- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # A GUI configurator for generating fetchmail configuration files.
- # by Eric S. Raymond, <esr@snark.thyrsus.com>.
- # Requires Python with Tkinter, and the following OS-dependent services:
- # posix, posixpath, socket
- version = "1.20"
- from Tkinter import *
- from Dialog import *
- import sys, time, os, string, socket, getopt
- #
- # Define the data structures the GUIs will be tossing around
- #
- class Configuration:
- def __init__(self):
- self.poll_interval = 0 # Normally, run in foreground
- self.logfile = None # No logfile, initially
- self.idfile = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.fetchids" # Default idfile, initially
- self.postmaster = None # No last-resort address, initially
- self.bouncemail = TRUE # Bounce errors to users
- self.properties = None # No exiguous properties
- self.invisible = FALSE # Suppress Received line & spoof?
- self.syslog = FALSE # Use syslogd for logging?
- self.servers = [] # List of included sites
- Configuration.typemap = (
- ('poll_interval', 'Int'),
- ('logfile', 'String'),
- ('idfile', 'String'),
- ('postmaster', 'String'),
- ('bouncemail', 'Boolean'),
- ('properties', 'String'),
- ('syslog', 'Boolean'),
- ('invisible', 'Boolean'))
- def __repr__(self):
- str = "";
- if self.syslog != ConfigurationDefaults.syslog:
- str = str + ("set syslogn")
- elif self.logfile:
- str = str + ("set logfile "%s"n" % (self.logfile,));
- if self.idfile != ConfigurationDefaults.idfile:
- str = str + ("set idfile "%s"n" % (self.idfile,));
- if self.postmaster != ConfigurationDefaults.postmaster:
- str = str + ("set postmaster "%s"n" % (self.postmaster,));
- if self.bouncemail:
- str = str + ("set bouncemailn")
- else:
- str = str + ("set nobouncemailn")
- if self.properties != ConfigurationDefaults.properties:
- str = str + ("set properties "%s"n" % (self.properties,));
- if self.poll_interval > 0:
- str = str + "set daemon " + `self.poll_interval` + "n"
- for site in self.servers:
- str = str + repr(site)
- return str
- def __delitem__(self, name):
- for si in range(len(self.servers)):
- if self.servers[si].pollname == name:
- del self.servers[si]
- break
- def __str__(self):
- return "[Configuration: " + repr(self) + "]"
- class Server:
- def __init__(self):
- self.pollname = None # Poll label
- self.via = None # True name of host
- self.active = TRUE # Poll status
- self.interval = 0 # Skip interval
- self.protocol = 'auto' # Default to auto protocol
- self.port = 0 # Port number to use
- self.uidl = FALSE # Don't use RFC1725 UIDLs by default
- self.preauth = 'password' # Default to password authentication
- self.timeout = 300 # 5-minute timeout
- self.envelope = 'Received' # Envelope-address header
- self.envskip = 0 # Number of envelope headers to skip
- self.qvirtual = None # Name prefix to strip
- self.aka = [] # List of DNS aka names
- self.dns = TRUE # Enable DNS lookup on multidrop
- self.localdomains = [] # Domains to be considered local
- self.interface = None # IP address and range
- self.monitor = None # IP address and range
- self.plugin = None # Plugin command for going to server
- self.plugout = None # Plugin command for going to listener
- self.netsec = None # IPV6 security options
- self.users = [] # List of user entries for site
- Server.typemap = (
- ('pollname', 'String'),
- ('via', 'String'),
- ('active', 'Boolean'),
- ('interval', 'Int'),
- ('protocol', 'String'),
- ('port', 'Int'),
- ('uidl', 'Boolean'),
- ('preauth', 'String'),
- ('timeout', 'Int'),
- ('envelope', 'String'),
- ('envskip', 'Int'),
- ('qvirtual', 'String'),
- # leave aka out
- ('dns', 'Boolean'),
- # leave localdomains out
- ('interface', 'String'),
- ('monitor', 'String'),
- ('plugin', 'String'),
- ('plugout', 'String'),
- ('netsec', 'String'))
- def dump(self, folded):
- str = ""
- if self.active: str = str + "poll"
- else: str = str + "skip"
- str = str + (" " + self.pollname)
- if self.via:
- str = str + (" via " + str(self.via) + "n");
- if self.protocol != ServerDefaults.protocol:
- str = str + " with proto " + self.protocol
- if self.port != defaultports[self.protocol] and self.port != 0:
- str = str + " port " + `self.port`
- if self.timeout != ServerDefaults.timeout:
- str = str + " timeout " + `self.timeout`
- if self.interval != ServerDefaults.interval:
- str = str + " interval " + `self.interval`
- if self.envelope != ServerDefaults.envelope or self.envskip != ServerDefaults.envskip:
- if self.envskip:
- str = str + " envelope " + self.envskip + " " + self.envelope
- else:
- str = str + " envelope " + self.envelope
- if self.qvirtual:
- str = str + (" qvirtual " + str(self.qvirtual) + "n");
- if self.preauth != ServerDefaults.preauth:
- str = str + " preauth " + self.preauth
- if self.dns != ServerDefaults.dns or self.uidl != ServerDefaults.uidl:
- str = str + " and options"
- if self.dns != ServerDefaults.dns:
- str = str + flag2str(self.dns, 'dns')
- if self.uidl != ServerDefaults.uidl:
- str = str + flag2str(self.uidl, 'uidl')
- if folded: str = str + "n "
- else: str = str + " "
- if self.aka:
- str = str + "aka"
- for x in self.aka:
- str = str + " " + x
- if self.aka and self.localdomains: str = str + " "
- if self.localdomains:
- str = str + ("localdomains")
- for x in self.localdomains:
- str = str + " " + x
- if (self.aka or self.localdomains):
- if folded:
- str = str + "n "
- else:
- str = str + " "
- if self.interface:
- str = str + "interface " + str(self.interface)
- if self.monitor:
- str = str + "monitor " + str(self.monitor)
- if self.netsec:
- str = str + "netsec " + str(self.netsec)
- if self.interface or self.monitor or self.netsec:
- if folded:
- str = str + "n"
- if str[-1] == " ": str = str[0:-1]
- for user in self.users:
- str = str + repr(user)
- str = str + "n"
- return str;
- def __delitem__(self, name):
- for ui in range(len(self.users)):
- if self.users[ui].remote == name:
- del self.users[ui]
- break
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.dump(TRUE)
- def __str__(self):
- return "[Server: " + self.dump(FALSE) + "]"
- class User:
- def __init__(self):
- if os.environ.has_key("USER"):
- self.remote = os.environ["USER"] # Remote username
- elif os.environ.has_key("LOGNAME"):
- self.remote = os.environ["LOGNAME"]
- else:
- print "Can't get your username!"
- sys.exit(1)
- self.localnames = [self.remote,]# Local names
- self.password = None # Password for mail account access
- self.mailboxes = [] # Remote folders to retrieve from
- self.smtphunt = [] # Hosts to forward to
- self.smtpaddress = None # Append this to MAIL FROM line
- self.preconnect = None # Connection setup
- self.postconnect = None # Connection wrapup
- self.mda = None # Mail Delivery Agent
- self.bsmtp = None # BSMTP output file
- self.lmtp = FALSE # Use LMTP rather than SMTP?
- self.antispam = "571 550 501" # Listener's spam-block code
- self.keep = FALSE # Keep messages
- self.flush = FALSE # Flush messages
- self.fetchall = FALSE # Fetch old messages
- self.rewrite = TRUE # Rewrite message headers
- self.forcecr = FALSE # Force LF -> CR/LF
- self.stripcr = FALSE # Strip CR
- self.pass8bits = FALSE # Force BODY=7BIT
- self.mimedecode = FALSE # Undo MIME armoring
- self.dropstatus = FALSE # Drop incoming Status lines
- self.limit = 0 # Message size limit
- self.warnings = 0 # Size warning interval
- self.fetchlimit = 0 # Max messages fetched per batch
- self.batchlimit = 0 # Max message forwarded per batch
- self.expunge = 0 # Interval between expunges (IMAP)
- self.ssl = 0 # Enable Seccure Socket Layer
- self.sslkey = None # SSL key filename
- self.sslcert = None # SSL certificate filename
- self.properties = None # Extension properties
- User.typemap = (
- ('remote', 'String'),
- # leave out mailboxes and localnames
- ('password', 'String'),
- # Leave out smtphunt
- ('smtpaddress', 'String'),
- ('preconnect', 'String'),
- ('postconnect', 'String'),
- ('mda', 'String'),
- ('bsmtp', 'String'),
- ('lmtp', 'Boolean'),
- ('antispam', 'String'),
- ('keep', 'Boolean'),
- ('flush', 'Boolean'),
- ('fetchall', 'Boolean'),
- ('rewrite', 'Boolean'),
- ('forcecr', 'Boolean'),
- ('stripcr', 'Boolean'),
- ('pass8bits', 'Boolean'),
- ('mimedecode', 'Boolean'),
- ('dropstatus', 'Boolean'),
- ('limit', 'Int'),
- ('warnings', 'Int'),
- ('fetchlimit', 'Int'),
- ('batchlimit', 'Int'),
- ('expunge', 'Int'),
- ('ssl', 'Boolean'),
- ('sslkey', 'String'),
- ('sslcert', 'String'),
- ('properties', 'String'))
- def __repr__(self):
- res = " "
- res = res + "user " + str(self.remote) + " there ";
- if self.password:
- res = res + "with password " + str(self.password) + " "
- if self.localnames:
- res = res + "is"
- for x in self.localnames:
- res = res + " " + x
- res = res + " here"
- if (self.keep != UserDefaults.keep
- or self.flush != UserDefaults.flush
- or self.fetchall != UserDefaults.fetchall
- or self.rewrite != UserDefaults.rewrite
- or self.forcecr != UserDefaults.forcecr
- or self.stripcr != UserDefaults.stripcr
- or self.pass8bits != UserDefaults.pass8bits
- or self.mimedecode != UserDefaults.mimedecode
- or self.dropstatus != UserDefaults.dropstatus):
- res = res + " options"
- if self.keep != UserDefaults.keep:
- res = res + flag2str(self.keep, 'keep')
- if self.flush != UserDefaults.flush:
- res = res + flag2str(self.flush, 'flush')
- if self.fetchall != UserDefaults.fetchall:
- res = res + flag2str(self.fetchall, 'fetchall')
- if self.rewrite != UserDefaults.rewrite:
- res = res + flag2str(self.rewrite, 'rewrite')
- if self.forcecr != UserDefaults.forcecr:
- res = res + flag2str(self.forcecr, 'forcecr')
- if self.stripcr != UserDefaults.stripcr:
- res = res + flag2str(self.stripcr, 'stripcr')
- if self.pass8bits != UserDefaults.pass8bits:
- res = res + flag2str(self.pass8bits, 'pass8bits')
- if self.mimedecode != UserDefaults.mimedecode:
- res = res + flag2str(self.mimedecode, 'mimedecode')
- if self.dropstatus != UserDefaults.dropstatus:
- res = res + flag2str(self.dropstatus, 'dropstatus')
- if self.limit != UserDefaults.limit:
- res = res + " limit " + `self.limit`
- if self.warnings != UserDefaults.warnings:
- res = res + " warnings " + `self.warnings`
- if self.fetchlimit != UserDefaults.fetchlimit:
- res = res + " fetchlimit " + `self.fetchlimit`
- if self.batchlimit != UserDefaults.batchlimit:
- res = res + " batchlimit " + `self.batchlimit`
- if self.ssl != UserDefaults.ssl:
- res = res + flag2str(self.ssl, 'ssl')
- if self.sslkey != UserDefaults.sslkey:
- res = res + " sslkey " + `self.sslkey`
- if self.sslcert != UserDefaults.sslcert:
- res = res + " ssl " + `self.sslcert`
- if self.expunge != UserDefaults.expunge:
- res = res + " expunge " + `self.expunge`
- res = res + "n"
- trimmed = self.smtphunt;
- if trimmed != [] and trimmed[len(trimmed) - 1] == "localhost":
- trimmed = trimmed[0:len(trimmed) - 1]
- if trimmed != [] and trimmed[len(trimmed) - 1] == hostname:
- trimmed = trimmed[0:len(trimmed) - 1]
- if trimmed != []:
- res = res + " smtphost "
- for x in trimmed:
- res = res + " " + x
- res = res + "n"
- if self.mailboxes:
- res = res + " folder"
- for x in self.mailboxes:
- res = res + " " + x
- res = res + "n"
- for fld in ('smtpaddress', 'preconnect', 'postconnect', 'mda', 'bsmtp', 'properties'):
- if getattr(self, fld):
- res = res + " %s %sn" % (fld, `getattr(self, fld)`)
- if self.lmtp != UserDefaults.lmtp:
- res = res + flag2str(self.lmtp, 'lmtp')
- if self.antispam != UserDefaults.antispam:
- res = res + " antispam " + self.antispam + "n"
- return res;
- def __str__(self):
- return "[User: " + repr(self) + "]"
- #
- # Helper code
- #
- defaultports = {"auto":0,
- "POP2":109,
- "POP3":110,
- "APOP":110,
- "KPOP":1109,
- "IMAP":143,
- "IMAP-GSS":143,
- "IMAP-K4":143,
- "ETRN":25}
- preauthlist = ("password", "kerberos", "ssh")
- listboxhelp = {
- 'title' : 'List Selection Help',
- 'banner': 'List Selection',
- 'text' : """
- You must select an item in the list box (by clicking on it).
- """}
- def flag2str(value, string):
- # make a string representation of a .fetchmailrc flag or negated flag
- str = ""
- if value != None:
- str = str + (" ")
- if value == FALSE: str = str + ("no ")
- str = str + string;
- return str
- class LabeledEntry(Frame):
- # widget consisting of entry field with caption to left
- def bind(self, key, action):
- self.E.bind(key, action)
- def focus_set(self):
- self.E.focus_set()
- def __init__(self, Master, text, textvar, lwidth, ewidth=12):
- Frame.__init__(self, Master)
- self.L = Label(self, {'text':text, 'width':lwidth, 'anchor':'w'})
- self.E = Entry(self, {'textvar':textvar, 'width':ewidth})
- self.L.pack({'side':'left'})
- self.E.pack({'side':'left', 'expand':'1', 'fill':'x'})
- def ButtonBar(frame, legend, ref, alternatives, depth, command):
- # array of radio buttons, caption to left, picking from a string list
- bar = Frame(frame)
- width = len(alternatives) / depth;
- Label(bar, text=legend).pack(side=LEFT)
- for column in range(width):
- subframe = Frame(bar)
- for row in range(depth):
- ind = width * row + column
- Radiobutton(subframe,
- {'text':alternatives[ind],
- 'variable':ref,
- 'value':alternatives[ind],
- 'command':command}).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- subframe.pack(side=LEFT)
- bar.pack(side=TOP);
- return bar
- def helpwin(helpdict):
- # help message window with a self-destruct button
- helpwin = Toplevel()
- helpwin.title(helpdict['title'])
- helpwin.iconname(helpdict['title'])
- Label(helpwin, text=helpdict['banner']).pack()
- textframe = Frame(helpwin)
- scroll = Scrollbar(textframe)
- helpwin.textwidget = Text(textframe, setgrid=TRUE)
- textframe.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- helpwin.textwidget.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set)
- helpwin.textwidget.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- scroll.config(command=helpwin.textwidget.yview)
- scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH)
- helpwin.textwidget.insert(END, helpdict['text']);
- Button(helpwin, text='Done',
- command=lambda x=helpwin: Widget.destroy(x), bd=2).pack()
- textframe.pack(side=TOP)
- def make_icon_window(base, image):
- try:
- # Some older pythons will error out on this
- icon_image = PhotoImage(data=image)
- icon_window = Toplevel()
- Label(icon_window, image=icon_image, bg='black').pack()
- base.master.iconwindow(icon_window)
- # Avoid TkInter brain death. PhotoImage objects go out of
- # scope when the enclosing function returns. Therefore
- # we have to explicitly link them to something.
- base.keepalive.append(icon_image)
- except:
- pass
- class ListEdit(Frame):
- # edit a list of values (duplicates not allowed) with a supplied editor hook
- def __init__(self, newlegend, list, editor, deletor, master, helptxt):
- self.editor = editor
- self.deletor = deletor
- self.list = list
- # Set up a widget to accept new elements
- self.newval = StringVar(master)
- newwin = LabeledEntry(master, newlegend, self.newval, '12')
- newwin.bind('<Double-1>', self.handleNew)
- newwin.bind('<Return>', self.handleNew)
- newwin.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, anchor=E)
- # Edit the existing list
- listframe = Frame(master)
- scroll = Scrollbar(listframe)
- self.listwidget = Listbox(listframe, height=0, selectmode='browse')
- if self.list:
- for x in self.list:
- self.listwidget.insert(END, x)
- listframe.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- self.listwidget.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set)
- self.listwidget.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- scroll.config(command=self.listwidget.yview)
- scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH)
- self.listwidget.config(selectmode=SINGLE, setgrid=TRUE)
- self.listwidget.bind('<Double-1>', self.handleList);
- self.listwidget.bind('<Return>', self.handleList);
- bf = Frame(master);
- if self.editor:
- Button(bf, text='Edit', command=self.editItem).pack(side=LEFT)
- Button(bf, text='Delete', command=self.deleteItem).pack(side=LEFT)
- if helptxt:
- self.helptxt = helptxt
- Button(bf, text='Help', fg='blue',
- command=self.help).pack(side=RIGHT)
- bf.pack(fill=X)
- def help(self):
- helpwin(self.helptxt)
- def handleList(self, event):
- self.editItem();
- def handleNew(self, event):
- item = self.newval.get()
- entire = self.listwidget.get(0, self.listwidget.index('end'));
- if item and (not entire) or (not item in self.listwidget.get(0, self.listwidget.index('end'))):
- self.listwidget.insert('end', item)
- if self.list != None: self.list.append(item)
- self.newval.set('')
- def editItem(self):
- select = self.listwidget.curselection()
- if not select:
- helpwin(listboxhelp)
- else:
- index = select[0]
- if index and self.editor:
- label = self.listwidget.get(index);
- apply(self.editor, (label,))
- def deleteItem(self):
- select = self.listwidget.curselection()
- if not select:
- helpwin(listboxhelp)
- else:
- index = string.atoi(select[0])
- label = self.listwidget.get(index);
- self.listwidget.delete(index)
- if self.list != None:
- del self.list[index]
- if self.deletor != None:
- apply(self.deletor, (label,))
- def ConfirmQuit(frame, context):
- ans = Dialog(frame,
- title = 'Quit?',
- text = 'Really quit ' + context + ' without saving?',
- bitmap = 'question',
- strings = ('Yes', 'No'),
- default = 1)
- return ans.num == 0
- def dispose_window(master, legend, help, savelegend='OK'):
- dispose = Frame(master, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(dispose, text=legend).pack(side=TOP,pady=10)
- Button(dispose, text=savelegend, fg='blue',
- command=master.save).pack(side=LEFT)
- Button(dispose, text='Quit', fg='blue',
- command=master.nosave).pack(side=LEFT)
- Button(dispose, text='Help', fg='blue',
- command=lambda x=help: helpwin(x)).pack(side=RIGHT)
- dispose.pack(fill=X)
- return dispose
- class MyWidget:
- # Common methods for Tkinter widgets -- deals with Tkinter declaration
- def post(self, widgetclass, field):
- for x in widgetclass.typemap:
- if x[1] == 'Boolean':
- setattr(self, x[0], BooleanVar(self))
- elif x[1] == 'String':
- setattr(self, x[0], StringVar(self))
- elif x[1] == 'Int':
- setattr(self, x[0], IntVar(self))
- source = getattr(getattr(self, field), x[0])
- if source:
- getattr(self, x[0]).set(source)
- def fetch(self, widgetclass, field):
- for x in widgetclass.typemap:
- setattr(getattr(self, field), x[0], getattr(self, x[0]).get())
- #
- # First, code to set the global fetchmail run controls.
- #
- configure_novice_help = {
- 'title' : 'Fetchmail novice configurator help',
- 'banner': 'Novice configurator help',
- 'text' : """
- In the `Novice Configurator Controls' panel, you can:
- Press `Save' to save the new fetchmail configuration you have created.
- Press `Quit' to exit without saving.
- Press `Help' to bring up this help message.
- In the `Novice Configuration' panels, you will set up the basic data
- needed to create a simple fetchmail setup. These include:
- 1. The name of the remote site you want to query.
- 2. Your login name on that site.
- 3. Your password on that site.
- 4. A protocol to use (POP, IMAP, ETRN, etc.)
- 5. A polling interval.
- 6. Options to fetch old messages as well as new, uor to suppress
- deletion of fetched message.
- The novice-configuration code will assume that you want to forward mail
- to a local sendmail listener with no special options.
- """}
- configure_expert_help = {
- 'title' : 'Fetchmail expert configurator help',
- 'banner': 'Expert configurator help',
- 'text' : """
- In the `Expert Configurator Controls' panel, you can:
- Press `Save' to save the new fetchmail configuration you have edited.
- Press `Quit' to exit without saving.
- Press `Help' to bring up this help message.
- In the `Run Controls' panel, you can set the following options that
- control how fetchmail runs:
- Poll interval
- Number of seconds to wait between polls in the background.
- If zero, fetchmail will run in foreground.
- Logfile
- If empty, emit progress and error messages to stderr.
- Otherwise this gives the name of the files to write to.
- This field is ignored if the "Log to syslog?" option is on.
- Idfile
- If empty, store seen-message IDs in .fetchids under user's home
- directory. If nonempty, use given file name.
- Postmaster
- Who to send multidrop mail to as a last resort if no address can
- be matched. Normally empty; in this case, fetchmail treats the
- invoking user as the address of last resort unless that user is
- root. If that user is root, fetchmail sends to `postmaster'.
- Bounces to sender?
- If this option is on (the default) error mail goes to the sender.
- Otherwise it goes to the postmaster.
- Invisible
- If false (the default) fetchmail generates a Received line into
- each message and generates a HELO from the machine it is running on.
- If true, fetchmail generates no Received line and HELOs as if it were
- the remote site.
- In the `Remote Mail Configurations' panel, you can:
- 1. Enter the name of a new remote mail server you want fetchmail to query.
- To do this, simply enter a label for the poll configuration in the
- `New Server:' box. The label should be a DNS name of the server (unless
- you are using ssh or some other tunneling method and will fill in the `via'
- option on the site configuration screen).
- 2. Change the configuration of an existing site.
- To do this, find the site's label in the listbox and double-click it.
- This will take you to a site configuration dialogue.
- """}
- class ConfigurationEdit(Frame, MyWidget):
- def __init__(self, configuration, outfile, master, onexit):
- self.subwidgets = {}
- self.configuration = configuration
- self.outfile = outfile
- self.container = master
- self.onexit = onexit
- ConfigurationEdit.mode_to_help = {
- 'novice':configure_novice_help, 'expert':configure_expert_help
- }
- def server_edit(self, sitename):
- self.subwidgets[sitename] = ServerEdit(sitename, self).edit(self.mode, Toplevel())
- def server_delete(self, sitename):
- try:
- del self.configuration[sitename]
- except:
- pass
- def edit(self, mode):
- self.mode = mode
- Frame.__init__(self, self.container)
- self.master.title('fetchmail ' + self.mode + ' configurator');
- self.master.iconname('fetchmail ' + self.mode + ' configurator');
- self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.nosave)
- self.keepalive = [] # Use this to anchor the PhotoImage object
- make_icon_window(self, fetchmail_gif)
- Pack.config(self)
- self.post(Configuration, 'configuration')
- dispose_window(self,
- 'Configurator ' + self.mode + ' Controls',
- ConfigurationEdit.mode_to_help[self.mode],
- 'Save')
- gf = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd = 5)
- Label(gf,
- text='Fetchmail Run Controls',
- bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10)
- df = Frame(gf)
- ff = Frame(df)
- if self.mode != 'novice':
- # Set the postmaster
- log = LabeledEntry(ff, ' Postmaster:', self.postmaster, '14')
- log.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E)
- # Set the poll interval
- de = LabeledEntry(ff, ' Poll interval:', self.poll_interval, '14')
- de.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E)
- ff.pack()
- df.pack()
- if self.mode != 'novice':
- pf = Frame(gf)
- Checkbutton(pf,
- {'text':'Bounces to sender?',
- 'variable':self.bouncemail,
- 'relief':GROOVE}).pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
- pf.pack(fill=X)
- sf = Frame(gf)
- Checkbutton(sf,
- {'text':'Log to syslog?',
- 'variable':self.syslog,
- 'relief':GROOVE}).pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
- log = LabeledEntry(sf, ' Logfile:', self.logfile, '14')
- log.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E)
- sf.pack(fill=X)
- Checkbutton(gf,
- {'text':'Invisible mode?',
- 'variable':self.invisible,
- 'relief':GROOVE}).pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
- # Set the idfile
- log = LabeledEntry(gf, ' Idfile:', self.idfile, '14')
- log.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E)
- gf.pack(fill=X)
- # Expert mode allows us to edit multiple sites
- lf = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(lf,
- text='Remote Mail Server Configurations',
- bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10)
- ListEdit('New Server:',
- map(lambda x: x.pollname, self.configuration.servers),
- lambda site, self=self: self.server_edit(site),
- lambda site, self=self: self.server_delete(site),
- lf, remotehelp)
- lf.pack(fill=X)
- def destruct(self):
- for sitename in self.subwidgets.keys():
- self.subwidgets[sitename].destruct()
- self.master.destroy()
- self.onexit()
- def nosave(self):
- if ConfirmQuit(self, self.mode + " configuration editor"):
- self.destruct()
- def save(self):
- for sitename in self.subwidgets.keys():
- self.subwidgets[sitename].save()
- self.fetch(Configuration, 'configuration')
- fm = None
- if not self.outfile:
- fm = sys.stdout
- elif not os.path.isfile(self.outfile) or Dialog(self,
- title = 'Overwrite existing run control file?',
- text = 'Really overwrite existing run control file?',
- bitmap = 'question',
- strings = ('Yes', 'No'),
- default = 1).num == 0:
- fm = open(self.outfile, 'w')
- if fm:
- fm.write("# Configuration created %s by fetchmailconfn" % time.ctime(time.time()))
- fm.write(`self.configuration`)
- if self.outfile:
- fm.close()
- if fm != sys.stdout:
- os.chmod(self.outfile, 0600)
- self.destruct()
- #
- # Server editing stuff.
- #
- remotehelp = {
- 'title' : 'Remote site help',
- 'banner': 'Remote sites',
- 'text' : """
- When you add a site name to the list here,
- you initialize an entry telling fetchmail
- how to poll a new site.
- When you select a sitename (by double-
- clicking it, or by single-clicking to
- select and then clicking the Edit button),
- you will open a window to configure that
- site.
- """}
- serverhelp = {
- 'title' : 'Server options help',
- 'banner': 'Server Options',
- 'text' : """
- The server options screen controls fetchmail
- options that apply to one of your mailservers.
- Once you have a mailserver configuration set
- up as you like it, you can select `OK' to
- store it in the server list maintained in
- the main configuration window.
- If you wish to discard changes to a server
- configuration, select `Quit'.
- """}
- controlhelp = {
- 'title' : 'Run Control help',
- 'banner': 'Run Controls',
- 'text' : """
- If the `Poll normally' checkbox is on, the host is polled as part of
- the normal operation of fetchmail when it is run with no arguments.
- If it is off, fetchmail will only query this host when it is given as
- a command-line argument.
- The `True name of server' box should specify the actual DNS name
- to query. By default this is the same as the poll name.
- Normally each host described in the file is queried once each
- poll cycle. If `Cycles to skip between polls' is greater than 0,
- that's the number of poll cycles that are skipped between the
- times this post is actually polled.
- The `Server timeout' is the number of seconds fetchmail will wait
- for a reply from the mailserver before concluding it is hung and
- giving up.
- """}
- protohelp = {
- 'title' : 'Protocol and Port help',
- 'banner': 'Protocol and Port',
- 'text' : """
- These options control the remote-mail protocol
- and TCP/IP service port used to query this
- server.
- If you click the `Probe for supported protocols'
- button, fetchmail will try to find you the most
- capable server on the selected host (this will
- only work if you're conncted to the Internet).
- The probe only checks for ordinary IMAP and POP
- protocols; fortunately these are the most
- frequently supported.
- The `Protocol' button bar offers you a choice of
- all the different protocols available. The `auto'
- protocol is the default mode; it probes the host
- ports for POP3 and IMAP to see if either is
- available.
- Normally the TCP/IP service port to use is
- dictated by the protocol choice. The `Port'
- field (only present in expert mode) lets you
- set a non-standard port.
- """}
- sechelp = {
- 'title' : 'Security option help',
- 'banner': 'Security',
- 'text' : """
- The `interface' option allows you to specify a range
- of IP addresses to monitor for activity. If these
- addresses are not active, fetchmail will not poll.
- Specifying this may protect you from a spoofing attack
- if your client machine has more than one IP gateway
- address and some of the gateways are to insecure nets.
- The `monitor' option, if given, specifies the only
- device through which fetchmail is permitted to connect
- to servers. This option may be used to prevent
- fetchmail from triggering an expensive dial-out if the
- interface is not already active.
- The `interface' and `monitor' options are available
- only for Linux and freeBSD systems. See the fetchmail
- manual page for details on these.
- The ssl option enables SSL communication with a mailserver
- supporting Secure Sockets Layer. The sslkey and sslcert options
- declare key and certificate files for use with SSL.
- The `netsec' option will be configurable only if fetchmail
- was compiled with IPV6 support. If you need to use it,
- you probably know what to do.
- """}
- multihelp = {
- 'title' : 'Multidrop option help',
- 'banner': 'Multidrop',
- 'text' : """
- These options are only useful with multidrop mode.
- See the manual page for extended discussion.
- """}
- suserhelp = {
- 'title' : 'User list help',
- 'banner': 'User list',
- 'text' : """
- When you add a user name to the list here,
- you initialize an entry telling fetchmail
- to poll the site on behalf of the new user.
- When you select a username (by double-
- clicking it, or by single-clicking to
- select and then clicking the Edit button),
- you will open a window to configure the
- user's options on that site.
- """}
- class ServerEdit(Frame, MyWidget):
- def __init__(self, host, parent):
- self.parent = parent
- self.server = None
- self.subwidgets = {}
- for site in parent.configuration.servers:
- if site.pollname == host:
- self.server = site
- if (self.server == None):
- self.server = Server()
- self.server.pollname = host
- self.server.via = None
- parent.configuration.servers.append(self.server)
- def edit(self, mode, master=None):
- Frame.__init__(self, master)
- Pack.config(self)
- self.master.title('Fetchmail host ' + self.server.pollname);
- self.master.iconname('Fetchmail host ' + self.server.pollname);
- self.post(Server, 'server')
- self.makeWidgets(self.server.pollname, mode)
- self.keepalive = [] # Use this to anchor the PhotoImage object
- make_icon_window(self, fetchmail_gif)
- # self.grab_set()
- # self.focus_set()
- # self.wait_window()
- return self
- def destruct(self):
- for username in self.subwidgets.keys():
- self.subwidgets[username].destruct()
- del self.parent.subwidgets[self.server.pollname]
- Widget.destroy(self.master)
- def nosave(self):
- if ConfirmQuit(self, 'server option editing'):
- self.destruct()
- def save(self):
- self.fetch(Server, 'server')
- for username in self.subwidgets.keys():
- self.subwidgets[username].save()
- self.destruct()
- def refreshPort(self):
- proto = self.protocol.get()
- if self.port.get() == 0:
- self.port.set(defaultports[proto])
- if not proto in ("POP3", "APOP", "KPOP"): self.uidl.state = DISABLED
- def user_edit(self, username, mode):
- self.subwidgets[username] = UserEdit(username, self).edit(mode, Toplevel())
- def user_delete(self, username):
- if self.subwidgets.has_key(username):
- del self.subwidgets[username]
- del self.server[username]
- def makeWidgets(self, host, mode):
- topwin = dispose_window(self, "Server options for querying " + host, serverhelp)
- leftwin = Frame(self);
- leftwidth = '25';
- if mode != 'novice':
- ctlwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(ctlwin, text="Run Controls").pack(side=TOP)
- Checkbutton(ctlwin, text='Poll ' + host + ' normally?', variable=self.active).pack(side=TOP)
- LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'True name of ' + host + ':',
- self.via, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'Cycles to skip between polls:',
- self.interval, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'Server timeout (seconds):',
- self.timeout, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- Button(ctlwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
- command=lambda: helpwin(controlhelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
- ctlwin.pack(fill=X)
- # Compute the available protocols from the compile-time options
- protolist = ['auto']
- if 'pop2' in feature_options:
- protolist.append("POP2")
- if 'pop3' in feature_options:
- protolist = protolist + ["POP3", "APOP", "KPOP"]
- if 'sdps' in feature_options:
- protolist.append("SDPS")
- if 'imap' in feature_options:
- protolist.append("IMAP")
- if 'imap-gss' in feature_options:
- protolist.append("IMAP-GSS")
- if 'imap-k4' in feature_options:
- protolist.append("IMAP-K4")
- if 'etrn' in feature_options:
- protolist.append("ETRN")
- protwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(protwin, text="Protocol").pack(side=TOP)
- ButtonBar(protwin, '',
- self.protocol, protolist, 2,
- self.refreshPort)
- if mode != 'novice':
- LabeledEntry(protwin, 'On server TCP/IP port:',
- self.port, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- self.refreshPort()
- Checkbutton(protwin,
- text="POP3: track `seen' with client-side UIDLs?",
- variable=self.uidl).pack(side=TOP)
- Button(protwin, text='Probe for supported protocols', fg='blue',
- command=self.autoprobe).pack(side=LEFT)
- Button(protwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
- command=lambda: helpwin(protohelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
- protwin.pack(fill=X)
- userwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(userwin, text="User entries for " + host).pack(side=TOP)
- ListEdit("New user: ",
- map(lambda x: x.remote, self.server.users),
- lambda u, m=mode, s=self: s.user_edit(u, m),
- lambda u, s=self: s.user_delete(u),
- userwin, suserhelp)
- userwin.pack(fill=X)
- leftwin.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N, fill=X);
- if mode != 'novice':
- rightwin = Frame(self);
- mdropwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(mdropwin, text="Multidrop options").pack(side=TOP)
- LabeledEntry(mdropwin, 'Envelope address header:',
- self.envelope, '22').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(mdropwin, 'Envelope headers to skip:',
- self.envskip, '22').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(mdropwin, 'Name prefix to strip:',
- self.qvirtual, '22').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- Checkbutton(mdropwin, text="Enable multidrop DNS lookup?",
- variable=self.dns).pack(side=TOP)
- Label(mdropwin, text="DNS aliases").pack(side=TOP)
- ListEdit("New alias: ", self.server.aka, None, None, mdropwin, None)
- Label(mdropwin, text="Domains to be considered local").pack(side=TOP)
- ListEdit("New domain: ",
- self.server.localdomains, None, None, mdropwin, multihelp)
- mdropwin.pack(fill=X)
- if os_type == 'linux' or os_type == 'freebsd' or 'netsec' in feature_options:
- secwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(secwin, text="Security").pack(side=TOP)
- # Don't actually let users set this. KPOP sets it implicitly
- # ButtonBar(secwin, 'Preauthorization mode:',
- # self.preauth, preauthlist, 1, None).pack(side=TOP)
- if os_type == 'linux' or os_type == 'freebsd' or 'interface' in dictmembers:
- LabeledEntry(secwin, 'IP range to check before poll:',
- self.interface, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- if os_type == 'linux' or os_type == 'freebsd' or 'monitor' in dictmembers:
- LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Interface to monitor:',
- self.monitor, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- if 'netsec' in feature_options or 'netsec' in dictmembers:
- LabeledEntry(secwin, 'IPV6 security options:',
- self.netsec, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- Button(secwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
- command=lambda: helpwin(sechelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
- secwin.pack(fill=X)
- rightwin.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N);
- def autoprobe(self):
- # Note: this only handles case (1) near fetchmail.c:1032
- # We're assuming people smart enough to set up ssh tunneling
- # won't need autoprobing.
- if self.server.via:
- realhost = self.server.via
- else:
- realhost = self.server.pollname
- greetline = None
- for (protocol, port) in (("IMAP",143), ("POP3",110), ("POP2",109)):
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- try:
- sock.connect(realhost, port)
- greetline = sock.recv(1024)
- sock.close()
- except:
- pass
- else:
- break
- confwin = Toplevel()
- if greetline == None:
- title = "Autoprobe of " + realhost + " failed"
- confirm = """
- Fetchmailconf didn't find any mailservers active.
- This could mean the host doesn't support any,
- or that your Internet connection is down, or
- that the host is so slow that the probe timed
- out before getting a response.
- """
- else:
- warnings = ''
- # OK, now try to recognize potential problems
- if protocol == "POP2":
- warnings = warnings + """
- It appears you have somehow found a mailserver running only POP2.
- Congratulations. Have you considered a career in archaeology?
- Unfortunately, stock fetchmail binaries don't include POP2 support anymore.
- Unless the first line of your fetchmail -V output includes the string "POP2",
- you'll have to build it from sources yourself with the configure
- switch --enable-POP2.
- """
- # The greeting line on the server known to be buggy is:
- # +OK POP3 server ready (running FTGate V2, 2, 1, 0 Jun 21 1999 09:55:01)
- #
- if string.find(greetline, "FTGate") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- This POP server has a weird bug; it says OK twice in response to TOP.
- Its response to RETR is normal, so use the `fetchall'.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "POP-Max") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- The Mail Max server screws up on mail with attachments. It reports the
- message size with attachments included, but doesn't downloasd them on a
- RETR or TOP. You should get rid of it -- and the brain-dead NT server
- it rode in on.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "1.003") > 0 or string.find(greetline, "1.004") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- This appears to be an old version of the UC Davis POP server. These are
- dangerously unreliable (among other problems, they may drop your mailbox
- on the floor if your connection is interrupted during the session).
- It is strongly recommended that you find a better POP3 server. The fetchmail
- FAQ includes pointers to good ones.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "usa.net") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- You appear to be using USA.NET's free mail service. Their POP3 servers
- (at least as of the 2.2 version in use mid-1998) are quite flaky, but
- fetchmail can compensate. They seem to require that fetchall be switched on
- (otherwise you won't necessarily see all your mail, not even new mail).
- They also botch the TOP command the fetchmail normally uses for retrieval
- (it only retrieves about 10 lines rather than the number specified).
- Turning on fetchall will disable the use of TOP.
- Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you turn on `fetchall' on all
- user entries associated with this server.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "OpenMail") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- You appear to be using some version of HP OpenMail. Many versions of
- OpenMail do not process the "TOP" command correctly; the symptom is that
- only the header and first line of each message is retrieved. To work
- around this bug, turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with
- this server.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "TEMS POP3") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- Your POP3 server has "TEMS" in its header line. At least one such
- server does not process the "TOP" command correctly; the symptom is
- that fetchmail hangs when trying to retrieve mail. To work around
- this bug, turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with this
- server.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "GroupWise") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- The Novell GroupWise IMAP server would be better named GroupFoolish;
- it is (according to the designer of IMAP) unusably broken. Among
- other things, it doesn't include a required content length in its
- BODY[TEXT] response.<p>
- Fetchmail works around this problem, but we strongly recommend voting
- with your dollars for a server that isn't brain-dead. If you stick
- with code as shoddy as GroupWise seems to be, you will probably pay
- for it with other problems.<p>
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "sprynet.com") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- You appear to be using a SpryNet server. In mid-1999 it was reported that
- the SpryNet TOP command marks messages seen. Therefore, for proper error
- recovery in the event of a line drop, it is strongly recommended that you
- turn on `fetchall' on all user entries associated with this server.
- """
- # Steve VanDevender <stevev@efn.org> writes:
- # The only system I have seen this happen with is cucipop-1.31
- # under SunOS 4.1.4. cucipop-1.31 runs fine on at least Solaris
- # 2.x and probably quite a few other systems. It appears to be a
- # bug or bad interaction with the SunOS realloc() -- it turns out
- # that internally cucipop does allocate a certain data structure in
- # multiples of 16, using realloc() to bump it up to the next
- # multiple if it needs more.
- #
- # The distinctive symptom is that when there are 16 messages in the
- # inbox, you can RETR and DELE all 16 messages successfully, but on
- # QUIT cucipop returns something like "-ERR Error locking your
- # mailbox" and aborts without updating it.
- #
- # The cucipop banner looks like:
- #
- # +OK Cubic Circle's v1.31 1998/05/13 POP3 ready <6229000062f95036@wakko>
- #
- if string.find(greetline, "Cubic Circle") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- I see your server is running cucipop. Better make sure the server box
- isn't a SunOS 4.1.4 machine; cucipop tickles a bug in SunOS realloc()
- under that version, and doesn't cope with the result gracefully. Newer
- SunOS and Solaris machines run cucipop OK.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "QPOP") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- This appears to be a version of Eudora qpopper. That's good. Fetchmail
- knows all about qpopper. However, be aware that the 2.53 version of
- qpopper does something odd that causes fetchmail to hang with a socket
- error on very large messages. This is probably not a fetchmail bug, as
- it has been observed with fetchpop. The fix is to upgrade to qpopper
- 3.0beta or a more recent version. Better yet, switch to IMAP.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "Imail") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- We've seen a bug report indicating that this IMAP server (at least as of
- version 5.0.7) returns an invalid body size for messages with MIME
- attachments; the effect is to drop the attachments on the floor. We
- recommend you upgrade to a non-broken IMAP server.
- """
- closebrak = string.find(greetline, ">")
- if closebrak > 0 and greetline[closebrak+1] == "r":
- warnings = warnings + """
- It looks like you could use APOP on this server and avoid sending it your
- password in clear. You should talk to the mailserver administrator about
- this.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "IMAP2bis") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- IMAP2bis servers have a minor problem; they can't peek at messages without
- marking them seen. If you take a line hit during the retrieval, the
- interrupted message may get left on the server, marked seen.
- To work around this, it is recommended that you set the `fetchall'
- option on all user entries associated with this server, so any stuck
- mail will be retrieved next time around.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "POP3 Server Ready") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- Some server that uses this greeting line has been observed to choke on
- TOP %d 99999999. Use the fetchall option. if necessary, to force RETR.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "Netscape IMAP4rev1 Service 3.6") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- This server violates the RFC2060 requirement that a BODY[TEXT] fetch should
- set the messages's Seen flag. As a result, if you use the keep option the
- same messages will be downloaded over and over.
- """
- if string.find(greetline, "IMAP4rev1") > 0:
- warnings = warnings + """
- I see an IMAP4rev1 server. Excellent. This is (a) the best kind of
- remote-mail server, and (b) the one the fetchmail author uses. Fetchmail
- has therefore been extremely well tested with this class of server.
- """
- if warnings == '':
- warnings = warnings + """
- Fetchmail doesn't know anything special about this server type.
- """
- # Display success window with warnings
- title = "Autoprobe of " + realhost + " succeeded"
- confirm = "The " + protocol + " server said:nn" + greetline + warnings
- self.protocol.set(protocol)
- confwin.title(title)
- confwin.iconname(title)
- Label(confwin, text=title).pack()
- Message(confwin, text=confirm, width=600).pack()
- Button(confwin, text='Done',
- command=lambda x=confwin: Widget.destroy(x), bd=2).pack()
- #
- # User editing stuff
- #
- userhelp = {
- 'title' : 'User option help',
- 'banner': 'User options',
- 'text' : """
- You may use this panel to set options
- that may differ between individual
- users on your site.
- Once you have a user configuration set
- up as you like it, you can select `OK' to
- store it in the user list maintained in
- the site configuration window.
- If you wish to discard the changes you have
- made to user options, select `Quit'.
- """}
- localhelp = {
- 'title' : 'Local name help',
- 'banner': 'Local names',
- 'text' : """
- The local name(s) in a user entry are the
- people on the client machine who should
- receive mail from the poll described.
- Note: if a user entry has more than one
- local name, messages will be retrieved
- in multidrop mode. This complicates
- the configuration issues; see the manual
- page section on multidrop mode.
- """}
- class UserEdit(Frame, MyWidget):
- def __init__(self, username, parent):
- self.parent = parent
- self.user = None
- for user in parent.server.users:
- if user.remote == username:
- self.user = user
- if self.user == None:
- self.user = User()
- self.user.remote = username
- self.user.localnames = [username]
- parent.server.users.append(self.user)
- def edit(self, mode, master=None):
- Frame.__init__(self, master)
- Pack.config(self)
- self.master.title('Fetchmail user ' + self.user.remote
- + ' querying ' + self.parent.server.pollname);
- self.master.iconname('Fetchmail user ' + self.user.remote);
- self.post(User, 'user')
- self.makeWidgets(mode, self.parent.server.pollname)
- self.keepalive = [] # Use this to anchor the PhotoImage object
- make_icon_window(self, fetchmail_gif)
- # self.grab_set()
- # self.focus_set()
- # self.wait_window()
- return self
- def destruct(self):
- del self.parent.subwidgets[self.user.remote]
- Widget.destroy(self.master)
- def nosave(self):
- if ConfirmQuit(self, 'user option editing'):
- self.destruct()
- def save(self):
- self.fetch(User, 'user')
- self.destruct()
- def makeWidgets(self, mode, servername):
- dispose_window(self,
- "User options for " + self.user.remote + " querying " + servername,
- userhelp)
- if mode != 'novice':
- leftwin = Frame(self);
- else:
- leftwin = self
- secwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(secwin, text="Authentication").pack(side=TOP)
- LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Password:',
- self.password, '12').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- secwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
- if 'ssl' in feature_options or 'ssl' in dictmembers:
- sslwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Checkbutton(sslwin, text="Use SSL?",
- variable=self.ssl).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(sslwin, 'SSL key:',
- self.sslkey, '14').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(sslwin, 'SSL certificate:',
- self.sslcert, '14').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- sslwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
- names = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(names, text="Local names").pack(side=TOP)
- ListEdit("New name: ",
- self.user.localnames, None, None, names, localhelp)
- names.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
- if mode != 'novice':
- targwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(targwin, text="Forwarding Options").pack(side=TOP)
- Label(targwin, text="Listeners to forward to").pack(side=TOP)
- ListEdit("New listener:",
- self.user.smtphunt, None, None, targwin, None)
- LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Append to MAIL FROM line:',
- self.smtpaddress, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Connection setup command:',
- self.preconnect, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Connection wrapup command:',
- self.postconnect, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Local delivery agent:',
- self.mda, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(targwin, 'BSMTP output file:',
- self.bsmtp, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Listener spam-block codes:',
- self.antispam, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Pass-through properties:',
- self.properties, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- Checkbutton(targwin, text="Use LMTP?",
- variable=self.lmtp).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- targwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
- if mode != 'novice':
- leftwin.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, anchor=N)
- rightwin = Frame(self)
- else:
- rightwin = self
- optwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(optwin, text="Processing Options").pack(side=TOP)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Suppress deletion of messages after reading",
- variable=self.keep).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Fetch old messages as well as new",
- variable=self.fetchall).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- if mode != 'novice':
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Flush seen messages before retrieval",
- variable=self.flush).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Rewrite To/Cc/Bcc messages to enable reply",
- variable=self.rewrite).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Force CR/LF at end of each line",
- variable=self.forcecr).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Strip CR from end of each line",
- variable=self.stripcr).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Pass 8 bits even though SMTP says 7BIT",
- variable=self.pass8bits).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Undo MIME armoring on header and body",
- variable=self.mimedecode).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- Checkbutton(optwin, text="Drop Status lines from forwarded messages",
- variable=self.dropstatus).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
- optwin.pack(fill=X)
- if mode != 'novice':
- limwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(limwin, text="Resource Limits").pack(side=TOP)
- LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Message size limit:',
- self.limit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Size warning interval:',
- self.warnings, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Max messages to fetch per poll:',
- self.fetchlimit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Max messages to forward per poll:',
- self.batchlimit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- if self.parent.server.protocol in ('IMAP', 'IMAP-K4', 'IMAP-GSS'):
- LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Interval between expunges (IMAP):',
- self.expunge, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- limwin.pack(fill=X)
- if self.parent.server.protocol in ('IMAP', 'IMAP-K4', 'IMAP-GSS'):
- foldwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
- Label(foldwin, text="Remote folders (IMAP only)").pack(side=TOP)
- ListEdit("New folder:", self.user.mailboxes,
- None, None, foldwin, None)
- foldwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
- if mode != 'novice':
- rightwin.pack(side=LEFT)
- else:
- self.pack()
- #
- # Top-level window that offers either novice or expert mode
- # (but not both at once; it disappears when one is selected).
- #
- class Configurator(Frame):
- def __init__(self, outfile, master, onexit, parent):
- Frame.__init__(self, master)
- self.outfile = outfile
- self.onexit = onexit
- self.parent = parent
- self.master.title('fetchmail configurator');
- self.master.iconname('fetchmail configurator');
- Pack.config(self)
- self.keepalive = [] # Use this to anchor the PhotoImage object
- make_icon_window(self, fetchmail_gif)
- Message(self, text="""
- Use `Novice Configuration' for basic fetchmail setup;
- with this, you can easily set up a single-drop connection
- to one remote mail server.
- """, width=600).pack(side=TOP)
- Button(self, text='Novice Configuration',
- fg='blue', command=self.novice).pack()
- Message(self, text="""
- Use `Expert Configuration' for advanced fetchmail setup,
- including multiple-site or multidrop connections.
- """, width=600).pack(side=TOP)
- Button(self, text='Expert Configuration',
- fg='blue', command=self.expert).pack()
- Message(self, text="""
- Or you can just select `Quit' to leave the configurator now and
- return to the main panel.
- """, width=600).pack(side=TOP)
- Button(self, text='Quit', fg='blue', command=self.leave).pack()
- master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.leave)
- def novice(self):
- self.master.destroy()
- ConfigurationEdit(Fetchmailrc, self.outfile, Toplevel(), self.onexit).edit('novice')
- def expert(self):
- self.master.destroy()
- ConfigurationEdit(Fetchmailrc, self.outfile, Toplevel(), self.onexit).edit('expert')
- def leave(self):
- self.master.destroy()
- self.onexit()
- # Run a command in a scrolling text widget, displaying its output
- class RunWindow(Frame):
- def __init__(self, command, master, parent):
- Frame.__init__(self, master)
- self.master = master
- self.master.title('fetchmail run window');
- self.master.iconname('fetchmail run window');
- Pack.config(self)
- Label(self,
- text="Running "+command,
- bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10)
- self.keepalive = [] # Use this to anchor the PhotoImage object
- make_icon_window(self, fetchmail_gif)
- # This is a scrolling text window
- textframe = Frame(self)
- scroll = Scrollbar(textframe)
- self.textwidget = Text(textframe, setgrid=TRUE)
- textframe.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- self.textwidget.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set)
- self.textwidget.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
- scroll.config(command=self.textwidget.yview)
- scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH)
- textframe.pack(side=TOP)
- Button(self, text='Quit', fg='blue', command=self.leave).pack()
- self.update() # Draw widget before executing fetchmail
- child_stdout = os.popen(command + " 2>&1", "r")
- while 1:
- ch = child_stdout.read(1)
- if not ch:
- break
- self.textwidget.insert(END, ch)
- self.textwidget.insert(END, "Done.")
- self.textwidget.see(END);
- def leave(self):
- Widget.destroy(self.master)
- # Here's where we choose either configuration or launching
- class MainWindow(Frame):
- def __init__(self, outfile, master=None):
- Frame.__init__(self, master)
- self.outfile = outfile
- self.master.title('fetchmail launcher');
- self.master.iconname('fetchmail launcher');
- Pack.config(self)
- Label(self,
- text='Fetchmailconf ' + version,
- bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10)
- self.keepalive = [] # Use this to anchor the PhotoImage object
- make_icon_window(self, fetchmail_gif)
- self.debug = 0
- Message(self, text="""
- Use `Configure fetchmail' to tell fetchmail about the remote
- servers it should poll (the host name, your username there,
- whether to use POP or IMAP, and so forth).
- """, width=600).pack(side=TOP)
- self.configbutton = Button(self, text='Configure fetchmail',
- fg='blue', command=self.configure)
- self.configbutton.pack()
- Message(self, text="""
- Use `Test fetchmail' to run fetchmail with debugging enabled.
- This is a good way to test out a new configuration.
- """, width=600).pack(side=TOP)
- Button(self, text='Test fetchmail',fg='blue', command=self.test).pack()
- Message(self, text="""
- Use `Run fetchmail' to run fetchmail in foreground.
- Progress messages will be shown, but not debug messages.
- """, width=600).pack(side=TOP)
- Button(self, text='Run fetchmail', fg='blue', command=self.run).pack()
- Message(self, text="""
- Or you can just select `Quit' to exit the launcher now.
- """, width=600).pack(side=TOP)
- Button(self, text='Quit', fg='blue', command=self.leave).pack()
- def configure(self):
- self.configbutton.configure(state=DISABLED)
- Configurator(self.outfile, Toplevel(),
- lambda self=self: self.configbutton.configure(state=NORMAL),
- self)
- def test(self):
- RunWindow("fetchmail -d0 -v --nosyslog", Toplevel(), self)
- def run(self):
- RunWindow("fetchmail -d0", Toplevel(), self)
- def leave(self):
- self.quit()
- # Functions for turning a dictionary into an instantiated object tree.
- def intersect(list1, list2):
- # Compute set intersection of lists
- res = []
- for x in list1:
- if x in list2:
- res.append(x)
- return res
- def setdiff(list1, list2):
- # Compute set difference of lists
- res = []
- for x in list1:
- if not x in list2:
- res.append(x)
- return res
- def copy_instance(toclass, fromdict):
- # Initialize a class object of given type from a conformant dictionary.
- for fld in fromdict.keys():
- if not fld in dictmembers:
- dictmembers.append(fld)
- # The `optional' fields are the ones we can ignore for purposes of
- # conformability checking; they'll still get copied if they are
- # present in the dictionary.
- optional = ('interface', 'monitor', 'netsec', 'ssl', 'sslkey', 'sslcert')
- class_sig = setdiff(toclass.__dict__.keys(), optional)
- class_sig.sort()
- dict_keys = setdiff(fromdict.keys(), optional)
- dict_keys.sort()
- common = intersect(class_sig, dict_keys)
- if 'typemap' in class_sig:
- class_sig.remove('typemap')
- if tuple(class_sig) != tuple(dict_keys):
- print "Fields don't match what fetchmailconf expected:"
- # print "Class signature: " + `class_sig`
- # print "Dictionary keys: " + `dict_keys`
- diff = setdiff(class_sig, common)
- if diff:
- print "Not matched in class `" + toclass.__class__.__name__ + "' signature: " + `diff`
- diff = setdiff(dict_keys, common)
- if diff:
- print "Not matched in dictionary keys: " + `diff`
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- for x in fromdict.keys():
- setattr(toclass, x, fromdict[x])
- #
- # And this is the main sequence. How it works:
- #
- # First, call `fetchmail --configdump' and trap the output in a tempfile.
- # This should fill it with a Python initializer for a variable `fetchmailrc'.
- # Run execfile on the file to pull fetchmailrc into Python global space.
- # You don't want static data, though; you want, instead, a tree of objects
- # with the same data members and added appropriate methods.
- #
- # This is what the copy_instance function() is for. It tries to copy a
- # dictionary field by field into a class, aborting if the class and dictionary
- # have different data members (except for any typemap member in the class;
- # that one is strictly for use by the MyWidget supperclass).
- #
- # Once the object tree is set up, require user to choose novice or expert
- # mode and instantiate an edit object for the configuration. Class methods
- # will take it all from there.
- #
- # Options (not documented because they're for fetchmailconf debuggers only):
- # -d: Read the configuration and dump it to stdout before editing. Dump
- # the edited result to stdout as well.
- # -f: specify the run control file to read.
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if not os.environ.has_key("DISPLAY"):
- print "fetchmailconf must be run under X"
- sys.exit(1)
- fetchmail_gif = """
- R0lGODdhPAAoAPcAAP///wgICBAQEISEhIyMjJSUlKWlpa2trbW1tcbGxs7Ozufn5+/v7//39yEY
- GNa9tUoxKZyEe1o5KTEQAN7OxpyMhIRjUvfn3pxSKYQ5EO/Wxv/WvWtSQrVzSmtCKWspAMatnP/e
- xu+1jIxSKaV7Wt6ca5xSGK2EY8aUa72MY86UY617UsaMWrV7SpRjOaVrOZRaKYxSIXNCGGs5EIRC
- CJR7Y/+UMdbOxnNrY97Ove/Wvd7GrZyEa961jL2Ua9alc86ca7WEUntSKcaMSqVjGNZ7GGM5CNa1
- jPfOnN6tc3taMffeve/WtWtaQv/OjGtSMYRzWv/erda1hM6te7WUY62MWs61jP/vzv/ntda9jL2l
- czEhAO/n1oyEc//elDEpGEo5EOfexpyUe+/epefevffvxnNrQpyUStbWzsbGvZyclN7ezmNjWv//
- 5/f33qWllNbWve/vzv//1ufnve/vvf//xvf3vefnrf//taWlc0pKMf//pbW1Y///jKWlWq2tWsbG
- Y///c97eUvf3Ut7nc+/3a87We8bOjOfv1u/37/f//621tb3Gxtbn52Nra87n53uUlJTv/6W9xuf3
- /8bW3iExOXu11tbv/5TW/4TO/63e/zmt/1KUxlK1/2u9/wCM/73GzrXG1gBKjACE/87e72NzhCkx
- OaXO92OMtUql/xCE/wApUtbe57W9xnN7hHut52Ot/xBSnABKnABavQB7/2ul7zF71gBr77XO73Oc
- 1lqc9yFSlBApSimE/wAYOQApY0J7zlKM5wAxhABS1gBj/6W95wAhWgA5nAAYSgBS7wBS/wBK9wAp
- jABC5wBK/wApnABC/wApxgAhtYSMtQAQYwAp/3OE74SMxgAYxlpjvWNr70pS/wgQ3sbGzs7O1qWl
- zgAA1gAA5wAA9wAA/0pC/xgQ52Na9ykhe4R7zikhYxgQSjEpQgAAACwAAAAAPAAoAAAI/wABCBxI
- mjhxvkyZs2fLnTd9ehxAtKjRo0ZrwhTasUsENhYHKOUpk1E3j11mxCBiQVLEBlJd2owp9iVRjwUs
- FZp9UDmxQkkMCRwyZKDBQy4aApABhP8XqNwj88l7BVpQYZtF5iArWgwAgGZBq24HU7OeGhQ90PVA
- dXhDBxdzlAHOHHKEcocZdWwDjx8MTCmjsR2FMAstw1RyiSzHqPLALaOwk8QmzCzDCSi0xJKMMk4E
- Mlu0Yc85hNiDziH2tMqOGL72QY47gshLb7Fi4roELcjoQIsxWpDwQyfS2OCJMkLI4YUmyhgxSTVg
- CP2FHPZ80UDcieBjStNPD5LPOyZT/y0iHGiMwswexDSzRiRq6KIMJBc4M8skwKAyChia2KPH3P24
- YU8/lFhOTj152OPOHuXMU4g48vCRiN/9rZGLMdS4csUu1JzDgxuipOMDHMKsAwEnq/ByzTrrZMNO
- OtO0k84+7KjzBjzplMJOOOOoo8846/ATxqJWinkkGUyEkMAaIezABQM3bMAEK1xEsUMDGjARRxhY
- xEGGHfPjEcccca6BRxhyuEMY7FCHMNDhf9140r2qRiVvdENQ3liUArzREW/0qRsRVIAGFfBADnLw
- """
- # Note on making icons: the above was generated by the following procedure:
- #
- # import base64
- # data = open("fetchmail.gif", "rb").read()
- # print "fetchmail_gif =\"
- # print repr(base64.encodestring(data))
- #
- # Process options
- (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:")
- dump = rcfile = None;
- for (switch, val) in options:
- if (switch == '-d'):
- dump = TRUE
- elif (switch == '-f'):
- rcfile = val
- # Get client host's FQDN
- hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]
- # Compute defaults
- ConfigurationDefaults = Configuration()
- ServerDefaults = Server()
- UserDefaults = User()
- # Read the existing configuration
- tmpfile = "/tmp/fetchmailconf." + `os.getpid()`
- if rcfile:
- cmd = "fetchmail -f " + rcfile + " --configdump --nosyslog >" + tmpfile
- else:
- cmd = "fetchmail --configdump --nosyslog >" + tmpfile
- try:
- s = os.system(cmd)
- if s != 0:
- print "`" + cmd + "' run failure, status " + `s`
- raise SystemExit
- except:
- print "Unknown error while running fetchmail --configdump"
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- execfile(tmpfile)
- except:
- print "Can't read configuration output of fetchmail --configdump."
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- sys.exit(1)
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- # The tricky part -- initializing objects from the configuration global
- # `Configuration' is the top level of the object tree we're going to mung.
- # The dictmembers list is used to track the set of fields the dictionary
- # contains; in particular, we can use it to tell whether things like the
- # monitor, interface, netsec, ssl, sslkey, or sslcert fields are present.
- dictmembers = []
- Fetchmailrc = Configuration()
- copy_instance(Fetchmailrc, fetchmailrc)
- Fetchmailrc.servers = [];
- for server in fetchmailrc['servers']:
- Newsite = Server()
- copy_instance(Newsite, server)
- Fetchmailrc.servers.append(Newsite)
- Newsite.users = [];
- for user in server['users']:
- Newuser = User()
- copy_instance(Newuser, user)
- Newsite.users.append(Newuser)
- # We may want to display the configuration and quit
- if dump:
- print "This is a dump of the configuration we read:n"+`Fetchmailrc`
- # The theory here is that -f alone sets the rcfile location,
- # but -d and -f together mean the new configuration should go to stdout.
- if not rcfile and not dump:
- rcfile = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.fetchmailrc"
- # OK, now run the configuration edit
- root = MainWindow(rcfile)
- root.mainloop()
- # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
- # Local Variables:
- # mode:python
- # End: