- % Analysis
- disp(' '), disp('------------------------------------------------------------')
- disp('Preparing Analysis')
- figure(1), clf
- if (input_type == 1) & (test_input_type == 1)
- subplot(221), stem(data_in), title('OFDM Binary Input Data');
- subplot(223), stem(output), title('OFDM Recovered Binary Data')
- else
- subplot(221), plot(data_samples), title('OFDM Symbol Input Data');
- subplot(223), plot(output_samples), title('OFDM Recovered Symbols');
- end
- subplot(222), plot(xmit), title('Transmitted OFDM');
- subplot(224), plot(recv), title('Received OFDM');
- % dig_x_axis = (1:length(QAM_tx_data))/length(QAM_tx_data);
- % figure(4), clf, subplot(212)
- % freq_data = abs(fft(QAM_rx_data));
- % L = length(freq_data)/2;
- dig_x_axis = (1:length(xmit))/length(xmit);
- figure(2), clf
- if channel_on ==1
- num = [1, zeros(1, d1-1), a1, zeros(1, d2-d1-1), a2];
- den = [1];
- [H, W] = freqz(num, den, 512);
- mag = 20*log10(abs(H));
- phase = angle(H) * 180/pi;
- subplot(313)
- freq_data = abs(fft(recv));
- L = length(freq_data)/2;
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L), freq_data(1:L))
- xlabel('FFT of Received OFDM')
- axis_temp = axis;
- subplot(311),
- freq_data = abs(fft(xmit));
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L), freq_data(1:L)), axis(axis_temp)
- title('FFT of Transmitted OFDM')
- subplot(312)
- plot(W/(2*pi),mag),
- ylabel('Channel Magnitude Response')
- else
- subplot(212)
- freq_data = abs(fft(recv));
- L = length(freq_data)/2;
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L), freq_data(1:L))
- xlabel('FFT of Received OFDM')
- axis_temp = axis;
- subplot(211),
- freq_data = abs(fft(xmit));
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L), freq_data(1:L)), axis(axis_temp)
- title('FFT of Transmitted OFDM')
- end
- % if file_input_type == 4
- % figure(5)
- % subplot(211)
- % image(data_in);
- % colormap(map);
- % subplot(212)
- % image(output);
- % colormap(map);
- % end
- if do_QAM == 1 % analyze if QAM was done
- figure(3), clf
- if (input_type == 1) & (test_input_type == 1)
- subplot(221), stem(data_in), title('QAM Binary Input Data');
- subplot(223), stem(QAM_data_out), title('QAM Recovered Binary Data')
- else
- subplot(221), plot(data_samples), title('QAM Symbol Input Data');
- subplot(223), plot(QAM_output_samples), title('QAM Recovered Symbols');
- end
- subplot(222), plot(QAM_tx_data), title('Transmitted QAM');
- subplot(224), plot(QAM_rx_data), title('Received QAM');
- dig_x_axis = (1:length(QAM_tx_data))/length(QAM_tx_data);
- figure(4), clf
- if channel_on ==1
- subplot(313)
- freq_data = abs(fft(QAM_rx_data));
- L = length(freq_data)/2;
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L), freq_data(1:L))
- xlabel('FFT of Received QAM')
- axis_temp = axis;
- subplot(311),
- freq_data = abs(fft(QAM_tx_data));
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L),freq_data(1:L)), axis(axis_temp)
- title('FFT of Transmitted QAM')
- subplot(312)
- plot(W/(2*pi),mag)
- ylabel('Channel Magnitude Response')
- else
- subplot(212)
- freq_data = abs(fft(QAM_rx_data));
- L = length(freq_data)/2;
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L), freq_data(1:L))
- title('FFT of Received QAM')
- axis_temp = axis;
- subplot(211),
- freq_data = abs(fft(QAM_tx_data));
- plot(dig_x_axis(1:L),freq_data(1:L)), axis(axis_temp)
- title('FFT of Transmitted QAM')
- end
- % Plots the QAM Received Signal Constellation
- figure(5), clf, plot(xxx,yyy,'ro'), grid on, axis([-2.5 2.5 -2.5 2.5]), hold on
- % % Overlay plot of transmitted constellation
- % x_const = [-1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5];
- % y_const = [-1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5];
- % plot(x_const, y_const, 'b*')
- % Overlay of constellation boundarys
- x1 = [-2 -2]; x2 = [-1 -1]; x3 = [0 0]; x4 = [1 1]; x5 = [2 2]; x6 = [-2 2];
- y1 = [-2 -2]; y2 = [-1 -1]; y3 = [0 0]; y4 = [1 1]; y5 = [2 2]; y6 = [-2 2];
- plot(x1,y6), plot(x2,y6), plot(x3,y6), plot(x4,y6), plot(x5,y6)
- plot(x6,y1), plot(x6,y2), plot(x6,y3), plot(x6,y4), plot(x6,y5)
- hold off
- title('16-QAM Received Signal Constellation and Decision Boundarys')
- binary_err_bits_QAM = 0;
- for i = 1:length(data_in)
- err = abs(data_in(i)-QAM_data_out(i));
- if err > 0
- binary_err_bits_QAM = binary_err_bits_QAM + 1;
- end
- end
- BER_QAM = 100 * binary_err_bits_QAM/data_length;
- end
- figure(6), clf
- if channel_on == 1
- subplot(211), plot(W/(2*pi),mag),title('Channel Magnitude Response')
- xlabel('Digital Frequency'),ylabel('Magnitude in dB')
- subplot(212), plot(W/(2*pi),phase),title('Channel Phase Response')
- xlabel('Digital Frequency'),ylabel('Phase in Degrees')
- else
- title('Channel is turned off - No frequency response to plot')
- end
- % Compare output to input and count errors
- binary_err_bits_OFDM = 0;
- for i = 1:length(data_in)
- err = abs(data_in(i)-output(i));
- if err > 0
- binary_err_bits_OFDM = binary_err_bits_OFDM +1;
- end
- end
- BER_OFDM = 100 * binary_err_bits_OFDM/data_length;
- disp(strcat('OFDM: BER=', num2str(BER_OFDM,3), ' %'))
- disp(strcat(' Number of error bits=', num2str(binary_err_bits_OFDM)))
- if (do_QAM == 1)
- disp(strcat('QAM: BER=', num2str(BER_QAM,3), ' %'))
- disp(strcat(' Number of error bits=', num2str(binary_err_bits_QAM)))
- end
- % Display text file before and after modulation
- if (input_type == 2) & (file_input_type == 2)
- original_text_file = char(data_samples')
- if do_QAM ==1
- edit QAM_text_out.txt
- end
- edit OFDM_text_out.txt
- end
- % Listen to sounds
- if (input_type == 2) & (file_input_type == 3)
- do_again = '1';
- while ( ~(isempty(do_again)) )
- disp(' ')
- disp('Press any key to hear the original sound'), pause
- sound(data_samples,11025)
- disp('Press any key to hear the sound after OFDM transmission'), pause
- sound(output_samples,11025)
- if do_QAM == 1
- disp('Press any key to hear the sound after QAM transmission'), pause
- sound(QAM_output_samples,11025)
- end
- do_again = '';
- do_again = input('Enter "1" to hear the sounds again or press "Return" to end ', 's');
- end
- end