- function Y=subsamp(X,N,ph,avg)
- %SUBSAMP Subsamples the input X by an amount N, using averaging
- % Y=subsamp(X,N)
- % The samples are subsampled as rows. Thus if X is a matrix
- % each row is subsampled.
- % If the length of X is not a multiple of N samples then remaining
- % samples are ignored.
- %
- % Y=subsamp(X,N,ph)
- % ph = 0 : This takes the standard averaging of the data when
- % subsampling the signal.
- % ph = 1 : This averages data assuming that it is phase data. This
- % compensates for phase wrap around.
- %
- % Y=subsamp(X,N,ph,avg)
- % avg = 0 : This uses standard averaging to calculate the mean data.
- % avg = 1 : This uses the stdmean function to do a weighted average
- % instead.
- %
- % Copyright (c) July 1997 Eric Lawrey
- %Modified:
- % 10/7/97 Started function. This function is finished and tested.
- % 6/8/97 Added the option to use the stdmean function instead of the
- % standard averaging. Early tests have shown that it does
- % not improve the performance of the COFDM system.
- % External Functions:
- % stdmean.m
- X=X(:,1:floor(size(X,2)/N)*N);
- if (size(X,2) > 1)&(N>1),
- if nargin < 4,
- avg = 0; %If avg not given set the default
- elseif nargin < 3,
- ph = 0; %Set to the default if no given
- avg = 0; %i.e use standard averaging using the mean
- end
- if ph == 0,
- Y = zeros(size(X,1),size(X,2)/N);
- for k = 1:size(X,1),
- if avg ==0,
- Y(k,:)=mean(reshape(X(k,:),N,size(X,2)/N));
- else
- Y(k,:)=stdmean(reshape(X(k,:),N,size(X,2)/N));
- end
- end
- else
- Y = zeros(size(X,1),size(X,2)/N);
- for k = 1:size(X,1),
- % Y(k,:)=mean(reshape(X(k,:),N,size(X,2)/N));
- ang = (reshape(X(k,:),N,size(X,2)/N)*2*pi/360).';
- mag = ones(size(ang));
- [x,y] = pol2cart(ang,mag);
- if avg == 0,
- AvX = mean(x')';
- AvY = mean(y')';
- else
- AvX = stdmean(x',(-2))';
- AvY = stdmean(y',(-2))';
- end
- [ang,mag] = cart2pol(AvX,AvY);
- Y(k,:) = (ang.') * 360/(2*pi);
- end
- end
- else
- Y=X;
- end