- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- BEGIN { $APP_PATH=$0; $APP_PATH=~s/(/*)[^/]+$/$1/g; }
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @ This code is (c) 1999 Alexandre Aufrere and NikoSoft.
- # @ Published under NPL rights, meaning you have the right
- # @ to use and modify this code freely, provided it
- # @ remains available and free. Any modified code should be
- # @ submitted to Nikopol Software Corp. or Alexandre Aufrere.
- # @ This code is protected by the French laws on Copyright.
- # @ Please note that there it comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind,
- # @ and especially for any damagbe it could cause to your computer
- # @ or network.
- # @ Using this code means you agree to this license agreement.
- # @ Further information at
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @
- # @ Project NS WebMail
- # @
- # @ Filename
- # @
- # @ Description inbox manager for NS WebMail
- # @
- # @ Version 1.0
- # @
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use Mail::POP3Client;
- require $APP_PATH."";
- require $APP_PATH."";
- #use the $cgi object method param() to
- #acquire the FORM variables passed by
- #the client browser.
- &ReadParse;
- $loginname = $in{'loginname'};
- $password = decryptit($in{'password'});
- $POPserver = $in{'POPserver'};
- $lastMsg = $in{'lastMsg'};
- $deleteMsg = $in{'deleteMsg'};
- $cache = $in{'cache'};
- $|=1;
- #if deleteMsg is not null, then this script has been called by the
- #Delete Message button. We will open a POP client object, delete
- #the indicated message, then close the POP object to actually force
- #the POP server to make the deletion. The rest of the script will
- #then play out and re-open the POP object. By closing and reopening
- #we will obtain an updated count that correctly does not include the
- #recently deleted message.
- if ($deleteMsg) {
- $pop = new Mail::POP3Client( USER=>$loginname,
- PASSWORD=>$password,
- HOST=>$POPserver,
- );
- $pop->Delete($deleteMsg);
- $pop->Close();
- $deleteMsg = "";
- $pop = "";
- sleep(1); # Gives the POP time to close and be ready for another
- # open attempt.
- }
- #Begin production of HTML code.
- print "Content-type: text/htmlnn";
- print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>NS WM Message Retrieval</TITLE>";
- if ($cache eq "No") { print "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>";
- print "</HEAD>n<BODY BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF' LINK=$linkcolor
- VLINK=$linkcolor ALINK=$linkcolor>";
- }
- else { print "</HEAD>n<BODY BGCOLOR='FF8F8F'>";
- }
- #print "<b><font size='+2'>NikoSoft WebMail</font></b><hr>";
- print "<center>n";
- #Create a (possibly new) POP connection with the POP3Client object.
- $pop = new Mail::POP3Client( USER=>$loginname,
- PASSWORD=>$password,
- HOST=>$POPserver,
- );
- #How many messages are there in the inbox provided by the $pop object?
- $MessageCount = $pop->Count;
- #gather additional size info
- @MessageSize = $pop->ListArray;
- print "<table><tr><td>";
- #if $pop->count is -1, then the POP connection failed.
- if ($MessageCount == -1) {
- print "</table><font size=+1>$POPserver: $loginname, $incorrectlogin";
- print "</body></html>";
- exit;
- }
- #if $pop->count is 0, there are no messages in the POP account
- elsif ($MessageCount == 0) {
- print "<b> $nomailon <i>$POPserver</i> </b>";
- }
- #if $pop->count is >0, then that is the number of messages in the
- #POP account inbox.
- else { print "<img src=$MAIL_IMG valign=middle> ";
- print "<b>$MessageCount $messagesininbox (",$pop->Size," $bytestotaltext).</b>n";
- }
- print "</td></tr></table>n";
- if ($MessageCount != -1) { #equivalent to knowing a valid POP account was used...
- #Parse the message headers to output a list of message
- #header info including SUBJECT,FROM,DATE,and TO.
- #each message will have a read & delete button as well
- #and these three elements will be organized in a table
- if ($MessageCount > 0) {
- print "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=90% align=center>";
- print "<tr bgcolor=darkblue><td><b><font color=white>$fromtext</b></td><td><b><font color=white>$subjecttext</b></td><td><b><font color=white>$datetext</b></td><td><font color=white>$sizetext</font></td><td> </td>";
- &ParseHeaders();
- print "</table>";
- }
- }
- #close the POP connection smoothly.
- $pop->Close;
- #send the ending html code (/body and /head tags)
- print "</BODY></HTML>";
- exit;
- #----------------------------------SUBROUTINES-------------------------
- # Decode quoted strings (in From: and Subject)
- sub DecodeQuoted {
- my $tmp = $_[0];
- if ($tmp =~ m/=?ISO-dddd-d?.?/i) {
- $tmp =~ s/=([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $tmp =~ s/=?ISO-dddd-d?.?(.*)?=/$1/i;
- $tmp =~ s/_/ /g;
- }
- return $tmp;
- }
- #-----------------------------Sub ParseHeaders-----------------------------
- #Subroutine to parse the headers on each message to exctract the TO:, FROM:,
- # DATE:, and SUBJECT: information.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub ParseHeaders {
- #loop through the messages in the POP account space
- #loop backwards, displaying most recent messages first
- #Also note that only the most recent 100 messages will be displayed from
- #
- if ($lastMsg == "") { $lastMsg = $MessageCount };
- for ($i=$lastMsg; $i >= 1 && $i> $lastMsg-100; $i--) {
- #for each message header, provide a FORM button to
- #invoke and hand that routine the message
- #number. Pass the login,pass,server info again since
- #the web protocol does not provide for continued connections.
- if ( (($i)/2) == int(($i)/2) ) {
- print "<tr>n";
- } else {
- print "<tr bgcolor=$lightbgcolor>n";
- }
- $sub = $nosubject;
- $from = '';
- $to = '';
- $date = '';
- $replyto = '';
- #obtain each header with the head() method in POP3Client.
- foreach ($pop->Head($i)){
- #for each line within the message header retrieved, parse
- #the From,To,Date,Subject fields by finding
- #the appropriate strings at the beginning
- #of each line
- if (/^From:/ ){
- $from = $'; #Get string following the succesful match.
- $from = DecodeQuoted($from);
- $fromtmp=$from;
- $fromtmp=~ s/<[^ ]>//g;
- $fromtmp=~ s/(.*)s*/$1/;
- $from =~ s/</</; #Strip out angled brackets to prevent browsers
- $from =~ s/>/>/; #from interpreting them as unknown HTML codes.
- $from=$fromtmp if ($fromtmp);
- }
- elsif (/^To:/) {
- $to = $';
- }
- elsif (/^Subject:/) {
- $sub = $';
- $sub = DecodeQuoted($sub);
- }
- elsif (/^Date:/) {
- $date = $';
- }
- }
- $date=~ s/.*,(.*)+.*/$1/;
- $date="<small>$date</small>";
- $size=$MessageSize[$i];
- $size="<small>".int(($size+512)/1024)."k</small>";
- print "<td>$from </td><td>";
- print "<a
- href="$i&loginname=$loginname&POPserver=$POPserver&cache=$cache&password=".cryptit($password).""><b>$sub</b></a>";
- print "</td><td>$date </td><td>$size</td>";
- #for each message header, also provide a FORM button to
- #delete using As above, pass in the needed vars
- #using hidden types.
- print "<td><FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION='".$CGI_PATH_NSWM."' >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='loginname' VALUE=$loginname >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='password' VALUE="".cryptit($password)."" >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='POPserver' VALUE=$POPserver >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='deleteMsg' VALUE=$i >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cache' VALUE=$cache >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='$deletetext' OnClick="return confirm('$deleteconfirmtext');">n";
- print "</td></FORM></tr>n";
- }
- }
- ###############################################################################
- sub ReadParse {
- local(*in)=@_ if @_;
- local ($i,$key,$val);
- if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") {
- }
- elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") {
- }
- @in=split(/&/,$in);
- foreach $i (0 .. $#in) {
- $in[$i] =~ s/+/ /g;
- ($key,$val)=split(/=/,$in[$i],2);
- $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
- $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
- $in{$key} .= "