- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1997 by Qualcomm Incorporated.
- */
- /*
- * bullcopy
- *
- */
- # include <config.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- # include <sys/file.h>
- #endif
- # include <dirent.h>
- # define NAMLEN(dirent) strlen((dirent)->d_name)
- #else
- # define dirent direct
- # define NAMLEN(dirent) (dirent)->d_namlen
- # include <sys/ndir.h>
- # endif
- # include <sys/dir.h>
- # endif
- # if HAVE_NDIR_H
- # include <ndir.h>
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifndef HAVE_BCOPY
- # define bcopy(src,dest,len) (void) (memcpy(dest,src,len))
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <popper.h>
- #include <flock.h>
- static int sequence = 0;
- static time_t timestamp;
- static char *errmesg = "Unable to copy Bulletin %s to pop dropbox %s (%d)";
- typedef struct _file_list file_list;
- struct _file_list {
- char *bull_name;
- long bull_value;
- file_list *next;
- };
- /*
- * List in the ascending order of the bulletin value
- */
- file_list *
- insert_list(p, head, name)
- POP *p;
- file_list *head;
- char *name;
- {
- long new_bull;
- file_list *new_rec, *current;
- new_bull = atol(name);
- new_rec = (file_list *)malloc(sizeof(file_list));
- new_rec->next = NULL;
- new_rec->bull_value = new_bull;
- new_rec->bull_name = (char *)malloc(strlen(name) + 1);
- strcpy(new_rec->bull_name, name);
- current = head;
- if (!head) {
- return(new_rec);
- } else {
- if (head->bull_value > new_bull) {
- new_rec->next = head;
- head = new_rec;
- return(head);
- }
- }
- while (current->next) {
- if (current->next->bull_value > new_bull)
- break;
- current = current->next;
- }
- new_rec->next = current->next;
- current->next = new_rec;
- return(head);
- }
- /*
- * pop_bull: Append any new bulletins to the end of the user's
- * temporary maildrop.
- */
- pop_bull (p, pwp)
- POP *p;
- struct passwd *pwp;
- {
- char popBullName[256];
- FILE *popBull;
- DIR *dirp;
- file_list *list = NULL;
- struct dirent *dp;
- long maxBullNumber = 0;
- long bullNumber;
- long lastBullSent;
- char buffer[MAXMSGLINELEN];
- int res;
- int bullcount = 0;
- int save_count;
- #ifdef BULLDB
- datum bull_count;
- datum name;
- #endif
- /* Construct full path name of .popbull file. */
- sprintf(popBullName, "%s/.popbull", pwp->pw_dir);
- /* Scan bulletin directory and compute the maximum current
- bulletin number. */
- dirp = opendir(p->bulldir);
- if (dirp == NULL) {
- pop_log(p, POP_PRIORITY,
- "Unable to open bulletin directory '%s'. (%d)", p->bulldir, errno);
- return POP_FAILURE;
- }
- while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
- if (!isdigit(*dp->d_name)) continue;
- bullNumber = atol(dp->d_name);
- if (bullNumber > maxBullNumber) maxBullNumber = bullNumber;
- list = insert_list(p, list, dp->d_name);
- }
- closedir(dirp);
- timestamp = time(0);
- /* Open the user's .popbull file and read the number of the last
- bulletin sent to this user. If the file doesn't exist, create
- it and seed it with the current max bulletin number. Note that
- new users do not get sent old bulletins. */
- #ifdef BULLDB
- name.dptr = p->user;
- name.dsize = strlen(p->user) + 1;
- #ifdef GDBM
- bull_count = gdbm_fetch(p->bull_db, name);
- #else
- bull_count = dbm_fetch(p->bull_db, name);
- #endif
- if (bull_count.dptr == NULL) {
- /* If the database does not have a value, check the users .popbull
- * file. If it's not empty, then use the value there, otherwise,
- * create a new value.
- */
- popBull = fopen(popBullName, "r");
- if ((popBull == NULL) || (fgets(buffer,MAXMSGLINELEN,popBull) == NULL) ||
- !isdigit(*buffer)) {
- if ((lastBullSent = (maxBullNumber - NEWBULLCNT)) < 0)
- lastBullSent = 0;
- } else {
- lastBullSent = atol(buffer);
- }
- if (popBull)
- fclose(popBull);
- bull_count.dptr = (char *)&lastBullSent;
- bull_count.dsize = sizeof(lastBullSent);
- #ifdef GDBM
- gdbm_store(p->bull_db, name, bull_count, GDBM_REPLACE);
- #else
- /* Block while waiting for a lock to update the entry */
- if (flock(dbm_dirfno(p->bull_db), LOCK_EX) == -1)
- return(pop_msg(p, POP_FAILURE, "Bulletin database lock failed"));
- dbm_store(p->bull_db, name, bull_count, DBM_REPLACE);
- #endif
- flock(dbm_dirfno(p->bull_db), LOCK_UN);
- if (NEWBULLCNT <= 0) {
- return POP_SUCCESS;
- }
- }
- else
- bcopy(bull_count.dptr, &lastBullSent, bull_count.dsize);
- #else
- popBull = fopen(popBullName, "r");
- if ((popBull == NULL) || (fgets(buffer, MAXMSGLINELEN, popBull) == NULL) ||
- !isdigit(*buffer)) {
- if (popBull != NULL) fclose(popBull);
- popBull = fopen(popBullName, "w");
- if (popBull == NULL) {
- pop_log(p, POP_PRIORITY, "Unable to create .popbull file (%d)", errno);
- return POP_FAILURE;
- }
- if ((lastBullSent = (maxBullNumber - NEWBULLCNT)) < 0)
- lastBullSent = 0;
- fprintf(popBull, "%ldn", lastBullSent);
- fclose(popBull);
- if (NEWBULLCNT <= 0)
- return POP_SUCCESS;
- }
- else lastBullSent = atol(buffer);
- #endif /* BULLDB */
- /* If there aren't any new bulletins for this user, return. */
- if (lastBullSent >= maxBullNumber) {
- return POP_SUCCESS;
- }
- (void) chmod(popBullName, 0600); /* Only needs to be read by me */
- /* Append the new bulletins to the end of the user's temporary
- mail drop. */
- res = POP_SUCCESS;
- save_count = p->msg_count;
- while (list) {
- if (list->bull_value > lastBullSent)
- if ((res = CopyOneBull(list->bull_name, p)) != POP_SUCCESS) {
- p->msg_count = save_count;
- break;
- }
- list = list->next;
- }
- if (res == POP_SUCCESS) {
- #ifdef BULLDB
- bull_count.dptr = (char *)&maxBullNumber;
- bull_count.dsize = sizeof(maxBullNumber);
- if (flock(dbm_dirfno(p->bull_db), LOCK_EX) == -1) {
- p->msg_count = save_count;
- return(pop_msg(p, POP_FAILURE, "Bulletin database lock failed"));
- }
- #ifdef GDBM
- gdbm_store(p->bull_db, name, bull_count, GDBM_REPLACE);
- #else
- dbm_store(p->bull_db, name, bull_count, DBM_REPLACE);
- #endif
- flock(dbm_dirfno(p->bull_db), LOCK_UN);
- #else
- /* Update the user's .popbull file. */
- popBull = fopen(popBullName, "w");
- if (popBull == NULL) {
- p->msg_count = save_count;
- pop_log(p, POP_PRIORITY, "Unable to open .popbull file. (%d)", errno);
- return POP_FAILURE;
- }
- fprintf(popBull, "%ldn", maxBullNumber);
- fclose(popBull);
- #endif
- }
- return(res);
- }
- extern int newline;
- /*
- * CopyOneBull: Append a single bulletin file to the end of the
- * temporary maildrop file.
- */
- CopyOneBull(name, p)
- char *name;
- POP *p;
- {
- FILE *bull;
- char buffer[MAXMSGLINELEN];
- int in_header = 1;
- int first_line = 1;
- int nchar;
- int msg_num;
- int receivedhdrs = 0;
- char bullName[256];
- MsgInfoList *mp; /* Pointer to message info list */
- msg_num = p->msg_count;
- p->msg_count = (((p->msg_count - 1) / ALLOC_MSGS) + 1) * ALLOC_MSGS;
- sprintf(bullName, "%s/%s", p->bulldir, name);
- bull = fopen(bullName, "r");
- if (bull == NULL) {
- pop_log(p, POP_PRIORITY,
- "Unable to open bulletin file %s (%d)", name, errno);
- return POP_FAILURE;
- }
- newline = 1;
- if ((fgets(buffer, MAXMSGLINELEN, bull) != NULL) && !(isfromline(buffer))) {
- pop_log(p, POP_PRIORITY,
- "Bulletin %s does not start with a valid "From " separator",name);
- fclose(bull);
- return POP_FAILURE;
- }
- /* Just and appended message, no Status or UIDL updates here */
- #ifndef NO_STATUS
- p->dirty = 1;
- #endif
- mp = p->mlp + msg_num - 1;
- if (++msg_num > p->msg_count) {
- p->mlp=(MsgInfoList *) realloc(p->mlp,
- (p->msg_count += ALLOC_MSGS)*sizeof(MsgInfoList));
- if (p->mlp == NULL) {
- p->msg_count = 0;
- return pop_msg (p,POP_FAILURE,
- "Bull: Can't build message list for '%s': Out of memory",
- p->user);
- }
- mp = p->mlp + msg_num - 2;
- }
- ++mp;
- mp->number = msg_num;
- mp->length = 0;
- mp->lines = 0;
- mp->body_lines = 0;
- mp->offset = ftell(p->drop);
- mp->del_flag = FALSE;
- mp->retr_flag = FALSE;
- if (fputs(buffer, p->drop) == EOF) {
- return(pop_msg(p, POP_FAILURE, errmesg, name, p->temp_drop, errno));
- }
- p->drop_size += strlen(buffer);
- mp->lines++;
- sprintf(buffer, "X-UIDL: %ld.%05dn", timestamp, sequence);
- if (fputs(buffer, p->drop) == EOF) {
- return(pop_msg(p, POP_FAILURE, errmesg, name, p->temp_drop, errno));
- }
- mp->length += strlen(buffer);
- p->drop_size += strlen(buffer);
- mp->lines++;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(p->debug)
- pop_log(p,POP_DEBUG,
- "Bull msg %d being added to list, offset %d",
- mp->number, mp->offset);
- #endif
- sprintf(buffer, "%ld.%05dn", timestamp, sequence++);
- mp->uidl_str = (char *)strdup(buffer);
- first_line = 0;
- while (fgets(buffer, MAXMSGLINELEN, bull) != NULL) {
- nchar = strlen(buffer);
- if (in_header) { /* Header */
- if (!strncasecmp(buffer, "X-UIDL:", 7)) {
- continue; /* Skip any UIDLs */
- } else if (strncasecmp(buffer, "To:", 3) == 0) {
- sprintf(buffer,"To: %s@%sn", p->user, p->myhost);
- nchar = strlen(buffer);
- } else if (strncasecmp(buffer, "Status:", 7) == 0) {
- continue;
- } else if (*buffer == 'n') {
- in_header = 0;
- mp->body_lines = 0; /* Reset to zero when in the body */
- }
- }
- mp->length += nchar;
- p->drop_size += nchar;
- mp->lines++;
- mp->body_lines++;
- if (fputs(buffer, p->drop) == EOF) {
- return(pop_msg(p,POP_FAILURE,errmesg,name,p->temp_drop, errno));
- }
- }
- fflush(p->drop);
- p->msg_count = msg_num;
- fclose(bull);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(p->debug && msg_num != 1)
- pop_log(p,POP_DEBUG,
- "Bull msg %d uidl %s at offset %d is %d octets long and has %u lines.",
- mp->number,mp->uidl_str,mp->offset,mp->length,mp->lines);
- #endif
- return POP_SUCCESS;
- }