- //
- // File = add_gaus_noise.cpp
- //
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "add_gaus_noise.h"
- #include "syst_graph.h"
- #include "misdefs.h"
- #include "gensig.h"
- #include "butt_filt_iir.h"
- #include "gausrand.h"
- extern int PassNumber;
- extern ParmFile *ParmInput;
- extern SystemGraph CommSystemGraph;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- extern ofstream *DebugFile;
- #endif
- //======================================================
- // normal constructor
- template <class T>
- AdditiveGaussianNoise<T>
- ::AdditiveGaussianNoise(
- char* instance_name,
- PracSimModel* outer_model,
- Signal<T>* in_sig,
- Signal<T>* noisy_sig,
- Signal<float>* power_meas_sig)
- :PracSimModel( instance_name,
- outer_model)
- {
- MODEL_NAME(AdditiveGaussianNoise);
- char sub_name[60];
- In_Sig = in_sig;
- Noisy_Sig = noisy_sig;
- Power_Meas_Sig = power_meas_sig;
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Anticip_Input_Pwr);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Desired_Output_Pwr);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Desired_Eb_No);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Symb_Period);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Num_Bits_Per_Symb);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Time_Const_For_Pwr_Mtr);
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Sig_Pwr_Meas_Enabled);
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Outpt_Pwr_Scaling_On);
- strcpy(sub_name,GetModelName());
- strcat(sub_name, ":k_PowerMeter ");
- Power_Meter =
- new k_PowerMeter<T>( sub_name,
- Anticip_Input_Pwr,
- Time_Const_For_Pwr_Mtr);
- MAKE_OUTPUT(Noisy_Sig);
- MAKE_OUTPUT(Power_Meas_Sig);
- Noise_Only_Sig = NULL;
- }
- //======================================================
- // constructor that connects a noise-only output signal
- template <class T>
- AdditiveGaussianNoise<T>::AdditiveGaussianNoise(
- char* instance_name,
- PracSimModel* outer_model,
- Signal<T>* in_sig,
- Signal<T>* noisy_sig,
- Signal<T>* noise_only_sig,
- Signal<float>* power_meas_sig)
- :PracSimModel(instance_name,
- outer_model)
- {
- MODEL_NAME(AdditiveGaussianNoise);
- char sub_name[60];
- In_Sig = in_sig;
- Noisy_Sig = noisy_sig;
- Power_Meas_Sig = power_meas_sig;
- Noise_Only_Sig = noise_only_sig;
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Anticip_Input_Pwr);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Desired_Output_Pwr);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Desired_Eb_No);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Symb_Period);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Num_Bits_Per_Symb);
- GET_FLOAT_PARM(Time_Const_For_Pwr_Mtr);
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Sig_Pwr_Meas_Enabled);
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Outpt_Pwr_Scaling_On);
- strcpy(sub_name,GetModelName());
- strcat(sub_name, ":k_PowerMeter ");
- Power_Meter = new k_PowerMeter<T>(
- sub_name,
- Anticip_Input_Pwr,
- Time_Const_For_Pwr_Mtr);
- MAKE_OUTPUT(Noisy_Sig);
- MAKE_OUTPUT(Power_Meas_Sig);
- MAKE_OUTPUT(Noise_Only_Sig);
- }
- //=======================================================
- // destructor
- template <class T>
- AdditiveGaussianNoise<T>::~AdditiveGaussianNoise( void )
- {
- delete Power_Meter;
- };
- //======================================================
- template < class T>
- void AdditiveGaussianNoise<T>::Initialize(void)
- {
- double bit_weight, ebno_scaled;
- *DebugFile
- << "Now in AdditiveGaussianNoise::Initialize()"
- << endl;
- Proc_Block_Size = In_Sig->GetBlockSize();
- ebno_scaled = double( pow(10.0,(Desired_Eb_No/10.))*
- (In_Sig->GetSampIntvl()) );
- bit_weight = Symb_Period / Num_Bits_Per_Symb;
- Noise_Sigma = float(sqrt( (Anticip_Input_Pwr *
- bit_weight) / ebno_scaled / 2.0 ));
- Power_Scaler = float(bit_weight / ebno_scaled);
- Sum = 0.0;
- Sum_Sqrd = 0.0;
- Num_Samps = 0;
- Cumul_Batch_Power = 0.0;
- Power_Meter->Initialize( Proc_Block_Size,
- In_Sig->GetSampIntvl());
- }
- //======================================================
- template <class T>
- int AdditiveGaussianNoise<T>::Execute(void)
- {
- int is;
- T *in_sig, *noisy_sig;
- T *noise_only_sig;
- float *sig_pwr_sig, sig_pwr, noise_sigma;
- std::complex<float> cmpx_in, cmpx_rand_var;
- T rand_var;
- T noisy_sig_val;
- T noise_val;
- float anticip_input_pwr = Anticip_Input_Pwr;
- float desired_output_pwr = Desired_Output_Pwr;
- float power_scaler = Power_Scaler;
- long seed = Seed;
- Proc_Block_Size = In_Sig->GetValidBlockSize();
- Noisy_Sig->SetValidBlockSize(Proc_Block_Size);
- Power_Meas_Sig->SetValidBlockSize(Proc_Block_Size);
- if(Noise_Only_Sig != NULL)
- Noise_Only_Sig->SetValidBlockSize(Proc_Block_Size);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // determine the power of the input signal
- in_sig = GET_INPUT_PTR(In_Sig);
- double sum = 0.0;
- for(is=0; is<Proc_Block_Size; is++){
- cmpx_in = *in_sig;
- sum += std::norm(cmpx_in);
- in_sig++;
- }
- Cumul_Batch_Power += sum/double(Proc_Block_Size);
- if( (PassNumber % 10) == 0) {
- BasicResults << PassNumber << " Batch power = "
- << float(sum/double(Proc_Block_Size))
- << " Cumul = "
- << float(Cumul_Batch_Power/double(PassNumber))
- << endl;
- }
- in_sig = GET_OUTPUT_PTR(In_Sig);
- sig_pwr_sig = GET_OUTPUT_PTR(Power_Meas_Sig);
- Power_Meter->Execute(in_sig,sig_pwr_sig,
- Proc_Block_Size);
- // this only needed when signal power is not measured
- sig_pwr = Anticip_Input_Pwr;
- noise_sigma =
- float(sqrt(sig_pwr * power_scaler / 2.0));
- in_sig = GET_INPUT_PTR(In_Sig);
- noisy_sig = GET_OUTPUT_PTR(Noisy_Sig);
- if(Noise_Only_Sig != NULL) {
- noise_only_sig = GET_OUTPUT_PTR(Noise_Only_Sig);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // main loop
- sig_pwr_sig = GET_OUTPUT_PTR(Power_Meas_Sig);
- if( (PassNumber % 50) == 0) {
- BasicResults << " Metered power = "
- << float(*(sig_pwr_sig + Proc_Block_Size - 1))
- << endl;
- }
- for(is=0; is<Proc_Block_Size; is++){
- if(Sig_Pwr_Meas_Enabled){
- sig_pwr = *sig_pwr_sig++;
- noise_sigma =
- float(sqrt( sig_pwr * power_scaler / 2.0 ));
- }
- // generate gaussian RV
- GaussRandom(&seed, &rand_var);
- Sum += rand_var;
- cmpx_rand_var = rand_var;
- Sum_Sqrd += std::norm(cmpx_rand_var);
- Num_Samps ++;
- // combine noise with signal
- noise_val = noise_sigma * rand_var;
- noisy_sig_val = *in_sig + noise_val;
- in_sig++;
- // if specified, apply scaling to output
- if( (Outpt_Pwr_Scaling_On) &&
- (desired_output_pwr > 0.0)){
- noisy_sig_val *=
- float(sqrt(desired_output_pwr/sig_pwr));
- noise_val *=
- float(sqrt(desired_output_pwr/sig_pwr));
- }
- *noisy_sig++ = noisy_sig_val;
- if(Noise_Only_Sig != NULL) {
- *noise_only_sig++ = noise_val;
- }
- }// end of main loop
- // put back variables that have changed
- Seed = seed;
- if( PassNumber%100 == 0){
- complex<double> avg = Sum / double(Num_Samps);
- double var =
- (Sum_Sqrd / Num_Samps) - std::norm(avg);
- BasicResults << "Pass " << PassNumber << " avg = "
- << avg << " var = " << var << endl;
- BasicResults << "noise_sigma = " << noise_sigma
- << endl;
- }
- return(_MES_AOK);
- };
- template AdditiveGaussianNoise< complex<float> >;
- template AdditiveGaussianNoise<float>;