- //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- //
- // File = anlg_filt_iir.cpp
- //
- // The class AnalogFilterByInteg serves as the base class
- // for all the "traditional" analog filter types
- // e.g. Butterworth, Chebyshev, etc. that are modeled
- // using an IIR filter
- //
- #include <math.h>
- #include "misdefs.h"
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "model_graph.h"
- #include "anlg_filt_iir.h"
- #include "bilin_transf.h"
- #include "iir_comp_resp.h"
- extern ParmFile *ParmInput;
- extern ofstream *DebugFile;
- using std::complex;
- //======================================================
- // constructor
- template <class T>
- AnalogFilterByIir<T>::
- AnalogFilterByIir( char *instance_name,
- PracSimModel *outer_model,
- Signal<T> *in_sig,
- Signal<T> *out_sig )
- :PracSimModel( instance_name,
- outer_model )
- {
- MODEL_NAME(AnalogFilterByIir);
- this->Constructor_Core(instance_name);
- In_Sig = in_sig;
- Out_Sig = out_sig;
- In_Sig->SetAllocMemDepth( Filt_Order );
- Using_Signal_Objects = true;
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- template <class T>
- AnalogFilterByIir<T>::
- AnalogFilterByIir( char *instance_name,
- PracSimModel *outer_model )
- :PracSimModel( instance_name,
- outer_model )
- {
- MODEL_NAME(AnalogFilterByIir);
- this->Constructor_Core(instance_name);
- Using_Signal_Objects = false;
- return;
- }
- //======================================================
- // destructor
- template <class T>
- AnalogFilterByIir<T>::~AnalogFilterByIir()
- {
- delete Denorm_Proto_Filt;
- };
- //======================================================
- template <class T>
- void AnalogFilterByIir<T>::
- Constructor_Core( char *instance_name)
- {
- Denorm_Proto_Filt = NULL;
- Lowpass_Proto_Filt = NULL;
- A_Coef_Precess_Buf = NULL;
- B_Coef_Precess_Buf = NULL;
- In_Mem = NULL;
- Out_Mem = NULL;
- Filt_Order = 0;
- Estim_Delay = 0;
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Bypass_Enabled);
- if(Bypass_Enabled){
- Filt_Order = 0;
- Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge = 0.0;
- Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge_2 = 0.0;
- Lowpass_Proto_Filt = NULL;
- Denorm_Proto_Filt = NULL;
- }
- else{
- GET_INT_PARM(Filt_Order);
- Filt_Band_Config =
- GetFiltBandConfigParm("Filt_Band_Config ");
- switch (Filt_Band_Config){
- GET_DOUBLE_PARM(Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge);
- GET_DOUBLE_PARM(Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge_2);
- if( Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge >= Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge_2){
- // error
- }
- if( Filt_Order % 2 != 0 ){
- // another error
- }
- Prototype_Order = Filt_Order/2;
- break;
- GET_DOUBLE_PARM(Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge);
- Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge_2 = 0;
- Prototype_Order = Filt_Order;
- break;
- } // end of switch on Filter_Band_Config
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Resp_Plot_Enabled);
- if(Resp_Plot_Enabled){
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Db_Scale_Enabled);
- }
- }
- Cumul_Samp_Count = 0;
- return;
- };
- //======================================================
- template <class T>
- void AnalogFilterByIir<T>::
- Initialize( int proc_block_size,
- double samp_intvl)
- {
- Proc_Block_Size = proc_block_size;
- Samp_Intvl = samp_intvl;
- Init_Kernel();
- }
- //======================================================
- template <class T>
- void AnalogFilterByIir<T>::Initialize()
- {
- Samp_Intvl = In_Sig->GetSampIntvl();
- Proc_Block_Size = In_Sig->GetBlockSize();
- Init_Kernel();
- }
- //======================================================
- template <class T>
- void AnalogFilterByIir<T>::Init_Kernel()
- {
- Input_Write_Idx = 0;
- Output_Write_Idx = 1;
- if(Bypass_Enabled) return;
- Warped_Rad_Pass_Edge =
- tan( PI * Samp_Intvl * Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge )/
- (PI * Samp_Intvl);
- Warped_Rad_Pass_Edge_2 =
- tan( PI * Samp_Intvl * Norm_Hz_Pass_Edge_2 )/
- (PI * Samp_Intvl);
- Denorm_Proto_Filt =
- new DenormalizedPrototype(
- Lowpass_Proto_Filt,
- Filt_Band_Config,
- Warped_Rad_Pass_Edge,
- Warped_Rad_Pass_Edge_2);
- BilinearTransf( Denorm_Proto_Filt,
- Samp_Intvl,
- &A_Coefs,
- &B_Coefs);
- Input_Buffer = new std::complex<double>[Filt_Order+1];
- Output_Buffer = new std::complex<double>[Filt_Order+1];
- for(int idx=0; idx<=Filt_Order; idx++){
- Output_Buffer[idx] = 0.0;
- Input_Buffer[idx] = 0.0;
- }
- Input_Write_Idx = 0;
- Output_Write_Idx = 1;
- IirComputedResponse *computed_response;
- if(Resp_Plot_Enabled){
- computed_response =
- new IirComputedResponse(B_Coefs,
- A_Coefs,
- Filt_Order,
- Samp_Intvl,
- 8192, //num_resp_pts
- Db_Scale_Enabled);
- char resp_file_name[50];
- strcpy(resp_file_name, GetModelName());
- strcat(resp_file_name, "_resp.txt ");
- ofstream *resp_file =
- new ofstream(resp_file_name, ios::out);
- computed_response->DumpMagResp(resp_file);
- resp_file->close();
- delete resp_file;
- delete computed_response;
- }
- Out_Mem =
- new complex<double>[Proc_Block_Size+Filt_Order];
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<(Proc_Block_Size+Filt_Order); i++){
- *(Out_Mem+i) = 0.0;
- }
- if(Using_Signal_Objects){
- T *in_sig_ptr = GET_INPUT_PTR(In_Sig);
- in_sig_ptr -= Filt_Order;
- for(i=0; i<(Proc_Block_Size+Filt_Order); i++){
- (*in_sig_ptr) = 0.0;
- in_sig_ptr++;
- }
- }
- }
- //===========================================
- template <class T>
- int AnalogFilterByIir<T>::Execute()
- {
- T *in_sig_ptr;
- T *offset_in_sig_ptr;
- complex<double> in_sig_samp;
- T *out_sig_ptr;
- complex<double> *out_mem_base;
- complex<double> *out_mem_ptr;
- complex<double> sum;
- int samp_idx;
- int n, m;
- int proc_block_size;
- in_sig_ptr = GET_INPUT_PTR(In_Sig);
- out_sig_ptr = GET_OUTPUT_PTR(Out_Sig);
- proc_block_size = In_Sig->GetValidBlockSize();
- Out_Sig->SetValidBlockSize(proc_block_size);
- if(Bypass_Enabled){
- // copy input signal to output signal
- for( samp_idx=0;
- samp_idx<Proc_Block_Size;
- samp_idx++){
- *out_sig_ptr = *in_sig_ptr;
- out_sig_ptr++;
- in_sig_ptr++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- out_mem_base = Out_Mem;
- // copy last N = Filt_Order samples of remembered
- // output from previous pass down into first N
- // locs of double precision memory buffer
- out_mem_ptr = out_mem_base;
- for(samp_idx=0; samp_idx<Filt_Order; samp_idx++){
- *out_mem_ptr = *(out_mem_ptr+proc_block_size);
- out_mem_ptr++;
- }
- // perform filter summations
- for( samp_idx=0;
- samp_idx<proc_block_size;
- samp_idx++){
- out_mem_ptr = out_mem_base + samp_idx;
- offset_in_sig_ptr = in_sig_ptr - Filt_Order;
- sum = 0.0;
- for(n=Filt_Order; n>=1; n--){
- sum += A_Coefs[n] * (*out_mem_ptr);
- out_mem_ptr++;
- }
- for(m=Filt_Order; m>=0; m--){
- in_sig_samp = *offset_in_sig_ptr;
- sum += B_Coefs[m] * in_sig_samp;
- offset_in_sig_ptr++;
- }
- *out_mem_ptr = sum;
- if(typeid(*out_sig_ptr) == typeid(sum)){
- //*out_sig_ptr = sum;
- }
- else{
- *out_sig_ptr = sum.real();
- }
- out_sig_ptr++;
- in_sig_ptr++;
- Cumul_Samp_Count++;
- } // end of loop over samp_idx
- } // end of else clause on if(Bypass_Enabled)
- return(_MES_AOK);
- }
- //======================================================
- // Method to execute the model on single sample
- // in subordinate instance
- template <class T>
- T AnalogFilterByIir<T>::ProcessSample(T input_val)
- {
- T output_val;
- std::complex<double> sum, term;
- int input_read_idx;
- int output_read_idx;
- int tap_idx;
- if(Bypass_Enabled){
- // copy input signal to output signal
- output_val = input_val;
- }
- else{
- Input_Buffer[Input_Write_Idx] = input_val;
- input_read_idx = Input_Write_Idx;
- Input_Write_Idx++;
- if(Input_Write_Idx > Filt_Order)
- Input_Write_Idx = 0;
- // perform filter summations
- sum = 0.0;
- for( tap_idx=0; tap_idx<=Filt_Order; tap_idx++){
- term = B_Coefs[tap_idx] *
- Input_Buffer[input_read_idx];
- sum += term;
- input_read_idx--;
- if(input_read_idx < 0)
- input_read_idx = Filt_Order;
- }
- output_read_idx = Output_Write_Idx;
- for(tap_idx=1; tap_idx<=Filt_Order; tap_idx++){
- term = A_Coefs[tap_idx] *
- Output_Buffer[output_read_idx];
- sum+= term;
- output_read_idx--;
- if(output_read_idx < 1)
- output_read_idx = Filt_Order;
- }
- Output_Write_Idx++;
- if(Output_Write_Idx > Filt_Order)
- Output_Write_Idx = 1;
- Output_Buffer[Output_Write_Idx] = sum;
- if(typeid(output_val) == typeid(sum)){
- //output_val = sum;
- }
- else{
- output_val = sum.real();
- }
- } // end of else clause on if(Bypass_Enabled) control structure
- return(output_val);
- }
- template AnalogFilterByIir<std::complex<float> >;
- template AnalogFilterByIir<float>;