- //
- // File = model_graph.cpp
- //
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "parmfile.h"
- #include "model_graph.h"
- extern ParmFile ParmInput;
- extern ofstream *DebugFile;
- //========================================================================
- ModelGraph::ModelGraph(PracSimModel* owning_model)
- {
- Max_Signals = 50;
- Owning_Model = owning_model;
- Model_Is_Multirate = false;
- Model_Is_Constant_Interval = false;
- Delta_Delay = new std::vector<double>;
- Vertex_Is_Input = new std::vector<bool>;
- Vertex_Kind = new std::vector<SignalKinds_type>;
- Node_Is_Feedback = new std::vector<bool>;
- Block_Size = new std::vector<int>;
- Samp_Intvl = new std::vector<double>;
- Resamp_Rate = new std::vector<double>;
- Const_Intvl = new std::vector<bool>;
- Sig_Dep_Graph = new DirectedGraph;
- return;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- ModelGraph::~ModelGraph()
- {
- delete Vertex_Is_Input;
- delete Vertex_Kind;
- };
- //=========================================================================
- void ModelGraph::InsertSignal( GenericSignal *new_sig_id,
- PracSimModel *model_ptr,
- bool new_sig_is_input)
- {
- int new_sig_num;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- // Add new vertex into Signal Dependency CMSG
- new_sig_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->AddVertex(new_sig_id);
- //---------------------------------------------
- // set node properies to default values
- //
- Vertex_Is_Input->push_back(new_sig_is_input);
- Vertex_Kind->push_back(SK_REGULAR_SIGNAL);
- Node_Is_Feedback->push_back(false);
- Block_Size->push_back(0);
- Samp_Intvl->push_back(0.0);
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Loop thru existing vertices to see where edges need to be
- // added to or from new vertex
- //
- for(int old_vtx=0; old_vtx<Sig_Dep_Graph->GetNumVerts(); old_vtx++) {
- //----------------------------------------------
- // Don't create edges between new signal and
- // existing signals of same input/output sense
- // (i.e. don't make edges from input to input
- // or from output to output)
- if(Vertex_Is_Input->at(old_vtx) != new_sig_is_input) {
- //----------------------------------------------
- // add edge from input vertex to output vertex
- if(new_sig_is_input){
- // new vertex is INPUT: add edge from NEW vertex
- // to EXISTING vertex
- Sig_Dep_Graph->AddEdge( model_ptr,
- new_sig_num,
- old_vtx);
- }
- else {
- // new vertex is OUTPUT: add edge from EXISTING
- // vertex to NEW vertex
- Sig_Dep_Graph->AddEdge( model_ptr,
- old_vtx,
- new_sig_num);
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Set edge properties to default values
- //
- Delta_Delay->push_back(0.0); // only used by a very few models
- //-------------------------------------------------
- // Make Resampling_Rate undefined if model is a
- // multirate model or if the existing vertex
- // just connected to the new edge is a control
- // rather than a signal
- if( Model_Is_Multirate ){
- Resamp_Rate->push_back(UNDEFINED_RATE);
- }
- else{
- Resamp_Rate->push_back(1.0);
- }
- Const_Intvl->push_back(Model_Is_Constant_Interval);
- } //end of if
- }// end of loop over old_vtx
- return;
- }
- //====================================================
- GenericSignal* ModelGraph::GetSignalId(int vtx_num)
- {
- GenericSignal* sig_id;
- sig_id = (GenericSignal*)Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexId(vtx_num);
- return(sig_id);
- }
- //====================================================
- void* ModelGraph::GetVertexId(int vtx_num)
- {
- void* vtx_id;
- vtx_id = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexId(vtx_num);
- return(vtx_id);
- }
- //====================================================
- void* ModelGraph::GetEdgeId(int edge_num)
- {
- void* vtx_id;
- vtx_id = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetEdgeId(edge_num);
- return(vtx_id);
- }
- //====================================================
- PracSimModel* ModelGraph::GetModelId(int edge_num)
- {
- PracSimModel* model_id;
- model_id = (PracSimModel*)Sig_Dep_Graph->GetEdgeId(edge_num);
- return(model_id);
- }
- //====================================================
- void ModelGraph::EnableMultirate()
- {
- Model_Is_Multirate = true;
- return;
- }
- //====================================================
- void ModelGraph::EnableConstantInterval()
- {
- Model_Is_Constant_Interval = true;
- return;
- }
- //===============================================================
- int ModelGraph::GetBlockSize(int vtx_num)
- {
- return(Block_Size->at(vtx_num));
- }
- //===============================================================
- int ModelGraph::GetNumVerts(void)
- {
- return(Sig_Dep_Graph->GetNumVerts());
- }
- //===============================================================
- void ModelGraph::SetSampIntvl( GenericSignal* sig_id,
- double samp_intvl)
- {
- int sig_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexNum(sig_id->GetId());
- Samp_Intvl->at(sig_num) = samp_intvl;
- }
- //===============================================================
- void ModelGraph::SetBlockSize( GenericSignal* sig_id,
- int block_size)
- {
- int sig_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexNum(sig_id->GetId());
- Block_Size->at(sig_num) = block_size;
- }
- //===============================================================
- double ModelGraph::GetSampIntvl(int vtx_num)
- {
- return(Samp_Intvl->at(vtx_num));
- }
- //===============================================================
- double ModelGraph::GetResampRate(int edge_num)
- {
- return(Resamp_Rate->at(edge_num));
- }
- //===============================================================
- bool ModelGraph::GetIsConstIntvl(int edge_num)
- {
- return(Const_Intvl->at(edge_num));
- }
- //===============================================================
- double ModelGraph::GetDelay(int edge_num)
- {
- return(Delta_Delay->at(edge_num));
- }
- //===============================================================
- bool ModelGraph::ConnIsFeedback(int vtx_num)
- {
- return(false);
- }
- //===============================================================
- SignalKinds_type ModelGraph::GetVertexKind(int vtx_num)
- {
- return(Vertex_Kind->at(vtx_num));
- }
- //===========================================================
- int ModelGraph::GetEdgeNum( int in_sig_num,
- int out_sig_num )
- {
- int edge_num;
- edge_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetEdgeNum(in_sig_num, out_sig_num);
- return(edge_num);
- }
- //===========================================================
- void ModelGraph::ChangeRate( GenericSignal* in_sig_id,
- GenericSignal* out_sig_id,
- double resamp_rate,
- PracSimModel* model_ptr)
- {
- int in_sig_num, out_sig_num, edge_num;
- in_sig_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexNum(in_sig_id);
- out_sig_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexNum(out_sig_id);
- edge_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetEdgeNum(in_sig_num, out_sig_num);
- if(edge_num < 0) {
- //---------------------------------
- // -- ERROR --
- // could get this error if we try to set a rate change
- // between two inputs or between two outputs -- these
- // combinations won't have an edge defined between them.
- //ErrorStream << "Error in ModelGraph::ChangeRate -- "
- *DebugFile << "Error in ModelGraph::ChangeRate -- "
- << "attempt to change rate on undefined edge"
- << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- Resamp_Rate->at(edge_num) = resamp_rate;
- return;
- }
- //====================================================
- void ModelGraph::Closeout( PracSimModel* model_ptr)
- {
- //-------------------------------------------------------
- // Each CMG must have at least one input signal and one
- // output signal. Check to see if signals in CMG are all
- // inputs or all outputs. If they are, augment CMG
- // by adding a dummy source or dummy destination signal
- // as appropriate. (Only signals are checked -- vertices
- // that represent controls are ignored.)
- //-----------------------------------------------
- // Find first vertex that represents a signal
- // and determine if it is an input or an output.
- int vtx_num, first_sig_idx;
- bool first_is_input;
- bool sigs_have_same_in_out_sense;
- int new_sig_num;
- GenericSignal *dummy_signal;
- int num_verts = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetNumVerts();
- if(num_verts == 0) return;
- first_sig_idx = 0;
- first_is_input = Vertex_Is_Input->at(first_sig_idx);
- //-------------------------------------------------
- // Compare first signal against all other signals
- sigs_have_same_in_out_sense = true;
- for( vtx_num = first_sig_idx+1; vtx_num < num_verts; vtx_num++) {
- if(first_is_input != Vertex_Is_Input->at(vtx_num))
- sigs_have_same_in_out_sense = false;
- }
- if(sigs_have_same_in_out_sense) {
- if(first_is_input) {
- // all existing signals are inputs: augment
- // CMG with a dummy destination signal
- Vertex_Is_Input->push_back(false);
- dummy_signal = new GenericSignal( "Dummy_Destination ",
- model_ptr);
- new_sig_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->AddVertex( dummy_signal );
- num_verts++;
- Vertex_Kind->push_back(SK_DUMMY_DEST_SIGNAL);
- Block_Size->push_back(0);
- Samp_Intvl->push_back(0.0);
- //-------------------------------------------------------
- // add edges from each input signal to added destination
- for( vtx_num = 0; vtx_num < new_sig_num; vtx_num++){
- if(Vertex_Is_Input->at(vtx_num) ){
- Sig_Dep_Graph->AddEdge(model_ptr, vtx_num, new_sig_num);
- Resamp_Rate->push_back(UNDEFINED_RATE);
- Delta_Delay->push_back(0.0);
- if(Model_Is_Constant_Interval){
- Const_Intvl->push_back(true);
- }
- else {
- Const_Intvl->push_back(false);
- }
- }
- }
- } // end of if(first_is_input)
- else {
- //--------------------------------------------
- // all existing signals are outputs: augment
- // CMSG with a dummy source signal
- Vertex_Is_Input->push_back(true);
- dummy_signal = new GenericSignal( "Dummy_Source ",
- model_ptr);
- new_sig_num = Sig_Dep_Graph->AddVertex( dummy_signal );
- num_verts++;
- Vertex_Kind->push_back(SK_DUMMY_SOURCE_SIGNAL);
- Block_Size->push_back(0);
- Samp_Intvl->push_back(0.0);
- //-------------------------------------------------------
- // add edges from added source to each output signal
- for( vtx_num = 0; vtx_num < new_sig_num; vtx_num++){
- if( ! Vertex_Is_Input->at(vtx_num) ){
- Sig_Dep_Graph->AddEdge(model_ptr, new_sig_num, vtx_num);
- Resamp_Rate->push_back(UNDEFINED_RATE);
- Delta_Delay->push_back(0.0);
- if(Model_Is_Constant_Interval){
- Const_Intvl->push_back(true);
- }
- else {
- Const_Intvl->push_back(false);
- }
- }
- } // end of loop over vtx_num
- } // end of else clause on if(first_is_input)
- }
- DumpSigDepGraph();
- return;
- }
- //====================================================
- void ModelGraph::DumpSigDepGraph(void)
- {
- int sig_idx, sig_idx2;
- int edge_idx;
- cout << "nIn ModelGraph::DumpSigDepGraph" << endl;
- *DebugFile << "nIn ModelGraph::DumpSigDepGraph" << endl;
- int num_verts = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetNumVerts();
- *DebugFile << "nVertices: " << num_verts << endl;
- for( sig_idx = 0; sig_idx < num_verts; sig_idx++) {
- *DebugFile << Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexId(sig_idx) << " "
- << ((GenericSignal*)Sig_Dep_Graph->GetVertexId(sig_idx))->GetName()
- << endl;
- }
- int num_edges = Sig_Dep_Graph->GetNumEdges();
- *DebugFile << "nEdges: " << num_edges << endl;
- for( edge_idx = 0; edge_idx < num_edges; edge_idx++){
- *DebugFile << Sig_Dep_Graph->GetEdgeId(edge_idx) << " "
- << ((PracSimModel*)Sig_Dep_Graph->GetEdgeId(edge_idx))->GetModelName()
- << endl;
- }
- *DebugFile << "nAdjacency Matrix:" << endl;
- for( sig_idx = 0; sig_idx < num_verts; sig_idx++){
- for( sig_idx2 = 0; sig_idx2 < num_verts; sig_idx2++) {
- *DebugFile << Sig_Dep_Graph->GetEdgeNum(sig_idx, sig_idx2)
- << " ";
- }
- *DebugFile << endl;
- }
- return;
- }
- //==================================================================
- PracSimModel* ModelGraph::GetOwningModel(void)
- {
- return(Owning_Model);
- }