- % Program 7-1
- %
- % dcamain.m
- %
- % Simulation program to realize DCA algorithm
- %
- % Programmed by F. Kojima
- %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% preparation part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- cnedge = 20.0; % CNR on cell edge (dB)
- cnirth = 15.0; % CNIR threshold (dB)
- lambda = 6.0; % average call arrival rate (times/hour)
- ht = 120.0; % average call holding time (second)
- timestep = 10; % time step of condition check (second)
- timeend = 5000; % time length of simulation (second)
- chnum = 5; % number of channels per each base station
- alpha = 3.5; % pass loss factor
- sigma = 6.5; % standard deviation of shadowing
- usernum = [5,10,15,20,25]; % number of users per cell
- output = zeros(4,5); % output matrix
- check = zeros(5,floor(timeend/timestep)); % matrix for transient statu
- for parameter = 1:5
- rand('state',5);
- randn('state',1);
- user = usernum(parameter); %number of users per cell
- baseinfo = zeros(19, 2);
- %baseinfo(cell #, informations)
- %%%%%baseinfo(:, 1): x coordinates
- %%%%%baseinfo(:, 2): y coordinates
- userinfo = zeros(19, user, 15);
- %userinfo(cell #, user #, informations)
- %%%%%userinfo(:, :, 1): x axis
- %%%%%userinfo(:, :, 2): y axis
- %%%%%userinfo(:, :, 3): attenuation
- %%%%%userinfo(:, :, 4): usage 0->non-connected 1->connected
- %%%%%userinfo(:, :, 5): call termination time
- %%%%%userinfo(:, :, 6): allocated channel #
- [baseinfo] = basest;
- [wrapinfo] = wrap;
- [meshnum, meshposition] = cellmesh;
- timenow = 0;
- blocknum = 0;
- forcenum = 0;
- callnum = 0;
- users = 0; % number of connected users
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% main loop part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- while timenow < timeend
- callnumold = callnum;
- blocknumold = blocknum;
- forcenumold = forcenum;
- %finished calls
- for numcell = 1:19
- for numuser = 1:user
- if userinfo(numcell, numuser, 4) == 1 & userinfo(numcell, numuser, 5) < timenow
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 4) = 0;
- users = users -1;
- end
- end
- end
- %reallocation check
- for numcell = 1:19
- for numuser = 1:user
- if userinfo(numcell, numuser,4) == 1
- reallo = 0; % flag
- cnirdb1 = 0.0;
- dwave = userinfo(numcell, numuser, 3);
- cn = power(10.0, cnedge/10.0) * dwave;
- uwave = 0.0;
- ch = userinfo(numcell, numuser, 6);
- for around = 2:7
- othercell = wrapinfo(numcell, around);
- for other = 1:user
- if userinfo(othercell, other, 4) == 1 & userinfo(othercell, other, 6) == ch
- userposi(1,1:2) = userinfo(othercell, other, 1:2);
- here = baseinfo(numcell, :);
- there = userposi - baseinfo(othercell, :) + baseinfo(around, :) + baseinfo(numcell, :);
- uwave = uwave + dist(here, there, alpha)*shadow(sigma);
- end
- end
- end % around loop
- if uwave == 0
- cnirdb = 10.0*log10(cn);
- else
- cnirdb = 10.0*log10(1/(uwave/dwave+1/cn));
- end
- if cnirdb < cnirth
- reallo = 1;
- end
- if reallo == 1
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 4) = 0;
- users = users -1;
- succeed = 0;
- cnirdb = 0.0;
- for ch = 1:chnum
- available = 1;
- for other = 1:user
- if userinfo(numcell, other, 4) == 1 & userinfo(numcell, other, 6) == ch
- available = 0;
- end
- end
- if available == 1
- uwave = 0.0;
- for around = 2:7
- othercell = wrapinfo(numcell, around);
- for other = 1:user
- if userinfo(othercell, other, 4) == 1 & userinfo(othercell, other, 6) == ch
- userposi(1,1:2) = userinfo(othercell, other, 1:2);
- here = baseinfo(numcell, :);
- there = userposi - baseinfo(othercell, :) + baseinfo(around, :) + baseinfo(numcell, :);
- uwave = uwave + dist(here, there, alpha)*shadow(sigma);
- end
- end
- end % around loop
- if uwave == 0
- cnirdb = 10.0*log10(cn);
- else
- cnirdb = 10.0*log10(1/(uwave/dwave+1/cn));
- end
- else
- cnirdb = 0.0;
- end
- if cnirdb >= cnirth
- succeed = 1;
- users = users + 1;
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 4) = 1;
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 6) = ch;
- break
- end
- end % ch loop
- if succeed == 0
- forcenum = forcenum + 1;
- end
- end % reallo == 1
- end % connected (need to be checked)
- end % user loop
- end % cell loop
- %new call arrival
- for numcell = 1:19
- for numuser = 1:user
- if userinfo(numcell, numuser, 4) == 0 & rand <= lambda*timestep/3600
- callnum = callnum + 1;
- mesh = floor(meshnum.*rand) +1;
- while mesh > meshnum
- mesh = floor(meshnum.*rand) +1;
- end
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 1:2) = baseinfo(numcell, :) + meshposition(mesh, :);
- succeed = 0; % flag
- cnirdb = 0.0;
- userposi(1,1:2) = userinfo(numcell, numuser, 1:2);
- here = baseinfo(numcell,:);
- there = userposi;
- dwave = dist(here, there, alpha) * shadow(sigma);
- cn = power(10.0, cnedge/10.0) * dwave;
- for ch = 1:chnum
- available = 1;
- for other = 1:user
- if userinfo(numcell, other, 4) == 1 & userinfo(numcell, other, 6) == ch
- available = 0;
- end
- end
- if available == 1
- uwave = 0.0;
- for around = 2:7
- othercell = wrapinfo(numcell, around);
- for other = 1:user
- if userinfo(othercell, other, 4) == 1 & userinfo(othercell, other, 6) == ch
- userposi(1,1:2) = userinfo(othercell, other, 1:2);
- here = baseinfo(numcell, :);
- there = userposi - baseinfo(othercell, :) + baseinfo(around, :) + baseinfo(numcell, :);
- uwave = uwave + dist(here, there, alpha)*shadow(sigma);
- end
- end
- end % around loop
- if uwave == 0
- cnirdb = 10.0*log10(cn);
- else
- cnirdb = 10.0*log10(1/(uwave/dwave+1/cn));
- end
- else
- cnirdb = 0.0;
- end
- if cnirdb >= cnirth
- succeed = 1;
- users = users + 1;
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 3) = dwave;
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 4) = 1;
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 5) = timenow + holdtime(ht);
- userinfo(numcell, numuser, 6) = ch;
- break
- end
- end % ch loop
- if succeed == 0
- blocknum = blocknum + 1;
- end
- end % new call
- end % user loop
- end % cell loop
- fprintf('%dt%dt%dt%dt%en',parameter,timenow,callnum-callnumold,blocknum-blocknumold,blocknum/callnum);
- check(parameter,timenow/timestep+1) = blocknum/callnum;
- check2(parameter,timenow/timestep+1) = forcenum/(callnum-blocknum);
- timenow = timenow + timestep;
- end %while loop
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% output part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- output(1,parameter) = callnum;
- output(2,parameter) = blocknum;
- output(3,parameter) = blocknum/callnum;
- output(4,parameter) = forcenum/(callnum-blocknum);
- end %parameter loop
- fid = fopen('data.txt','w');
- fprintf(fid,'UserNumbert');
- fprintf(fid,'%gt%gt%gn', usernum(1,:));
- fprintf(fid,'CallNumbert');
- fprintf(fid,'%gt%gt%gn', output(1,:));
- fprintf(fid,'BlockNumbert');
- fprintf(fid,'%gt%gt%gn', output(2,:));
- fprintf(fid,'BlockingProb. t');
- fprintf(fid,'%gt%gt%gn', output(3,:));
- fprintf(fid,'ForcedTerminationProb. t');
- fprintf(fid,'%gt%gt%gn', output(4,:));
- fclose(fid);
- %******* end of file *********