- % Program 7-8
- %
- % main.m
- %
- % Programmed by A.Kanazawa
- % Checked by H.Harada
- %
- clear
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Status initialization
- I = 1; % The cluster size is determined from I and J. (n = I*I + J*J + I*J)
- J = 2;
- r = 100; % the radius of the cell[m]
- h = 0; % the height of the BS[m]
- D = set_D(I,J,r);
- station = stationInit(D);
- xbs = real(station); % The x axis of the BS
- ybs = imag(station); % The y axis of the BS
- sigma = 6.5; % standard deviation of shadowing
- alpha = 3.5; % path loss factor
- % margin = 0; % The parameter for power control
- % Characteristics of antenna gain decision for BS
- w_HBS = 60; % [horizontal]: beam width at BS for the target direction [degree]
- backg_BS = -100; % [horizontal]: antenna gain at BS for the opposite direction [dB]
- w_VBS = 360; % [vertical]: beam width at BS [degree]
- % Characteristics of antenna gain decision for MS
- w_HMS = 360; % [horizontal]: beam width at MS for the target direction [degree]
- backg_MS = -100; % [horizontal]: antenna gain at MS for the opposite direction [dB]
- w_VMS = 360; % [vertical]:beam width at MS [degree]
- if h == 0, % In the case of macro cell situation,
- w_VBS = 360; w_VMS = 360; % the effect of beam tilt becomes less.
- end %
- % Antenna gain calculation of each BS
- g_HBS = antgain(w_HBS, backg_BS);
- g_VBS = antgain(w_VBS, 0);
- g_HMS = antgain(w_HMS, backg_MS);
- g_VMS = antgain(w_VMS, 0);
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Loop
- %-------Initialization of MS positions
- N=1000; % The number of repeat
- for num = 1:N,
- Rx = rand(1,19); % the random values: [0-1]
- Ry = rand(1,19); % the random values: [0-1]
- X = r*Rx;
- Y = Ry.* sqrt ( r ^2 - X.^2 );
- tx = 2*((rand(1,19)>0.5) -0.5); % the random values: -1 or 1
- ty = 2*((rand(1,19)>0.5) -0.5); % the random values: -1 or 1
- x= X.* tx; % The x axis of the MS when we regard the position of each BS as (0,0)
- y= Y.* ty; % The y axis of the MS when we regard the position of each BS as (0,0)
- x2 = x+xbs.'; % The x axis of the MS when we regard the position of central BS as (0,0)
- y2 = y+ybs.'; % The y axis of the MS when we regard the position of central BS as (0,0)
- z(1,:) = x + i * y; % The complex expression of MS when we regard the position of each BS as (0,0)
- z(2,:) = x2+ i * y2; % The complex expression of MS when we regard the position of central BS as (0,0)
- d(1,:) = abs(z(1,:)); % The distance between BS_i and MS_i in horizontal axis
- d(2,:) = abs(z(2,:)); % The distance between central BS and MS_i in horizontal axis
- d2 = sqrt(d.^2 + h^2); % The distance
- phai(1,:) = angle(z(1,:)); % The angle difference between BS_i and MS_i [rad]
- phai(2,:) = angle(z(2,:)); % The angle difference between central BS and MS_i [rad]
- deg = phai*180/pi; % the conversion of radian to degree
- if h ==0, degH = 90*ones(1,19);
- else
- phaiH = atan(d(2,:)/h); % the elevation angle between central BS and MS_i
- degH = phaiH*180/pi; % the conversion of radian to degree
- end
- %-------shadowing----------
- for m = 1:19
- g(m) = 10*log10(shadow(sigma));
- end
- % ----- propagation loss -----
- Loss(1,:) = 10 * log10(d2(1,:).^alpha); % The propagation loss from MS_i to BS_i [dB]
- Loss(2,:) = 10 * log10(d2(2,:).^alpha); % The propagation loss from MS_i to BS_0 [dB]
- Loss_max = 10 * log10(r.^alpha); % The propagation loss from the cell boundary to BS [dB]
- % Free space loss
- % wl = 0.1;
- % Loss(1,:) = 10 * log10((4*pi*d2(1,:)/wl).^2); % The propagation loss from MS_i to BS_i [dB]
- % Loss(2,:) = 10 * log10((4*pi*d2(2,:)/wl).^2); % The propagation loss from MS_i to BS_0 [dB]
- % Loss_max = 10 * log10((4*pi*r/wl).^2); % The propagation loss from the cell boundary to BS [dB]
- %--------Transmission power level of each MS [dB]------------
- Ptm_0= Loss_max*ones(1,19); % no power control
- % Ptm_0= Loss(1,:) + margin; % power control (with margin [dB])
- %--------- Calculation of antenna gain for the target direction
- deg_B = deg(2,1)-deg(2,:); % the angle difference between the MS_0 and MS_i from central BS
- deg_M = deg(1,:)-deg(2,:);% the angle difference between the BS_0 and BS_i from MS_i
- degHBS = mod(round(deg_B),360);
- degHMS = mod(round(deg_M),360);
- degVBS = round(degH-degH(1)); % the angle difference in vertical direction between MSs and central BS
- degVMS = degVBS; % the angle difference in vertical direction between MSs and central BS
- %-----Calculation of CIR at centered BS
- %Control
- CIdB_a= Ptm_0(1:19)+g_HBS(degHBS(1:19)+1) + g_VBS(degVBS(1:19)+1) + g_HMS(degHMS(1:19)+1) + g_VMS(degVMS(1:19)+1)- Loss(2,1:19)-g(1:19); % Received level at central BS (beam forming)
- CIw_a = 10 .^ ( CIdB_a ./ 10 ); % dB 仺 W
- isum_a = sum( CIw_a(2:19));
- CIR_a(num) = CIw_a(1) / isum_a;
- %No Control
- CIdB_o= Ptm_0(1:19)- Loss(2,1:19)-g(1:19); % Received level at centered BS (Omni)
- CIw_o= 10 .^ ( CIdB_o ./ 10 ); % dB 仺 W
- isum_o = sum( CIw_o(2:19));
- CIR_o(num) = CIw_o(1) / isum_o;
- %-----Calculation of CIR under various w_HBS
- %ii = 1;
- %for w_HBS2=30:10:180,
- % g_HBS2 = antgain(w_HBS2, backg_BS);
- % CIdB_a2= Ptm_0(1:19)+g_HBS2(degHBS(1:19)+1) + g_VBS(degVBS(1:19)+1) + g_HMS(degHMS(1:19)+1) + g_VMS(degVMS(1:19)+1)- Loss(2,1:19)-g(1:19); % Received level at central BS (beam)
- % CIw_a2 = 10 .^ ( CIdB_a2 ./ 10 ); % dB 仺 W
- % ciw_a2 = sum( CIw_a2(2:19));
- % CIR_a2(num,ii) = CIw_a2(1) / ciw_a2;
- % ii = ii+1;
- %end
- end
- %-----statistics
- CA = 10 * log10(sum(CIR_a)/N);
- CO = 10 * log10(sum(CIR_o)/N);
- %----result
- CA-CO % Improvement
- %-----Calculation of CIR under various w_HBS
- % CA2= 10 * log10(sum(CIR_a2)/N);
- % CA2-CO
- % plot(30:10:180,CA2-CO)
- %************ End of file ************