- // galfield.cpp
- //
- #include <iostream>
- #include "galfield.h"
- #include "isprime.h"
- #include "xfelem.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- GaloisField::GaloisField( int base,
- int degree,
- PolyOvrPrimeField *prim_poly)
- {
- Base = base;
- Degree = degree;
- Prim_Poly = prim_poly;
- Reduc_Poly = new PrimeFieldElem[degree+1];
- for(int term=(Prim_Poly->MaxDegree()); term>=0; term--)
- {
- // Reduc_Poly[term] = (base-(Prim_Poly->Coefficient(term)))%base;
- Reduc_Poly[term] = PrimeFieldElem(base,0)-(Prim_Poly->Coefficient(term));
- }
- #ifdef NOT_DEFINED
- if( ValueIsPrime(order) )
- {
- cout << "order is prime" << endl;
- //GenericField* pImplemField = new PrimeField(order);
- }
- else
- {
- cout << "order is composite" << endl;
- }
- #endif
- }
- int GaloisField::GetDegree(void)
- {
- return Degree;
- }
- int GaloisField::GetBase(void)
- {
- return Base;
- }
- ExtenFieldElem GaloisField::GetElement(int expon)
- {
- ExtenFieldElem result(this);
- PrimeFieldElem *work;
- int dgt_idx,elm_idx;
- work = new PrimeFieldElem[Degree+1];
- //
- // Initialize working m-tuple to equal 0...01
- work[0]=PrimeFieldElem(Base,1);
- for(dgt_idx=1; dgt_idx<Degree; dgt_idx++)
- {
- work[dgt_idx]=PrimeFieldElem(Base,0);
- }
- // Build elements of field until the element alpha**expon
- // is reached
- for(elm_idx=1; elm_idx<=expon; elm_idx++)
- {
- // multiply working element by alpha
- for(dgt_idx=Degree; dgt_idx>=1; dgt_idx--)
- {
- work[dgt_idx]=work[dgt_idx-1];
- }
- work[0]=PrimeFieldElem(Base,0);
- // if multiplication causes an overflow,
- // reduce by subtracting alpha**m
- while(work[Degree]!=0)
- {
- for(dgt_idx=0; dgt_idx<=Degree; dgt_idx++)
- {
- work[dgt_idx] = Reduc_Poly[dgt_idx]+work[dgt_idx];
- }
- }
- //cout << endl;
- }
- // copy stuff into result object
- result.Field = this;
- for(dgt_idx=0; dgt_idx<Degree; dgt_idx++)
- {
- result.Value[dgt_idx] = work[dgt_idx];
- }
- return(result);
- }