- %
- % README Chapter 5
- %
- % by Hiroshi Harada
- %
- % If you have any bugs and questions in our simulation programs, please e-mail
- % to We try to do our best to answer your questions.
- %
- In this directory, we can find the seventeen files. The relationship between file name and the number of program written in the book is shown in as follows.
- Program5-1 autocorr.m
- Program5-2 crosscorr.m
- Program5-3 mseq.m
- Program5-4 shift.m
- Program5-5 goldseq.m
- Program5-6 dscdma.m
- Program5-7 spread.m
- Program5-8 despread.m
- Program5-9 compoversamp2.m
- Program5-10 compconv2.m
- Program5-11 comb2.m
- Program2-5 fade.m
- Program2-6 sefade.m
- Program2-7 delay.m
- Program3-3 hrollfcoef.m
- Program3-9 qpskmod.m
- Program3-10 qpskdemod.m
- If you would like to try to use the above programs by using MATLAB.
- First of all, please copy all of files to your created adequate directory.
- Then, you start to run MATLAB and you can see the following command prompt in the command window.
- >>
- Next, you can go to the directory that have all of programs in this section by using change directory (cd) command. If you copy all of files to /matlabR12/work/chapter5, you only type the following command.
- >> cd /matlabR12/work/chapter5
- (I) Usage of the functions
- (1) Calculation of auto-correlation
- If you would like to calculate of a sequence [1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1], you can type the following command
- >> autocorr([1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1])
- As a result, the following auto-correlation value is obtained.
- ans =
- 7 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
- (2) Calculation of cross-correlation
- If you would like to calculate of sequences [1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1] and [1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1], you can type the following command.
- >> crosscorr([1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1],[1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1])
- As a result, the following cross-correlation value is obtained.
- ans =
- -1 3 -1 3 -5 3 -1
- (3) Generation of M-sequence
- The function mseq(X,Y,Z) outputs an M-sequence of the stage number X, the position of feedback taps Y, and the initial value of registers Z.
- In case of X=3, Y=[1 3], and Z=[1 1 1],
- >> mseq(3,[1 3],[1 1 1])
- ans =
- 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
- And, the function mseq(X,Y,Z,N) outputs N one-chip shifted M-sequences.
- >> mseq(3,[1 3],[1 1 1],3)
- ans =
- 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
- 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
- 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
- (4) Generation of Gold sequence
- First of all, you must prepare preferred pair of M-sequences.
- For example, you type the following commands, and generate M-sequences m1, m2.
- >> m1=mseq(3,[1 3],[1 1 1])
- m1 =
- 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
- >> m2=mseq(3,[2 3],[1 1 1])
- m2 =
- 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
- Next, you type the following command.
- >> goldseq(m1,m2)
- ans =
- 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
- As a result, you can get a Gold-sequence [0 0 0 0 1 1 0].
- And, the function goldseq(m1,m2,N) outputs N one-chip shifted Gold-sequences.
- >> goldseq(m1,m2,3)
- ans =
- 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
- 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
- 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
- (II) Simulation of synchronous DS-CDMA
- (1) Set paremeters
- First of all, we set simulation parameters in "dscdma.m".
- (a) Symbol rate
- sr = 256000.0;
- (b) Number of modulation levels
- ml = 2;
- (c) Number of symbols
- nd = 100;
- (d) Eb/No
- ebn0 = 3;
- (e) Number of filter taps
- irfn = 21;
- (f) Number of oversample
- IPOINT = 8;
- (g) Roll off factor
- alfs = 0.5;
- (h) Number of users
- user = 1;
- (i) Code sequence (1-M-sequence, 2-Gold sequence, 3-Orthogonal Gold sequecne)
- seq = 1;
- (j) Number of stages
- stage = 3;
- (k) Position of feedback taps for 1st
- ptap1 = [1 3];
- (l) Position of feedback taps for 2nd
- ptap2 = [2 3];
- (m) Initial value of registers for 1st
- regi1 = [1 1 1];
- (n) Initial value of registers for 2nd
- regi2 = [1 1 1];
- (o) Do you include the Rayleigh fading or not ? (0-No, 1-Yes)
- rfade = 0;
- (p) Delay time
- itau = [0,8];
- (q) Attenuation level
- dlvl1 = [0.0,40.0];
- (r) Number of waves to generate fading
- n0 = [6,7];
- (s) Initial phase of delayed wave
- th1 = [0.0,0.0];
- (t) Set fading counter
- itnd1 = [3001,4004];
- (u) Number of direct wave + delayed wave
- now1 = 2;
- (v) Doppler frequency [Hz]
- fd = 160;
- (w) Flat fading or not (0-Normal, 1-Flat)
- flat = 1;
- (x) Simulation number of times
- nloop = 1000;
- (y) Output file name to store the simulation results
- fid = fopen('BER.dat','a');
- (2) Type just the following command
- >> dscdma
- (3) Then, you can see the following simulation result on your command window.
- 3 4492 200000 2.246000e-002
- where first number 3 is Eb/No, second number 4492 is the number of errors, third number 200000 is the number of data, and fourth number 2.246000e-002 is BER. And, simulation result is stored in the file (BER.dat) defined with (1)-(y).
- If you change the paramter rfade from 0 to 1, you can include the effect of fading.
- By changing the value of Eb/N0 (variable ebn0), you can obtain the graph that shows the relationship between Eb/N0 and BER and that can been seen in the figures of the book.
- ********** end of file **********