- % Program 2-8
- % bpskev.m
- %
- % Evaluation program of fading counter based BPSK transmission scheme
- % This program is one of example simulations that include fading
- % As for the explanation, you can check Chapter 3.
- %
- % Programmed by H.Harada
- %
- %******************** Preparation part **********************
- % Time resolution
- % In this case, 0.5us is used as an example
- tstp = 0.5*1.0e-6;
- % Symbol rate
- % In this case we assume that each sample time is equal to 1/(symbol rate).
- % In this case 200 kbps is considered.
- sr = 1/tstp ;
- % Arrival time for each multipath normalized by tstp
- % In this simulation four-path Rayleigh fading are considered
- itau = [0, 2, 3, 4];
- % Mean power for each multipath normalized by direct wave.
- % In this simulation four-path Rayleigh fading are considered.
- % This means that the second path is -10dB less than the first direct path.
- dlvl = [0 ,10 ,20 ,25];
- % Number of waves to generate fading for each multipath.
- % In this simulation four-path Rayleigh fading are considered.
- % In normal case, more than six waves are needed to generate Rayleigh fading
- n0=[6,7,6,7];
- % Initial Phase of delayed wave
- % In this simulation four-path Rayleigh fading are considered.
- th1=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0];
- % Number of fading counter to skip (50us/0.5us)
- % In this case we assume to skip 50 us
- itnd0=100*2;
- % Initial value of fading counter
- % In this simulation four-path Rayleigh fading are considered.
- % Therefore four fading counter are needed.
- itnd1=[1000,2000, 3000, 4000];
- % Number of directwave + Number of delayed wave
- % In this simulation four-path Rayleigh fading are considered
- now1=4;
- % Maximum Doppler frequency [Hz]
- % You can insert your favorite value
- fd=200;
- % Number of data to simulate one loop
- % In this case 100 data are assumed to consider
- nd = 100;
- % You can decide two mode to simulate fading by changing the variable flat
- % flat : flat fading or not
- % (1->flat (only amplitude is fluctuated),0->nomal(phase and amplitude are fluctutated)
- flat =1;
- %******************** START CALCULATION *********************
- nloop = 1000; % Number of simulation loop
- noe = 0; % Initial number of errors
- nod = 0; % Initial number of transmitted data
- for iii=1:nloop
- %******************** Data generation ***********************
- data=rand(1,nd)>0.5; % rand: built in function
- %******************** BPSK modulation ***********************
- data1=data.*2-1; % Change data from 1 or 0 notation to +1 or -1 notation
- %********************** Fading channel **********************
- % Generated data are fed into a fading simulator
- % In the case of BPSK, only Ich data are fed into fading counter
- [data6,data7]=sefade(data1,zeros(1,length(data1)),itau,dlvl,th1,n0,itnd1,now1,length(data1),tstp,fd,flat);
- % Updata fading counter
- itnd1 = itnd1+ itnd0;
- %******************** BPSK Demodulation *********************
- demodata=data6 > 0;
- %******************** Bit Error Rate (BER) ******************
- % count number of instantaneous errors
- noe2=sum(abs(data-demodata)); % sum: built in function
- % count number of instantaneous transmitted data
- nod2=length(data); % length: built in function
- fprintf('%dt%en',iii,noe2/nod2);
- noe=noe+noe2;
- nod=nod+nod2;
- end % for iii=1:nloop
- %********************** Output result ***************************
- %ber = noe/nod;
- fprintf('%dt%dt%en',noe,nod,noe/nod);
- % ************************end of file***********************************