- #! /usr/local/bin/perl
- BEGIN { $APP_PATH=$0; $APP_PATH=~s/(/*)[^/]+$/$1/g; }
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @ This code is (c) 1999 Alexandre Aufrere and NikoSoft.
- # @ Published under NPL rights, meaning you have the right
- # @ to use and modify this code freely, provided it
- # @ remains available and free. Any modified code should be
- # @ submitted to Nikopol Software Corp. or Alexandre Aufrere.
- # @ This code is protected by the French laws on Copyright.
- # @ Please note that there it comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind,
- # @ and especially for any damagbe it could cause to your computer
- # @ or network.
- # @ Using this code means you agree to this license agreement.
- # @ Further information at
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @
- # @ Project NS WebMail
- # @
- # @ Filename
- # @
- # @ Description build a form for sending mail
- # @
- # @ Version 1.0
- # @
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use Socket;
- require $APP_PATH."";
- require $APP_PATH."";
- #obtain the FORM information that has been passed by using
- #the param() method of the cgi object.
- &ReadParse;
- $loginname = $in{'loginname'};
- $password = $in{'password'};
- $POPserver = $in{'POPserver'};
- $to = $in{'to'};
- $subject = $in{'subject'} or "";
- $body = $in{'body'} or "";
- $cache = $in{'cache'};
- # Put the ">" befor the quoted body
- @bodylines=split("n",$body);
- $body="";
- foreach (@bodylines) {
- $body.="> ".$_."n";
- }
- $sender = $loginname."@".$POPserver;
- $addrvrfyed=$sender;
- if ($verifysmtp==1) {
- $addrvrfyed=sendmailvrfy($sender,$SMTPserver);
- if ($addrvrfyed=~ m/^-[0-9]/) { $addrvrfyed=$sender; }
- $addrvrfyed=~s/^2.1.5 //g; # nuke sendmail 8.10.x vrfy feature
- if (defined($masquarade) && $addrvrfyed =~ /$masquarade/) {
- $addrvrfyed=~s/@([^>^ ]+)/@$masquarade/;
- }
- $from_html=$addrvrfyed;
- $from_html =~ s/</</;
- $from_html =~ s/>/>/;
- }
- print "Content-type: text/htmlnn";
- print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>NSWM";
- if ($cache eq "No") { print "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache,no-store'>"; }
- print "</TITLE></HEAD>";
- print "<BODY BGCOLOR='FFFFFF'>n";
- #This calculation determines the width of the text entry boxes.
- #The minimum length will either be 36 spaces or 20% larger than the
- #largest of the three field entries which are already known.
- #Note that depending on how this routine is called, not all
- #of the fields are known in advance.
- $width = 30;
- $width = ($width>length($sender) ? $width : length($sender));
- $width = ($width>length($to) ? $width : length($to));
- $width = ($width>length($subject)? $width : length($subject));
- $width *= 1.2; #fudge factor to avoid visual cramping.
- print "<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="".$CGI_PATH_NSWM."" enctype="multipart/form-data">n";
- print "<TABLE BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=$lightbgcolor><TR><TD>n";
- print "";
- if ($fake_from) {
- print "$fromtext: </td><td> <INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='sender' VALUE='$addrvrfyed' SIZE=$width>n";
- } else {
- print "$fromtext: </td><td> <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='sender' VALUE='$addrvrfyed'> <tt>$from_html</tt>n";
- }
- print "</TD><TD WIDTH=100 valign='middle' rowspan=3>n";
- print "</td></tr>n";
- print "<tr><td>";
- print "$totext: </td><td> <INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='to' VALUE="$to" SIZE=$width></td></tr>n";
- print "<tr><td>Cc: </td><td> <INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='cc' VALUE="" SIZE=$width></td></tr>n";
- print "<tr><td>";
- print "$subjecttext: </td><td> <INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='subject' VALUE="$subject" SIZE=$width>n";
- print " <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='loginname' VALUE='$loginname' SIZE=$width>n";
- print " <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='password' VALUE='$password' >n";
- print " <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='POPserver' VALUE='$POPserver' >n";
- print " <INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cache' VALUE='$cache' >n";
- print "</TD></TR></TABLE>n";
- print "$messagetext<br>n";
- print "<textarea rows=14 cols=75 name='message' wrap='virtual'>n";
- print $body;
- print "</textarea><br>";
- $attachtext=~ s/([^ ])//g;
- print "$attachtext: <input type=file name=file><br>";
- print "<ul><ul><ul><INPUT TYPE=submit value='$sendtext'></ul></ul></ul>";
- print "</FORM>";
- #send the ending html code (/body and /head tags)
- print "</BODY></HTML>n";
- exit;
- #-----------------------------SUBROUTINES------------------------
- sub ReadParse {
- local(*in)=@_ if @_;
- local ($i,$key,$val);
- if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") {
- }
- elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") {
- }
- @in=split(/&/,$in);
- foreach $i (0 .. $#in) {
- $in[$i] =~ s/+/ /g;
- ($key,$val)=split(/=/,$in[$i],2);
- $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
- $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
- $in{$key} .= "