- //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // The MIT License
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2007 Alfred Man Cheuk Ng, mcn02@mit.edu
- //
- // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
- // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
- // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
- // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
- // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
- // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- //
- // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------//
- import FIFO::*;
- import Monad::*;
- import Traceback::*;
- import Vector::*;
- import VParams::*;
- import VRegFile::*;
- import Parameters::*;
- //`define isDebug True // uncomment this line to display error
- // useful integers definitions
- Integer radix_sz = valueOf(RadixSz);
- Integer no_states = valueOf(VTotalStates);
- Integer fwd_steps = valueOf(FwdSteps);
- Integer fwd_entry_sz = valueOf(FwdEntrySz);
- Integer conv_in_sz = valueOf(ConvInSz);
- Integer conv_out_sz = valueOf(ConvOutSz);
- Integer vregs_out_sz = valueOf(VRegsOutSz);
- Integer half_max_metric_sum = valueOf(TExp#(TLog#(TAdd#(VMaxMetricSum,1))));
- Integer no_tbstage = valueOf(NoOfTBStage);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // begin of interface definitions
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- interface IViterbi;
- method Action putData (VInType dataIn);
- method ActionValue#(VOutType) getResult ();
- endinterface
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Begin of library functions and modules
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function VState getNextState(VState state, Bit#(ConvInSz) nextBits);
- let tmp = {nextBits, state};
- return tpl_1(split(tmp)); // drop LSBs
- endfunction
- function VState getPrevState(VState state, Bit#(ConvInSz) prevBits);
- let tmp = {state, prevBits};
- return tpl_2(split(tmp)); // drop MSBs
- endfunction // ViterbiState
- function Vector#(ConvOutSz, Bit#(KSz)) getConvVec();
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, Bit#(KSz)) outVec = newVector();
- outVec[0] = convEncoderG1;
- outVec[1] = convEncoderG2;
- return outVec;
- endfunction // Vector
- // get the output of the convolutional encoder. convention is
- // {b, a} - meaning a is the low bit and b is the high bit
- function Vector#(ConvOutSz, Bit#(1)) getConvEncOutput (VState state,
- Bit#(ConvInSz) inBits);
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, Bit#(KSz)) convVec = getConvVec();
- Bit#(KSz) temp = {inBits, state};
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, Bit#(1)) outVec = replicate(0);
- for(Integer idx = 0; idx < valueOf(ConvOutSz); idx = idx + 1)
- for(Integer bitNum = 0; bitNum < valueOf (KSz); bitNum = bitNum + 1)
- outVec[idx] = outVec[idx] + (temp[bitNum] & convVec[idx][bitNum]);
- return outVec;
- endfunction
- // this is used to calculate the index of data that i need to read
- function Vector#(sz, Integer) getIdxLUT (Integer conv_in_sz, Integer stage);
- Integer v_sz = valueOf(sz);
- Integer shift_sz = conv_in_sz * stage;
- Integer mul_val = exp(2, shift_sz);
- Integer div_val = v_sz / mul_val;
- Vector#(sz, Integer) outVec = newVector;
- for (Integer i = 0; i < v_sz; i = i + 1)
- outVec[i] = ((i % div_val) * mul_val) + (i / div_val); // performing a circular right shift
- return outVec;
- endfunction
- // this actually perform the permutation
- function Vector#(sz, val_t) vPermute (Integer conv_in_sz, Integer stage, Vector#(sz, val_t) inVec);
- return map(select(inVec), getIdxLUT(conv_in_sz, stage));
- endfunction // Vector
- // this actually perform the reverse permutation
- function Vector#(sz, val_t) reverseVPermute (Integer conv_in_sz, Integer stage, Vector#(sz, val_t) inVec);
- Integer v_sz = valueOf(sz);
- Vector#(sz, val_t) outVec = newVector;
- Vector#(sz, Integer) lut = getIdxLUT(conv_in_sz, stage);
- for (Integer i = 0; i < v_sz; i = i + 1)
- outVec[lut[i]] = inVec[i];
- return outVec;
- endfunction // Vector
- // this function is passed as a parameter to mkVRegFile
- function Vector#(out_sz, value_T) readSelect (Integer conv_in_sz,
- Integer stage,
- Bit#(sub_idx_sz) sidx,
- Vector#(row_sz, value_T) inVec)
- provisos (Log#(out_sz, out_idx_sz),
- Log#(row_sz, row_idx_sz),
- Add#(sub_idx_sz, out_idx_sz, row_idx_sz));
- Vector#(out_sz, value_T) outVec = newVector;
- Vector#(row_sz, value_T) newInVec = vPermute(conv_in_sz, stage, inVec);
- Nat shiftN = fromInteger(valueOf(out_idx_sz));
- for (Integer i = 0; i < valueOf(out_sz); i = i + 1)
- begin
- Bit#(out_idx_sz) idx1 = fromInteger(i);
- Bit#(row_idx_sz) idx2 = zeroExtend(idx1) + (zeroExtend(sidx) << shiftN);
- outVec[idx1] = newInVec[idx2];
- end
- return outVec;
- endfunction
- // this function is passed as a parameter to mkVRegFile
- function Vector#(row_sz, value_T) reverseReadSelect (Integer conv_in_sz,
- Integer stage,
- Bit#(sub_idx_sz) sidx,
- Vector#(out_sz, value_T) inVec)
- provisos (Log#(out_sz, out_idx_sz),
- Log#(row_sz, row_idx_sz),
- Add#(sub_idx_sz, out_idx_sz, row_idx_sz));
- Vector#(row_sz, value_T) outVec = newVector;
- Nat shiftN = fromInteger(valueOf(out_idx_sz));
- for (Integer i = 0; i < valueOf(out_sz); i = i + 1)
- begin
- Bit#(out_idx_sz) idx1 = fromInteger(i);
- Bit#(row_idx_sz) idx2 = zeroExtend(idx1) + (zeroExtend(sidx) << shiftN);
- outVec[idx2] = inVec[idx1];
- end
- outVec = reverseVPermute(conv_in_sz, stage, outVec);
- return outVec;
- endfunction
- // this function passed as a parameter to mkVRegFile
- function Vector#(row_sz, value_T) writeSelect (Bit#(sub_idx_sz) sidx,
- Vector#(row_sz, value_T) inVec1,
- Vector#(out_sz, value_T) inVec2)
- provisos (Log#(out_sz, out_idx_sz),
- Log#(row_sz, row_idx_sz),
- Add#(sub_idx_sz, out_idx_sz, row_idx_sz));
- Vector#(row_sz, value_T) outVec = inVec1;
- Nat shiftN = fromInteger(valueOf(out_idx_sz));
- for (Integer i = 0; i < valueOf(out_sz); i = i + 1)
- begin
- Bit#(out_idx_sz) idx1 = fromInteger(i);
- Bit#(row_idx_sz) idx2 = zeroExtend(idx1) + (zeroExtend(sidx) << shiftN);
- outVec[idx2] = inVec2[idx1];
- end
- return outVec;
- endfunction
- (* synthesize *)
- module mkMetricSums (VRegFile#(VRegsSubIdxSz,VRegsOutSz,VMetricSum));
- let vRegFile <- mkVRegFile(readSelect(conv_in_sz, fwd_steps),writeSelect, 0);
- return vRegFile;
- endmodule // mkVRegFileFull
- (* synthesize *)
- module mkTrellis (VRegFile#(VRegsSubIdxSz,VRegsOutSz,VTrellisEntry));
- let vRegFile <- mkVRegFile(readSelect(conv_in_sz, fwd_steps),writeSelect, 0);
- return vRegFile;
- endmodule // mkVRegFileFull
- function VMetric getMetric(Bit#(1) in);
- return ((in == 0) ? 0 : maxBound);
- endfunction // Metric
- // generate the metric look up table
- // table index = {nextState, prevStateSuffix}
- (* noinline *)
- function MetricLUT getMetricLUT();
- MetricLUT outVec = newVector;
- for (Integer next_state = 0; next_state < no_states; next_state = next_state + 1)
- begin
- VState nextState = fromInteger(next_state);
- Tuple2#(Bit#(ConvInSz), Bit#(TSub#(VStateSz, ConvInSz))) nsTup = split(nextState);
- Bit#(ConvInSz) inBits = tpl_1(nsTup);
- Bit#(TSub#(VStateSz, ConvInSz)) prevStatePrefix = tpl_2(nsTup);
- for (Integer prev_state_suffix = 0; prev_state_suffix < radix_sz; prev_state_suffix = prev_state_suffix + 1)
- begin
- Bit#(ConvInSz) prevStateSuffix = fromInteger(prev_state_suffix);
- VState prevState = {prevStatePrefix, prevStateSuffix};
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, Bit#(1)) convOut = getConvEncOutput(prevState, inBits);
- outVec[next_state*radix_sz + prev_state_suffix] = map(getMetric, convOut);
- end
- end // for (Integer next_state = 0; next_state < no_states; next_state = next_state + 1)
- return outVec;
- endfunction
- function PrimEntry#(tEntry_T) chooseMin (PrimEntry#(tEntry_T) in1,
- PrimEntry#(tEntry_T) in2);
- return ((tpl_2(in1) - tpl_2(in2) < fromInteger(half_max_metric_sum)) ? in2 : in1);
- endfunction // Tuple3
- // used for create a TB path
- function VTrellisEntry getNextTrellisEntry (VState prevState,
- VState nextState,
- VTrellisEntry oldTEntry);
- Bit#(ConvInSz) inBit = tpl_1(split(nextState));
- return tpl_1(split({inBit, oldTEntry})); // shift out LSBs
- endfunction // VTrellisEntry
- // used for create a TB col, MSB = oldest column
- function Bit#(VStateSuffixSz) getNextTB (VState prevState,
- VState nextState,
- Bit#(VStateSuffixSz) oldTEntry);
- Bit#(ConvInSz) inBit = tpl_2(split(prevState));
- return tpl_1(split({inBit, oldTEntry})); // shift out LSBs
- endfunction // VTrellisEntry
- function RadixEntry#(tEntry_T) radixCompute(RadixEntry#(tEntry_T) inVec,
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, VMetric) inMetrics,
- function tEntry_T getNextTEntry(VState prevState,
- VState nextState,
- tEntry_T oldTEntry));
- function VMetricSum calcVMetricSum (VMetricSum inSum,
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, Bit#(1)) expBits,
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, VMetric) recMetrics);
- Vector#(ConvOutSz, VMetricSum) addMetrics = newVector;
- for (Integer i = 0; i < conv_out_sz; i = i + 1)
- addMetrics[i] = zeroExtend(getMetric(expBits[i]) ^ recMetrics[i]); // |expMetric[i] - recMetrics[i]|
- return inSum + fold(+ , addMetrics);
- endfunction
- RadixEntry#(tEntry_T) outVec = newVector;
- // MetricLUT metricLUT = getMetricLUT;
- Bit#(TSub#(VStateSz, ConvInSz)) prevStatePrefix = tpl_1(split(tpl_1(inVec[0]))); // all input states must have the same prefix
- RadixEntry#(tEntry_T) sumVec = newVector; // for calculating next result
- for (Integer in_bits = 0; in_bits < radix_sz; in_bits = in_bits + 1)
- begin
- Bit#(ConvInSz) inBits = fromInteger(in_bits);
- VState nextState = {inBits, prevStatePrefix};
- for (Integer prev_state_suffix = 0; prev_state_suffix < radix_sz; prev_state_suffix = prev_state_suffix + 1)
- begin
- // Bit#(KSz) lutIdx = (zeroExtend(nextState) << fromInteger(conv_in_sz)) + fromInteger(prev_state_suffix);
- sumVec[prev_state_suffix] = tuple3(tpl_1(inVec[prev_state_suffix]), // same
- calcVMetricSum(tpl_2(inVec[prev_state_suffix]),
- getConvEncOutput(tpl_1(inVec[prev_state_suffix]), inBits),
- // metricLUT[lutIdx],
- inMetrics), // add
- tpl_3(inVec[prev_state_suffix])); // same
- end
- let minRadix = fold(chooseMin, sumVec);
- let nextSum = tpl_2(minRadix);
- let nextT = getNextTEntry(tpl_1(minRadix), nextState, tpl_3(minRadix));
- outVec[in_bits] = tuple3(nextState, nextSum, nextT);
- end // for (Integer in_bits = 0; in_bits < radix_sz; in_bits = in_bits + 1)
- return outVec;
- endfunction // unmatched end(function|task|module|primitive)
- function FwdEntry#(tEntry_T) fwdCompute(FwdEntry#(tEntry_T) inVec,
- VInType inMetricsV,
- function tEntry_T getNextTEntry(VState prevState,
- VState nextState,
- tEntry_T oldTEntry));
- FwdEntry#(tEntry_T) outVec = inVec;
- Integer no_radix = fwd_entry_sz / radix_sz;
- for (Integer stage = 0; stage < fwd_steps; stage = stage + 1)
- begin
- RadixEntry#(tEntry_T) radixVec = newVector;
- if (stage != 0)
- outVec = readSelect(conv_in_sz, stage, 0, outVec); // permute if not the first step
- for (Integer radix_idx = 0; radix_idx < no_radix; radix_idx = radix_idx + 1)
- begin
- for (Integer k = 0; k < radix_sz; k = k + 1)
- radixVec[k] = outVec[radix_idx*radix_sz+k];
- radixVec = radixCompute(radixVec, inMetricsV[stage], getNextTEntry);
- for (Integer k = 0; k < radix_sz; k = k + 1)
- outVec[radix_idx*radix_sz+k] = radixVec[k];
- end // for (Integer j = 0; j < noOfRadix; j = j + 1)
- if (stage != 0)
- outVec = reverseReadSelect(conv_in_sz, stage, 0, outVec); // reverse the permutation if not the first step
- end // for (Integer i = 0; i < fwd_steps; i = i + 1)
- return outVec;
- endfunction // ForwardEntry
- // output the state with the minimum value and the new outentry
- function Tuple3#(VState, tEntry_T, VRegsOutEntry#(tEntry_T)) vRegsOutCompute(VRegsOutEntry#(tEntry_T) inVec,
- VInType inMetricsV,
- function tEntry_T getNextTEntry(VState prevState,
- VState nextState,
- tEntry_T oldTEntry));
- VRegsOutEntry#(tEntry_T) outVec = newVector;
- Integer no_fwd_unit = vregs_out_sz / fwd_entry_sz;
- FwdEntry#(tEntry_T) fwdVec = newVector;
- for (Integer fwd_idx = 0; fwd_idx < no_fwd_unit; fwd_idx = fwd_idx + 1)
- begin
- for (Integer k = 0; k < fwd_entry_sz; k = k + 1)
- fwdVec[k] = inVec[fwd_idx * fwd_entry_sz + k];
- fwdVec = fwdCompute(fwdVec, inMetricsV, getNextTEntry);
- for (Integer k = 0; k < fwd_entry_sz; k = k + 1)
- outVec[fwd_idx * fwd_entry_sz + k] = fwdVec[k];
- end // for (Integer j = 0; j < noOfRadix; j = j + 1)
- let minPrimEntry = fold(chooseMin, outVec);
- VState minState = tpl_1(minPrimEntry);
- tEntry_T minTEntry = tpl_3(minPrimEntry);
- return tuple3(minState, minTEntry, outVec);
- endfunction // ForwardEntry
- (* noinline *)
- function Tuple3#(VState, VTrellisEntry, VRegsOutEntry#(VTrellisEntry)) vRegsOutComputeTBPath(VRegsOutEntry#(VTrellisEntry) inVec,
- VInType inMetricsV);
- return vRegsOutCompute(inVec, inMetricsV, getNextTrellisEntry);
- endfunction
- (* noinline *)
- function Tuple3#(VState, VTBEntry, VRegsOutEntry#(VTBEntry)) vRegsOutComputeTB(VRegsOutEntry#(VTBEntry) inVec,
- VInType inMetricsV);
- return vRegsOutCompute(inVec, inMetricsV, getNextTB);
- endfunction
- function Vector#(VRegsOutSz, VState) getNextStates(Bit#(VRegsSubIdxSz) stage);
- Vector#(VRegsOutSz, VState) outVec = newVector;
- VState subIdx = zeroExtend(stage) << fromInteger(valueOf(VRegsOutIdxSz));
- for (Integer i = 0; i < valueOf(VRegsOutSz); i = i + 1)
- outVec[i] = subIdx + fromInteger(i);
- return outVec;
- endfunction // Vector
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Begin of Viterbi Module
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- (*synthesize*)
- module mkIViterbiTBPath (IViterbi);
- // states
- FIFO#(VInType) inQ <- mkLFIFO;
- FIFO#(VOutType) outQ <- mkSizedFIFO(2);
- VRegFile#(VRegsSubIdxSz,VRegsOutSz,VMetricSum) metricSums <- mkMetricSums;
- VRegFile#(VRegsSubIdxSz,VRegsOutSz,VTrellisEntry) trellis <- mkTrellis;
- Reg#(Bit#(VRegsSubIdxSz)) stage <- mkReg(0);
- Reg#(Bit#(1)) colIdx <- mkReg(0);
- Reg#(VState) curMinState <- mkReg(0);
- Reg#(VTrellisEntry) curMinPath <- mkRegU;
- Reg#(TBStageIdx) tbStage <- mkReg(0); // keep track of whether we can output TB result yet
- rule processInput(True);
- begin
- let nextMSums = metricSums.sub(colIdx, stage);
- let nextTrellis = trellis.sub(colIdx, stage);
- let nextStates = getNextStates(stage);
- let vRegsOutEntry = zip3(nextStates, nextMSums, nextTrellis);
- let vRegsOutNew = vRegsOutComputeTBPath(vRegsOutEntry, inQ.first);
- let minState = tpl_1(vRegsOutNew);
- let minPath = tpl_2(vRegsOutNew);
- let newMinState = (stage == 0 || minState < curMinState) ? minState : curMinState;
- let newMinPath = (stage == 0 || minState < curMinState) ? minPath : curMinPath;
- let newMSums = map(tpl_2, tpl_3(vRegsOutNew));
- let newTrellis = map(tpl_3, tpl_3(vRegsOutNew));
- Bit#(VStateSuffixSz) out = tpl_2(split(newMinPath));
- VOutType vOut = unpack(out);
- curMinState <= newMinState; // new min
- curMinPath <= newMinPath;
- stage <= stage + 1;
- metricSums.upd(colIdx+1, stage, newMSums);
- trellis.upd(colIdx+1, stage, newTrellis);
- `ifdef isDebug
- $display ("viterbi return: colIdx=%d stage=%d newMinState=%d, newMinPath=%h", colIdx, stage, newMinState, newMinPath);
- $write ("viterbi return: newMSums=");
- for (Integer i = 0; i < no_states; i = i + 1)
- begin
- $write ("%d: %d ", tpl_1(tpl_3(vRegsOutNew)[i]), newMSums[i]);
- end
- $display ("");
- $write ("viterbi return: newTrellis=");
- for (Integer i = 0; i < no_states; i = i + 1)
- begin
- $write ("%d: %h ", tpl_1(tpl_3(vRegsOutNew)[i]), newTrellis[i]);
- end
- $display ("");
- `endif
- if (stage == maxBound) // last stage, output trace back
- begin
- inQ.deq;
- if (tbStage == fromInteger(no_tbstage-1))
- outQ.enq(vOut);
- else
- tbStage <= tbStage + 1;
- colIdx <= colIdx + 1;
- end
- end
- endrule
- method Action putData (VInType dataIn);
- inQ.enq(dataIn);
- endmethod
- method ActionValue#(VOutType) getResult ();
- outQ.deq;
- return outQ.first;
- endmethod
- endmodule
- (*synthesize*)
- module mkIViterbiTB (IViterbi);
- // states
- FIFO#(VInType) inQ <- mkLFIFO;
- FIFO#(VOutType) outQ <- mkSizedFIFO(2);
- VRegFile#(VRegsSubIdxSz,VRegsOutSz,VMetricSum) metricSums <- mkMetricSums;
- Reg#(Vector#(VTotalStates, Bit#(1))) tbcol <- mkRegU; // save tb col
- Reg#(Bit#(VRegsSubIdxSz)) stage <- mkReg(0);
- Reg#(Bit#(1)) colIdx <- mkReg(0);
- Reg#(VState) curMinState <- mkReg(0);
- Reg#(TBStageIdx) tbStage <- mkReg(0); // keep track of whether we can output TB result yet
- Traceback tbu <- mkTraceback;
- rule performACS(True);
- begin
- let nextMSums = metricSums.sub(colIdx, stage);
- let nextTBEntry = newVector;
- let nextStates = getNextStates(stage);
- let vRegsOutEntry = zip3(nextStates, nextMSums, nextTBEntry);
- let vRegsOutNew = vRegsOutComputeTB(vRegsOutEntry, inQ.first);
- let minState = tpl_1(vRegsOutNew);
- let newMinState = (stage == 0 || minState < curMinState) ? minState : curMinState;
- let newMSums = map(tpl_2, tpl_3(vRegsOutNew));
- let newTBEntry = map(tpl_3, tpl_3(vRegsOutNew));
- let newTBCol = writeSelect(stage, tbcol, newTBEntry);
- curMinState <= newMinState; // new min
- stage <= stage + 1;
- metricSums.upd(colIdx+1, stage, newMSums);
- tbcol <= newTBCol;
- `ifdef isDebug
- $display ("viterbi return: colIdx=%d stage=%d newMinState=%d", colIdx, stage, newMinState);
- $write ("viterbi return: newMSums=");
- for (Integer i = 0; i < no_states; i = i + 1)
- begin
- $write ("%d: %d ", tpl_1(tpl_3(vRegsOutNew)[i]), newMSums[i]);
- end
- $display ("");
- $write ("viterbi return: newTBEntry=");
- for (Integer i = 0; i < no_states; i = i + 1)
- begin
- $write ("%d: %h ", tpl_1(tpl_3(vRegsOutNew)[i]), newTBEntry[i]);
- end
- $display ("");
- `endif
- if (stage == maxBound) // last stage, output trace back
- begin
- inQ.deq;
- colIdx <= colIdx + 1;
- tbu.updateMemory(vPermute(conv_in_sz, fwd_steps, newTBCol), newMinState); // put to traceback
- end
- end
- endrule
- rule performTB(True);
- begin
- let result <- tbu.getDecodedOutput; //get result from tb
- outQ.enq(unpack(pack(result)));
- end
- endrule
- method Action putData (VInType dataIn);
- inQ.enq(dataIn);
- endmethod
- method ActionValue#(VOutType) getResult ();
- outQ.deq;
- return outQ.first;
- endmethod
- endmodule