资源名称:Nsix.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- *****************************************************************************************************
- Author : Lea Smart
- Source :
- Date : 7/3/2001
- DHTML Calendar
- Version 1.2
- You are free to use this code if you retain this header.
- You do not need to link to my site (be nice though!)
- Amendments
- 22 Jan 2002; Added ns resize bug code; rewrote date functions into Date 'class';
- Added support for yyyy-mm-dd date format
- Added support for calendar beginning on any day
- 7th Feb 2002 Fixed day highlight when year wasn't current year bug
- 9th Jun 2002 Fixed bug with weekend colour
- Amended the code for the date functions extensions. Shortened addDays code considerably
- *****************************************************************************************************
- */
- var timeoutDelay = 2000; // milliseconds, change this if you like, set to 0 for the calendar to never auto disappear
- var g_startDay = 0// 0=sunday, 1=monday
- // preload images
- var imgUp = new Image(8,12);
- //imgUp.src = 'images/up.gif';
- var imgDown = new Image(8,12);
- //imgDown.src = 'images/down.gif';
- // used by timeout auto hide functions
- var timeoutId = false;
- // the now standard browser sniffer class
- function Browser(){
- this.dom = document.getElementById?1:0;
- this.ie4 = (document.all && !this.dom)?1:0;
- this.ns4 = (document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0;
- this.ns6 = (this.dom && !document.all)?1:0;
- this.ie5 = (this.dom && document.all)?1:0;
- this.ok = this.dom || this.ie4 || this.ns4;
- this.platform = navigator.platform;
- }
- var browser = new Browser();
- // dom browsers require this written to the HEAD section
- if (browser.dom || browser.ie4){
- document.writeln('<style>');
- document.writeln('#container {');
- document.writeln('position : absolute;');
- document.writeln('left : 100px;');
- document.writeln('top : 100px;');
- document.writeln('width : 124px;');;
- browser.platform=='Win32'?height=140:height=145;
- document.writeln('height : ' + height +'px;');
- document.writeln('clip:rect(0px 124px ' + height + 'px 0px);');
- //document.writeln('overflow : hidden;');
- document.writeln('visibility : hidden;');
- document.writeln('background-color : #ffffff');
- document.writeln('}');
- document.writeln('</style>')
- document.write('<div id="container"');
- if (timeoutDelay) document.write(' onmouseout="calendarTimeout();" onmouseover="if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId);"');
- document.write('></div>');
- }
- var g_Calendar; // global to hold the calendar reference, set by constructor
- function calendarTimeout(){
- if (browser.ie4 || browser.ie5){
- if (window.event.srcElement &&!='month') timeoutId=setTimeout('g_Calendar.hide();',timeoutDelay);
- }
- if (browser.ns6 || browser.ns4){
- timeoutId=setTimeout('g_Calendar.hide();',timeoutDelay);
- }
- }
- // constructor for calendar class
- function Calendar(){
- g_Calendar = this;
- // some constants needed throughout the program
- this.daysOfWeek = new Array("Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa");
- this.months = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
- this.daysInMonth = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
- if (browser.ns4){
- var tmpLayer = new Layer(127);
- if (timeoutDelay){
- tmpLayer.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT);
- tmpLayer.onmouseover = function(event) { if (timeoutId) clearTimeout(timeoutId); };
- tmpLayer.onmouseout = function(event) { timeoutId=setTimeout('g_Calendar.hide()',timeoutDelay);};
- }
- tmpLayer.x = 100;
- tmpLayer.y = 100;
- tmpLayer.bgColor = "#ffffff";
- }
- if (browser.dom || browser.ie4){
- var tmpLayer = browser.dom?document.getElementById('container'):document.all.container;
- }
- this.containerLayer = tmpLayer;
- if (browser.ns4 && browser.platform=='Win32') {
- this.containerLayer.clip.height=134;
- this.containerLayer.clip.width=127;
- }
- }
- Calendar.prototype.getFirstDOM = function() {
- var thedate = new Date();
- thedate.setDate(1);
- thedate.setMonth(this.month);
- thedate.setFullYear(this.year);
- return thedate.getDay();
- }
- Calendar.prototype.getDaysInMonth = function (){
- if (this.month!=1) {
- return this.daysInMonth[this.month]
- }
- else {
- // is it a leap year
- if (Date.isLeapYear(this.year)) {
- return 29;
- }
- else {
- return 28;
- }
- }
- }
- Calendar.prototype.buildString = function(){
- var tmpStr = '<form onSubmit="this.year.blur();return false;"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="calBorderColor"><tr><td valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" class="calBgColor">';
- tmpStr += '<tr>';
- tmpStr += '<td width="60%" class="cal" align="left">';
- if (this.hasDropDown) {
- tmpStr += '<select class="month" name="month" onchange="g_Calendar.selectChange();">';
- for (var i=0;i<this.months.length;i++){
- tmpStr += '<option value="' + i + '"'
- if (i == this.month) tmpStr += ' selected';
- tmpStr += '>' + this.months[i] + '</option>';
- }
- tmpStr += '</select>';
- } else {
- tmpStr += '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><a href="javascript: g_Calendar.changeMonth(-1);"><img name="calendar" src="" width="8" height="12" border="0" alt=""></a></td><td class="cal" width="100%" align="center">' + this.months[this.month] + '</td><td class="cal"><a href="javascript: g_Calendar.changeMonth(+1);"><img name="calendar" src="" width="8" height="12" border="0" alt=""></a></td></tr></table>';
- }
- tmpStr += '</td>';
- /* observation : for some reason if the below event is changed to 'onChange' rather than 'onBlur' it totally crashes IE (4 and 5)!
- */
- tmpStr += '<td width="40%" align="right" class="cal">';
- if (this.hasDropDown) {
- tmpStr += '<input class="year" type="text" size="';
- // get round NS4 win32 lenght of year input problem
- (browser.ns4 && browser.platform=='Win32')?tmpStr += 1:tmpStr += 4;
- tmpStr += '" name="year" maxlength="4" onBlur="g_Calendar.inputChange();" value="' + this.year + '">';
- } else {
- tmpStr += '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="cal"><a href="javascript: g_Calendar.changeYear(-1);"><img name="calendar" src="" width="8" height="12" border="0" alt=""></a></td><td class="cal" width="100%" align="center">' + this.year + '</td><td class="cal"><a href="javascript: g_Calendar.changeYear(+1);"><img name="calendar" src="" width="8" height="12" border="0" alt=""></a></td></tr></table>'
- }
- tmpStr += '</td>';
- tmpStr += '</tr>';
- tmpStr += '</table>';
- var iCount = 1;
- var iFirstDOM = (7+this.getFirstDOM()-g_startDay)%7; // to prevent calling it in a loop
- var iDaysInMonth = this.getDaysInMonth(); // to prevent calling it in a loop
- tmpStr += '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" class="calBgColor">';
- tmpStr += '<tr>';
- for (var i=0;i<7;i++){
- tmpStr += '<td align="center" class="calDaysColor">' + this.daysOfWeek[(g_startDay+i)%7] + '</td>';
- }
- tmpStr += '</tr>';
- var tmpFrom = parseInt('' + this.dateFromYear + this.dateFromMonth + this.dateFromDay,10);
- var tmpTo = parseInt('' + this.dateToYear + this.dateToMonth + this.dateToDay,10);
- var tmpCompare;
- for (var j=1;j<=6;j++){
- tmpStr += '<tr>';
- for (var i=1;i<=7;i++){
- tmpStr += '<td width="16" align="center" '
- if ( (7*(j-1) + i)>=iFirstDOM+1 && iCount <= iDaysInMonth){
- if ( && this.year==this.oYear && this.month==this.oMonth) tmpStr += 'class="calHighlightColor"';
- else {
- if (i==7-g_startDay || i==((7-g_startDay)%7)+1) tmpStr += 'class="calWeekend"';
- else tmpStr += 'class="cal"';
- }
- tmpStr += '>';
- /* could create a date object here and compare that but probably more efficient to convert to a number
- and compare number as numbers are primitives */
- tmpCompare = parseInt('' + this.year + padZero(this.month) + padZero(iCount),10);
- if (tmpCompare >= tmpFrom && tmpCompare <= tmpTo) {
- tmpStr += '<a class="cal" href="javascript: g_Calendar.clickDay(' + iCount + ');">' + iCount + '</a>';
- } else {
- tmpStr += '<span class="disabled">' + iCount + '</span>';
- }
- iCount++;
- } else {
- if (i==7-g_startDay || i==((7-g_startDay)%7)+1) tmpStr += 'class="calWeekend"'; else tmpStr +='class="cal"';
- tmpStr += '> ';
- }
- tmpStr += '</td>'
- }
- tmpStr += '</tr>'
- }
- tmpStr += '</table></td></tr></table></form>'
- return tmpStr;
- }
- Calendar.prototype.selectChange = function(){
- this.month = browser.ns6?this.containerLayer.ownerDocument.forms[0].month.selectedIndex:this.containerLayer.document.forms[0].month.selectedIndex;
- this.writeString(this.buildString());
- }
- Calendar.prototype.inputChange = function(){
- var tmp = browser.ns6?this.containerLayer.ownerDocument.forms[0].year:this.containerLayer.document.forms[0].year;
- if (tmp.value >=1900 || tmp.value <=2100){
- this.year = tmp.value;
- this.writeString(this.buildString());
- } else {
- tmp.value = this.year;
- }
- }
- Calendar.prototype.changeYear = function(incr){
- (incr==1)?this.year++:this.year--;
- this.writeString(this.buildString());
- }
- Calendar.prototype.changeMonth = function(incr){
- if (this.month==11 && incr==1){
- this.month = 0;
- this.year++;
- } else {
- if (this.month==0 && incr==-1){
- this.month = 11;
- this.year--;
- } else {
- (incr==1)?this.month++:this.month--;
- }
- }
- this.writeString(this.buildString());
- }
- Calendar.prototype.clickDay = function(day){
- var tmp = eval('document.' +;
- tmp.value = this.formatDateAsString(day,this.month,this.year);
- if (browser.ns4) this.containerLayer.hidden=true;
- if (browser.dom || browser.ie4){
- }
- }
- Calendar.prototype.formatDateAsString = function(day, month, year){
- var delim = eval('/\' + this.dateDelim + '/g');
- switch (this.dateFormat.replace(delim,"")){
- case 'ddmmmyyyy': return padZero(day) + this.dateDelim + this.months[month].substr(0,3) + this.dateDelim + year;
- case 'ddmmyyyy': return padZero(day) + this.dateDelim + padZero(month+1) + this.dateDelim + year;
- case 'mmddyyyy': return padZero((month+1)) + this.dateDelim + padZero(day) + this.dateDelim + year;
- case 'yyyymmdd': return year + this.dateDelim + padZero(month+1) + this.dateDelim + padZero(day);
- case 'yyyymmdd': return year + this.dateDelim + padZero(month+1) + this.dateDelim + padZero(day);
- case 'yyyy-mm-dd': return year + this.dateDelim + padZero(month+1) + this.dateDelim + padZero(day);
- case 'yyyymmdd': return year + padZero(month+1) + padZero(day);
- default: alert('unsupported date format');
- }
- }
- Calendar.prototype.writeString = function(str){
- if (browser.ns4){
- this.containerLayer.document.write(str);
- this.containerLayer.document.close();
- }
- if (browser.dom || browser.ie4){
- this.containerLayer.innerHTML = str;
- }
- }
- = function(event, target, bHasDropDown, dateFormat, dateFrom, dateTo){
- // calendar can restrict choices between 2 dates, if however no restrictions
- // are made, let them choose any date between 1900 and 3000
- this.dateFrom = dateFrom || new Date(1900,0,1);
- this.dateFromDay = padZero(this.dateFrom.getDate());
- this.dateFromMonth = padZero(this.dateFrom.getMonth());
- this.dateFromYear = this.dateFrom.getFullYear();
- this.dateTo = dateTo || new Date(3000,0,1);
- this.dateToDay = padZero(this.dateTo.getDate());
- this.dateToMonth = padZero(this.dateTo.getMonth());
- this.dateToYear = this.dateTo.getFullYear();
- this.hasDropDown = bHasDropDown;
- this.dateFormat = dateFormat || 'dd-mmm-yyyy';
- switch (this.dateFormat){
- case 'dd-mmm-yyyy':
- case 'dd-mm-yyyy':
- case 'yyyy-mm-dd':
- this.dateDelim = '-';
- break;
- case 'dd/mm/yyyy':
- case 'mm/dd/yyyy':
- case 'dd/mmm/yyyy':
- this.dateDelim = '/';
- break;
- }
- if (browser.ns4) {
- if (!this.containerLayer.hidden) {
- this.containerLayer.hidden=true;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (browser.dom || browser.ie4){
- if ('visible') {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (browser.ie5 || browser.ie4){
- var event = window.event;
- }
- if (browser.ns4){
- this.containerLayer.x = event.x+10;
- this.containerLayer.y = event.y-5;
- }
- if (browser.ie5 || browser.ie4){
- var obj = event.srcElement;
- x = 0;
- while (obj.offsetParent != null) {
- x += obj.offsetLeft;
- obj = obj.offsetParent;
- }
- x += obj.offsetLeft;
- y = 0;
- var obj = event.srcElement;
- while (obj.offsetParent != null) {
- y += obj.offsetTop;
- obj = obj.offsetParent;
- }
- y += obj.offsetTop;
- = x;
- if (event.y>0) = y+20;
- }
- if (browser.ns6){
- = event.pageX+10;
- = event.pageY-5;
- }
- = target;
- var tmp = eval('document.' +;
- if (tmp && tmp.value && tmp.value.split(this.dateDelim).length==3 && tmp.value.indexOf('d')==-1){
- var atmp = tmp.value.split(this.dateDelim)
- switch (this.dateFormat){
- case 'dd-mmm-yyyy':
- case 'dd/mmm/yyyy':
- for (var i=0;i<this.months.length;i++){
- if (atmp[1].toLowerCase()==this.months[i].substr(0,3).toLowerCase()){
- this.month = this.oMonth = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- = parseInt(atmp[0],10);
- this.year = this.oYear = parseInt(atmp[2],10);
- break;
- case 'dd/mm/yyyy':
- case 'dd-mm-yyyy':
- this.month = this.oMonth = parseInt(atmp[1]-1,10);
- = parseInt(atmp[0],10);
- this.year = this.oYear = parseInt(atmp[2],10);
- break;
- case 'mm/dd/yyyy':
- case 'mm-dd-yyyy':
- this.month = this.oMonth = parseInt(atmp[0]-1,10);
- = parseInt(atmp[1],10);
- this.year = this.oYear = parseInt(atmp[2],10);
- break;
- case 'yyyy-mm-dd':
- this.month = this.oMonth = parseInt(atmp[1]-1,10);
- = parseInt(atmp[2],10);
- this.year = this.oYear = parseInt(atmp[0],10);
- break;
- }
- } else { // no date set, default to today
- var theDate = new Date();
- this.year = this.oYear = theDate.getFullYear();
- this.month = this.oMonth = theDate.getMonth();
- = this.oDay = theDate.getDate();
- }
- this.writeString(this.buildString());
- // and then show it!
- if (browser.ns4) {
- this.containerLayer.hidden=false;
- }
- if (browser.dom || browser.ie4){
- }
- }
- Calendar.prototype.hide = function(){
- if (browser.ns4) this.containerLayer.hidden = true;
- if (browser.dom || browser.ie4){
- }
- }
- function handleDocumentClick(e){
- if (browser.ie4 || browser.ie5) e = window.event;
- if (browser.ns6){
- var bTest = (e.pageX > parseInt(,10) && e.pageX < (parseInt(,10)+125) && e.pageY < (parseInt(,10)+125) && e.pageY > parseInt(,10));
- if (!='imgCalendar' &&!='month' &&!='year' &&!='calendar' && !bTest){
- g_Calendar.hide();
- }
- }
- if (browser.ie4 || browser.ie5){
- // extra test to see if user clicked inside the calendar but not on a valid date, we don't want it to disappear in this case
- var bTest = (e.x > parseInt(,10) && e.x < (parseInt(,10)+125) && e.y < (parseInt(,10)+125) && e.y > parseInt(,10));
- if (!='imgCalendar' &&!='month' &&!='year' && !bTest & typeof(e.srcElement)!='object'){
- g_Calendar.hide();
- }
- }
- if (browser.ns4) g_Calendar.hide();
- }
- // utility function
- function padZero(num) {
- return ((num <= 9) ? ("0" + num) : num);
- }
- // Finally licked extending native date object;
- Date.isLeapYear = function(year){ if (year%4==0 && ((year%100!=0) || (year%400==0))) return true; else return false; }
- Date.daysInYear = function(year){ if (Date.isLeapYear(year)) return 366; else return 365;}
- var DAY = 1000*60*60*24;
- Date.prototype.addDays = function(num){
- return new Date((num*DAY)+this.valueOf());
- }
- // events capturing, careful you don't override this by setting something in the onload event of
- // the body tag
- window.onload=function(){
- new Calendar(new Date());
- if (browser.ns4){
- if (typeof document.NSfix == 'undefined'){
- document.NSfix = new Object();
- document.NSfix.initWidth=window.innerWidth;
- document.NSfix.initHeight=window.innerHeight;
- }
- }
- }
- if (browser.ns4) window.onresize = function(){
- if (document.NSfix.initWidth!=window.innerWidth || document.NSfix.initHeight!=window.innerHeight) window.location.reload(false);
- } // ns4 resize bug workaround
- window.document.onclick=handleDocumentClick;
- window.onerror = function(msg,url,line){
- alert('******* an error has occurred ********' +
- 'nnPlease check that' +
- 'nn1)You have not added any code to the body onload event,'
- + 'nif you want to run something as well as the calendar initialisation'
- + 'ncode, add it to the onload event in the calendar library.'
- + 'nn2)You have set the parameters correctly in the method '
- + 'nnSee\examples\calendar\simple.asp for examples'
- + 'nn------------------------------------------------------'
- + 'nError details'
- + 'nText:' + msg + 'nurl:' + url + 'nline:' + line);
- }