- /*
- * Copyright 2002-2004 the original author or authors.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.springframework.orm.jdo;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import javax.jdo.JDOException;
- import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager;
- import javax.jdo.Query;
- import javax.jdo.Transaction;
- import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
- import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.ConnectionHandle;
- import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition;
- import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException;
- /**
- * SPI strategy that encapsulates certain functionality that standard JDO 1.0 does
- * not offer despite being relevant in the context of O/R mapping, like access to
- * the underlying JDBC Connection and explicit flushing of changes to the database.
- *
- * <p>To be implemented for specific JDO implementations like Kodo, Lido, or JPOX.
- * Almost every O/R-based JDO implementation offers proprietary means to access the
- * underlying JDBC Connection and to explicitly flush changes. JDO 2.0 respectively
- * JDO/R 2.0 are likely to define standard ways for these: If applicable, a JdoDialect
- * implementation for JDO 2.0 will be provided to leverage them with Spring's JDO support.
- *
- * @author Juergen Hoeller
- * @since 02.11.2003
- * @see JdoTransactionManager#setJdoDialect
- * @see JdoAccessor#setJdoDialect
- */
- public interface JdoDialect {
- /**
- * Begin the given JDO transaction, applying the semantics specified by the
- * given Spring transaction definition (in particular, an isolation level
- * and a timeout). Invoked by JdoTransactionManager on transaction begin.
- * <p>An implementation can configure the JDO Transaction object and then
- * invoke <code>begin</code>, or invoke a special begin method that takes,
- * for example, an isolation level.
- * <p>An implementation can also apply read-only flag and isolation level to the
- * underlying JDBC Connection before beginning the transaction. In that case,
- * a transaction data object can be returned that holds the previous isolation
- * level (and possibly other data), to be reset in cleanupTransaction.
- * @param transaction the JDO transaction to begin
- * @param definition the Spring transaction definition that defines semantics
- * @return an arbitrary object that holds transaction data, if any
- * (to be passed into cleanupTransaction)
- * @throws JDOException if thrown by JDO methods
- * @throws SQLException if thrown by JDBC methods
- * @throws TransactionException in case of invalid arguments
- * @see #cleanupTransaction
- * @see javax.jdo.Transaction#begin
- * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#prepareConnectionForTransaction
- */
- Object beginTransaction(Transaction transaction, TransactionDefinition definition)
- throws JDOException, SQLException, TransactionException;
- /**
- * Clean up the transaction via the given transaction data.
- * Invoked by JdoTransactionManager on transaction cleanup.
- * <p>An implementation can, for example, reset read-only flag and
- * isolation level of the underlying JDBC Connection.
- * @param transactionData arbitrary object that holds transaction data, if any
- * (as returned by beginTransaction)
- * @see #beginTransaction
- * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils#resetConnectionAfterTransaction
- */
- void cleanupTransaction(Object transactionData);
- /**
- * Retrieve the JDBC Connection that the given JDO PersistenceManager uses underneath,
- * if accessing a relational database. This method will just get invoked if actually
- * needing access to the underlying JDBC Connection, usually within an active JDO
- * transaction (for example, by JdoTransactionManager). The returned handle will
- * be passed into the <code>releaseJdbcConnection</code> method when not needed anymore.
- * <p>This strategy is necessary as JDO 1.0 does not provide a standard way to retrieve
- * the underlying JDBC Connection (due to the fact that a JDO implementation might not
- * work with a relational database at all).
- * <p>Implementations are encouraged to return an unwrapped Connection object, i.e.
- * the Connection as they got it from the connection pool. This makes it easier for
- * application code to get at the underlying native JDBC Connection, like an
- * OracleConnection, which is sometimes necessary for LOB handling etc. We assume
- * that calling code knows how to properly handle the returned Connection object.
- * <p>In a simple case where the returned Connection will be auto-closed with the
- * PersistenceManager or can be released via the Connection object itself, an
- * implementation can return a SimpleConnectionHandle that just contains the
- * Connection. If some other object is needed in <code>releaseJdbcConnection</code>,
- * an implementation should use a special handle that references that other object.
- * @param pm the current JDO PersistenceManager
- * @return a handle for the JDBC Connection, to be passed into
- * <code>releaseJdbcConnection</code>, or null if no JDBC Connection can be retrieved
- * @throws JDOException if thrown by JDO methods
- * @throws SQLException if thrown by JDBC methods
- * @see #releaseJdbcConnection
- * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.ConnectionHandle#getConnection
- * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SimpleConnectionHandle
- * @see JdoTransactionManager#setDataSource
- * @see org.springframework.jdbc.support.nativejdbc.NativeJdbcExtractor
- */
- ConnectionHandle getJdbcConnection(PersistenceManager pm, boolean readOnly)
- throws JDOException, SQLException;
- /**
- * Release the given JDBC Connection, which has originally been retrieved
- * via <code>getJdbcConnection</code>. This should be invoked in any case,
- * to allow for proper release of the retrieved Connection handle.
- * <p>An implementation might simply do nothing, if the Connection returned
- * by <code>getJdbcConnection</code> will be implicitly closed when the JDO
- * transaction completes respectively when the PersistenceManager is closed.
- * @param conHandle the JDBC Connection handle to release
- * @param pm the current JDO PersistenceManager
- * @throws JDOException if thrown by JDO methods
- * @throws SQLException if thrown by JDBC methods
- * @see #getJdbcConnection
- */
- void releaseJdbcConnection(ConnectionHandle conHandle, PersistenceManager pm)
- throws JDOException, SQLException;
- /**
- * Apply the given timeout to the given JDO query object.
- * <p>Invoked by JdoTemplate with the remaining time of a specified
- * transaction timeout, if any.
- * @param query the JDO query object to apply the timeout to
- * @param timeout the timeout value to apply
- * @throws JDOException if thrown by JDO methods
- * @see JdoTemplate#prepareQuery
- */
- void applyQueryTimeout(Query query, int timeout) throws JDOException;
- /**
- * Flush the given PersistenceManager, i.e. flush all changes (that have been
- * applied to persistent objects) to the underlying database. This method will
- * just get invoked when eager flushing is actually necessary, for example when
- * JDBC access code needs to see changes within the same transaction.
- * @param pm the current JDO PersistenceManager
- * @throws JDOException in case of errors
- * @see JdoAccessor#setFlushEager
- */
- void flush(PersistenceManager pm) throws JDOException;
- /**
- * Translate the given JDOException to a corresponding exception from Spring's
- * generic DataAccessException hierarchy. An implementation should apply
- * PersistenceManagerFactoryUtils' standard exception translation if can't do
- * anything more specific.
- * <p>Of particular importance is the correct translation to
- * DataIntegrityViolationException, for example on constraint violation.
- * Unfortunately, standard JDO does not allow for portable detection of this.
- * <p>Can use a SQLExceptionTranslator for translating underlying SQLExceptions
- * in a database-specific fashion.
- * @param ex the JDOException thrown
- * @return the corresponding DataAccessException (must not be null)
- * @see JdoAccessor#convertJdoAccessException
- * @see JdoTransactionManager#convertJdoAccessException
- * @see PersistenceManagerFactoryUtils#convertJdoAccessException
- * @see org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
- * @see org.springframework.jdbc.support.SQLExceptionTranslator
- */
- DataAccessException translateException(JDOException ex);
- }