- % Program 4-9
- % ofdmci.m
- %
- % Simulation program to realize OFDM transmission system
- % Simulate effect of interfarence noise
- %
- % Programmed by T.Yamamura and H.Harada
- %
- % GI CE GI data GI data...(data 6symbols)
- %
- %********************** preparation part ***************************
- para=52; % Number of parallel channel to transmit (points)
- fftlen=64; % FFT length
- noc=53; % Number of carriers
- nd=6; % Number of information OFDM symbol for one loop
- knd=1; % Number of known channel estimation (CE) OFDM symbol
- ml=2; % Modulation level : QPSK
- sr=250000; % OFDM symbol rate (250 ksyombol/s)
- br=sr.*ml; % Bit rate per carrier
- gilen=16; % Length of guard interval (points)
- ebn0=1000; % Eb/N0
- %---------------------- fading initialization ----------------------
- tstp=1/sr/(fftlen+gilen); % Time resolution
- itau=[0]; % Arrival time for each multipath normalized by tstp
- dlvl1=[0]; % Mean power for each multipath normalized by direct wave.
- n0=[6]; % Number of waves to generate fading n0(1),n0(2)
- th1=[0.0]; % Initial Phase of delayed wave
- itnd1=[1000]; % set fading counter
- now1=1; % Number of directwave + Number of delayed wave
- fd=150; % Maximum Doppler frequency
- flat=0; % Flat or not (see ofdm_fading.m)
- itnd0=nd*(fftlen+gilen)*10; % Number of fading counter to skip
- %----------------- interference wave initialization --------------------
- ci=10; % C/I ratio
- ml2=2; % modulation level
- itau2=[0];
- dlvl2=[0];
- n02=[6];
- th2=[0.0];
- itnd2=[10000+floor(rand(1)*10)*1000];
- now2=1;
- fd2=fd;
- flat2=0;
- itnd02=nd*(fftlen+gilen)*300; % Number of fading counter to skip
- %% store all parameters in one matrix "fadingpara"
- fadingpara=zeros(8,length(itau2));
- fadingpara(1,:)=itau2;
- fadingpara(2,:)=dlvl2;
- fadingpara(3,:)=n02;
- fadingpara(4,:)=th2;
- fadingpara(5,:)=itnd2;
- fadingpara(6,:)=now2;
- fadingpara(7,:)=fd2;
- fadingpara(8,:)=flat2;
- %************************** main loop part **************************
- nloop=1000; % Number of simulation loops
- noe = 0; % Number of error data
- nod = 0; % Number of transmitted data
- eop=0; % Number of error packet
- nop=0; % Number of transmitted packet
- %************************** transmitter *****************************
- for iii=1:nloop
- seldata=rand(1,para*nd*ml)>0.5; % DC=0
- paradata=reshape(seldata,para,nd*ml); %size(51 * nd*ml)
- %-------------- ml modulation ----------------
- [ich,qch]=qpskmod(paradata,para,nd,ml);
- kmod=1/sqrt(2);
- ich=ich.*kmod;
- qch=qch.*kmod;
- % CE data generation
- kndata=zeros(1,fftlen);
- kndata0=2.*(rand(1,52)>0.5)-1;
- kndata(2:27)=kndata0(1:26);
- kndata(39:64)=kndata0(27:52);
- ceich=kndata; % CE:BPSK
- ceqch=zeros(1,64);
- %------------- data mapping (DC=0) -----------
- [ich1,qch1]=crmapping(ich,qch,fftlen,nd);
- ich2=[ceich.' ich1]; % I-channel transmission data
- qch2=[ceqch.' qch1]; % Q-channel transmission data
- %------------------- IFFT -------------------
- x=ich2+qch2.*i;
- y=ifft(x);
- ich3=real(y);
- qch3=imag(y);
- %---------- Gurad interval insertion ---------
- fftlen2=fftlen+gilen;
- [ich4,qch4]= giins(ich3,qch3,fftlen,gilen,nd+1);
- %---------- Attenuation Calculation ----------
- spow=sum(ich4.^2+qch4.^2)/nd./52;
- attn=0.5*spow*sr/br*10.^(-ebn0/10);
- attn=sqrt(attn);
- %********************** fading channel ******************************
- %If you would like to simulate performance under fading, please remove "*"
- %from the following four sentenses
- [ifade,qfade,ramp,rcos,rsin]=sefade(ich4,qch4,itau,dlvl1,th1,n0,itnd1,now1,length(ich4),tstp,fd,flat);
- itnd1 = itnd1+itnd0; % Updata fading counter
- ich4=ifade;
- qch4=qfade;
- %%% interference wave addition
- % interference
- [iintw,qintw]=interwave(ci,spow,ml2,length(ich4),tstp,fadingpara);
- itnd2 = itnd2+itnd02;
- fadingpara(5,:)=itnd2;
- ich4=ich4+iintw;
- qch4=qch4+qintw;
- %*************************** Receiver *****************************
- %--------------- AWGN addition ---------------
- [ich5,qch5]=comb(ich4,qch4,attn);
- %----Perfect fading compensation for one path fading ----
- %If you would like to simulate performance under perfect compensation, please remove "*"
- %from the following four sentenses
- %ifade2=1./ramp.*(rcos(1,:).*ich5+rsin(1,:).*qch5);
- %qfade2=1./ramp.*(-rsin(1,:).*ich5+rcos(1,:).*qch5);
- %ich5=ifade2;
- %qch5=qfade2;
- %----------- Guard interval removal ----------
- [ich6,qch6]= girem(ich5,qch5,fftlen2,gilen,nd+1);
- %------------------ FFT --------------------
- rx=ich6+qch6.*i;
- ry=fft(rx);
- ich7=real(ry);
- qch7=imag(ry);
- %-------------- Fading compensation by CE symbol --------------
- %
- %If you would like to simulate performance under CE-based compensation, please remove "*"
- %in this area
- %
- % preparation known CE data
- ce=1;
- ice0=ich2(:,ce);
- qce0=qch2(:,ce);
- % taking CE data out of received data
- ice1=ich7(:,ce);
- qce1=qch7(:,ce);
- % calculating reverse rotation
- iv=real((1./(ice1.^2+qce1.^2)).*(ice0+i.*qce0).*(ice1-i.*qce1));
- qv=imag((1./(ice1.^2+qce1.^2)).*(ice0+i.*qce0).*(ice1-i.*qce1));
- % matrix for reverse rotation
- ieqv1=[iv iv iv iv iv iv iv];
- qeqv1=[qv qv qv qv qv qv qv];
- % reverse rotation
- icompen=real((ich7+i.*qch7).*(ieqv1+i.*qeqv1));
- qcompen=imag((ich7+i.*qch7).*(ieqv1+i.*qeqv1));
- ich7=icompen;
- qch7=qcompen;
- %---------- CE symbol removal ----------------
- ich8=ich7(:,knd+1:nd+1);
- qch8=qch7(:,knd+1:nd+1);
- %---------- DC and pilot data removal --------
- [ich9,qch9]=crdemapping(ich8,qch8,fftlen,nd);
- %----------------- demoduration --------------
- ich10=ich9./kmod;
- qch10=qch9./kmod;
- [demodata]=qpskdemod(ich10,qch10,para,nd,ml);
- %-------------- error calculation ----------
- demodata1=reshape(demodata,1,para*nd*ml);
- noe2=sum(abs(demodata1-seldata));
- nod2=length(seldata);
- % calculating PER
- if noe2~=0
- eop=eop+1;
- else
- eop=eop;
- end
- eop;
- nop=nop+1;
- % calculating BER
- noe=noe+noe2;
- nod=nod+nod2;
- fprintf('%dt%et%dn',iii,noe2/nod2,eop);
- end
- per=eop/nop;
- ber=noe/nod;
- %********************** Output result ***************************
- fprintf('%ft%et%et%dt%dn',ci,ber,per,nloop,fd);
- fid = fopen('BERofdmci.dat','a');
- fprintf(fid,'%ft%et%et%dt%dn',ci,ber,per,nloop,fd);
- fclose(fid);
- %******************** end of file ***************************