- //
- // File = correlator.h
- //
- #ifndef _CORRELATOR_H_
- #define _CORRELATOR_H_
- //#include "intsig.h"
- #include "signal_T.h"
- #include "control_T.h"
- #include "psmodel.h"
- class SweptToneReceiver : public PracSimModel
- {
- public:
- SweptToneReceiver( char* instance_name,
- PracSimModel* outer_model,
- Signal<float>* in_sig,
- Signal<float>* ref_sig,
- Signal<float>* out_sig,
- Control<bool>* rx_enable,
- Control<double>* inst_freq_ctl,
- Control<double>* block_phase_ctl );
- ~SweptToneReceiver(void);
- void Initialize(void);
- int Execute(void);
- private:
- int Proc_Block_Size;
- double Samp_Intvl;
- // correlation array - contains In_Sig
- // values and is padded out with zeros
- std::complex<float> *X;
- // correlation array - contains Ref_Sig
- // values and is padded out with zeros
- std::complex<float> *Y;
- // an array of zeros used to quickly
- // pad the ends of X and Y with zeros
- std::complex<float> *Zero_Array;
- std::complex<float> Max_Corr;
- float Max_Corr_Angle;
- float Max_Corr_Time;
- int Full_Corr_Size;
- double Ns_Exp;
- Signal<float> *In_Sig;
- Signal<float> *Out_Sig;
- Signal<float> *Ref_Sig;
- Control<double> *Inst_Freq_Ctl;
- Control<double> *Block_Phase_Ctl;
- int Num_Phases;
- double Max_Phase_Shift;
- char *Response_File_Name;
- int Max_Num_Freqs;
- int Num_Freqs;
- Control<bool>* Rx_Enable;
- bool Tone_Received;
- ofstream *Response_File;
- double *Freqs;
- double *Magnitudes;
- double *Phases;
- double Prev_Phase;
- };
- #endif