- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- BEGIN { $APP_PATH=$0; $APP_PATH=~s/(/*)[^/]+$/$1/g; }
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @ This code is (c) 1999 Alexandre Aufrere and NikoSoft.
- # @ Published under NPL rights, meaning you have the right
- # @ to use and modify this code freely, provided it
- # @ remains available and free. Any modified code should be
- # @ submitted to Nikopol Software Corp. or Alexandre Aufrere.
- # @ This code is protected by the French laws on Copyright.
- # @ Please note that there it comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind,
- # @ and especially for any damagbe it could cause to your computer
- # @ or network.
- # @ Using this code means you agree to this license agreement.
- # @ Further information at
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @
- # @ Project NS WebMail
- # @
- # @ Filename
- # @
- # @ Description view messages using POP protocol.
- # @
- # @ Version 0.6
- # @
- # @ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- use Mail::POP3Client;
- use MIME::Parser;
- use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
- require $APP_PATH."";
- require $APP_PATH."";
- #obtain the FORM information that has been passed by using
- #the param() method of the cgi object.
- &ReadParse;
- $loginname = $in{'loginname'};
- $password = $in{'password'}; # encrypted password !!!
- $POPserver = $in{'POPserver'};
- $msgid = $in{'id'};
- $cache = $in{'cache'};
- $browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
- $|=1;
- #clear the $body variable.
- $body ="";
- #create a POP connection using the POP3client module by
- #creating an object called $pop of type POP3Client. See
- documentation.
- $pop = new Mail::POP3Client( USER=>$loginname,
- PASSWORD=> decryptit($password),
- HOST=>$POPserver,
- );
- $MessageCount = $pop->Count;
- print "Content-type: text/htmlnn";
- print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>NSC WebMail";
- print "</TITLE>";
- if ($cache eq "No") { print "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Pragma' CONTENT='no-cache'>"; }
- if ($browser =~ /Mozilla/2/) {
- print "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'><!-- Hide JavaScript from old browsersn";
- print "function goBack()n";
- print "{n";
- print "history.go(-1)n";
- print "}n";
- print "//---- End hiding JavaScript --></SCRIPT>n";
- }
- print "</HEAD>";
- print "<BODY BGCOLOR='FFFFFF'>";
- #print "<font size='+2'>Message $msgid</font>";
- $message="";
- foreach ($pop->HeadAndBody($msgid)) {
- $message.=$_."n";
- }
- my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
- $parser->output_dir($temppath);
- $parser->output_prefix("msg$msgid");
- my $entity = $parser->parse_data($message);
- # Get the head, a MIME::Head:
- my $head = $entity->head;
- $head->unfold;
- $head->decode();
- $from=$head->get('from');
- $from=~ s/"//g;
- $replyto=$head->get('reply-to');
- $replyto=~ s/"//g;
- $to=$head->get('To');
- $to=~ s/"//g;
- $cc=$head->get('cc');
- $cc=~ s/"//g;
- $date=$head->get('date');
- $sub=$head->get('subject');
- my $messagestored="";
- my $bodysend="";
- undef @attach;
- if ($entity->parts) {
- for ($i=0;$i<$entity->parts;$i++) {
- $ent=$entity->parts($i);
- $type = lc($ent->mime_type);
- # Get the body, as a MIME::Body;
- $body = $ent->bodyhandle;
- if ($body) {
- # Where's the data?
- if ($type=~ m/text/) {
- if ($type=~ m/text/plain/) {
- $messagestored.="<hr>" if ($i > 0);
- $messagestored.="<pre>";
- $messagestored.= htmlize($body->as_string);
- $messagestored.="</pre>";
- }
- elsif ($type=~ m/text/html/) {
- $messagestored.= $body->as_string;
- }
- $bodysend.=substr($body->as_string,0,1000);
- $ent->purge;
- } elsif ($type=~ m/image//) {
- $messagestored.="<hr>" if ($i > 0);
- $messagestored.="<br><img src="";
- my $path = $body->path;
- $bodysend.="n[ $path ]n";
- $path=~ s/$temppath/?(.*)/$tempurl/$1/;
- $messagestored.="$path">";
- push @attach,$path;
- } else { # data is on disk:
- my $path = $body->path;
- $path=~ s/$temppath/?(.*)/$tempurl/$1/;
- push @attach,$path;
- }
- }
- # we may have multipart included inside multipart
- elsif ($type =~ m/multipart/) {
- my $entityinside = $ent;
- if ($entityinside->parts) {
- for ($j=0;$j<$entityinside->parts;$j++) {
- $entin=$entityinside->parts($j);
- $typein = lc($entin->mime_type);
- # Get the body, as a MIME::Body;
- $bodyin = $entin->bodyhandle;
- $messagestored.="<pre>".htmlize($bodyin->as_string)."</pre>" if ($typein =~ m/text/plain/);
- $messagestored.=$bodyin->as_string if ($typein =~
- m/text/html/);
- $bodysend.=substr($bodyin->as_string,0,1000) if
- (!$bodysend);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $body = $entity->bodyhandle;
- if (lc($entity->mime_type)=~ m/text/plain/) {
- $messagestored.="<pre>";
- }
- $messagestored.= htmlize($body->as_string);
- if (lc($entity->mime_type)=~ m/text/plain/) {
- $messagestored.="</pre>";
- }
- $bodysend.=substr($body->as_string,0,1000);
- $entity->purge;
- }
- print "<center><TABLE border=0><TR>";
- $msg_prev=$msg_next=$msgid;
- if ($msgid > 1) { $msg_prev = $msgid-1; }
- if ($msgid < $MessageCount) { $msg_next = $msgid+1; }
- if ($msg_prev != $msgid) {
- print "<TD><FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION='".$CGI_PATH_NSWM."' NAME='lire$msg_prev'>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='<'>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='id' VALUE=$msg_prev >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='loginname' VALUE=$loginname >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='password' VALUE=$password >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='POPserver' VALUE=$POPserver >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cache' VALUE=$cache >n";
- print "</FORM></TD>";
- }
- print "<TD valign=center><font size='+1'># $msgid</font></TD>";
- if ($msg_next != $msgid) {
- print "<TD><FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION='".$CGI_PATH_NSWM."' NAME='lire$msg_next'>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='>'>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='id' VALUE=$msg_next >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='loginname' VALUE=$loginname >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='password' VALUE=$password >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='POPserver' VALUE=$POPserver >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cache' VALUE=$cache >n";
- print "</FORM></TD>";
- }
- # Now create a button which will enable a user to generate a reply.
- # As usual, the button is loaded with hidden values to permit a message
- # to actually be sent at a later time.
- if ($replyto == '') { $replyto = $from; }
- print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>n";
- print "<FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION='".$CGI_PATH_NSWM."' name=reMailForm>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='$answertext'>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='loginname' VALUE=$loginname>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='password' VALUE=$password>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='POPserver' VALUE=$POPserver>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='to' VALUE="",he($replyto),"">n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME="subject" VALUE="",he("Re: $sub"),"">n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='body' VALUE="",he($bodysend),"">n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cache' VALUE=$cache>n";
- print "</FORM></TD>n";
- print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>n";
- print "<FORM METHOD='POST' ACTION='".$CGI_PATH_NSWM."' name=fwdMailForm>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='$fwdtext'>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='loginname' VALUE=$loginname>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='password' VALUE=$password>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='POPserver' VALUE=$POPserver>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='to' VALUE="">n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME="subject" VALUE="",he("Fwd: $sub"),"">n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='body' VALUE="",he($bodysend),"">n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cache' VALUE=$cache>n";
- print "</FORM></TD>n";
- #for each message header, also provide a FORM button to
- #delete using As above, pass in the needed vars
- #using hidden types.
- print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='$deletetext' OnClick="return confirm('$deleteconfirmtext');" >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='loginname' VALUE=$loginname >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='password' VALUE=$password >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='POPserver' VALUE=$POPserver >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='deleteMsg' VALUE=$msgid >n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='cache' VALUE=$cache >n";
- print "</FORM></TD></TR></TABLE>";
- $from=he($from);
- $to=he($to);
- $cc=he($cc);
- print "</center><table border=0 width=100%><tr bgcolor=lightblue><td><font face=arial><ul>";
- print "$totext: $to <br>n";
- print "Cc: $cc <br>n" if ($cc ne"");
- print "$fromtext: <b>$from</b><br>n";
- print "$subjecttext: <b>$sub</b> <br>n";
- $date=~ s/.*,(.*)+.*/$1/;
- print "$datetext: $date <br>n";
- if (defined(@attach)) {
- print "$attachtext:<ol>";
- foreach $attach (@attach) {
- my $file=$attach; $file=~s/$tempurl///;
- $size = (stat("$temppath/$file"))[7];
- print "<li><a href="$attach" target=_blank>$file</a> ",int(($size+512)/1024)."kn";
- }
- print "</ol>";
- }
- print "</ul></font></td></tr></table>";
- print "<br><font face=times size=+1>";
- print $messagestored;
- #close the POP connection using the close() method
- $pop->Close();
- #send the ending html code (/body and /head tags)
- print "</BODY></HTML>n";
- exit;
- #-----------------------------SUBROUTINES------------------------
- sub decodeHexChars {
- ($text)=@_;
- for ($t=0; $t<=length($text); $t++) {
- if (substr($text, $t, 1) eq "=") {
- $char=chr(hex(substr($text,$t+1,2)));
- substr($text,$t,3,$char);
- }
- }
- return $text;
- }
- sub ReadParse {
- local(*in)=@_ if @_;
- local ($i,$key,$val);
- if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") {
- }
- elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") {
- }
- @in=split(/&/,$in);
- foreach $i (0 .. $#in) {
- $in[$i] =~ s/+/ /g;
- ($key,$val)=split(/=/,$in[$i],2);
- $key =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
- $val =~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
- $in{$key} .= "