- % Program 2-5
- % fade.m
- %
- % Generate Rayleigh fading
- %
- % Programmed by H.Harada
- function [iout,qout,ramp,rcos,rsin]=fade(idata,qdata,nsamp,tstp,fd,no,counter,flat)
- %****************** variables *************************
- % idata : input Ich data
- % qdata : input Qch data
- % iout : output Ich data
- % qout : output Qch data
- % ramp : Amplitude contaminated by fading
- % rcos : Cosine value contaminated by fading
- % rsin : Cosine value contaminated by fading
- % nsamp : Number of samples to be simulated
- % tstp : Minimum time resolution
- % fd : maximum doppler frequency
- % no : number of waves in order to generate fading
- % counter : fading counter
- % flat : flat fading or not
- % (1->flat (only amplitude is fluctuated),0->nomal(phase and amplitude are fluctutated)
- %******************************************************
- if fd ~= 0.0
- ac0 = sqrt(1.0 ./ (2.0.*(no + 1))); % power normalized constant(ich)
- as0 = sqrt(1.0 ./ (2.0.*no)); % power normalized constant(qch)
- ic0 = counter; % fading counter
- pai = 3.14159265;
- wm = 2.0.*pai.*fd;
- n = 4.*no + 2;
- ts = tstp;
- wmts = wm.*ts;
- paino = pai./no;
- xc=zeros(1,nsamp);
- xs=zeros(1,nsamp);
- ic=[1:nsamp]+ic0;
- for nn = 1: no
- cwn = cos( cos(2.0.*pai.*nn./n).*ic.*wmts );
- xc = xc + cos(paino.*nn).*cwn;
- xs = xs + sin(paino.*nn).*cwn;
- end
- cwmt = sqrt(2.0).*cos(ic.*wmts);
- xc = (2.0.*xc + cwmt).*ac0;
- xs = 2.0.*xs.*as0;
- ramp=sqrt(xc.^2+xs.^2);
- rcos=xc./ramp;
- rsin=xs./ramp;
- if flat ==1
- iout = sqrt(xc.^2+xs.^2).*idata(1:nsamp); % output signal(ich)
- qout = sqrt(xc.^2+xs.^2).*qdata(1:nsamp); % output signal(qch)
- else
- iout = xc.*idata(1:nsamp) - xs.*qdata(1:nsamp); % output signal(ich)
- qout = xs.*idata(1:nsamp) + xc.*qdata(1:nsamp); % output signal(qch)
- end
- else
- iout=idata;
- qout=qdata;
- end
- % ************************end of files***********************************