- <?php
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- # phpop
- # A WWW based POP3 basic mail user agent (MUA)
- # Copyright (C) 1999 Padraic Renaghan
- # Licensed under terms of GNU General Public License
- # (see
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- # $Id:,v 1.14 2000/04/14 13:57:14 prenagha Exp $
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------
- class phpop_class {
- var $version = "1.2.1";
- # directory where FastTemplate templates are located on this server
- var $template_dir = "./lib/templates";
- #------------
- # mail servers that are displayed on the login page.
- # -to allow any server (an open text field), set this to FALSE.
- # var $login_servers = false;
- # -to allow one server (a closed text field), set this to the server name.
- var $login_servers = array ("");
- # -to allow more than one server (a select control), set this
- # to the names of the servers. the first server in the array
- # becomes the default.
- # var $login_servers = array ("", "");
- #------------
- #------------
- # pop port to default login to.
- # if you don't want to present the port option on the login
- # page, but still want to show the port on the login,
- # then set this to false. this will force the port to 110.
- # var $login_port = false;
- # if you don't want to present the port option on the login
- # page, but DO want to show the port on the login,
- # then set this to -1. this will force the port to 110.
- var $login_port = -1;
- # if you want to give the user an open text field to enter
- # the port number in during login, then enter the port to
- # default the textfield to here - usually 110.
- # var $login_port = 110;
- #------------
- # allow sending up to ONE file attachment in a message?
- var $allow_send_attachment = true;
- # image URL - string added to the begining of an image file
- # (for example, I set this to "../images/" which makes phpop
- # build image URLs like <img src="../images/mailto.gif"...)
- var $image_url_prefix = "./images/";
- # determine if the FastTemplate intepretation is strict or
- # not strict. Strict shows the {VAR_NAME} in the output HTML
- # if a value is not substituted - this is useful for debugging
- # and testing
- var $FastTemplate_strict = FALSE;
- # class constructor
- function phpop_class () {
- # this var controls the headers that are added to the mail-this-link
- # email message. You may choose to bcc: yourself, record the senders IP...
- # the headers should be separated by a newline ("n")
- $this->site_headers = sprintf("X-Sender: phpop at %snX-Sender-IP: %s"
- }
- }
- # extend the POP3 class to our liking.
- # the POP3 class is from
- class my_pop3 extends POP3 {
- # Default POP port
- var $PORT = 110;
- # set to true to echo pop3
- # commands and responses to error_log
- # this WILL log passwords!
- var $DEBUG = false;
- # Allow or disallow apop()
- # This must be set to true manually.
- var $ALLOWAPOP = false;
- # Set to true if using VMailMgr
- var $VMAILMGR = false;
- # class constructor
- function my_pop3 () {
- }
- }
- # instantiate the phpop class
- $phpop = new phpop_class ();
- # every phpop page uses the FastTemplate class
- # to generate HTML.
- $tpl = new FastTemplate($phpop->template_dir);
- if (! $phpop->FastTemplate_strict ) {
- $tpl->no_strict();
- }
- # create an instance of the data validation class
- $validate = new Validator ();
- # create an instance of the pop server access class
- $pop3 = new my_pop3 ();
- # -------------------------------
- # -------------------------------
- function set_standard($title, &$p_tpl) {
- global $sess, $phpop, $auth, $SERVER_NAME;
- $p_tpl->assign(array(
- TITLE => $title,
- USER_NAME => $auth->auth["uname"],
- LIST_URL => $sess->url("index.php3"),
- NEW_URL => $sess->url("send.php3"),
- LOGOUT_URL => $sess->url("logout.php3"),
- VERSION => $phpop->version
- ));
- }
- ?>