资源名称:Java.rar [点击查看]
- package gao;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import javax.swing.*;
- import java.awt.image.*;
- public class KnightsTour extends JApplet {
- public static int access[][] = {
- {2,3,4,4,4,4,3,2},
- {3,4,6,6,6,6,4,3},
- {4,6,8,8,8,8,6,4},
- {4,6,8,8,8,8,6,4},
- {4,6,8,8,8,8,6,4},
- {4,6,8,8,8,8,6,4},
- {3,4,6,6,6,6,4,3},
- {2,3,4,4,4,4,3,2}};
- // the value indicate the No.value moving
- int chessboard [][] = new int[ 8 ][ 8 ];
- int countMoving = -1 ;
- int tourXpos [] = new int [ 64 ];
- int tourYpos [] = new int [ 64 ];
- private int tourRecordXpos [][];
- private boolean success = false;
- public void tour ( int xpos ,int ypos ){
- // int x,y;
- countMoving ++ ;
- //all the 64 squares has been touch , return
- if (countMoving == 63 )
- {
- tourXpos [ countMoving ] = xpos ;
- tourYpos [ countMoving ] = ypos ;
- success = true ;
- countMoving -- ;
- return ;
- }
- AccessibleSquares nextSquare = new AccessibleSquares( xpos, ypos );
- while (nextSquare.hasMoreAccessible())
- {
- // do moving
- nextSquare.domoving();
- //record this moving
- tourXpos [ countMoving ] = xpos ;
- tourYpos [ countMoving ] = ypos ;
- // try the next moving
- nextSquare.nextAccessible();
- tour ( nextSquare.getXpos() , nextSquare.getYpos() );
- //all the 64 squares has been touch , return
- if ( success )
- {
- countMoving -- ;
- return ;
- }
- //this moving try is a faillure, pick it up from the chess board
- nextSquare.undomoving();
- }// end of while
- countMoving -- ;
- }//end of tour method
- /* public static void main( String args[] ) {
- KnightsTour application = new KnightsTour();
- application.tour( 0 , 0 );
- }
- */
- public void init () {
- for (int row = 0 ; row < 8 ;row ++){
- for ( int column = 0 ; column < 8 ; column ++ ){
- success = false ;
- countMoving = -1;
- tour ( row ,column );
- }
- }
- }
- public void paint (Graphics g )
- {
- super.paint( g );
- //draw the cheess board
- /* for (int row = 0 ; row < 8 ;row ++){
- for ( int column = 0 ; column < 8 ; column ++ ){
- success = false ;
- tour ( row ,column );
- }
- }*/
- // tour ( 7 , 0 );
- for ( int row = 0 ; row < 9 ; row ++ )
- {
- g.drawLine( 10 , 10 + 32 * row , 32 * 8 + 10 , 10 + 32 * row );
- }
- for ( int column = 0 ; column < 9 ; column ++ )
- {
- g.drawLine( 10 + 32 * column , 10 , 10 + 32 * column , 32 * 8 + 10 );
- };
- for ( int count = 0 ; count < tourXpos.length ; count ++ )
- {
- g.drawString("" + count , 26 + 32 * tourXpos[ count ] ,32 + 32 * tourYpos [ count ] );
- };
- /// BufferedImage white = new BufferedImage ( "white.jpg");
- }
- }//end of class KnightsTour
- class AccessibleSquares {
- private static int horizontal[] = {2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2};
- private static int vertical [] = {-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,1};
- private int xpos[] ;
- private int ypos[] ;
- private int accessibility [];
- private int ownxpos ,ownypos ;
- private int ownAccessibility ;
- private int arrayPos ;
- private int countAccessibility;
- public AccessibleSquares(int x , int y ){
- int testXPos;
- int testYPos;
- xpos = new int [ 8 ];
- ypos = new int [ 8 ];
- accessibility = new int [ 8 ];
- arrayPos = 0 ;
- ownxpos = x ;
- ownypos = y ;
- ownAccessibility = KnightsTour.access[ x ][ y ];
- for (int i = 0 ; i < horizontal.length ; i++ ){
- testXPos = x + horizontal[ i ];
- testYPos = y + vertical [ i ];
- if ( (testXPos >= 0 ) & ( testXPos < 8 ) &
- (testYPos >= 0 ) & ( testYPos < 8 ) ) {
- xpos [ arrayPos ] = testXPos ;
- ypos [ arrayPos ] = testYPos ;
- accessibility [ arrayPos ] = KnightsTour.access [testXPos][testYPos];
- //because accessibility [ arrayPos ] = 0 indicating the square has been occupied
- if (accessibility [ arrayPos ] > 0 )
- arrayPos ++ ;
- }//end of if
- }// end of for
- countAccessibility = arrayPos ;
- if (countAccessibility > 0 )
- {sortAll();}
- arrayPos = -1 ;
- }// end of constructor
- public boolean hasMoreAccessible(){
- // arrayPos + 1 point to the next accessible
- if ( (arrayPos + 1 ) < countAccessibility ){
- return true;
- }else {
- return false;
- }
- }//end of the hasMoreAccessible()
- public AccessibleSquares nextAccessible(){
- arrayPos ++ ;
- return this;
- }
- public AccessibleSquares accessibleAt( int pos){
- if ((pos >= 0) & (pos < countAccessibility ))
- arrayPos = pos ;
- return this;
- }
- public int getXpos(){
- return xpos[ arrayPos ];
- }
- public int getYpos(){
- return ypos[ arrayPos ];
- }
- public int getAccessibility(){
- return accessibility[ arrayPos ];
- }
- public int getTotalAccessible(){
- return countAccessibility;
- }
- //bubble sorting
- private void sortAll (){
- for ( int begin = 0 ; begin < countAccessibility - 1 ; begin ++ ){
- for ( int i = begin + 1; i < countAccessibility ; i ++ ){
- if ( accessibility [ begin ] > accessibility [ i ] ){
- swapAll( begin, i );
- }//end of if
- }// end of inner for
- }// end of outer for
- }// end of sortAll
- private void swapAll ( int i , int j ){
- int temp ;
- temp = xpos [ i ];
- xpos [ i ] = xpos [ j ];
- xpos [ j ] = temp;
- temp = ypos [ i ];
- ypos [ i ] = ypos [ j ];
- ypos [ j ] = temp;
- temp = accessibility [ i ];
- accessibility [ i ] = accessibility [ j ];
- accessibility [ j ] = temp;
- }
- public void domoving(){
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < countAccessibility ; i ++ ){
- KnightsTour.access[ xpos [i] ][ ypos[i] ] -- ;
- }
- KnightsTour.access[ ownxpos ][ ownypos ] = 0 ;
- }
- public void undomoving(){
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < countAccessibility ; i ++ ){
- KnightsTour.access[ xpos [i] ][ ypos[i] ] ++ ;
- }
- KnightsTour.access[ ownxpos ][ ownypos ] = ownAccessibility ;
- }
- }