- //###########################################################################
- //
- // FILE: DSP281x_Mcbsp.h
- //
- // TITLE: DSP281x Device McBSP Register Definitions.
- //
- //###########################################################################
- //
- // Ver | dd mmm yyyy | Who | Description of changes
- // =====|=============|======|===============================================
- // 1.00| 11 Sep 2003 | L.H. | Changes since previous version (v.58 Alpha)
- // | | | Changed the name of PCR1 register to PCR
- // | | | Fixed name of GSYNC bit (was GYSNC)
- // | | | Changed bit 14 of SRGR2 to reserved
- // | | | RFULL bit in SPCR1 was mislabled (was REMPTY)
- // | | | XCERA register bits changed from XCEAn to XCERAn
- // | | | XCERB register bits changed from XCEBn to XCERBn
- // | | | XCERC register bits changed from XCECn to XCERCn
- // | | | XCERD register bits changed from XCEDn to XCERDn
- // | | | XCERE register bits changed from XCEEn to XCEREn
- // | | | XCERF register bits changed from XCEFn to XCERFn
- // | | | XCERG register bits changed from XCEGn to XCERGn
- // | | | MFFTX register bits change to align with user's guide
- // | | | MFFRX register bits change to align with user's guide
- //###########################################################################
- #ifndef DSP281x_MCBSP_H
- #define DSP281x_MCBSP_H
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // McBSP Individual Register Bit Definitions:
- //
- // McBSP DRR2 register bit definitions:
- struct DRR2_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 HWLB:8; // 16:23 High word low byte
- Uint16 HWHB:8; // 24:31 High word high byte
- };
- union DRR2_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct DRR2_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP DRR1 register bit definitions:
- struct DRR1_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 LWLB:8; // 16:23 Low word low byte
- Uint16 LWHB:8; // 24:31 low word high byte
- };
- union DRR1_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct DRR1_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP DXR2 register bit definitions:
- struct DXR2_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 HWLB:8; // 16:23 High word low byte
- Uint16 HWHB:8; // 24:31 High word high byte
- };
- union DXR2_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct DXR2_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP DXR1 register bit definitions:
- struct DXR1_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 LWLB:8; // 16:23 Low word low byte
- Uint16 LWHB:8; // 24:31 low word high byte
- };
- union DXR1_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct DXR1_BITS bit;
- };
- // SPCR2 control register bit definitions:
- struct SPCR2_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XRST:1; // 0 transmit reset
- Uint16 XRDY:1; // 1 transmit ready
- Uint16 XEMPTY:1; // 2 Transmit empty
- Uint16 XSYNCERR:1; // 3 Transmit syn errorINT flag
- Uint16 XINTM:2; // 5:4 Transmit interrupt types
- Uint16 GRST:1; // 6 CLKG reset
- Uint16 FRST:1; // 7 Frame sync reset
- Uint16 SOFT:1; // 8 SOFT bit
- Uint16 FREE:1; // 9 FREE bit
- Uint16 rsvd:6; // 15:10 reserved
- };
- union SPCR2_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPCR2_BITS bit;
- };
- // SPCR1 control register bit definitions:
- struct SPCR1_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RRST:1; // 0 Receive reset
- Uint16 RRDY:1; // 1 Receive ready
- Uint16 RFULL:1; // 2 Receive full
- Uint16 RSYNCERR:1; // 7 Receive syn error
- Uint16 RINTM:2; // 5:4 Receive interrupt types
- Uint16 ABIS:1; // 6 ABIS mode select
- Uint16 DXENA:1; // 7 DX hi-z enable
- Uint16 rsvd:3; // 10:8 reserved
- Uint16 CLKSTP:2; // 12:11 CLKSTOP mode bit
- Uint16 RJUST:2; // 13:14 Right justified
- Uint16 DLB:1; // 15 Digital loop back
- };
- union SPCR1_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SPCR1_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCR2 control register bit definitions:
- struct RCR2_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RDATDLY:2; // 1:0 Receive data delay
- Uint16 RFIG:1; // 2 Receive frame sync ignore
- Uint16 RCOMPAND:2; // 4:3 Receive Companding Mode selects
- Uint16 RWDLEN2:3; // 7:5 Receive word length
- Uint16 RFRLEN2:7; // 14:8 Receive Frame sync
- Uint16 RPHASE:1; // 15 Receive Phase
- };
- union RCR2_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCR2_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCR1 control register bit definitions:
- struct RCR1_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 rsvd1:5; // 4:0 reserved
- Uint16 RWDLEN1:3; // 7:5 Receive word length
- Uint16 RFRLEN1:7; // 14:8 Receive frame length
- Uint16 rsvd2:1; // 15 reserved
- };
- union RCR1_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCR1_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCR2 control register bit definitions:
- struct XCR2_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XDATDLY:2; // 1:0 Transmit data delay
- Uint16 XFIG:1; // 2 Transmit frame sync ignore
- Uint16 XCOMPAND:2; // 4:3 Transmit Companding Mode selects
- Uint16 XWDLEN2:3; // 7:5 Transmit word length
- Uint16 XFRLEN2:7; // 14:8 Transmit Frame sync
- Uint16 XPHASE:1; // 15 Transmit Phase
- };
- union XCR2_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCR2_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCR1 control register bit definitions:
- struct XCR1_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 rsvd1:5; // 4:0 reserved
- Uint16 XWDLEN1:3; // 7:5 Transmit word length
- Uint16 XFRLEN1:7; // 14:8 Transmit frame length
- Uint16 rsvd2:1; // 15 reserved
- };
- union XCR1_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCR1_BITS bit;
- };
- // SRGR2 Sample rate generator control register bit definitions:
- struct SRGR2_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 FPER:12; // 11:0 Frame period
- Uint16 FSGM:1; // 12 Frame sync generator mode
- Uint16 CLKSM:1; // 13 Sample rate generator mode
- Uint16 rsvd:1; // 14 reserved
- Uint16 GSYNC:1; // 15 CLKG sync
- };
- union SRGR2_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SRGR2_BITS bit;
- };
- // SRGR1 control register bit definitions:
- struct SRGR1_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 CLKGDV:8; // 7:0 CLKG divider
- Uint16 FWID:8; // 15:8 Frame width
- };
- union SRGR1_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct SRGR1_BITS bit;
- };
- // MCR2 Multichannel control register bit definitions:
- struct MCR2_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XMCM:2; // 1:0 Transmit multichannel mode
- Uint16 XCBLK:3; // 2:4 Transmit current block
- Uint16 XPABLK:2; // 5:6 Transmit partition A Block
- Uint16 XPBBLK:2; // 7:8 Transmit partition B Block
- Uint16 XMCME:1; // 9 Transmit multi-channel enhance mode
- Uint16 rsvd:6; // 15:10 reserved
- };
- union MCR2_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct MCR2_BITS bit;
- };
- // MCR1 Multichannel control register bit definitions:
- struct MCR1_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RMCM:1; // 0 Receive multichannel mode
- Uint16 rsvd:1; // 1 reserved
- Uint16 RCBLK:3; // 4:2 Receive current block
- Uint16 RPABLK:2; // 6:5 Receive partition A Block
- Uint16 RPBBLK:2; // 7:8 Receive partition B Block
- Uint16 RMCME:1; // 9 Receive multi-channel enhance mode
- Uint16 rsvd1:6; // 15:10 reserved
- };
- union MCR1_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct MCR1_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERA control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERA_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCEA0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEA15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERA_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERA_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERB control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERB_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCEB0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEB15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERB_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERB_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERA control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERA_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCERA0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERA15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERA_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERA_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERB control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERB_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCERB0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERB15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERB_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERB_BITS bit;
- };
- // PCR control register bit definitions:
- struct PCR_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 CLKRP:1; // 0 Receive Clock polarity
- Uint16 CLKXP:1; // 1 Transmit clock polarity
- Uint16 FSRP:1; // 2 Receive Frame synchronization polarity
- Uint16 FSXP:1; // 3 Transmit Frame synchronization polarity
- Uint16 DR_STAT:1; // 4 DR pin status - reserved for this McBSP
- Uint16 DX_STAT:1; // 5 DX pin status - reserved for this McBSP
- Uint16 CLKS_STAT:1; // 6 CLKS pin status - reserved for 28x -McBSP
- Uint16 SCLKME:1; // 7 Enhanced sample clock mode selection bit.
- Uint16 CLKRM:1; // 8 Receiver Clock Mode
- Uint16 CLKXM:1; // 9 Transmitter Clock Mode.
- Uint16 FSRM:1; // 10 Receive Frame Synchronization Mode
- Uint16 FSXM:1; // 11 Transmit Frame Synchronization Mode
- Uint16 RIOEN:1; // 12 General Purpose I/O Mode - reserved in this 28x-McBSP
- Uint16 XIOEN:1; // 13 General Purpose I/O Mode - reserved in this 28x-McBSP
- Uint16 IDEL_EN:1; // 14 reserved in this 28x-McBSP
- Uint16 rsvd:1 ; // 15 reserved
- };
- union PCR_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct PCR_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERC control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERC_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCEC0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEC15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERC_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERC_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERD control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERD_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCED0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCED15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERD_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERD_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERC control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERC_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCERC0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERC15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERC_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERC_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERD control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERD_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCERD0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERD15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERD_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERD_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERE control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERE_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCEE0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEE15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERE_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERE_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERF control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERF_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCEF0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEF15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERF_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERF_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERE control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERE_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCERE0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERE15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERE_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERE_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERF control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERF_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCERF0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERF15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERF_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERF_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERG control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERG_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCEG0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEG15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERG_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERG_BITS bit;
- };
- // RCERH control register bit definitions:
- struct RCERH_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 RCEH0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 RCEH15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union RCERH_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct RCERH_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERG control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERG_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCERG0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCERG15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERG_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERG_BITS bit;
- };
- // XCERH control register bit definitions:
- struct XCERH_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 XCEH0:1; // 0 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH1:1; // 1 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH2:1; // 2 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH3:1; // 3 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH4:1; // 4 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH5:1; // 5 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH6:1; // 6 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH7:1; // 7 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH8:1; // 8 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH9:1; // 9 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH10:1; // 10 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH11:1; // 11 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH12:1; // 12 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH13:1; // 13 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH14:1; // 14 Receive Channel enable bit
- Uint16 XCEH15:1; // 15 Receive Channel enable bit
- };
- union XCERH_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct XCERH_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP FIFO Transmit register bit definitions:
- struct MFFTX_BITS { // bit description
- Uint16 TXFFIL:5; // 4:0 Interrupt level
- Uint16 TXFFIENA:1; // 5 Interrupt enable
- Uint16 TXFFINT_CLEAR:1; // 6 Clear INT flag
- Uint16 TXFFINT_FLAG:1; // 7 INT flag
- Uint16 TXFFST:5; // 12:8 FIFO status
- Uint16 TXFIFO_RESET:1; // 13 FIFO reset
- Uint16 MFFENA:1; // 14 Enhancement enable
- Uint16 rsvd:1; // 15 reserved
- };
- union MFFTX_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct MFFTX_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP FIFO recieve register bit definitions:
- struct MFFRX_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 RXFFIL:5; // 4:0 Interrupt level
- Uint16 RXFFIENA:1; // 5 Interrupt enable
- Uint16 RXFFINT_CLEAR:1; // 6 Clear INT flag
- Uint16 RXFFINT_FLAG:1; // 7 INT flag
- Uint16 RXFFST:5; // 12:8 FIFO status
- Uint16 RXFIFO_RESET:1; // 13 FIFO reset
- Uint16 RXFFOVF_CLEAR:1; // 14 Clear overflow
- Uint16 RXFFOVF_FLAG:1; // 15 FIFO overflow
- };
- union MFFRX_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct MFFRX_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP FIFO control register bit definitions:
- struct MFFCT_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 FFTXTXDLY:8; // 7:0 FIFO transmit delay
- Uint16 rsvd:7; // 15:7 reserved
- Uint16 IACKM:1; // 15 is IACK mode enable bit
- };
- union MFFCT_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct MFFCT_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP FIFO INTERRUPT control register bit definitions:
- struct MFFINT_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 XINT:1; // 0 XINT interrupt enable
- Uint16 XEVTA:1; // 1 XEVTA interrupt enable
- Uint16 RINT:1; // 2 RINT interrupt enable
- Uint16 REVTA:1; // 3 REVTA interrupt enable
- Uint16 rsvd:12; // 15:4 reserved
- };
- union MFFINT_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct MFFINT_BITS bit;
- };
- // McBSP FIFO INTERRUPT status register bit definitions:
- struct MFFST_BITS { // bits description
- Uint16 EOBX:1; // 0 EOBX flag
- Uint16 FSX:1; // 1 FSX flag
- Uint16 EOBR:1; // 2 EOBR flag
- Uint16 FSR:1; // 3 FSR flag
- Uint16 rsvd:12; // 15:4 reserved
- };
- union MFFST_REG {
- Uint16 all;
- struct MFFST_BITS bit;
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // McBSP Register File:
- //
- struct MCBSP_REGS {
- union DRR2_REG DRR2; // 0x7800, MCBSP Data receive register bits 31-16
- union DRR1_REG DRR1; // 0x7801, MCBSP Data receive register bits 15-0
- union DXR2_REG DXR2; // 0x7802, MCBSP Data transmit register bits 31-16
- union DXR1_REG DXR1; // 0x7803, MCBSP Data transmit register bits 15-0
- union SPCR2_REG SPCR2; // 0x7804, MCBSP control register bits 31-16
- union SPCR1_REG SPCR1; // 0x7805, MCBSP control register bits 15-0
- union RCR2_REG RCR2; // 0x7806, MCBSP receive control register bits 31-16
- union RCR1_REG RCR1; // 0x7807, MCBSP receive control register bits 15-0
- union XCR2_REG XCR2; // 0x7808, MCBSP transmit control register bits 31-16
- union XCR1_REG XCR1; // 0x7809, MCBSP transmit control register bits 15-0
- union SRGR2_REG SRGR2; // 0x7810, MCBSP sample rate gen register bits 31-16
- union SRGR1_REG SRGR1; // 0x7811, MCBSP sample rate gen register bits 15-0
- union MCR2_REG MCR2; // 0x7812, MCBSP multichannel register bits 31-16
- union MCR1_REG MCR1; // 0x7813, MCBSP multichannel register bits 15-0
- union RCERA_REG RCERA; // 0x7814, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition A
- union RCERB_REG RCERB; // 0x7815, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition B
- union XCERA_REG XCERA; // 0x7816, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition A
- union XCERB_REG XCERB; // 0x7817, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition B
- union PCR_REG PCR; // 0x7818, MCBSP Pin control register bits 15-0
- union RCERC_REG RCERC; // 0x7819, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition C
- union RCERD_REG RCERD; // 0x7820, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition D
- union XCERC_REG XCERC; // 0x7821, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition C
- union XCERD_REG XCERD; // 0x7823, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition D
- union RCERE_REG RCERE; // 0x7824, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition E
- union RCERF_REG RCERF; // 0x7825, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition F
- union XCERE_REG XCERE; // 0x7826, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition E
- union XCERF_REG XCERF; // 0x7827, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition F
- union RCERG_REG RCERG; // 0x7828, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition G
- union RCERH_REG RCERH; // 0x7829, MCBSP Receive channel enable partition H
- union XCERG_REG XCERG; // 0x7830, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition G
- union XCERH_REG XCERH; // 0x7831, MCBSP Transmit channel enable partition H
- Uint16 rsvd1; // 0x7832, reserved
- union MFFTX_REG MFFTX; // 0x7833, MCBSP Transmit FIFO register bits
- union MFFRX_REG MFFRX; // 0x7834, MCBSP Receive FIFO register bits
- union MFFCT_REG MFFCT; // 0x7835, MCBSP FIFO control register bits
- union MFFINT_REG MFFINT; // 0x7836, MCBSP Interrupt register bits
- union MFFST_REG MFFST; // 0x7837, MCBSP Status register bits
- };
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // McBSP External References & Function Declarations:
- //
- extern volatile struct MCBSP_REGS McbspaRegs;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* extern "C" */
- #endif // end of DSP281x_MCBSP_H definition
- //===========================================================================
- // No more.
- //===========================================================================