- <?php_track_vars?>
- <?php
- // Include common functions:
- include ("");
- // Function handles missing required fields
- function output_missing ($aryMissing) {
- // Get HTML fragment filenames
- include("");
- // Print out html
- include($incHeader);
- include($incMissing);
- echo "Missing field(s):<P>n";
- for ($p = 0 ; $p < count($aryMissing) ; $p++) {
- echo "<FONT COLOR="FF0000">".$aryMissing[$p]."</FONT><BR>n";
- } // endwhile
- echo "</FONT>n";
- include($incFooter);
- } // endfunc
- // Function handles bad address
- function output_bad_address ($address) {
- // Get HTML fragment filenames
- include("");
- // Print out html
- include($incHeader);
- include($incBadfrom);
- echo "Bad Address: <FONT COLOR="FF0000">";
- echo $address."n";
- echo "</FONT>n";
- include($incFooter);
- } // endfunc
- // Function handles opening screen
- function output_welcome ($selfname) {
- // Get HTML fragment filenames
- include("");
- // Print out html
- include($incHeader);
- include($incWelcome);
- echo "<FORM ACTION="$selfname" METHOD=POST>n";
- include($incForm);
- echo "<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send!">";
- echo "</FORM>n";
- include($incFooter);
- } // endfunc
- // Function handles thanks screen
- function output_thanks ($selfname, $again = 0) {
- // Get HTML fragment filenames
- include("");
- // Print out html
- include($incHeader);
- include($incThanks);
- if ( $again ) {
- echo "<FORM ACTION="$selfname" METHOD=POST>n";
- include($incForm);
- echo "<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send!">";
- echo "</FORM>n";
- } // endif
- include($incFooter);
- } // endfunc
- // <--- Main Program --->
- if (!empty($submit)) {
- // Initialize array of all possible defaults
- $aryConfig = array("to","subject","from","autofrom","autoprefix",
- "autosubject","sendextras","autoextras",
- "template","autoreply","log","askagain",
- "required","checkfrom","logbodies");
- // Set blank variables to their defaults
- for ($c = 0; $c < count($aryConfig); $c++) {
- ${$aryConfig[$c]} = default_ifempty ($aryConfig[$c],${$aryConfig[$c]});
- if (empty (${$aryConfig[$c]})) {
- unset (${$aryConfig[$c]});
- } // endif
- } // endfor
- // Start branching depending on values...
- if ( check_required($required,$aryMissing) ) {
- output_missing($aryMissing);
- } elseif (($checkfrom) and (strstr("$required",'from')) and (bad_address($from)) ) {
- output_bad_address($from);
- } else {
- if ($log) {
- log_it ($to, $from, $subject, $body);
- $logged = 1;
- } // endif
- if ((!empty ($to)) or (!empty ($autofrom))) {
- mail_it ();
- $mailed = 1;
- } // endif
- $whoami = basename(getenv("PATH_INFO"));
- output_thanks($whoami,$askagain);
- } // endif (submitted branch)
- } else {
- $whoami = basename(getenv("PATH_INFO"));
- output_welcome($whoami);
- } // endif (main branch)
- ?>