- <h2>Welcome to SomeCompany Inc.</h2>
- <p>
- This is a simple example of the usage of Tiles in combination with Spring.
- Have a look at the <code>tiles-servlet.xml</code> and the reference manual
- for more ifnromation on how to configure Tiles and use things like the
- <code>ComponentControllerSupport</code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- This tiny site has a template (main.jsp, consisting of the top of the page
- including the menu) and three content JSPs (index.jsp, about.jsp and contact.jsp).
- By adding the UrlFileNameViewController from all URLs, the file name is used as
- the view name. The <code>InternalResourceViewResolver</code> uses the
- <code>TilesJstlView</code>. Last but not least, a <code>TilesConfigurer</code>
- is used to configure the tiles from the <code>definitions.xml</code> file.
- </p>
- <p>
- Besides the templates described above, there's another template called <code>news</code>
- that automatically imports news from Slashdot, TheServerside or JavaBlogs (currently the items
- are NOT cached, so it can take a while before the feeds load). Those
- templates use the Tiles Controller notion as can be seen in the <code>definitions.xml</code> file
- By extending <code>ComponentControllerSupport</code>, you can access the application context.
- </p>