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- #
- ##############################################################################
- '''Sequence insertion
- A sequence may be inserted using an 'in' command. The 'in'
- command specifies the name of a sequence object and text to
- be inserted for each element in the sequence.
- The EPFS syntax for the in command is::
- %(in name)[
- text
- %(in name)]
- The HTML syntax for the in command is::
- <!--#in name-->
- text
- <!--#/in name-->
- See the example below that shows how 'if', 'else', and 'in' commands
- may be combined to display a possibly empty list of objects.
- The text included within an 'in' command will be refered to
- as an 'in' block.
- Synopsis
- If the variable 'sequence' exists as a sequence, a simple case
- of the 'in' tag is used as follows::
- <!--#in sequence-->some markup<!--#/in-->
- A more complete case is used as follows::
- <!--#in sequence sort=age-->
- <!--#var sequence-number-->) <!--#var age-->
- <!--#/in-->
- Attributes
- sort -- Define the sort order for sequence items. If an item in
- the sequence does not define
- reverse -- Reverse the sequence (may be combined with sort). Note
- that this can cause a huge memory use in lazy activation instances.
- Within an 'in' block, variables are substituted from the
- elements of the iteration. The elements may be either
- instance or mapping objects. In addition, the variables:
- 'sequence-item' -- The element.
- 'sequence-var-nnn' -- The value of a specific named attribute
- of the item, where 'nnn' is the name. For example, to get
- an items 'title' attribute, use 'sequence-var-title'. This
- construct is most useful in an 'if' tag to test whether an
- attribute is present, because the attribute lookup will be
- extended to the full document template namespace.
- 'sequence-key' -- The key associated with the element in an
- items list. See below.
- 'sequence-index' -- The index, starting from 0, of the
- element within the sequence.
- 'sequence-number' -- The index, starting from 1, of the
- element within the sequence.
- 'sequence-letter' -- The index, starting from 'a', of the
- element within the sequence.
- 'sequence-Letter' -- The index, starting from 'A', of the
- element within the sequence.
- 'sequence-roman' -- The index, starting from 'i', of the
- element within the sequence.
- 'sequence-Roman' -- The index, starting from 'I', of the
- element within the sequence.
- 'sequence-start' -- A variable that is true if the element
- being displayed is the first of the displayed elements,
- and false otherwise.
- 'sequence-end' -- A variable that is true if the element
- being displayed is the last of the displayed elements,
- and false otherwise.
- are defined for each element.
- Normally, 'in' blocks are used to iterate over sequences of
- instances. If the optional parameter 'mapping' is specified
- after the sequence name, then the elements of the sequence
- will be treated as mapping objects.
- An 'in' command may be used to iterate over a sequence of
- dictionary items. If the elements of the iteration are
- two-element tuples, then then the template code given in the
- 'in' block will be applied to the second element of each
- tuple and may use a variable, 'sequence-key' to access the
- first element in each tuple.
- Batch sequence insertion
- When displaying a large number of objects, it is sometimes
- desireable to display just a sub-sequence of the data.
- An 'in' command may have optional parameters,
- as in::
- <!--#in values start=start_var size=7-->
- The parameter values may be either integer literals or
- variable names.
- Up to five parameters may be set:
- 'start' -- The number of the first element to be shown,
- where elements are numbered from 1.
- 'end' -- The number of the last element to be shown,
- where elements are numbered from 1.
- 'size' -- The desired number of elements to be shown at
- once.
- 'orphan' -- The desired minimum number of objects to be
- displayed. The default value for this
- parameter is 3.
- 'overlap' -- The desired overlap between batches. The
- default is no overlap.
- Typically, only 'start' and 'size' will be specified.
- When batch insertion is used, several additional variables are
- defined for use within the sequence insertion text:
- 'sequence-query' -- The original query string given in a get
- request with the form variable named in the 'start'
- attribute removed. This is extremely useful when
- building URLs to fetch another batch.
- To see how this is used, consider the following example::
- <!--#in search_results size=20 start=batch_start-->
- ... display rows
- <!--#if sequence-end--> <!--#if next-sequence-->
- <a href="<!--#var URL-->/<!--#var sequence-query
- -->&batch_start=<!--#var
- next-sequence-start-number-->">
- (Next <!--#var next-sequence-size--> results)
- </a>
- <!--#/if--> <!--#/if-->
- <!--#/in-->
- If the original URL is: 'foo/bar?x=1&y=2', then the
- rendered text (after row data are displated) will be::
- <a href="foo/bar?x=1&y=2&batch_start=20">
- (Next 20 results)
- </a>
- If the original URL is: 'foo/bar?batch_start=10&x=1&y=2',
- then the rendered text (after row data are displated)
- will be::
- <a href="foo/bar?x=1&y=2&batch_start=30">
- (Next 20 results)
- </a>
- 'sequence-step-start-index' -- The index, starting from 0,
- of the start of the current batch.
- 'sequence-step-end-index' -- The index, starting from 0, of
- the end of the current batch.
- 'sequence-step-size' -- The batch size used.
- 'previous-sequence' -- This variable will be true when the
- first element is displayed and when the first element
- displayed is not the first element in the sequence.
- 'previous-sequence-start-index' -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the start of the batch previous to the current
- batch.
- 'previous-sequence-end-index' -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the end of the batch previous to the current
- batch.
- 'previous-sequence-size' -- The size of the batch previous to
- the current batch.
- 'previous-batches' -- A sequence of mapping objects
- containing information about all of the batches prior
- to the batch being displayed.
- Each of these mapping objects include the following
- variables:
- batch-start-index -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the beginning of the batch.
- batch-end-index -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the end of the batch.
- batch-size -- The size of the batch.
- 'next-sequence' -- This variable will be true when the last
- element is displayed and when the last element
- displayed is not the last element in the sequence.
- 'next-sequence-start-index' -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the start of the batch after the current
- batch.
- 'next-sequence-end-index' -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the end of the batch after the current
- batch.
- 'next-sequence-size' -- The size of the batch after
- the current batch.
- 'next-batches' -- A sequence of mapping objects
- containing information about all of the batches after
- the batch being displayed.
- Each of these mapping objects include the following
- variables:
- batch-start-index -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the beginning of the batch.
- batch-end-index -- The index, starting from
- 0, of the end of the batch.
- batch-size -- The size of the batch.
- For each of the variables listed above with names ending in
- "-index", there are variables with names ending in "-number",
- "-roman", "-Roman", "-letter", and "-Letter" that are indexed
- from 1, "i", "I", "a", and "A", respectively. In addition,
- for every one of these variables there are variables with
- names ending in "-var-xxx", where "xxx" is an element
- attribute name or key.
- Summary statistics
- When performing sequence insertion, special variables may be
- used to obtain summary statistics. To obtain a summary
- statistic for a variable, use the variable name:
- 'statistic-name', where 'statistic' is a statistic name and
- 'name' is the name of a data variable.
- Currently supported statistic names are:
- total -- The total of numeric values.
- count -- The total number of non-missing values.
- min -- The minimum of non-missing values.
- max -- The maximum of non-missing values.
- median -- The median of non-missing values.
- mean -- The mean of numeric values values.
- variance -- The variance of numeric values computed with a
- degrees of freedom qeual to the count - 1.
- variance-n -- The variance of numeric values computed with a
- degrees of freedom qeual to the count.
- standard-deviation -- The standard deviation of numeric values
- computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count - 1.
- standard-deviation-n -- The standard deviation of numeric
- values computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count.
- Missing values are either 'None' or the attribute 'Value'
- of the module 'Missing', if present.
- 'else' continuation tag within in
- An 'else' tag may be used as a continuation tag in the 'in' tag.
- The source after the 'else' tag is inserted if:
- - The sequence given to the 'in' tag is of zero length, or
- - The 'previous' attribute was used and their are no
- previous batches, or
- - The 'next' attribute was used and their are no
- next batches, or
- ''' #'
- __rcs_id__='$Id: DT_In.py,v 1.38 1999/08/27 14:56:27 petrilli Exp $'
- __version__='$Revision: 1.38 $'[11:-2]
- from DT_Util import ParseError, parse_params, name_param, str
- from DT_Util import render_blocks, InstanceDict, ValidationError
- from string import find, atoi, join
- import ts_regex
- from DT_InSV import sequence_variables, opt
- TupleType=type(())
- class InFactory:
- blockContinuations=('else',)
- name='in'
- def __call__(self, blocks):
- i=InClass(blocks)
- if i.batch: return i.renderwb
- else: return i.renderwob
- In=InFactory()
- class InClass:
- elses=None
- expr=sort=batch=mapping=None
- start_name_re=None
- reverse=None
- def __init__(self, blocks):
- tname, args, section = blocks[0]
- args=parse_params(args, name='', start='1',end='-1',size='10',
- orphan='3',overlap='1',mapping=1,
- skip_unauthorized=1,
- previous=1, next=1, expr='', sort='',
- reverse=1)
- self.args=args
- has_key=args.has_key
- if has_key('sort'):
- self.sort=sort=args['sort']
- if sort=='sequence-item': self.sort=''
- if has_key('reverse'):
- self.reverse=args['reverse']
- if has_key('mapping'): self.mapping=args['mapping']
- for n in 'start', 'size', 'end':
- if has_key(n): self.batch=1
- for n in 'orphan','overlap','previous','next':
- if has_key(n) and not self.batch:
- raise ParseError, (
- """
- The %s attribute was used but neither of the
- <code>start</code>, <code>end</code>, or <code>size</code>
- attributes were used.
- """ % n, 'in')
- if has_key('start'):
- v=args['start']
- if type(v)==type(''):
- try: atoi(v)
- except:
- self.start_name_re=ts_regex.compile(
- '&+'+
- join(map(lambda c: "[%s]" % c, v),'')+
- '=[0-9]+&+')
- name,expr=name_param(args,'in',1)
- if expr is not None: expr=expr.eval
- self.__name__, self.expr = name, expr
- self.section=section.blocks
- if len(blocks) > 1:
- if len(blocks) != 2: raise ParseError, (
- 'too many else blocks', 'in')
- tname, args, section = blocks[1]
- args=parse_params(args, name='')
- if args:
- ename=name_param(args)
- if ename != name:
- raise ParseError, (
- 'name in else does not match in', 'in')
- self.elses=section.blocks
- def renderwb(self, md):
- expr=self.expr
- name=self.__name__
- if expr is None:
- sequence=md[name]
- cache={ name: sequence }
- else:
- sequence=expr(md)
- cache=None
- if not sequence:
- if self.elses: return render_blocks(self.elses, md)
- return ''
- if type(sequence) is type(''):
- raise 'InError', (
- 'Strings are not allowed as input to the in tag.')
- section=self.section
- params=self.args
- mapping=self.mapping
- if self.sort is not None:
- sequence=self.sort_sequence(sequence)
- if self.reverse is not None:
- sequence=self.reverse_sequence(sequence)
- next=previous=0
- try: start=int_param(params,md,'start',0)
- except: start=1
- end=int_param(params,md,'end',0)
- size=int_param(params,md,'size',0)
- overlap=int_param(params,md,'overlap',0)
- orphan=int_param(params,md,'orphan','3')
- start,end,sz=opt(start,end,size,orphan,sequence)
- if params.has_key('next'): next=1
- if params.has_key('previous'): previous=1
- last=end-1
- first=start-1
- try: query_string=md['QUERY_STRING']
- except: query_string=''
- vars=sequence_variables(sequence,'?'+query_string,self.start_name_re)
- kw=vars.data
- kw['mapping']=mapping
- kw['sequence-step-size']=sz
- kw['sequence-step-overlap']=overlap
- kw['sequence-step-start']=start
- kw['sequence-step-end']=end
- kw['sequence-step-start-index']=start-1
- kw['sequence-step-end-index']=end-1
- kw['sequence-step-orphan']=orphan
- push=md._push
- pop=md._pop
- render=render_blocks
- if cache: push(cache)
- push(vars)
- try:
- if previous:
- if first > 0:
- pstart,pend,psize=opt(0,first+overlap,
- sz,orphan,sequence)
- kw['previous-sequence']=1
- kw['previous-sequence-start-index']=pstart-1
- kw['previous-sequence-end-index']=pend-1
- kw['previous-sequence-size']=pend+1-pstart
- result=render(section,md)
- elif self.elses: result=render(self.elses, md)
- else: result=''
- elif next:
- try:
- # The following line is a sneaky way to test whether
- # there are more items, without actually
- # computing a length:
- sequence[end]
- pstart,pend,psize=opt(end+1-overlap,0,
- sz,orphan,sequence)
- kw['next-sequence']=1
- kw['next-sequence-start-index']=pstart-1
- kw['next-sequence-end-index']=pend-1
- kw['next-sequence-size']=pend+1-pstart
- result=render(section,md)
- except:
- if self.elses: result=render(self.elses, md)
- else: result=''
- else:
- result = []
- append=result.append
- validate=md.validate
- for index in range(first,end):
- if index==first and index > 0:
- pstart,pend,psize=opt(0,index+overlap,
- sz,orphan,sequence)
- kw['previous-sequence']=1
- kw['previous-sequence-start-index']=pstart-1
- kw['previous-sequence-end-index']=pend-1
- kw['previous-sequence-size']=pend+1-pstart
- else:
- kw['previous-sequence']=0
- if index==last:
- try:
- # The following line is a sneaky way to
- # test whether there are more items,
- # without actually computing a length:
- sequence[end]
- pstart,pend,psize=opt(end+1-overlap,0,
- sz,orphan,sequence)
- kw['previous-sequence']=0
- kw['next-sequence']=1
- kw['next-sequence-start-index']=pstart-1
- kw['next-sequence-end-index']=pend-1
- kw['next-sequence-size']=pend+1-pstart
- except: pass
- if index==last: kw['sequence-end']=1
- client=sequence[index]
- if validate is not None:
- try: vv=validate(sequence,sequence,index,client,md)
- except: vv=0
- if not vv:
- if (params.has_key('skip_unauthorized') and
- params['skip_unauthorized']):
- if index==first: kw['sequence-start']=0
- continue
- raise ValidationError, index
- kw['sequence-index']=index
- if type(client)==TupleType and len(client)==2:
- client=client[1]
- if mapping: push(client)
- else: push(InstanceDict(client, md))
- try: append(render(section, md))
- finally: pop(1)
- if index==first: kw['sequence-start']=0
- result=join(result, '')
- finally:
- if cache: pop()
- pop()
- return result
- def renderwob(self, md):
- """RENDER WithOutBatch"""
- expr=self.expr
- name=self.__name__
- if expr is None:
- sequence=md[name]
- cache={ name: sequence }
- else:
- sequence=expr(md)
- cache=None
- if not sequence:
- if self.elses: return render_blocks(self.elses, md)
- return ''
- if type(sequence) is type(''):
- raise 'InError', (
- 'Strings are not allowed as input to the in tag.')
- section=self.section
- mapping=self.mapping
- if self.sort is not None:
- sequence=self.sort_sequence(sequence)
- if self.reverse is not None:
- sequence=self.reverse_sequence(sequence)
- vars=sequence_variables(sequence)
- kw=vars.data
- kw['mapping']=mapping
- l=len(sequence)
- last=l-1
- push=md._push
- pop=md._pop
- render=render_blocks
- if cache: push(cache)
- push(vars)
- try:
- result = []
- append=result.append
- validate=md.validate
- for index in range(l):
- if index==last: kw['sequence-end']=1
- client=sequence[index]
- if validate is not None:
- try: vv=validate(sequence,sequence,index,client,md)
- except: vv=0
- if not vv:
- if (self.args.has_key('skip_unauthorized') and
- self.args['skip_unauthorized']):
- if index==1: kw['sequence-start']=0
- continue
- raise ValidationError, index
- kw['sequence-index']=index
- if type(client)==TupleType and len(client)==2:
- client=client[1]
- if mapping: push(client)
- else: push(InstanceDict(client, md))
- try: append(render(section, md))
- finally: pop()
- if index==0: kw['sequence-start']=0
- result=join(result, '')
- finally:
- if cache: pop()
- pop()
- return result
- def sort_sequence(self, sequence):
- sort=self.sort
- mapping=self.mapping
- isort=not sort
- k=None
- s=[]
- for client in sequence:
- if type(client)==TupleType and len(client)==2:
- if isort: k=client[0]
- v=client[1]
- else:
- if isort: k=client
- v=client
- if sort:
- if mapping: k=v[sort]
- else: k=getattr(v, sort)
- if not basic_type(k):
- try: k=k()
- except: pass
- s.append((k,client))
- s.sort()
- sequence=[]
- for k, client in s: sequence.append(client)
- return sequence
- def reverse_sequence(self, sequence):
- s=list(sequence)
- s.reverse()
- return s
- basic_type={type(''): 1, type(0): 1, type(0.0): 1, type(()): 1, type([]): 1
- }.has_key
- def int_param(params,md,name,default=0, st=type('')):
- try: v=params[name]
- except: v=default
- if v:
- try: v=atoi(v)
- except:
- v=md[v]
- if type(v) is st: v=atoi(v)
- return v