



  1. function OFDMguiFnSound(action) % Consolidates all of the GUI callbacks into one main function % Alan Brooks the man wrote this stringArray = [... % Slide 1 'Welcome to the Sound OFDM demo. This simulates QAM    '... 'and OFDM using a sound file as input to demonstrate   '... 'the advantages of using OFDM with a multipath         '... 'channel.                                              '... 'Choose the strength of multipath present in the       '... 'channel and the plot will show the current channels   '... 'frequency response.                                   ';... % Slide 2 'Here is a frequency domain (FD) representation of the '... 'QAM data to be transmitted.                           '... 'Press any key to continue.                            '... '                                                      '... '                                                      '... '                                                      '... '                                                      ';... % Slide 2b 'For QAM (single-carrier) transmission, this plot      '... 'shows the channel frequency response (black) and the  '... 'received data (light blue) overlayed on the original  '... 'data (blue). Note that the received data is slightly  '... 'distorted due to the fading channel caused by         '... 'multipath.                                            '... 'Press any key to continue.                            ';... % Slide 2c 'Here is a frequency domain (FD) representation of the '... 'OFDM data to be transmitted.                          '... 'Press any key to continue.                            '... '                                                      '... '                                                      '... '                                                      '... '                                                      ';... % Slide 2d 'For OFDM (multi-carrier) transmission, this plot      '... 'shows the channel (black) and received data (light    '... 'blue) overlayed on the original data (blue). Note     '... 'that the OFDM received data also exhibits multipath   '... 'distortion. Also, notice that the OFDM signal is      '... 'spread out over more bandwidth than QAM since OFDM    '... 'uses many carrier frequencies.                        ';... % Slide 3 'Here are the final plots of the recovered sound files '... 'along with the Bit Error Rate (BER) for OFDM and QAM. '... 'Click any of the 3 buttons to hear these sounds.      '... 'Since OFDM handles multipath better, the sound is     '... 'less distorted.                                       '... 'The Long Sounds demonstrate longer examples that have '... 'already been processed offline.                       ']; switch(action) case 'next' %--------------------------------------- textHnd1=findobj('Tag','StaticTextFeedback'); nextHnd1=findobj('Tag','PushbuttonNext'); % handler for the Next button % axis handlers axisHnd1=findobj('Tag','Axes1'); % main axisHnd2=findobj('Tag','AxesOriginal'); % original axisHnd3=findobj('Tag','AxesQAM'); % QAM axisHnd4=findobj('Tag','AxesOFDM'); % OFDM % multipath handlers textHnd2=findobj('Tag','StaticTextMultipath'); popupHnd1=findobj('Tag','PopupMenuMultipath'); % Generated Sounds handlers textHnd3=findobj('Tag','StaticTextGenSounds'); OriginalHnd1=findobj('Tag','PushbuttonOriginal'); QAMHnd1=findobj('Tag','PushbuttonQAM'); OFDMHnd1=findobj('Tag','PushbuttonOFDM'); % Long Sounds handlers textHnd4=findobj('Tag','StaticTextLongSounds'); OriginalLongHnd1=findobj('Tag','PushbuttonOriginalLong'); QAMLongHnd1=findobj('Tag','PushbuttonQAMLong'); OFDMLongHnd1=findobj('Tag','PushbuttonOFDMLong'); % BER handlers textHnd5=findobj('Tag','StaticTextBER1'); % label textHnd6=findobj('Tag','StaticTextBER2'); % label textHnd7=findobj('Tag','StaticTextBERQAM'); % OFDM BER field textHnd8=findobj('Tag','StaticTextBEROFDM'); % QAM BER field global COUNTER if isempty(COUNTER) COUNTER = 0; % initialize COUNTER if doesn't exist end COUNTER = COUNTER + 1; [r c]=size(stringArray); if COUNTER > r COUNTER = 0;          close(gcf)
  2.          % SoundGUI SoundGUI_win % windows only else set(textHnd1,'String',stringArray(COUNTER,:)) switch(COUNTER) case 1 % disp('Slide 1') % Show/Hide the GUI set(nextHnd1,'String','Next') % show multipath controls set(textHnd2,'Visible','on') set(popupHnd1,'Visible','on') % enable multipath controls set(textHnd2,'Enable','on') set(popupHnd1,'Enable','on') % show main axis set(axisHnd1,'Visible','on'),axes(axisHnd1) % hide other axis's set(axisHnd2,'Visible','off') set(axisHnd3,'Visible','off') set(axisHnd4,'Visible','off') % hide generated sounds stuff set(textHnd3,'Visible','off') set(OriginalHnd1,'Visible','off') set(QAMHnd1,'Visible','off') set(OFDMHnd1,'Visible','off') % hide long sounds stuff set(textHnd4,'Visible','off') set(OriginalLongHnd1,'Visible','off') set(QAMLongHnd1,'Visible','off') set(OFDMLongHnd1,'Visible','off') % hide the BER displays set(textHnd5,'Visible','off') set(textHnd6,'Visible','off') set(textHnd7,'Visible','off') set(textHnd8,'Visible','off') set(popupHnd1,'Value',1) % no channel by default % default plot plot(0:.05:.5,zeros(1,11)),axis([0 0.5 -12 6]),title('Channel Magnitude Response') xlabel('Digital Frequency'),ylabel('Magnitude (dB)') case {2, 3, 4, 5} % disp('Slide 2') % disble multipath controls set(textHnd2,'Enable','off') set(popupHnd1,'Enable','off') setupSoundGUI % sets up the Sound GUI variables set(textHnd1,'String','QAM Simulation... Please Wait') QAM set(textHnd1,'String',stringArray(COUNTER,:)) fft_temp = abs(fft(QAM_tx_data)); fft_temp = fft_temp(1:floor(0.5*length(fft_temp))); % truncate (+ spectrum) dig_x_axis = (1:length(fft_temp)) / (2*length(fft_temp)); plot(dig_x_axis, fft_temp) title('FFT of Transmitted QAM') % calculate the BER and store for slide 6 global BER_QAM_TEMP; binary_err_bits_QAM = 0; for i = 1:length(data_in) err = abs(data_in(i)-QAM_data_out(i)); if err > 0 binary_err_bits_QAM = binary_err_bits_QAM + 1; end end BER_QAM_TEMP = 100 * binary_err_bits_QAM/data_length; COUNTER = COUNTER + 1; pause % disp('Slide 2b') set(textHnd1,'String',stringArray(COUNTER,:)) hold on % QAM Plotting fft_temp = abs(fft(QAM_rx_data)); fft_temp = fft_temp(1:floor(0.5*length(fft_temp))); % truncate plot(dig_x_axis, fft_temp,'c'),title(' ') % channel display if channel_on == 1 ComputeChannelGUI size_mag=max(mag)-min(mag); % for scaled channel plot plot(W/(2*pi),(0.5*max(fft_temp)/size_mag)*(mag + abs(min(mag))) + 0.5*max(fft_temp),'k') end hold off COUNTER = COUNTER + 1; pause % disp('Slide 2c') set(textHnd1,'String','OFDM Simulation... Please Wait') OFDM set(textHnd1,'String',stringArray(COUNTER,:)) fft_temp = abs(fft(xmit)); fft_temp = fft_temp(1:floor(0.5*length(fft_temp))); % truncate dig_x_axis = (1:length(fft_temp)) / (2*length(fft_temp)); plot(dig_x_axis, fft_temp) title('FFT of Transmitted OFDM') % calculate the BER and store for slide 6 global BER_OFDM_TEMP; binary_err_bits_OFDM = 0; for i = 1:length(data_in) err = abs(data_in(i)-output(i)); if err > 0 binary_err_bits_OFDM = binary_err_bits_OFDM +1; end end BER_OFDM_TEMP = 100 * binary_err_bits_OFDM/data_length; COUNTER = COUNTER + 1; pause % disp('Slide 2d') set(textHnd1,'String',stringArray(COUNTER,:)) hold on % OFDM Plotting fft_temp = abs(fft(recv)); fft_temp = fft_temp(1:floor(0.5*length(fft_temp))); % truncate plot(dig_x_axis, fft_temp,'c'),title(' ') % channel display   if channel_on == 1 plot(W/(2*pi),(0.5*max(fft_temp)/size_mag)*(mag + abs(min(mag))) + 0.5*max(fft_temp),'k') end hold off case 6 % disp('Slide 3') setupSoundGUI % hide main axis plot(0) % clear the plot axis off % set(axisHnd1,'Visible','off') % show other axis's set(axisHnd2,'Visible','on') set(axisHnd3,'Visible','on') set(axisHnd4,'Visible','on') % hide multipath controls set(textHnd2,'Visible','off') set(popupHnd1,'Visible','off') % show generated sound buttons set(textHnd3,'Visible','on') set(OriginalHnd1,'Visible','on') set(QAMHnd1,'Visible','on') set(OFDMHnd1,'Visible','on') % show long sounds stuff set(textHnd4,'Visible','on') set(OriginalLongHnd1,'Visible','on') set(QAMLongHnd1,'Visible','on') set(OFDMLongHnd1,'Visible','on') % show the BER displays set(textHnd5,'Visible','on') set(textHnd6,'Visible','on') set(textHnd7,'Visible','on') % QAM set(textHnd8,'Visible','on') % OFDM % Display the BERs global BER_QAM_TEMP; global BER_OFDM_TEMP; set(textHnd7,'String',strcat(num2str(BER_QAM_TEMP,3),' %')) set(textHnd8,'String',strcat(num2str(BER_OFDM_TEMP,3),' %')) clear global BER_QAM_TEMP; % clean up the globals clear global BER_OFDM_TEMP; % Plot the Sounds %  Note: axes(handle) sets to plot on the handle axis axes(axisHnd2) plot(wavread(file_name)),title('Original sound') axes(axisHnd3) plot(wavread('QAM_out.wav')),title('QAM sound') axes(axisHnd4) plot(wavread('OFDM_out.wav')),title('OFDM sound') set(nextHnd1,'String','Start Over') % repeat if desired otherwise disp('error') COUNTER = 0; end end case 'mp_channel' %----------------------------------- ComputeChannelGUI if noChannel ~= 1 % large or small case plot(W/(2*pi),mag),axis([0 0.5 -12 6]),title('Channel Magnitude Response') xlabel('Digital Frequency'),ylabel('Magnitude (dB)') else % none case plot(0:.05:.5,zeros(1,11)),axis([0 0.5 -12 6]),title('Channel Magnitude Response') xlabel('Digital Frequency'),ylabel('Magnitude (dB)') end case 'close' %--------------------------------------- clear global COUNTER close(gcbf) case 'PlayOriginal' %----------------------------------- sound(wavread('shortest.wav'),11025) case 'PlayQAM' %--------------------------------------- sound(wavread('QAM_out.wav'),11025) case 'PlayOFDM' %--------------------------------------- sound(wavread('OFDM_out.wav'),11025) case 'PlayOriginalLong' %----------------------------------- sound(wavread('Long.wav'),11025) case 'PlayQAMLong' %--------------------------------------- sound(wavread('QAM_Long.wav'),11025) case 'PlayOFDMLong' %--------------------------------------- sound(wavread('OFDM_Long.wav'),11025) case 'figure' %--------------------------------------- % this is called whenever the figure is first created -or NOT??? %  textHnd1=findobj('Tag','StaticTextFeedback'); %  axisHnd1=findobj('Tag','Axes1'); %  set(textHnd1,'String','Sound OFDM Demo') % default text message %  set(axisHnd1,'Visible','off') % hide Axis to begin end