- Installing BoboMail
- +----------------------------------WARNING------------------------------------+
- | BoboMail is currently in development and may be not usefull for end users. |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- So, if you don't got scared, try the following steps:
- 1. The first thing you need is Python - the best programming language on earth.
- You can download Python from But probably it is
- bundled with your distribution if you are a Linux user.
- 2. Okay is Python installed? Then copy all the stuff into a directory, e.g.
- /usr/local/bobomail
- 3. To customize BoboMail and get it working, look into and change
- it for your needs (look for smtp_host, pop3_host, auth_host, domain, etc).
- 4. Either change the imagedir variable in bobomailrc or add something like
- Alias /bobomail/ "/usr/local/bobomail/images/"
- to your httpd.conf (for Apache servers)
- 5. Either chmod 777 the logs-directory (not so good..) or chown it to the
- user and group for cgi-scripts (look into httpd.conf for User and Group)
- Often it is nobody.nobody (on RedHat) or wwwrun.nogroup (on SuSE). This
- is neccessary to store the logs files and the session data for the
- authenticated users. When you get a Zope-Error with permission denied,
- you probably did something wrong here.
- 6. Move bobomail.cgi to the cgi-bin directory of your webserver and edit
- the marked line in it.
- 7. Test it: Go to the URL http://localhost/cgi-bin/bobomail.cgi with your
- favorite web-browser and have fun.
- You don't have a Apache? Okay, other servers work too, but you might try
- which is even faster. The parameter -d suppresses the
- messages and will write them to a log file. You can run the server in
- background. It will listen on port 9673 (change dogmailrc.httpd_port if
- you like).
- If you have a RedHat 6.2 system with Zope installed you can delete the
- ZPublisher and ZTemplates directory. This will speedup BoboMail because
- the already installed components make use of C modules.