- //
- // File = qam_sim.cpp
- //
- #define SIM_NAME "QamSim "
- #define SIM_TITLE "Complex Baseband Simulation for QAM "
- #include "global_stuff.h"
- #include "m_psk_theory.h"
- #include "gausrand.h"
- #include "symbgen.h"
- #include "symb_remap.h"
- #include "add_gaus_noise.h"
- //#include "cmpxagn.h"
- //#include "mpskidealmod.h"
- #include "qam_symbtowave.h"
- #include "quadmod.h"
- #include "spec_analyzer.h"
- #include "qamoptimdem.h"
- //#include "m_pskharddem.h"
- #include "ser_ctr.h"
- #include "siganchr.h"
- //=========================================================
- main()
- {
- #include "sim_preamble.cpp"
- //=========================================================================
- // Misc special processing
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- // create plot file of theoretical PSD for QPSK signal
- // M_PskPsd( 0.0, // carrier_freq
- // 1.0, // symb_energy,
- // 1.0, // symb_intvl,
- // -4.0, // beg_freq,
- // 4.0, // end_freq,
- // 801, // num_pts,
- // true, // plot_in_db,
- // "msk_psd_theor.txt "); //out_filename
- //-----------------------------------------------------
- // create plot file of BER for ideal QPSK
- // M_PskBer( -10.0, // beg_ebno,
- // 18.0, // end_ebno,
- // 401, // num_pts,
- // "theor_msk_ber.txt "); // out_filename
- //=========================================================================
- // Allocate signals
- BYTE_SIGNAL(symb_vals);
- BYTE_SIGNAL(mapped_symb_vals);
- FLOAT_SIGNAL(i_baseband_wave);
- FLOAT_SIGNAL(q_baseband_wave);
- COMPLEX_SIGNAL(modulated_signal);
- COMPLEX_SIGNAL(noisy_sig);
- BIT_SIGNAL(symb_clock);
- COMPLEX_SIGNAL(cmpx_integ_sig);
- FLOAT_SIGNAL(power_meas_sig);
- FLOAT_SIGNAL(mag_signal);
- FLOAT_SIGNAL(phase_signal);
- BYTE_SIGNAL(symb_decis);
- BYTE_SIGNAL(symb_err_seq);
- //============================================================
- // Construct, initialize and connect models
- SymbGener* symb_gen = new SymbGener( "symb_gen ",
- CommSystem,
- symb_vals );
- // SymbRemapper* symb_mapper = new SymbRemapper( "symb_mapper ",
- // CommSystem,
- // symb_vals,
- // mapped_symb_vals);
- QamSymbsToQuadWaves* qam_mod = new QamSymbsToQuadWaves(
- "qam_mod ",
- CommSystem,
- symb_vals,
- i_baseband_wave,
- q_baseband_wave,
- symb_clock);
- QuadratureModulator* quad_mod = new QuadratureModulator( "quad_mod ",
- CommSystem,
- i_baseband_wave,
- q_baseband_wave,
- modulated_signal,
- mag_signal,
- phase_signal);
- AdditiveGaussianNoise<std::complex<float> >* agn_source =
- new AdditiveGaussianNoise<std::complex<float> >(
- "agn_source ",
- CommSystem,
- modulated_signal,
- noisy_sig,
- power_meas_sig);
- SpectrumAnalyzer<std::complex<float> >* modulator_spec_an =
- new SpectrumAnalyzer<std::complex<float> >(
- "modulator_spec_an ",
- CommSystem,
- modulated_signal );
- QamOptimalDemod* qam_demod = new QamOptimalDemod( "qam_demod ",
- CommSystem,
- noisy_sig,
- symb_clock,
- symb_decis);
- SignalAnchor* temp_anchor_1 = new SignalAnchor( "temp_anchor_1 ",
- CommSystem,
- modulated_signal,
- 0.0625, //samp_intvl
- 4096 ); //block_size
- SerCounter* ser_ctr = new SerCounter( "ser_ctr ",
- CommSystem,
- symb_vals,
- symb_decis,
- symb_err_seq );
- //=============================================================
- #include "sim_postamble.cpp"
- return 0;
- }