- //
- // File = signal_T.cpp
- //
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <complex>
- #include "signal_T.h"
- #include "sigplot.h"
- #include "typedefs.h"
- #include "complex_io.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- extern ofstream *DebugFile;
- #endif
- extern PracSimModel *CommSystem;
- extern SignalPlotter SigPlot;
- extern int EnclaveOffset[10];
- extern int PassNumber;
- //======================================================
- // Constructor used for creating root Signal objects
- //template< class T >
- //Signal<T>::Signal( char* name, PracSimModel* model )
- // :GenericSignal( name, model )
- //{
- // Root_Id = this;
- // Sig_Is_Root = true;
- //}
- //======================================================
- template< class T >
- Signal<T>::Signal( Signal<T>* root_id,
- char* name,
- PracSimModel* model )
- :GenericSignal( name, model )
- {
- Root_Id = root_id;
- Sig_Is_Root = false;
- }
- //========================================================
- // Constructor used for creating Signal objects in main
- // (owning model is hard wired to 'CommSystem' )
- template< class T >
- Signal<T>::Signal( char* name )
- :GenericSignal( name, CommSystem )
- {
- Root_Id = this;
- Sig_Is_Root = true;
- }
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- Signal<T>::~Signal( void )
- {
- delete Buf_Beg;
- };
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- void Signal<T>::AllocateSignalBuffer(void)
- {
- *DebugFile << "now in Signal<T>::AllocateSignalBuffer" << endl;
- if(Block_Size <= 0)
- {
- *DebugFile << "attempt to allocate zero-length buffer in "
- << GetName() << endl;
- }
- Phys_Buf_Beg = NULL;
- Phys_Buf_Beg = new T[Block_Size + Alloc_Mem_Depth];
- if(Phys_Buf_Beg == NULL)
- {
- *DebugFile << "buffer allocation failed in "
- << GetName() << endl;
- exit(98);
- }
- Buf_Beg = Phys_Buf_Beg + Alloc_Mem_Depth;
- // area from Phys_Buf_Beg to Buf_Beg is block-to-block carryover
- // for devices like filters that use prior input samples in
- // computation of current output sample
- Buf_Final_Mem_Beg = Phys_Buf_Beg + Block_Size;
- Cumul_Samps_Thru_Prev_Block = 0;
- }
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- void Signal<T>::InitializeReadPtrs(void)
- {
- Signal<T>* conn_sig;
- int num_sigs;
- num_sigs = int(Connected_Sigs->size());
- for(int sig_num = 0; sig_num < num_sigs; sig_num++)
- {
- conn_sig = (Signal<T>*)Connected_Sigs->at(sig_num);
- conn_sig->Buf_Beg = this->Buf_Beg;
- conn_sig->Buf_Len = this->Buf_Len;
- conn_sig->Block_Size = this->Block_Size;
- #ifdef _USE_SAMP_RATE
- conn_sig->Samp_Rate = this->Samp_Rate;
- #else
- conn_sig->Samp_Intvl = this->Samp_Intvl;
- #endif
- }
- }
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- T* Signal<T>::GetRawOutputPtr(PracSimModel* model)
- {
- return(Buf_Beg);
- }
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- T* Signal<T>::GetRawInputPtr(PracSimModel* model)
- {
- return(Buf_Beg);
- }
- //==============================================================
- template< class T >
- Signal<T>* Signal<T>::AddConnection( PracSimModel* model,
- char* name_in_model )
- {
- Signal<T>* new_sig;
- new_sig = new Signal<T>(this, name_in_model, model);
- Connected_Sigs->push_back(new_sig);
- return(new_sig);
- }
- //==============================================================
- //template< class T >
- //Signal<T>* Signal<T>::AddConnection( PracSimModel* model,
- // char* name_in_model,
- // Signal<T>* new_sig )
- //{
- // //Signal<T>* new_sig;
- // new_sig = new Signal<T>(this, name_in_model, model);
- // Connected_Sigs->push_back(new_sig);
- // return(new_sig);
- //}
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- void Signal<T>::Dump(ofstream out_file)
- {
- T *data_ptr;
- // data_ptr = Buf_Beg+32;
- data_ptr = Buf_Beg;
- for(int i=0; i<Buf_Len; i++)
- {
- out_file << i << ", " << (*data_ptr) << endl;
- data_ptr++;
- }
- }
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- void Signal<T>::PassUpdate(void)
- {
- #ifdef _USE_SAMP_RATE
- Time_At_Beg += Valid_Block_Size/Samp_Rate;
- #else
- Time_At_Beg += Valid_Block_Size * Samp_Intvl;
- #endif
- Prev_Block_Size = Valid_Block_Size;
- Cumul_Samps_Thru_Prev_Block += Valid_Block_Size;
- // copy samples for signals with memory
- if(Alloc_Mem_Depth != 0)
- {
- for(int ix=0; ix<Alloc_Mem_Depth; ix++)
- {
- Phys_Buf_Beg[ix] = Buf_Final_Mem_Beg[ix];
- }
- }
- }
- //===============================================
- template< class T >
- void Signal<T>::SetupPlotSignal(void)
- {
- if(Plot_Setup_Complete) return;
- //------------------------------------------------
- // If plotting is enabled for this signal, setup the buffer
- // read pointers that will be needed to fetch the data to
- // be plotted.
- if(Plotting_Enabled)
- {
- // Next_Loc_To_Plot = Buf_Beg;
- #ifdef _USE_SAMP_RATE
- Start_Sample = (int)(Plot_Start_Time*Samp_Rate);
- Stop_Sample = (int)((Plot_Stop_Time*Samp_Rate)
- /Plot_Decim_Rate) * Plot_Decim_Rate;
- #else
- Start_Sample = (int)(Plot_Start_Time / Samp_Intvl);
- Stop_Sample = (int)((Plot_Stop_Time / Samp_Intvl)
- /Plot_Decim_Rate) * Plot_Decim_Rate;
- #endif
- Plotting_Wakeup = 1 + Start_Sample/Block_Size;
- Plotting_Bedtime = 1 + (Stop_Sample/Block_Size);
- SigPlot.SetWakeAndSleep( this,
- Plotting_Wakeup,
- Plotting_Bedtime);
- Plot_Setup_Complete = true;
- }
- }
- //============================================
- #ifdef _ENCLAVES
- template< class T >
- void Signal<T>::IssuePlotterData(void)
- {
- T *plot_data_ptr;
- int samp_cnt;
- int beg_samp_cnt;
- int end_samp_cnt;
- int next_plot_pass;
- double samp_time;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- // If this is the first block being plotted for this signal,
- // calculate which sample to start with. Otherwise start
- // with the first sample in the block.
- if(PassNumber == Plotting_Wakeup)
- {
- plot_data_ptr = Buf_Beg + (Start_Sample % Buf_Len);
- beg_samp_cnt = Start_Sample % Buf_Len;
- Cumul_Samp_Cnt = Start_Sample;
- }
- else
- {
- plot_data_ptr = Next_Loc_To_Plot;
- beg_samp_cnt = (Next_Loc_To_Plot - Buf_Beg) % Block_Size;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- // Calculate the pass in which the next samples to be plotted occur.
- // If it is after the current pass, wait (return).
- // This check is needed to accommodate Plot_Decim_Rate greater than
- // the block size.
- next_plot_pass = Cumul_Samp_Cnt/Block_Size + 1;
- if( next_plot_pass > PassNumber ) return;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- // If this is the final block being plotted for this signal,
- // calculate which sample to end with. Otherwise plot
- // until the end of the block.
- if(PassNumber == Plotting_Bedtime)
- {
- end_samp_cnt = Stop_Sample % Block_Size;
- }
- else
- {
- end_samp_cnt = Block_Size;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- // Over desired time interval, get samples from signal buffer
- // and write them to the signal data file.
- for( samp_cnt = beg_samp_cnt; samp_cnt < end_samp_cnt;
- samp_cnt += Plot_Decim_Rate)
- {
- if(Count_Vice_Time)
- {
- (*Plotter_File).setf(ios::scientific | ios::right);
- (*Plotter_File) << Cumul_Samp_Cnt
- << ", " << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- //(*Plotter_File).setf(ios::scientific | ios::right);
- //(*Plotter_File) << setw(15) << setprecision(8)
- // << Cumul_Samp_Cnt / Samp_Rate
- // << setw(22) << setprecision(15)
- // << " " << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- #ifdef _USE_SAMP_RATE
- (*Plotter_File) << Time_At_Beg + samp_cnt / Samp_Rate
- << ", " << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- #else
- (*Plotter_File).flags(ios::fixed | ios::right);
- //(*Plotter_File) << setprecision(6)
- // << Time_At_Beg + samp_cnt * Samp_Intvl
- // << ", " << flush;
- samp_time = Time_At_Beg - Block_Size * EnclaveOffset[Enclave_Num]*Samp_Intvl
- + samp_cnt * Samp_Intvl;
- (*Plotter_File) << setprecision(6)
- << samp_time
- << ", " << flush;
- (*Plotter_File).flags(ios::scientific | ios::right);
- (*Plotter_File) << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- #endif
- }
- plot_data_ptr += Plot_Decim_Rate;
- Cumul_Samp_Cnt += Plot_Decim_Rate;
- }
- Next_Loc_To_Plot = plot_data_ptr;
- if(Next_Loc_To_Plot >= (Buf_Beg + Buf_Len))
- {
- Next_Loc_To_Plot = Buf_Beg + ((int)(Next_Loc_To_Plot -
- Buf_Beg) % Block_Size);
- }
- return;
- }
- #endif
- //#ifdef _VAR_BLOCKS
- //============================================
- template< class T >
- void Signal<T>::IssuePlotterData(void)
- {
- T *plot_data_ptr;
- int samp_cnt;
- int beg_samp_cnt;
- int end_samp_cnt;
- int next_plot_pass;
- double samp_time;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------
- // If this is the first block being plotted for this signal,
- // calculate which sample to start with. Otherwise start
- // with the first sample in the block.
- if( Stop_Sample < Cumul_Samp_Cnt )
- {
- // plotting is completed for this signal
- Cumul_Samp_Cnt += Valid_Block_Size;
- return;
- }
- if( Start_Sample >= Cumul_Samp_Cnt + Valid_Block_Size)
- {
- // plotting does not start until a later block
- Cumul_Samp_Cnt += Valid_Block_Size;
- return;
- }
- if(Start_Sample >= Cumul_Samp_Cnt)
- {
- // plotting begins somewhere in this block
- plot_data_ptr = Buf_Beg + (Start_Sample - Cumul_Samp_Cnt);
- beg_samp_cnt = Start_Sample - Cumul_Samp_Cnt;
- }
- else
- {
- // plotting has already started
- //plot_data_ptr = Next_Loc_To_Plot;
- plot_data_ptr = Buf_Beg;
- //beg_samp_cnt = (Next_Loc_To_Plot - Buf_Beg) % Prev_Block_Size;
- beg_samp_cnt = 0;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------
- // Calculate the pass in which the next samples to be plotted occur.
- // If it is after the current pass, wait (return).
- // This check is needed to accommodate Plot_Decim_Rate greater than
- // the block size.
- next_plot_pass = Cumul_Samp_Cnt/Block_Size + 1;
- if( next_plot_pass > PassNumber ) return;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- // If this is the final block being plotted for this signal,
- // calculate which sample to end with. Otherwise plot
- // until the end of the block.
- if( Cumul_Samp_Cnt + Valid_Block_Size > Stop_Sample )
- {
- // plotting ends somewhere in this block
- end_samp_cnt = Stop_Sample - Cumul_Samp_Cnt;
- }
- else
- {
- // plotting continues thru end of block
- end_samp_cnt = Valid_Block_Size;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- // Over desired time interval, get samples from signal buffer
- // and write them to the signal data file.
- Cumul_Samp_Cnt += beg_samp_cnt;
- for( samp_cnt = beg_samp_cnt; samp_cnt < end_samp_cnt;
- samp_cnt += Plot_Decim_Rate)
- {
- if(Count_Vice_Time)
- {
- (*Plotter_File).setf(ios::scientific | ios::right);
- (*Plotter_File) << Cumul_Samp_Cnt
- << ", " << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- //(*Plotter_File).setf(ios::scientific | ios::right);
- //(*Plotter_File) << setw(15) << setprecision(8)
- // << Cumul_Samp_Cnt / Samp_Rate
- // << setw(22) << setprecision(15)
- // << " " << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- #ifdef _USE_SAMP_RATE
- (*Plotter_File) << Time_At_Beg + samp_cnt / Samp_Rate
- << ", " << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- #else
- (*Plotter_File).flags(ios::fixed | ios::right);
- //(*Plotter_File) << setprecision(6)
- // << Time_At_Beg + samp_cnt * Samp_Intvl
- // << ", " << flush;
- // samp_time = Time_At_Beg - Block_Size * EnclaveOffset[Enclave_Num]*Samp_Intvl
- // + samp_cnt * Samp_Intvl;
- samp_time = Time_At_Beg + samp_cnt * Samp_Intvl;
- (*Plotter_File) << setprecision(6)
- << samp_time
- << ", " << flush;
- (*Plotter_File).flags(ios::scientific | ios::right);
- (*Plotter_File) << *plot_data_ptr << endl;
- #endif
- }
- plot_data_ptr += Plot_Decim_Rate;
- if(plot_data_ptr >= (Buf_Beg + Buf_Len))
- {
- int debug_flag=1;
- }
- Cumul_Samp_Cnt += Plot_Decim_Rate;
- }
- Next_Loc_To_Plot = plot_data_ptr;
- if(Next_Loc_To_Plot >= (Buf_Beg + Buf_Len))
- {
- Next_Loc_To_Plot = Buf_Beg + ((int)(Next_Loc_To_Plot -
- Buf_Beg) % Block_Size);
- }
- return;
- }
- //#endif //_VAR_BLOCKS
- template Signal<float>;
- //template Signal<bit_t>;
- template Signal<byte_t>;
- template Signal< std::complex<float> >;
- template Signal< int >;