- //
- // File = cmpx_iq_plot.cpp
- //
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "cmpx_iq_plot.h"
- #include "complex_io.h"
- #include "misdefs.h"
- #include "model_graph.h"
- extern ParmFile *ParmInput;
- extern int PassNumber;
- extern char *DateString;
- extern bool DateInFileNames;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- extern ofstream *DebugFile;
- #endif
- //======================================================
- CmpxIqPlot::CmpxIqPlot(
- char* instance_name,
- PracSimModel* outer_model,
- Signal< std::complex< float > >* in_sig,
- Signal< bit_t >* symb_clock_in )
- :PracSimModel( instance_name,
- outer_model)
- {
- MODEL_NAME(CmpxIqPlot);
- //-----------------------------------------
- // Read model config parms
- GET_INT_PARM(Hold_Off);
- GET_INT_PARM(Sampling_Offset);
- GET_STRING_PARM(Plot_File_Name);
- if(DateInFileNames){
- strcat(Plot_File_Name,"_");
- strcat(Plot_File_Name, DateString);
- }
- strcat(Plot_File_Name,".txt");
- //--------------------------------------
- // Connect input and output signals
- Symb_Clock_In = symb_clock_in;
- In_Sig = in_sig;
- MAKE_INPUT( Symb_Clock_In );
- MAKE_INPUT( In_Sig );
- Plot_File = new ofstream(Plot_File_Name, ios::out);
- Processing_Completed = false;
- }
- //======================================================
- CmpxIqPlot::~CmpxIqPlot( void ){ };
- //==============================================
- void CmpxIqPlot::Initialize(void)
- {
- Block_Size = In_Sig->GetBlockSize();
- Sample_Strobe = -1;
- }
- //======================================================
- int CmpxIqPlot::Execute()
- {
- std::complex<float> *in_sig_ptr;
- bit_t *symb_clock_in_ptr;
- std::complex<float> in_val;
- int is;
- int block_size;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- *DebugFile << "In CmpxIqPlot::Execute " << endl;
- #endif
- if(Processing_Completed) return(_MES_AOK);
- if(PassNumber < Hold_Off) return(_MES_AOK);
- in_sig_ptr = GET_INPUT_PTR( In_Sig );
- symb_clock_in_ptr = GET_INPUT_PTR( Symb_Clock_In );
- block_size = In_Sig->GetValidBlockSize();
- for (is=0; is<block_size; is++){
- in_val = *in_sig_ptr++;
- if(*symb_clock_in_ptr != 0) {
- Sample_Strobe = Sampling_Offset;
- }
- if(Sample_Strobe == 0) {
- // time to grab a sample
- *Plot_File << in_val << endl;
- }
- Sample_Strobe--;
- symb_clock_in_ptr++;
- }
- return(_MES_AOK);
- }