- // symbenctab.cpp
- //
- #include "iostream.h"
- #include "symbenctab.h"
- #include "xor.h"
- #include "gen_tools.h"
- SymbEncodingTable::SymbEncodingTable( unsigned int rate_numer,
- unsigned int rate_denom,
- unsigned int *inp_polys)
- {
- // rate_numer is the number of input bits processed each cycle
- // rate_denom is the number of output bits generated each cycle
- // polys points to a set of rate_numer*rate_denom polynomials
- // the polynomial pointed to by polys[i][j] operates on
- // the i-th input subsequence and contributes to the
- // j-th output subsequence
- unsigned int j;
- unsigned int out_val;
- int composite;
- int *polys;
- int num_active_bits;
- polys = new int[rate_numer];
- composite = 0;
- for(j=0; j<rate_denom; j++)
- {
- composite |= inp_polys[j];
- }
- num_active_bits = ActiveBitCount(composite);
- for( j=0; j<rate_denom; j++)
- {
- polys[j] = ReverseBits(inp_polys[j], num_active_bits);
- cout << "P[" << j << "] = " << polys[j] << endl;
- }
- //---------------------------
- Table_Len = 1<<num_active_bits;
- Out_Table = new int[Table_Len];
- for(int n=0; n<Table_Len; n++)
- {
- out_val=0;
- for(unsigned int out_num=0; out_num<rate_denom; out_num++)
- {
- out_val <<= 1;
- out_val |= xor(n&polys[out_num]);
- }
- Out_Table[n] = out_val;
- }
- }
- //=====================================================
- SymbEncodingTable::~SymbEncodingTable()
- {
- delete [] Out_Table;
- }
- //====================================================
- int SymbEncodingTable::GetOutput(int n)
- {
- return(Out_Table[n]);
- }
- //=====
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