- function OutSignal = channel(TimeSignal,clipcompress,SNR,Multipath)
- % CHANNEL Applies a channel model to the waveform including, noise, multipath & clipping.
- %
- % OutSignal = channel(TimeSignal,clipcompress,SNR,Multipath)
- %
- % The model is the simulate some of the effects of a radio channel. For this reason,
- % the effects are applied in the following order :
- % 1. Clipping : Effect from the output power amplifier.
- % 2. Noise : Thermal noise due to the channel.
- % 3. Multipath : Channel effect at the receiver.
- %
- % TimeSignal : Time waveform of signal to apply the channel to.
- % clipcompress : Amount of clipping to apply to the signal, in dB
- % Peak Power of original signal / Peak Power after clipping.
- % if no clipping is needed choos clipcompress = 0.
- % SNR : SNR of the transmitted signal, in dB,
- % RMS power of original signal / RMS power of noise to be added.
- % if no noise is needed choose SNR >= 300.
- % Multipath : This is a vector of the magnitude and delay for each reflection.
- % This is a coefficient vector for modelling the multipath with an
- % FIR filter. The first coefficient must be 1 if a direct signal is
- % needed.
- % For Example : for reflections at sample times : 5 & 7 with magnitude
- % of 50% & 30% respectively of the direct signal :
- % Multipath = [1 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.3]
- % If no multipath effect is needed make 'Multipath' = []
- % OutSignal : Output signal after the model.
- %
- % Copyright (c) Eric Lawrey 1997
- % Modifications:
- % 17/6/97 : Started working on the function.
- %================================
- %Clip the signal
- %================================
- if clipcompress ~= 0,
- MaxAmp = (10^(0-(clipcompress/20)))*max(TimeSignal);
- TimeSignal(find(TimeSignal>=MaxAmp))=ones(1,length(find(TimeSignal>=MaxAmp)))*MaxAmp;
- TimeSignal(find(TimeSignal<=(-MaxAmp)))=ones(1,length(find(TimeSignal<=(-MaxAmp))))*(-MaxAmp);
- % PeaktoRms = 10*log10(max(TimeSignal.^2)/(std(TimeSignal)^2));
- end
- %================================
- %Add noise
- %================================
- if SNR < 300,
- SigPow = std(TimeSignal); %find the signal power
- NoiseFac = 10^(0-(SNR/20));
- TimeSignal = TimeSignal + randn(1,length(TimeSignal))*SigPow*NoiseFac;
- end
- %================================
- %Add multipath
- %================================
- if Multipath ~= []
- TimeSignal = filter(Multipath,1,TimeSignal); %add multi path to the signal
- end
- OutSignal = TimeSignal;