- % Program 6-1
- % main.m
- %
- % Packet communication system
- %
- % MATLAB version
- % Programmed by M.Okita
- % Checked by H.Harada
- %
- clear;
- % definition of the global variable
- global Srate Plen Ttime Dtime
- global Mnum Mplen Mstime Mstate
- global Tint Rint
- global Spnum Splen Tplen Wtime
- STANDBY = 0; % definition of the fixed number
- PERMIT = 3;
- % definition of the protocol
- protocol = { 'paloha' ... % Pure ALOHA : pno = 1
- 'saloha' ... % Slotted ALOHA : pno = 2
- 'npcsma' ... % np-CSMA : pno = 3
- 'snpisma' ... % Slotted np-ISMA : pno = 4
- };
- % definition of communication channel
- brate = 512e3; % bit rate
- Srate = 256e3; % symbol rate
- Plen = 128; % length of a packet
- Dtime = 0.01; % normalized propagation delay
- alfa = 3; % decline fixed number of propagation loss
- sigma = 6; % standard deviation of shadowing [dB]
- % definition of the access point
- r = 100; % service area radius [m]
- bxy = [0, 0, 5]; % position of the access point (x,y,z)[m]
- tcn = 10; % capture ratio [dB]
- % definition of the access terminals
- Mnum = 100; % number of the access terminal
- mcn = 30; % C/N at the access point when transmitted from area edge
- % simulation condition
- pno = 1; % protocol number
- capture = 0; % capture effect 0:nothing 1:consider
- spend = 10000; % number of packets that simulation is finished
- outfile = 'test.dat'; % result output file name
- Ttime = Plen / Srate; % transmission time of one packet
- mpow = 10^(mcn/10) * sqrt(r^2+bxy(3)^2)^alfa; % true value of C/N
- fid = fopen(outfile,'w');
- fprintf(fid,'Protocol = %dn',pno);
- fprintf(fid,'Capture = %dn',capture);
- fprintf(fid,'Normalize_delay_time = %fn',Dtime);
- fprintf(fid,'Bit_rate (bps)= %dn',brate);
- fprintf(fid,'Symbol_rate (sps)= %dn',Srate);
- fprintf(fid,'Length_of_Packet (sbl)= %dn',Plen);
- fprintf(fid,'Number_of_mobile_station= %dn',Mnum);
- fprintf(fid,'Transmission_power (C/N)= %fn',mcn);
- fprintf(fid,'Capture_ratio (dB)= %fn',tcn);
- fprintf(fid,'Number_of_Packet = %dn',spend);
- fprintf('n********* Simulation Start *********nn');
- if capture == 0
- fprintf(' %s without capture effectnn',char(protocol(pno)));
- else
- fprintf(' %s with capture effectnn',char(protocol(pno)));
- end
- mxy = position(r,Mnum,0); % positioning of the access terminals
- randn('state',sum(100*clock)); % resetting of the random table
- mrnd = randn(1,Mnum); % decision of the shadowing
- for G=[0.1:0.1:1,1.2:0.2:2] % offered traffic
- if G >= Mnum
- break
- end
- Tint = -Ttime / log(1-G/Mnum); % expectation value of the packet generation interval
- Rint = Tint; % expectation value of the packet resending interval
- Spnum = 0;
- Splen = 0;
- Tplen = 0;
- Wtime = 0;
- now_time = feval(char(protocol(pno)),-1); % initialize of the access terminals
- while 1
- next_time = feval(char(protocol(pno)),now_time);
- if Spnum >= spend
- break
- end
- idx = find(Mstate==TRANSMIT | Mstate==COLLISION);
- if capture == 0 % without capture effect
- if length(idx) > 1
- Mstate(idx) = COLLISION; % collision occurs
- end
- else % with capture effect
- if length(idx) > 1
- dxy = distance(bxy,mxy(idx,:),1); % calculation of the distance
- pow = mpow * dxy.^-alfa .* 10.^(sigma/10*mrnd(idx)); % calculation of received power
- [maxp no] = max(pow);
- if Mstate(idx(no)) == TRANSMIT
- if length(idx) == 1
- cn = 10 * log10(maxp);
- else
- cn = 10 * log10(maxp/(sum(pow)-maxp+1));
- end
- Mstate(idx) = COLLISION;
- if cn >= tcn % received power larger than capture ratio
- Mstate(idx(no)) = TRANSMIT; % transmitting success
- end
- else
- Mstate(idx) = COLLISION;
- end
- end
- end
- now_time = next_time; % time is advanced until the next state change time
- end
- traffic = Tplen / Srate / now_time; % calculation of the traffic
- ts = theorys(pno,traffic,Dtime); % calculation of the theory value of the throughput
- fprintf(fid,'%ft%ft%ft%ft%ft%ft%fn',G,now_time ...
- ,Splen/Srate,Tplen/Srate,Wtime,Tint,Rint);
- fprintf('G=%ftS=%ftTS=%fn',traffic,Splen/Srate/now_time,ts);
- end
- fprintf('n********** Simulation End **********nn');
- fclose(fid);
- graph(outfile);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%