- % Program 5-6
- %
- % Simulation program to realize DS-CDMA system
- %
- % dscdma.m
- %
- % Programmed by M.Okita and H.Harada
- %
- %**************************** Preparation part *****************************
- sr = 256000.0; % symbol rate
- ml = 2; % number of modulation levels
- br = sr * ml; % bit rate
- nd = 100; % number of symbol
- ebn0 = 3; % Eb/No
- %************************** Filter initialization **************************
- irfn = 21; % number of filter taps
- IPOINT = 8; % number of oversample
- alfs = 0.5; % roll off factor
- [xh] = hrollfcoef(irfn,IPOINT,sr,alfs,1); % T FILTER FUNCTION
- [xh2] = hrollfcoef(irfn,IPOINT,sr,alfs,0); % R FILTER FUNCTION
- %********************** Spreading code initialization **********************
- user = 1; % number of users
- seq = 1; % 1:M-sequence 2:Gold 3:Orthogonal Gold
- stage = 3; % number of stages
- ptap1 = [1 3]; % position of taps for 1st
- ptap2 = [2 3]; % position of taps for 2nd
- regi1 = [1 1 1]; % initial value of register for 1st
- regi2 = [1 1 1]; % initial value of register for 2nd
- %******************** Generation of the spreading code *********************
- switch seq
- case 1 % M-sequence
- code = mseq(stage,ptap1,regi1,user);
- case 2 % Gold sequence
- m1 = mseq(stage,ptap1,regi1);
- m2 = mseq(stage,ptap2,regi2);
- code = goldseq(m1,m2,user);
- case 3 % Orthogonal Gold sequence
- m1 = mseq(stage,ptap1,regi1);
- m2 = mseq(stage,ptap2,regi2);
- code = [goldseq(m1,m2,user),zeros(user,1)];
- end
- code = code * 2 - 1;
- clen = length(code);
- %************************** Fading initialization **************************
- rfade = 0; % Rayleigh fading 0:nothing 1:consider
- itau = [0,8]; % delay time
- dlvl1 = [0.0,40.0]; % attenuation level
- n0 = [6,7]; % number of waves to generate fading
- th1 = [0.0,0.0]; % initial Phase of delayed wave
- itnd1 = [3001,4004]; % set fading counter
- now1 = 2; % number of directwave + delayed wave
- tstp = 1 / sr / IPOINT / clen; % time resolution
- fd = 160; % doppler frequency [Hz]
- flat = 1; % flat Rayleigh environment
- itndel = nd * IPOINT * clen * 30; % number of fading counter to skip
- %**************************** START CALCULATION ****************************
- nloop = 1000; % simulation number of times
- noe = 0;
- nod = 0;
- for ii=1:nloop
- %****************************** Transmitter ********************************
- data = rand(user,nd*ml) > 0.5;
- [ich, qch] = qpskmod(data,user,nd,ml); % QPSK modulation
- [ich1,qch1] = spread(ich,qch,code); % spreading
- [ich2,qch2] = compoversamp2(ich1,qch1,IPOINT); % over sampling
- [ich3,qch3] = compconv2(ich2,qch2,xh); % filter
- if user == 1 % transmission
- ich4 = ich3;
- qch4 = qch3;
- else
- ich4 = sum(ich3);
- qch4 = sum(qch3);
- end
- %***************************** Fading channel ******************************
- if rfade == 0
- ich5 = ich4;
- qch5 = qch4;
- else
- [ich5,qch5] = sefade(ich4,qch4,itau,dlvl1,th1,n0,itnd1, ... % fading channel
- now1,length(ich4),tstp,fd,flat);
- itnd1 = itnd1 + itndel;
- end
- %******************************** Receiver *********************************
- spow = sum(rot90(ich3.^2 + qch3.^2)) / nd; % attenuation Calculation
- attn = sqrt(0.5 * spow * sr / br * 10^(-ebn0/10));
- [ich6,qch6] = comb2(ich5,qch5,attn); % Add White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)
- [ich7,qch7] = compconv2(ich6,qch6,xh2); % filter
- sampl = irfn * IPOINT + 1;
- ich8 = ich7(:,sampl:IPOINT:IPOINT*nd*clen+sampl-1);
- qch8 = qch7(:,sampl:IPOINT:IPOINT*nd*clen+sampl-1);
- [ich9 qch9] = despread(ich8,qch8,code); % despreading
- demodata = qpskdemod(ich9,qch9,user,nd,ml); % QPSK demodulation
- %************************** Bit Error Rate (BER) ***************************
- noe2 = sum(sum(abs(data-demodata)));
- nod2 = user * nd * ml;
- noe = noe + noe2;
- nod = nod + nod2;
- fprintf('%dt%en',ii,noe2/nod2);
- end
- %******************************** Data file ********************************
- ber = noe / nod;
- fprintf('%dt%dt%dt%en',ebn0,noe,nod,noe/nod); % fprintf: built in function
- fid = fopen('BER.dat','a');
- fprintf(fid,'%dt%et%ft%ftn',ebn0,noe/nod,noe,nod); % fprintf: built in function
- fclose(fid);
- %******************************** end of file ********************************