- % Program 6-4
- % theorys.m
- %
- % The calculation of the theory value of the throughput
- %
- % Input arguments
- % no : protocol number 1 : Pure ALOHA
- % 2 : Slotted ALOHA
- % 3 : np-CSMA
- % 4 : Slotted np-ISMA
- % g : offered traffic (scalar or vector)
- % a : normalized propagation delay
- %
- % Output argument
- % ts : the theory value of the throughput (scalar or vector)
- %
- % Programmed by M.Okita
- % Checked by H.Harada
- %
- function [ts] = theorys(no,g,a)
- switch no
- case 1 % Pure ALOHA
- ts = g .* exp(-2*g);
- case 2 % Slotted ALOHA
- ts = g .* exp(-g);
- case 3 % Non-Persistent Carrier Sense Multiple Access
- ts = g .* exp(-a*g) ./ (g*(1+2*a)+exp(-a*g));
- case 4 % Slotted Non-Persistent ISMA
- ts = a * g .* exp(-a*g) ./ (1+a-exp(-a*g));
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%