- <?php
- // <--- Common Functions --->
- // Function sets unset or blank variables
- // to their configuration defaults
- function default_ifempty ($key,$value) {
- require("");
- if (empty ($value)) {
- // determine the corresponding default name for KEY
- $defname = "def".ucfirst(strtolower($key));
- if (!empty ($$defname)) {
- $value = $$defname;
- } // endif
- } // endif
- return $value;
- } // endfunc
- // Function does a simple check for a valid email address format
- function bad_address ($email) {
- if (!eregi("^[^@[:space:]]+@([[:alnum:]-]+.)+[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]?$", $email)) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- } // endif
- } // endfunc
- // Function checks for existence of required fields
- function check_required ($strRequired,&$aryMissing) {
- // Set up for return counter
- $j = 0;
- // Check for empty required
- if (!empty ($strRequired)) {
- // Create array for required fields
- $aryRequired = explode(",", $strRequired);
- // Traverse array for required fields
- for ($i=0 ; $i < count($aryRequired) ; $i++) {
- // Test if a required field is missing
- $curr_field = $aryRequired[$i];
- $glob_field = $GLOBALS[$curr_field];
- if (empty($glob_field)) {
- $aryMissing[$j] = $aryRequired[$i];
- $j++;
- } // endif
- } // endfor
- } // endif
- echo "<UL>n";
- return $j;
- } // endfunc
- // Function replaces variables into templates
- function build_body ($body) {
- global $HTTP_POST_VARS;
- reset($HTTP_POST_VARS);
- if (!empty($body)) {
- // Fill in variables into the template
- while (list($header, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
- $body = ereg_replace("%".$header."%", $value, $body);
- } // endwhile
- } else {
- // Simply add variables line by line
- sort($HTTP_POST_VARS);
- while (list($header, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
- $body = "$bodyn$header: $value";
- } // endwhile
- } // endif
- return $body;
- } // endfunc
- // Function sends mail to user
- function send_mail ($to, $from, $subject, $body, $extras) {
- // Build extra headers
- $headers = "FROM:".$from."n";
- if (! empty ($extras)) {
- $headers = $headers.$extras;
- } // endfrom
- // Send mail
- mail ( $to, $subject, $body, $headers);
- } // endfunc
- // Function formats mail headers and sends mail(s).
- function mail_it () {
- global $to, $subject, $from, $autofrom, $autosubject,
- $sendextras, $autoextras, $template, $autoreply,
- $autoprefix ;
- // Send the message.
- if (!empty ($to)) {
- $mainbody = build_body ($template);
- send_mail ($to, $from, $subject, $mainbody, $sendextras);
- }
- // Send the autoreply.
- if ( (!empty($autoreply)) and (!bad_address($from)) ) {
- $mainbody = build_body ($autoreply);
- $mainto = $from;
- if (!empty($autosubject)) {
- $mainsubject = $autosubject;
- } elseif (!empty ($autoprefix)) {
- $mainsubject = $autoprefix.$subject;
- } else {
- $mainsubject = "Auto-Reply: ".$subject;
- } // endif
- if (!empty ($autofrom)) {
- $mainfrom = $autofrom;
- } else {
- $mainfrom = $to;
- }
- send_mail ($mainto, $mainfrom, $mainsubject, $mainbody, $autoextras);
- } // endif (auto reply)
- } // endfunc
- // Function logs the email to a table
- function log_it ($to, $from, $subject, $body) {
- // Set up access to needed global values
- global $hostname, $user, $password, $db, $table, $logbodies;
- // Open a connection to the DBMS
- $lnk = mysql_connect("$hostname", "$user", "$password");
- // Log mail to database
- if ($lnk) {
- $host = getenv($REMOTE_HOST);
- $host ? "": $host = gethostbyaddr(getenv($REMOTE_ADDR));
- if ($logbodies) {
- $result = mysql_db_query ("$db", "INSERT INTO $table VALUES(null, '$host', '$to', '$subject', '$from', '$body')", $lnk);
- } else {
- $result = mysql_db_query ("$db", "INSERT INTO $table VALUES(null, '$host', '$to', '$subject', '$from')", $lnk);
- } // endif
- } else {
- $result = 0;
- } // endif
- } // endfunc
- ?>