- <?php
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- # phpop
- # A WWW based POP3 basic mail user agent (MUA)
- # Copyright (C) 1999 Padraic Renaghan
- # Licensed under terms of GNU General Public License
- # (see http://www.renaghan.com/phpop/source/LICENSE)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id: poplocal.inc,v 1.10 2000/04/12 23:23:20 prenagha Exp $
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- # Our local versions of the PHPLIB classes.
- class pop_db extends DB_Sql {
- var $Host = "localhost";
- var $Database = "phpop";
- var $User = "test";
- var $Password = "test";
- var $Auto_Free = 1; ## Set to 1 for automatic mysql_free_result()
- var $Debug = 0; ## Set to 1 for debugging messages.
- var $Halt_On_Error = "yes"; ## "yes" (halt with message),
- ## "no" (ignore errors quietly),
- ## "report" (ignore errror, but spit a warning)
- }
- class pop_ct_sql extends CT_Sql {
- var $database_class = "pop_db"; ## which database to connect
- var $database_table = "active_sessions"; ## find session data in this tbl
- }
- /*
- # I tried switching out the ct_sql class with ct_dbm so you
- # wouldn't be required to have a database with PHPOP. I had
- # trouble with file locking when using dbm files. You might
- # have better luck. If you want to try the dbm files for
- # session data you need to:
- # change poprepend.inc to include the ct_dbm file and
- # not include the ct_sql and db_mysql files
- # uncomment the pop_ct_dbm section below
- # comment out the pop_ct_sql and pop_db sections above
- # change the $that_class var in pop_sess below to refer
- # to the pop_ct_dbm class
- # update the filename in pop_ct_dbm and make sure the
- # file exists and is writeable by the server.
- #
- # Let me know if you get it to work.
- #
- class pop_ct_dbm extends CT_DBM {
- var $dbm_file = "/home/httpd/phpop-session.dbm"; ## PREEXISTING DBM File
- ## writable by the web server UID
- }
- */
- class pop_sess extends Session {
- var $classname = "pop_sess";
- var $cookiename = ""; ## defaults to classname
- var $auto_init = "";
- var $magic = "054378354"; ## ID seed
- var $mode = "cookie"; ## We propagate session IDs with cookies
- var $fallback_mode = "get";
- var $lifetime = 0; ## 0 = do session cookies, else minutes
- var $gc_time = 90; ## Purge all session data older than x minutes.
- var $gc_probability = 1; ## Garbage collect probability in percent
- var $gc_probability = 5;
- var $allowcache = "no"; ## if you want to allow caching
- var $allowcache_expire = 30; ## cached pages expire in this many
- ## minutes
- var $that_class = "pop_ct_sql"; ## Name of data storage container
- }
- class pop_auth extends Auth {
- var $classname = "pop_auth";
- var $lifetime = 120;
- var $mode = "log"; ## "log" for login only systems,
- ## "reg" for user self registration
- var $nobody = false; ## If true, a default auth is created...
- var $magic = "857348a7f"; ## ID seed
- function auth_loginform() {
- include("poplogin.inc");
- }
- function auth_validatelogin() {
- global $username, $password, $popserver, $popport, $phpop, $sess, $pop3;
- if (empty($username)) return false;
- $this->auth["uname"]=$username;
- # create a bogus uid for this user.
- $uid = md5(uniqid($username));
- # figure out what to use as the mail server
- if (!$phpop->login_servers) {
- $mailserver = $popserver;
- } else {
- if (sizeof($phpop->login_servers) == 1) {
- $mailserver = $phpop->login_servers[0];
- } else {
- $mailserver = "no.hacking.allowed";
- reset($phpop->login_servers);
- while (list($index, $server) = each ($phpop->login_servers)) {
- if ($server == $popserver) {
- $mailserver = $server;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($phpop->login_port && $phpop->login_port > 0) {
- $mailport = $popport;
- } else {
- $mailport = $pop3->PORT;
- }
- # connect to the pop server
- if ( ! $pop3->connect($mailserver, $mailport) ) {
- echo "<p>Failed to connect to POP server $mailserver on port $mailport.<br><small>$pop3->ERROR</small>";
- return false;
- }
- # login to the POP server
- $count = $pop3->apop($username, $password);
- if ( $count < 0 ) {
- echo "<p>Failed to login to POP server<br><small>$pop3->ERROR</small>";
- return false;
- }
- $pop3->quit();
- $this->auth["passwd"]=$password;
- $this->auth["server"]=$mailserver;
- $this->auth["port"]=$mailport;
- return $uid;
- }
- }
- ?>