- //
- // File = basewav.cpp
- //
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "basewav.h"
- #include "model_graph.h"
- extern int PassNumber;
- extern ParmFile *ParmInput;
- //======================================================
- BasebandWaveform::BasebandWaveform( char* instance_name,
- PracSimModel* outer_model,
- Signal<bit_t>* in_sig,
- Signal<float>* out_sig,
- Signal<bit_t>* bit_clock_out )
- :PracSimModel(instance_name,
- outer_model)
- {
- MODEL_NAME(BasebandWaveform);
- //---------------------------------------
- // Read model config parms
- Pcm_Wave_Kind = GetWaveKindParm("Pcm_Wave_Kind ");
- BasicResults << " " << "Pcm_Wave_Kind = "
- << (int)Pcm_Wave_Kind << endl;
- GET_DOUBLE_PARM( Bit_Duration );
- GET_DOUBLE_PARM( Delay_To_First_Edge );
- GET_FLOAT_PARM( Samps_Per_Bit );
- Bit_Clock_Enab = true;
- if(Pcm_Wave_Kind == PCM_BIPHASE){
- Samps_Per_Half_Bit = Samps_Per_Bit/2;
- }
- if(Pcm_Wave_Kind == PCM_DELAY_MOD){
- GET_BOOL_PARM(Init_Lev_Is_Lo);
- if(Init_Lev_Is_Lo)
- Init_Lev = Lo_Lev;
- else
- Init_Lev = Hi_Lev;
- Samps_Per_Half_Bit = Samps_Per_Bit/2;
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Connect input and output signals
- In_Sig = in_sig;
- Out_Sig = out_sig;
- Bit_Clock_Out = bit_clock_out;
- MAKE_OUTPUT( Out_Sig );
- MAKE_OUTPUT( Bit_Clock_Out );
- MAKE_INPUT( In_Sig );
- double resamp_rate = double(Samps_Per_Bit);
- // one sample per bit at input
- SET_SAMP_INTVL( In_Sig, Bit_Duration)
- CHANGE_RATE( In_Sig, Out_Sig, resamp_rate );
- CHANGE_RATE( In_Sig, Bit_Clock_Out, resamp_rate );
- }
- //===================================================
- BasebandWaveform::~BasebandWaveform( void ){ };
- //===================================================
- void BasebandWaveform::Initialize(void)
- {
- Last_Bit_Val = 0.0;
- double samp_intvl = Out_Sig->GetSampIntvl();
- if(Pcm_Wave_Kind == PCM_DELAY_MOD){
- Samps_In_Curr_Bit = -1.0;
- }
- else {
- Samps_In_Curr_Bit = (Bit_Duration -
- Delay_To_First_Edge)/samp_intvl - 1.0;
- }
- In_First_Half = true;
- Out_Block_Size = Out_Sig->GetBlockSize();
- In_Startup_Delay = true;
- Curr_Lev = Init_Lev;
- }
- //====================================================
- int BasebandWaveform::Execute()
- {
- float last_bit_val;
- double samps_in_curr_bit, samps_per_bit;
- double samps_per_half_bit;
- float lo_lev, hi_lev, curr_lev;
- bit_t curr_bit, next_bit;
- float *waveform_out;
- bit_t *bits_in;
- bit_t *bit_clock_out_ptr;
- int is;
- int out_samp_cnt;
- int block_size;
- int out_block_size;
- bool in_first_half;
- bool transit_at_end;
- bool transit_in_center;
- last_bit_val = Last_Bit_Val;
- samps_in_curr_bit = Samps_In_Curr_Bit;
- samps_per_bit = Samps_Per_Bit;
- lo_lev = Lo_Lev;
- hi_lev = Hi_Lev;
- curr_lev = Curr_Lev;
- waveform_out = GET_OUTPUT_PTR( Out_Sig );
- bits_in = GET_INPUT_PTR( In_Sig );
- block_size = In_Sig->GetValidBlockSize();
- out_block_size = int(block_size * Samps_Per_Bit);
- Out_Sig->SetValidBlockSize(out_block_size);
- switch (Pcm_Wave_Kind) {
- case PCM_NRZ:
- for (is=0; is<out_block_size; is++){
- samps_in_curr_bit++;
- if(samps_in_curr_bit >= samps_per_bit){
- next_bit = *bits_in++;
- if(next_bit == 0)
- last_bit_val = lo_lev;
- else
- last_bit_val = hi_lev;
- samps_in_curr_bit -= samps_per_bit;
- }
- *waveform_out++ = last_bit_val;
- }
- break;
- samps_per_half_bit = Samps_Per_Half_Bit;
- in_first_half = In_First_Half;
- for (is=0; is<Out_Block_Size; is++){
- samps_in_curr_bit++;
- if(samps_in_curr_bit >= samps_per_bit){
- next_bit = *bits_in++;
- if(next_bit == 0)
- last_bit_val = lo_lev;
- else
- last_bit_val = hi_lev;
- samps_in_curr_bit -= samps_per_bit;
- in_first_half = true;
- }
- if( (samps_in_curr_bit >= samps_per_half_bit)
- && in_first_half ){
- last_bit_val = -last_bit_val;
- in_first_half = false;
- }
- *waveform_out++ = last_bit_val;
- }
- In_First_Half = in_first_half;
- break;
- samps_per_half_bit = Samps_Per_Half_Bit;
- transit_at_end = Transit_At_End;
- transit_in_center = Transit_In_Center;
- out_samp_cnt = 0;
- //
- // delay start of output by one bit interval, so
- // fill first bit of output with initial level
- while (In_Startup_Delay){
- samps_in_curr_bit++;
- if(samps_in_curr_bit >= samps_per_bit){
- In_Startup_Delay = false;
- next_bit = *bits_in++;
- transit_at_end = false;
- transit_in_center = false;
- }
- *waveform_out++ = curr_lev;
- out_samp_cnt++;
- }
- for (is=out_samp_cnt; is<Out_Block_Size; is++){
- samps_in_curr_bit++;
- if(samps_in_curr_bit >= samps_per_bit){
- if(transit_at_end){
- if(curr_lev == lo_lev){
- curr_lev = hi_lev;
- }
- else {
- curr_lev = lo_lev;
- }
- }
- curr_bit = next_bit;
- next_bit = *bits_in++;
- if(curr_bit == 1){
- transit_in_center = true;
- transit_at_end = false;
- }
- else if(next_bit == 1){
- transit_in_center = false;
- transit_at_end = false;
- }
- else{
- transit_in_center = false;
- transit_at_end = true;
- }
- samps_in_curr_bit -= samps_per_bit;
- }
- if( (samps_in_curr_bit >= samps_per_half_bit)
- && transit_in_center ){
- if(curr_lev == lo_lev){
- curr_lev = hi_lev;
- }
- else{
- curr_lev = lo_lev;
- }
- transit_in_center = false;
- }
- *waveform_out++ = curr_lev;
- }
- Transit_At_End = transit_at_end;
- Transit_In_Center = transit_in_center;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } // end of switch (Pcm_Wave_Kind)
- //------------------------------------------
- // Generate bit clock if needed
- if(Bit_Clock_Enab){
- samps_in_curr_bit = Samps_In_Curr_Bit;
- bit_clock_out_ptr =
- GET_OUTPUT_PTR( Bit_Clock_Out );
- for (is=0; is<Out_Block_Size; is++){
- samps_in_curr_bit++;
- if(samps_in_curr_bit >= samps_per_bit){
- samps_in_curr_bit -= samps_per_bit;
- }
- if(samps_in_curr_bit+1 >= samps_per_bit){
- *bit_clock_out_ptr++ = 1;
- }
- else {
- *bit_clock_out_ptr++ = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- Last_Bit_Val = last_bit_val;
- Samps_In_Curr_Bit = samps_in_curr_bit;
- return(_MES_AOK);
- }