- % Program 3-21
- % qam16
- %
- % Simulation program to realize 16QAM transmission system
- %
- % Programmed by H.Harada and R.Funada
- %
- %******************** preparation part *************************************
- sr=256000.0; % Symbol rate
- ml=4; % ml:Number of modulation levels (BPSK:ml=1, QPSK:ml=2, 16QAM:ml=4)
- br=sr .* ml; % Bit rate
- nd = 1000; % Number of symbols that simulates in each loop
- ebn0=6; % Eb/N0
- IPOINT=8; % Number of oversamples
- %********************** Filter initialization **************************
- irfn=21; % Number of taps
- alfs=0.5; % Rolloff factor
- [xh] = hrollfcoef(irfn,IPOINT,sr,alfs,1); %Transmitter filter coefficients
- [xh2] = hrollfcoef(irfn,IPOINT,sr,alfs,0); %Receiver filter coefficients
- %************************** START CALCULATION *******************************
- nloop=100; % Number of simulation loops
- noe = 0; % Number of error data
- nod = 0; % Number of transmitted data
- for iii=1:nloop
- %*************************** Data generation ********************************
- data1=rand(1,nd*ml)>0.5;
- %*************************** 16QAM Modulation ********************************
- [ich,qch]=qammod(data1,1,nd,ml);
- [ich1,qch1]= compoversamp(ich,qch,length(ich),IPOINT);
- [ich2,qch2]= compconv(ich1,qch1,xh);
- %**************************** Attenuation Calculation ***********************
- spow=sum(ich2.*ich2+qch2.*qch2)/nd;
- attn=0.5*spow*sr/br*10.^(-ebn0/10);
- attn=sqrt(attn);
- %********************** Fading channel **********************
- % Generated data are fed into a fading simulator
- % [ifade,qfade]=sefade(ich2,qch2,itau,dlvl,th1,n0,itnd1,now1,length(ich2),tstp,fd,flat);
- % Updata fading counter
- % itnd1 = itnd1+ itnd0;
- %********************* Add White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) **********************
- [ich3,qch3]= comb(ich2,qch2,attn);% add white gaussian noise
- [ich4,qch4]= compconv(ich3,qch3,xh2);
- sampl=irfn*IPOINT+1;
- ich5 = ich4(sampl:IPOINT:length(ich4));
- qch5 = qch4(sampl:IPOINT:length(ich4));
- %**************************** 16QAM Demodulation *****************************
- [demodata]=qamdemod(ich5,qch5,1,nd,ml);
- %******************** Bit Error Rate (BER) ****************************
- noe2=sum(abs(data1-demodata));
- nod2=length(data1);
- noe=noe+noe2;
- nod=nod+nod2;
- fprintf('%dt%en',iii,noe2/nod2);
- end % for iii=1:nloop
- %********************** Output result ***************************
- ber = noe/nod;
- fprintf('%dt%dt%dt%en',ebn0,noe,nod,noe/nod);
- fid = fopen('BERqam.dat','a');
- fprintf(fid,'%dt%et%ft%ftn',ebn0,noe/nod,noe,nod);
- fclose(fid);
- %******************** end of file ***************************