- function x = wrimage(DataOut,h,w,filename,PicExpand)
- %WRIMAGE Formats the data and writes it to a bmp file
- %
- % x = wrimage(DataOut,h,w,filename,PicExpand)
- % x : image data as a single row vector. The data should be in the form of
- % a raster scan, e.g. rows of pixels (must have h*w elements)
- % h : height of image in pixels
- % w : width of image in pixels
- % filename : filename of file to store the image in .bmp format
- % PicExpand : Picture decompression of the amplitude.
- % Fractional factor to expand the amplitude of the
- % received image. This is used to over come roll over
- % errors from black to white when sending data 8bits/word.
- % This parameter is typically equal to the compression
- % applied using the PictureComp parameter in the rdimage
- % function
- % Note : This is an optional parameter. With the default of
- % no image expansion.
- %
- %
- % Copyright (c) Aug 1997
- %
- %=================================
- % Required External Funtions
- % bmpwrite.m
- %=================================
- % modified:
- % 17/6/97 Initial rewrite up of the function. Some testing has been done.
- %
- % 31/7/97 8:52 wrimage.m
- % Modified wrfile so that it writes a bmp file from the data
- %
- % 31/7/97 12:31 wrimage.m
- % wrimage is finished and works.
- %
- % 3/8/97 9:50am wrimage.m
- % Added the PicExpand parameter for modifing the amplitude mapping
- % of the received image.
- %
- % 12/8/97 7:30pm wrimage.m
- % Removed the number base conversion of the data.
- x=reshape(DataOut,w,h)';
- %==========================
- %Expand the image intensity
- %==========================
- if nargin == 5,
- %x=round((x-(PicExpand-1)*128)*PicExpand);
- x=round((x-128)*PicExpand+128);
- end
- %==============
- %Save the image
- %==============
- bmpwrite(x,gray,filename);