- % Design filter by specifying delay in units and
- % looking at mag and phase response
- % Good default values for fft_size = 128 and num_carriers = 32
- delay_1 = 6; % 6
- attenuation_1 = 0.35; % 0.35
- delay_2 = 10; % 10
- attenuation_2 = 0.30; % 0.30
- num = [1, zeros(1, delay_1-1), attenuation_1, zeros(1, delay_2-delay_1-1), attenuation_2]
- [H, W] = freqz(num, 1, 512); % compute frequency response
- mag = 20*log10(abs(H)); % magnitude in dB
- phase = angle(H) * 180/pi; % phase angle in degrees
- figure(9), clf
- subplot(211), plot(W/(2*pi),mag)
- title('Magnitude response of multipath channel')
- xlabel('Digital Frequency'), ylabel('Magnitude in dB')
- subplot(212), plot(W/(2*pi),phase)
- title('Phase response of multipath channel')
- xlabel('Digital Frequency'), ylabel('Phase in Degrees')
- break
- % Design filter using MATLAB command 'fir2'
- nn = 40; % order of filter
- f = [0, 0.212, 0.253, 0.293, 0.5];
- m =[1, 1, 0.5, 1, 1];
- num = fir2(nn, 2*f, m);
- den = 1;
- [H, W] = freqz(num, den, 256); % Compute freq response
- mag = 20*log10(abs(H)); % Get mag in dB
- phase = angle(H)*180/pi; % Get phase in degrees
- clf
- subplot(211), plot(W/(2*pi),mag)
- subplot(212), plot(W/(2*pi),phase)
- break
- % Design filter using MATLAB command 'fir1'
- % These coeffs work well for OFDM vs. QAM!!!
- % nn = 4; % order of filter
- % wl = 0.134; % low cutoff of stopband
- % wh = 0.378; % high cutoff of stopband
- % nn = 4; % order of filter
- % wl = 0.195; % low cutoff of stopband
- % wh = 0.309; % high cutoff of stopband
- nn = 8; % order of filter
- wl = 0.134; % low cutoff of stopband
- wh = 0.378; % high cutoff of stopband
- num = fir1(nn, 2*[wl, wh], 'stop');
- den = 1;
- [H, W] = freqz(num, den, 256); % Compute freq response
- mag = 20*log10(abs(H)); % Get mag in dB
- phase = angle(H)*180/pi; % Get phase in degrees
- clf
- subplot(211), plot(W,mag), hold on, plot(wl*2*pi,0,'o'), plot(wh*2*pi,0,'o')
- subplot(212), plot(W,phase), hold on, plot(wl*2*pi,0,'o'), plot(wh*2*pi,0,'o')
- hold off
- break
- % Design filter by specifying delay in units and looking at mag and phase response
- n = 512;
- d1 =4;
- a1 = 0.2;
- d2 = 5;
- a2 = 0.3;
- num = [1, zeros(1, d1-1), a1, zeros(1, d2-d1-1), a2]
- den = [1];
- [H, W] = freqz(num, den, n);
- % F = 0:.1:pi;
- % H = freqz(num, den, F*180/pi, 11025);
- mag = 20*log10(abs(H));
- % phase = angle(H * 180/pi);
- phase = angle(H);
- clf
- subplot(211), plot(W,mag), hold on, plot(0.17*pi,0,'o'), plot(0.34*pi,0,'o')
- subplot(212), plot(W,phase), hold on, plot(pi/2,0,'o')
- hold off
- break
- % Design filter by specifying mag response at particular frequencies
- n = 2;
- f = [0, 0.25, 0.5];
- mag = [1, .05, 1];
- [num, den] = yulewalk(n,2*f,mag);
- [H, W] = freqz(num, den);
- mag = 20*log10(abs(H));
- phase = angle(H * 180/pi);
- clf
- subplot(211), plot(W,mag)
- subplot(212), plot(W,phase)