).val[0] - cvGet2D(above,y-1,x).val[0] - (cvGet2D(below,y+1,x).val[0] - cvGet2D(below,y-1,x).val[0]))));
- cvSet2D (H,1,0,cvGet2D (H,0,1));
- cvSet2D (H,0,2,cvScalar(0.25 * (cvGet2D(above,y,x+1).val[0] - cvGet2D(above,y,x-1).val[0] - (cvGet2D(below,y,x+1).val[0] - cvGet2D(below,y,x-1).val[0]))));
- cvSet2D (H,2,0,cvGet2D(H,0,2));
- cvSet2D (H,1,1,cvScalar(cvGet2D(current,y-1,x).val[0] - 2 * cvGet2D(current,y,x).val[0] + cvGet2D(current,y+1,x).val[0]));
- cvSet2D (H,1,2,cvScalar(0.25 * (cvGet2D(current,y+1,x+1).val[0] - cvGet2D(current,y+1,x-1).val[0] -(cvGet2D(current,y-1,x+1).val[0] - cvGet2D(current,y-1,x-1).val[0]))));
- cvSet2D (H,2,1,cvGet2D(H,1,2));
- cvSet2D (H,2,2,cvScalar(cvGet2D(current,y,x-1).val[0] - 2 * cvGet2D(current,y,x).val[0] + cvGet2D(current,y,x+1).val[0]));
- CvMat* d = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32F);
- cvSet2D (d,0,0,cvScalar(0.5 * (cvGet2D(above,y,x).val[0] - cvGet2D(below,y,x).val[0])));
- cvSet2D (d,1,0,cvScalar(0.5 * (cvGet2D(current,y+1,x).val[0] - cvGet2D(current,y-1,x).val[0])));
- cvSet2D (d,2,0,cvScalar(0.5 * (cvGet2D(current,y,x+1).val[0] - cvGet2D(current,y,x-1).val[0])));
- CvMat* b = cvCloneMat(d);
- //b.Negate ();
- cvSet2D (b,0,0,cvScalar(-cvGet2D(b,0,0).val[0]));
- cvSet2D (b,1,0,cvScalar(-cvGet2D(b,1,0).val[0]));
- cvSet2D (b,2,0,cvScalar(-cvGet2D(b,2,0).val[0]));
- // Solve: A x = b
- //H.SolveLinear (b);
- // adj ::= x
- cvSolve (H,b,adj);
- *dp = cvDotProduct(adj,d);
- cvReleaseMat (&H);
- cvReleaseMat (&d);
- cvReleaseMat (&b);
- }
- #define sqr(x) (x*x)
- void CScaleSpace::GenMagnitudeAndDirectionMaps()
- {
- // We leave the first entry to null, and ommit the last. This way, the
- // magnitudes and directions maps have the same index as the
- // imgScaled maps they belong to.
- m_magnitudes = new IplImage*[m_dogCount - 1];
- m_directions = new IplImage*[m_dogCount - 1];
- // Build the maps, omitting the border pixels, as we cannot build
- // gradient information there.
- for (int s = 1 ; s < (m_dogCount - 1); s++)
- {
- m_magnitudes[s] = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize(m_dogImgs[0]),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
- m_directions[s] = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize(m_dogImgs[0]),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
- for (int y = 1 ; y < cvGetSize(m_gaussImgs[s]).height - 1 ; y++)
- {
- for (int x = 1 ; x < cvGetSize(m_gaussImgs[s]).width - 1 ; x++)
- {
- // gradient magnitude m
- double dx = cvGet2D(m_gaussImgs[s],y,x+1).val[0] -
- cvGet2D(m_gaussImgs[s],y,x-1).val[0];
- double dy = cvGet2D(m_gaussImgs[s],y+1,x).val[0] -
- cvGet2D(m_gaussImgs[s],y-1,x).val[0];
- cvSet2D (m_magnitudes[s],y,x,cvScalar( sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy) ) );
- // gradient direction theta
- cvSet2D (m_directions[s],y,x,cvScalar(atan2(dy,dx) ));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CScaleSpace::ClearMagnitudeAndDirectionMaps()
- {
- for (int i = 1; i < m_dogCount-1; i++)
- {
- cvReleaseImage (&m_magnitudes[i]);
- cvReleaseImage (&m_directions[i]);
- }
- delete m_magnitudes;
- delete m_directions;
- }
- void CScaleSpace::GenerateKeypoints (std::vector<CScalePoint>& localizedPeaks, std::vector<CKeyPoint*>* keypoints,int scaleCount, double octaveSigma)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < localizedPeaks.size(); i++)
- {
- std::vector<CKeyPoint*> thisKeyPoints;
- // Generate zero or more keypoints from the scale point locations.
- // TODO: make the values configurable
- // Songkran : make 36,0.8 be constant
- GenerateKeypointSingle (m_basePixScale, localizedPeaks[i], 36, 0.8, scaleCount, octaveSigma, &thisKeyPoints);
- // Generate the feature descriptor.
- CreateDescriptors (&thisKeyPoints,m_magnitudes[localizedPeaks[i].m_level], m_directions[localizedPeaks[i].m_level], 2.0, 4, 8, 0.2);
- // Only copy over those keypoints that have been successfully
- // assigned a descriptor (feature vector).
- // Songkran : all key must be already assign feature vector i think
- for (int j = 0; j < thisKeyPoints.size(); j++)
- {
- //if (kp.HasFV == false)
- // throw (new Exception ("should not happen"));
- // Transform the this level image relative coordinate system
- // to the original image coordinates by multiplying with the
- // current img scale (which starts with either 0.5 or 1.0 and
- // then always doubles: 2.0, 4.0, ..)
- // Note that the kp coordinates are not used for processing by
- // the detection methods and this has to be the last step.
- // Also transform the relative-to-image scale to an
- // absolute-to-original-image scale.
- // Songkran :
- // m_kpScale = octaveSigma * exp (((point.m_level + point.m_fineS) / scaleCount) * log(2));
- CKeyPoint* kp = thisKeyPoints[j];
- if (kp->m_featureVec == NULL)
- TRACE ("Songkran : Something wrong with feature point descriptorn");
- kp->m_x *= kp->m_imgScale;
- kp->m_y *= kp->m_imgScale;
- kp->m_kpScale *= kp->m_imgScale;
- keypoints->push_back (kp);
- }
- }
- }
- // Average the content of the direction bins.
- void CScaleSpace::AverageWeakBins (double* bins, int binCount)
- {
- // TODO: make some tests what number of passes is the best. (its clear
- // one is not enough, as we may have something like
- // ( 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4 ))
- for (int sn = 0 ; sn < 4 ; ++sn)
- {
- double firstE = bins[0];
- double last = bins[binCount - 1];
- for (int sw = 0 ; sw < binCount ; ++sw)
- {
- double cur = bins[sw];
- double next = (sw == (binCount - 1)) ? firstE : bins[(sw + 1) % binCount];
- bins[sw] = (last + cur + next) / 3.0;
- last = cur;
- }
- }
- }
- // Fit a parabol to the three points (-1.0 ; left), (0.0 ; middle) and
- // (1.0 ; right).
- //
- // Formulas:
- // f(x) = a (x - c)^2 + b
- //
- // c is the peak offset (where f'(x) is zero), b is the peak value.
- //
- // In case there is an error false is returned, otherwise a correction
- // value between [-1 ; 1] is returned in 'degreeCorrection', where -1
- // means the peak is located completely at the left vector, and -0.5 just
- // in the middle between left and middle and > 0 to the right side. In
- // 'peakValue' the maximum estimated peak value is stored.
- bool CScaleSpace::InterpolateOrientation (double left, double middle,
- double right, double* degreeCorrection, double* peakValue)
- {
- // Kuas:
- // if we set f(x) = 0 then
- // a ( x^2 -2cx + c^2) + b= 0
- // x1+x2 = 2c/a ,so we get
- // a = 2c/(x1+x2)
- // and so .. i don't under stand this code
- double a = ((left + right) - 2.0 * middle) / 2.0;
- // Not a parabola
- if (a == 0.0)
- return (false);
- *peakValue = 0; //Double.NaN;
- *degreeCorrection = 0; //Double.NaN;
- double c = (((left - middle) / a) - 1.0) / 2.0;
- double b = middle - c * c * a;
- if (c < -0.5 || c > 0.5)
- {
- TRACE ("KUAS : ERROR IN InterpolateOrientationn");
- }
- *degreeCorrection = c;
- *peakValue = b;
- return (true);
- }
- // Create the descriptor vector for a list of keypoints.
- //
- // keypoints: The list of keypoints to be processed. Everything but the
- // descriptor must be filled in already.
- // magnitude/direction: The precomputed gradient magnitude and direction
- // maps.
- // considerScaleFactor: The downscale factor, which describes the amount
- // of pixels in the circular region relative to the keypoint scale.
- // Low values means few pixels considered, large values extend the
- // range. (Use values between 1.0 and 6.0)
- // descDim: The dimension size of the output descriptor. There will be
- // descDim * descDim * directionCount elements in the feature vector.
- // directionCount: The dimensionality of the low level gradient vectors.
- // fvGradHicap: The feature vector gradient length hi-cap threshhold.
- // (Should be: 0.2)
- //
- // Some parts modelled after Alexandre Jenny's Matlab implementation.
- //
- // Songkran : I think this is not implements according to Lowe's paper
- // but the idia behind is quite the same
- // in this implementation he use variable size of window (change by scale of DoG img)
- void CScaleSpace::CreateDescriptors (std::vector<CKeyPoint*>* keypoints,
- IplImage* magnitude, IplImage* direction,
- double considerScaleFactor, int descDim, int directionCount,
- double fvGradHicap)
- // 2.0, 4, 8,
- // 0.2);
- {
- if (keypoints->size() <= 0)
- return;
- considerScaleFactor *= (*keypoints)[0]->m_kpScale;
- double dDim05 = ((double) descDim) / 2.0;
- // Now calculate the radius: We consider pixels in a square with
- // dimension 'descDim' plus 0.5 in each direction. As the feature
- // vector elements at the diagonal borders are most distant from the
- // center pixel we have scale up with sqrt(2).
- // Songkran : I think in Lowe paper he suggest to use radius = (descDim*4)/2 * sqrt(2)
- int radius = (int) (((descDim + 1.0) / 2) *
- sqrt (2.0) * considerScaleFactor + 0.5);
- // Precompute the sigma for the "center-most, border-less" gaussian
- // weighting.
- // (We are operating to dDim05, CV book tells us G(x), x > 3 sigma
- // negligible, but this range seems much shorter!?)
- //
- // In Lowe03, page 15 it says "A Gaussian weighting function with
- // sigma equal to one half the width of the descriptor window is
- // used", so we just use his advice.
- // Songkran : should the line below recorrect to 2.0 * (r/2) * (r/2)
- double sigma2Sq = 2.0 * dDim05 * dDim05;
- for (int i = 0; i < keypoints->size(); i++)
- {
- CKeyPoint* kp = (*keypoints)[i];
- // The angle to rotate with: negate the orientation.
- double angle = -kp->m_orientation;
- kp->CreateVector (descDim, descDim, directionCount);
- //Console.WriteLine (" FV allocated");
- for (int y = -radius ; y < radius ; ++y)
- {
- for (int x = -radius ; x < radius ; ++x)
- {
- // Rotate and scale
- double yR = sin (angle) * x + cos (angle) * y;
- double xR = cos (angle) * x - sin (angle) * y;
- yR /= considerScaleFactor;
- xR /= considerScaleFactor;
- // Now consider all (xR, yR) that are anchored within
- // (- descDim/2 - 0.5 ; -descDim/2 - 0.5) to
- // (descDim/2 + 0.5 ; descDim/2 + 0.5),
- // as only those can influence the FV.
- if (yR >= (dDim05 + 0.5) || xR >= (dDim05 + 0.5) ||
- xR <= -(dDim05 + 0.5) || yR <= -(dDim05 + 0.5))
- continue;
- int currentX = (int) (x + kp->m_x + 0.5);
- int currentY = (int) (y + kp->m_y + 0.5);
- if (currentX < 1 || currentX >= (cvGetSize(magnitude).width - 1) ||
- currentY < 1 || currentY >= (cvGetSize(magnitude).height - 1))
- continue;
- // Weight the magnitude relative to the center of the
- // whole FV. We do not need a normalizing factor now, as
- // we normalize the whole FV later anyway (see below).
- // xR, yR are each in -(dDim05 + 0.5) to (dDim05 + 0.5)
- // range
- double magW = exp (-(xR * xR + yR * yR) / sigma2Sq) *
- cvGet2D (magnitude,currentY,currentX).val[0];
- // Anchor to (-1.0, -1.0)-(dDim + 1.0, dDim + 1.0), where
- // the FV points are located at (x, y)
- // Songkran : i think this should be yR += dDim05;
- // Songkran : and range is from (-0.5,-0.5) to (dDim+0.5,dDim+0.5)
- //yR += dDim05 - 0.5;
- //xR += dDim05 - 0.5;
- yR += dDim05;
- xR += dDim05;
- // Build linear interpolation weights:
- // A B
- // C D
- //
- // The keypoint is located between A, B, C and D.
- // Songkran : this is trilinear interpolation (3 variable x,y,dir)
- int xIdx[2];
- int yIdx[2];
- int dirIdx[2];
- double xWeight[2];
- double yWeight[2];
- double dirWeight[2];
- bool flagx[2],flagy[2],flagdir[2];
- memset (flagx,false,2*sizeof(bool));
- memset (flagy,false,2*sizeof(bool));
- memset (flagdir,false,2*sizeof(bool));
- // Songkran : have to check xR < descDim also ??
- if (xR >= 0 && xR < descDim)
- {
- xIdx[0] = (int) xR;
- xWeight[0] = (1.0 - (xR - xIdx[0]));
- flagx[0] = true;
- }
- if (yR >= 0 && yR < descDim)
- {
- yIdx[0] = (int) yR;
- yWeight[0] = (1.0 - (yR - yIdx[0]));
- flagy[0] = true;
- }
- if (xR+1 < descDim)
- {
- xIdx[1] = (int) (xR + 1.0);
- // xWeight[0] + xWeight[1] = 1
- // 1 - xR + xIdx[0] + xR - xIdx[0] - 1 + 1
- xWeight[1] = xR - xIdx[1] + 1.0;
- flagx[1] = true;
- }
- if (yR+1 < descDim)
- {
- // yWeight[0] + yWeight[1] = 1
- // 1 - yR + yIdy[0] + yR - yIdy[0] - 1 + 1
- yIdx[1] = (int) (yR + 1.0);
- yWeight[1] = yR - yIdx[1] + 1.0;
- flagy[1] = true;
- }
- // Rotate the gradient direction by the keypoint
- // orientation, then normalize to [-pi ; pi] range.
- // Songkran : should correct to dir += 2*Math.PI ?
- double dir = cvGet2D(direction,currentY,currentX).val[0] - kp->m_orientation;
- if (dir <= -PI)
- //dir += Math.PI;
- dir += 2*PI;
- if (dir > PI)
- //dir -= Math.PI;
- dir -= 2*PI;
- double idxDir = (dir * directionCount) / (2.0 * PI);
- if (idxDir < 0.0)
- idxDir += directionCount;
- dirIdx[0] = (int) idxDir;
- dirIdx[1] = (dirIdx[0] + 1) % directionCount;
- dirWeight[0] = 1.0 - (idxDir - dirIdx[0]);
- dirWeight[1] = idxDir - dirIdx[0];
- for (int iy = 0 ; iy < 2 ; ++iy)
- for (int ix = 0 ; ix < 2 ; ++ix)
- for (int id = 0 ; id < 2 ; ++id)
- if (flagx[ix] && flagy[iy])
- kp->FVSet (xIdx[ix], yIdx[iy], dirIdx[id],
- kp->FVGet (xIdx[ix], yIdx[iy], dirIdx[id]) +
- xWeight[ix] * yWeight[iy] * dirWeight[id] * magW);
- }
- }
- // Normalize and hicap the feature vector, as recommended on page
- // 16 in Lowe03.
- kp->CapAndNormalizeFV (fvGradHicap);
- }
- }
- // Assign each feature point one or more standardized orientations.
- // (section 5 in Lowe's paper)
- //
- // We use an orientation histogram with 36 bins, 10 degrees each. For
- // this, every pixel (x,y) lieing in a circle of 'squareDim' diameter
- // within in a 'squareDim' sized field within the image L ('gaussImg') is
- // examined and two measures calculated:
- //
- // m = sqrt{ (L_{x+1,y} - L_{x-1,y})^2 + (L_{x,y+1} - L_{x,y-1})^2 }
- // theta = tan^{-1} ( frac{ L_{x,y+1} - L_{x,y-1} }
- // { L_{x+1,y} - L_{x-1,y} } )
- //
- // Where m is the gradient magnitude around the pixel and theta is the
- // gradient orientation. The 'imgScale' value is the octave scale,
- // starting with 1.0 at the finest-detail octave, and doubling every
- // octave. The gradient orientations are discreetized to 'binCount'
- // directions (should be: 36). For every peak orientation that lies within
- // 'peakRelThresh' of the maximum peak value, a keypoint location is
- // added (should be: 0.8).
- //
- // Note that 'space' is the gaussian smoothed original image, not the
- // difference-of-gaussian one used for peak-search.
- // Kuas : imgScale is basePixScale (start scale (relative dimension with input img) of that octave)
- void CScaleSpace::GenerateKeypointSingle (double imgScale, CScalePoint point,
- int binCount, double peakRelThresh, int scaleCount,
- double octaveSigma, std::vector<CKeyPoint*>*vec)
- {
- // The relative estimated keypoint scale. The actual absolute keypoint
- // scale to the original image is yielded by the product of imgScale.
- // But as we operate in the current octave, the size relative to the
- // anchoring images is missing the imgScale factor.
- //double kpScale = octaveSigma * exp (((point.m_level + point.m_fineS) / scaleCount) * log(2));
- double kpScale = octaveSigma * (exp (((point.m_level) / scaleCount) * log(2))+ point.m_fineS);
- // Lowe03, "A gaussian-weighted circular window with a sigma three
- // times that of the scale of the keypoint".
- //
- // With sigma = 3.0 * kpScale, the square dimension we have to
- // consider is (3 * sigma) (until the weight becomes very small).
- // Kuas : Lowe04 say sigma = 1.5 * kpScale
- double sigma = 1.5 * kpScale;
- int radius = (int) (3.0 * sigma / 2.0 + 0.5);
- int radiusSq = radius * radius;
- IplImage* magnitude = m_magnitudes[point.m_level];
- IplImage* direction = m_directions[point.m_level];
- // As the point may lie near the border, build the rectangle
- // coordinates we can still reach, minus the border pixels, for which
- // we do not have gradient information available.
- int xMin = point.m_x - radius > 1 ? point.m_x - radius : 1;
- int xMax = point.m_x + radius < cvGetSize(magnitude).width-1 ? point.m_x + radius : cvGetSize(magnitude).width-1;
- int yMin = point.m_y - radius > 1 ? point.m_y - radius : 1;
- int yMax = point.m_y + radius < cvGetSize(magnitude).height-1 ? point.m_y + radius : cvGetSize(magnitude).height-1;
- // Precompute 1D gaussian divisor (2 sigma^2) in:
- // G(r) = e^{-frac{r^2}{2 sigma^2}}
- double gaussianSigmaFactor = 2.0 * sigma * sigma;
- double *bins = new double[binCount];
- memset (bins,0,sizeof(double)*binCount);
- // Build the direction histogram
- for (int y = yMin ; y < yMax ; ++y) {
- for (int x = xMin ; x < xMax ; ++x) {
- // Only consider pixels in the circle, else we might skew the
- // orientation histogram by considering more pixels into the
- // corner directions
- int relX = x - point.m_x;
- int relY = y - point.m_y;
- if (sqr(relX) + sqr(relY) > radiusSq)
- continue;
- // The gaussian weight factor.
- double gaussianWeight = exp (- ((relX * relX + relY * relY) / gaussianSigmaFactor));
- // find the closest bin and add the direction
- //int binIdx = FindClosestRotationBin (binCount, direction[x, y]);
- double angle = cvGet2D (direction,y,x).val[0];
- angle += PI;
- angle /= 2.0 * PI;
- // calculate the aligned bin
- angle *= binCount;
- int binIdx = (int) angle;
- if (binIdx == binCount)
- binIdx = 0;
- bins[binIdx] += cvGet2D(magnitude,y,x).val[0] * gaussianWeight;
- }
- }
- // As there may be succeeding histogram entries like this:
- // ( ..., 0.4, 0.3, 0.4, ... ) where the real peak is located at the
- // middle of this three entries, we can improve the distinctiveness of
- // the bins by applying an averaging pass.
- //
- // TODO: is this really the best method? (we also loose a bit of
- // information. Maybe there is a one-step method that conserves more)
- AverageWeakBins (bins, binCount);
- // find the maximum peak in gradient orientation
- double maxGrad = 0.0;
- int maxBin = 0;
- for (int b = 0 ; b < binCount ; ++b) {
- if (bins[b] > maxGrad) {
- maxGrad = bins[b];
- maxBin = b;
- }
- }
- // First determine the real interpolated peak high at the maximum bin
- // position, which is guaranteed to be an absolute peak.
- //
- // XXX: should we use the estimated peak value as reference for the
- // 0.8 check or the original bin-value?
- double maxPeakValue, maxDegreeCorrection;
- InterpolateOrientation (bins[maxBin == 0 ? (binCount - 1) : (maxBin - 1)],
- bins[maxBin], bins[(maxBin + 1) % binCount],
- &maxDegreeCorrection, &maxPeakValue);
- // Now that we know the maximum peak value, we can find other keypoint
- // orientations, which have to fulfill two criterias:
- //
- // 1. They must be a local peak themselves. Else we might add a very
- // similar keypoint orientation twice (imagine for example the
- // values: 0.4 1.0 0.8, if 1.0 is maximum peak, 0.8 is still added
- // with the default threshhold, but the maximum peak orientation
- // was already added).
- // 2. They must have at least peakRelThresh times the maximum peak
- // value.
- bool* binIsKeypoint = new bool[binCount];
- for (b = 0 ; b < binCount ; ++b)
- {
- binIsKeypoint[b] = false;
- // The maximum peak of course is
- if (b == maxBin)
- {
- binIsKeypoint[b] = true;
- continue;
- }
- // Local peaks are, too, in case they fulfill the threshhold
- if (bins[b] < (peakRelThresh * maxPeakValue))
- continue;
- int leftI = (b == 0) ? (binCount - 1) : (b - 1);
- int rightI = (b + 1) % binCount;
- if (bins[b] <= bins[leftI] || bins[b] <= bins[rightI])
- continue; // not local peak
- binIsKeypoint[b] = true;
- }
- // All the valid keypoint bins are now marked in binIsKeypoint, now
- // build them.
- // find other possible locations
- double oneBinRad = (2.0 * PI) / binCount;
- for (b = 0 ; b < binCount ; ++b)
- {
- if (binIsKeypoint[b] == false)
- continue;
- int bLeft = (b == 0) ? (binCount - 1) : (b - 1);
- int bRight = (b + 1) % binCount;
- // Get an interpolated peak direction and value guess.
- double peakValue;
- double degreeCorrection;
- if (InterpolateOrientation (bins[bLeft], bins[b], bins[bRight],
- °reeCorrection, &peakValue) == false)
- {
- //throw (new InvalidOperationException ("BUG: Parabola fitting broken"));
- TRACE ("BUG: Parabola fitting brokenn");
- }
- // [-1.0 ; 1.0] -> [0 ; binrange], and add the fixed absolute bin
- // position.
- // We subtract PI because bin 0 refers to 0, binCount-1 bin refers
- // to a bin just below 2PI, so -> [-PI ; PI]. Note that at this
- // point we determine the canonical descriptor anchor angle. It
- // does not matter where we set it relative to the peak degree,
- // but it has to be constant. Also, if the output of this
- // implementation is to be matched with other implementations it
- // must be the same constant angle (here: -PI).
- double degree = (b + degreeCorrection) * oneBinRad - PI;
- if (degree < -PI)
- degree += 2.0 * PI;
- else if (degree > PI)
- degree -= 2.0 * PI;
- CKeyPoint* kp = new CKeyPoint (m_gaussImgs[point.m_level],
- point.m_x + point.m_fineX,
- point.m_y + point.m_fineY,
- imgScale, kpScale, degree);
- vec->push_back (kp);
- }
- delete binIsKeypoint;
- delete bins;
- }